
2023-09-15 10:09:17
大家好,今天90手游网小编给各位梳理了安卓手游四人游戏大全的一些知识,文章篇幅可能偏长,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注90手游网,接下来现在安卓手游四人游戏大全详细的介绍,那么就马上开始吧!安卓和苹果可以一起玩的游戏苹果和安卓可以一起玩的手游有《和平精英》、《英雄联盟手游》、《暗区突围》、《王者荣耀》、《鬼泣-巅峰之战》。1、《和平精英》《和平精英》就是苹果安卓系统可以一起玩的手游,即使系统不同,在操作上也是一样的,这款游戏主要以枪战为主题,是很刺激的一种游戏。2、《英雄联盟手游》同样支持两个系统同时联机玩,这是一个能支持五个人一起联机的MOBA类的手游,玩家们可以选择一个自己用的很好的英雄进入游戏里跟对手交战。3、《暗区突围》玩家们需要在很大的战场中逃离,击杀敌人并不能让玩家们获胜,必须要跑到撤离点,点击撤离的按钮才可以离开游戏。4、《王者荣耀》这款游戏也是个典型的可以让两个系统的手机联机的手游,属于手机MOBA游戏里的扛把子,不仅在中国比较火爆,甚至在海外的国际服中也有很多玩家们粉丝。5、《鬼泣-巅峰之战》这款游戏中的一些章节关卡是需要玩家们自己通关的,但是有一个专门打boss的副本是需要很多玩家组队打的,这时候就可以让苹果手机和安卓手机的玩家们组队玩了。四人斗地主不带顺子安卓游戏你说的这种游戏,是欢乐斗地主,单机斗地主,我刚在应用宝上下载了这个游戏,很好玩。上边还有很多这样的游戏,有很多版本,你挑一个你喜欢的就行啦,我玩的游戏都是在上边找的,你也可以去看看,安全方便,没有附加的病毒,希望我的回答可以帮助到你,望采纳推荐下安卓多人联机手游我觉得战斗吧剑灵不错啊,以前玩过剑灵手游版感觉很棒哦。你可以感受一下,该游戏采用U3D引擎打造极致的游戏体验,汇聚中日韩顶级画师绘制百张顶级不同画风的卡牌,质量不言而喻。卡牌形象包括火炮兰、炎煌等百种BOSS与秦义绝、南素柔等美女NPC。战斗方面,玩家可以通过卡牌的养成与不同的阵容搭配获得意想不到的结果。全新设定为你带来全新的颠覆式剑灵剧情,首创三大PK对战方式,更有藏宝图、即时联机、趣味副本、神龙棋盘、抓捕家丁、端游联动等丰富的玩法等你来挑战!更有八卦牌与装备附魂等加强卡牌能力等玩法,让玩家打造自己的专属阵容。有什么适合和朋友一起联机玩的手机游戏吗1、王者荣耀《王者荣耀》是由腾讯游戏天美工作室群开发并运行的一款运营在Android,IOS,NS平台上的MOBA类手机游戏,于2015年11月26日在Android,IOS平台上正式公测,游戏前期使用名称《英雄战迹》,《王者联盟》,《传说对决》,(ArenaOfValor),即《王者荣耀》的欧美版本于2018年在任天堂Switch平台发售。2、梦幻西游手游版《梦幻西游》手游是由网易游戏基于原端游《梦幻西游2》开发的一款回合制角色扮演手机游戏,于2015年3月30日开启全平台公测,该游戏在中国大陆由网易游戏运营,收费模式为免费。《梦幻西游》手游延续了端游的游戏背景与设定,6个经典角色如剑侠客,骨精灵,龙太子,虎头怪,巫蛮儿,玄彩娥和押镖,捉鬼等经典要素也都在针对智能手机特性优化后得到还原,同时端游的特色系统,如帮派,商业,师徒婚姻系统等也移植到了手游版上。3、穿越火线:枪战王者《穿越火线:枪战王者》是一款由韩国Smilegate研发商及腾讯游戏旗下天美工作室群打造发布的第一人称射击类手游。该游戏于2015年9月21日在国服进行了首测,并于2017年4月18日在韩服正式上线。《穿越火线:枪战王者》与端游一脉相承,保留了端游原汁原味的玩法和手感。在世界观上,主线同样为保卫者和潜伏者的斗争;在玩法模式上,完美复刻了爆破模式,个人竞技,团队竞技,特殊战等经典玩法,同时也根据手游的特点,特别推出了剧