
Overtime and leave  Useful sentences  Overtime:  I have too much work to do.  I am working overtime.  This work is due.  This has to be done.  I have to catch up.  I am staying late.  The deadline is coming up.  I don’t get paid for overtime.  You can expend the overtime meal.  You can take some time off later.  Will you have to work overtime this weekend?  How about we go to eat after our previous shift?  Leave:  Can I take a day off?  Can I take a leave absence?  I need some time off.  I need to take this morning off.  I will be late tomorrow morning.  I want to apply for some personal leave.  He asked for a 5 day personal leave for his wife’s labor.  Match took a sick day yesterday.  I was away on sick leave.  Have you taken your annual leave?  I don’t think anyone likes to work public holidays.  How many vacation days do we have?  I will work extra hours next week.  Is there any overtime compensation in our company?  Situational conversations:  Dialogue one I need you to stay and work with me  A: I need you to stay and work with me until we finish the job.  B: Can’t we cook the chicken wings tomorrow?  A: No, we can’t, they are all for Christmas orders.  B: Oh, I see. We’ve been very busy these days.  A: yes, Christmas is coming.  B: Ok, I will stay.  A: Good, don’t forget to write down your overtime hours on your timesheet.  B; No, I won’t.  A: Thanks for staying.  B: My pleasure.  Dialogue two I have been working overtime lately  A: You know I have been working overtime lately?  B: How many hours do you work each day?  A: 13 hours, including 3 hours overtime.  B: God, that’s tough indeed, do you think your health can afford it?  A: I don’t care. As long as I can be paid extra for overtime.  Dialogue three I wonder if I can take this afternoon off  A: Mr. Hunter, I wonder if I can take this afternoon off, my mom has had an accident and is in the hospital.  B: I am sorry to hear that. Yes, you can.  A: Thank you very much, I promise I will make it up.  Dialogue four I need to attend my grandfather’s funeral this week.  A: Ms. Willis, I need to attend my grandfather’s funeral this week.  B: When?  A: This Thursday  B: Can you arrange all the work on your hands?  A: Sure.  B: Submit the absence request and I will sign it.  A: Thank you so much.  编辑推荐:...
因此不存在单纯的提高英语口语水平这样的说法;提高口语,才能真正有效的提高口语的水平,才能成为真正对于口语有帮助的词,我们不能简单的认为提高口语就是多说多对话,想提高口语,都不可能使你的英语有任何提高,才可能张嘴去说出像样的英语;光想着去练口语而根本不努力找机会去听英语,我自己的体会是:口语能力只是英语综合能力在某一方面的体现,其实更多的内容是在词汇、词组、句型、语法、发音、连读上多下功夫,怎么才能提高自己的口语水平呢?”  对于这个问题...
Apology and explanation  Useful sentences:  I apologize.  I must apologize.  Pardon me.  I am truly sorry.  I beg your pardon?  A thousand pardons for it.  I just don’t know what to say.  I am afraid of brought you too much trouble.  It was most careless of me.  It was really quite unintentional.  I apologize for what I’ve said just now.  Excuse me, I will be right back.  Excuse me, you have to give me a minute.  I am afraid I have to leave you for a while.  I wonder if I might be excuse for a moment.  It was all my fault.  I hope you will forgive me for this.  What a pity I left it at home  I am to blame, I should have thought of that.  Actually, I meant to notify you beforehand.  I must have caused you a lot of inconvenience.  Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to start a fight.  We regret we are unable to accept your proposal.  I was only trying to tell you what was on my mind.  I am sorry if I have caused any problems.  I take full responsibilities for my actions.  I can explain what happened.  Never mind about that.  It doesn’t matter at all.  Please don’t take it too hard.  While, it’s just one of those things.  There is no need for you to worry in the least.  Thank you for your understanding.   Situational conversations:  Dialogue one I was caught up in a traffic jam  A: I am sorry, I am late, I was caught up in a traffic jam.  B: Poor you.  A: Have you been waiting long?  B: No, I just got here.  Dialogue two it’s no big deal  A: I am so sorry Mr. Green.  B: what is it?  A: I have just spilled my coffee on your gloves.  B: Don’t worry about it, it’s no big deal.  Dialogue three Am I the last guest to arrive  A: Sorry to be late, am I the last guest to arrive?  B: Yes, VIPs always are, so it’s quite alright, and you are very important person at this party.  A: Oh, please, don’t.  B: I was just kidding, now let me introduce you to Mr. Wars.  Dialogue four I own you an apology  A: I own you an apology Mr. Green.  B: What do you mean?  A: I am terribly sorry that I yield at you in the team meeting last Thursday.  B: Oh, that, please forget it, I know you don’t mean to do that.  A: That’s very kind of you to say so.  Dialogue five I have been waiting for one hour  A: I have been waiting for Mr. Cook for one hour.  B: I am sorry, but he is still in a meeting.  A: While, how much longer do you think it will be?  B: He should finish soon.  Dialogue six I forgot to get it fixed  A: Is the overhead projector ready for the presentation  B: Oh, sorry, I forgot to get it fixed.  A: But I told you to have someone to fix it weeks ago.  B: I know, I am so sorry, the meeting totally slipped my mind, I have been so busy that I didn’t have time to call the repairman.  A: I don’t want to see this happen again.  B: I don’t know what to say. Let me go and see if I could borrow one.  Dialogue seven this report is unacceptable  A: I want to talk to you about this report you gave to me.  B: Anything wrong?  A: well, I found quite a few spelling mistakes here.  B: Oh, I do beg your pardon.  A: This report is unacceptable  B: I know, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I was so careless, what shall I do now?  A: You have got to retype this entire report.  B: I will do it right away.  A: Please make sure it doesn’t happen again.  B: It won’t, I promise.  Dialogue eight it was entirely my fault  A: Helen, I missed my meeting this afternoon.  B: What meeting?  A: The meeting that you were supposed to remind me of.  B: Oh, my…I completely forgot.  A: Do you have a good excuse?  B: It was entirely my fault.  A: I should have reminded you.  B: This would be better not happen again, I expect you to do better in the future.  A: Thank you for understanding.  编辑推荐:  2011年BEC中级商务英语口语词汇详解汇总  BEC剑桥商务英语中级口语精品讲议汇总  商务口语:2011中级商务英语口语训练课程汇总...
5. He didn't wanna tell on her. 他不想打她的小报告,1. I'll always have your back . 我会一直支持你,=I stand behind you . 我支持你,=I got your back . 我挺你,7. You want to bet on it ? 你想打个赌?  8. keep her company 陪陪她  9. I'll pick you up tomorrow . 我明天来接你,实战英语口语交流
微信公众号:practiceEnglish  每日更新最新口语,公益教发音的微信学习,英语美文阅读,***学习资料分享,打小报告者  6. You're debasing yourself . 你在贬低自己...
英语课堂小游戏 22:41
1、“碰地雷”:在英语单词教学中,学生不太愿意跟读。用此法不错。在一个词下放一个地雷, 这个词是不能读的,如果学生不小心跟读,就是踩到雷了。大家一起数one two three,bomb,向他砸过去!有趣,气氛也好,学生在玩中也学得扎实!
1. 上课 (Beginning a class)
(1) Let's start now. / Let's begin our class / lesson.
(2) Stand up, please.
(3) Sit down, please.
2. 问候 (Greeting)
(4) Hello, boys a
1)所有学生上台围成一圆圈,唱两只老虎的英文版 改成:walking walking walking walking jump jump jump jump jump jump running。。。now we stop! 然后老师说个数字,可以说3apples,然后3个一组包成一团,看谁抱的准,多玩几次,最后最好每个人都抱到。
在线咨询,奖学金返现,名师点评,等你来互动英语口语游戏流行 让孩子摆脱哑巴英语的命运
现代社会多学一门语言是一件很平常的事,尤其是中国人对英语的学习,已经从幼儿就开始了。然而,以应试为目的学习英语,很多人都学成了“哑巴英语”。这不仅大大降低了学习效果,更使得许多人觉得学习英语枯燥乏味,从而形成了恶性循话。现在,??信息技术有限公司发布了世界上第一款基于语音识别技术的语言学习英语口语游戏--West Journey -Spell Force 的试玩版。无论男女老幼,在玩游戏的过程中就能轻松学习英语练习口语,摆脱“哑巴英语”的窘境。
现代社会多学一门语言是一件很平常的事,尤其是中国人对的学习,已经从幼儿就开始了。然而,以应试为目的学习英语,很多人都学成了&哑巴英语&。这不仅大大降低了学习效果,更使得许多人觉得学习英语枯燥乏味,从而形成了恶性循话。现在,??信息技术有限公司发布了世界上第一款基于语音识别技术的语言学习英语口语游戏--West Journey -Spell Force 的试玩版。无论男女老幼,在玩游戏的过程中就能轻松学习英语练习口语,摆脱&哑巴英语&的窘境。
据介绍,英语口语游戏West Journey - Spell force背景取材于中国经久不衰的古典名著西游记,玩家可以扮演孙悟空用各种法术降妖除魔。玩家通过念出正确的咒语,也就是对应的英语单词或短语才能发动法术变身打倒怪物。如果玩家的发音不正确,则不能发动法术。游戏的操作过关十分简单,打开游戏界面,我们十分熟悉的西游记卡通形象就出现了,画面制作十分精良,动画人物的设计很萌很Q十分可爱,别说是小孩子,就是***看了也很喜欢。游戏过程中念&mouse&发音小妖就变成了老鼠,再念&cat&悟空变成了猫,猫迅速吃掉了老鼠,也就消灭了妖怪。
通过游戏,记者发现英语口语游戏--West Journey -Spell Force不仅操作非常简单,而且画面和关卡设计十分符合当代儿童的游戏通关心理。游戏的语音数据库中分为多种级别,81个关卡,300多个单词/短语让孩子能循序渐进地进行英语口语训练,不能通关就在游戏中多练几遍。没有了传统教育的课余负担还提高了儿童学习英语的兴趣,不得不说West Journey - Spell force真的做到了不是为了学而学,让英语学习变得更加轻松。
记者从英语手机游戏West Journey - Spell force的开发者处??信息技术有限公司了解到,West Journey - Spell force解决了目前国内很多学生学习英语多年却还是难以开口的难题。满足了提高孩子学习英语兴趣,强化口语水平的是市场需求。在教学设计上,采用了自然拼读的方法,更让孩子在游戏的同时掌握英语的发音规律,大大提高英语学习的效率。West Journey -Spell Force 将英语口语教学融入到孩子喜欢的游戏之中,寓教于乐两不耽误,让孩子在玩中就能提高儿童学习兴趣,提高英语口语能力。
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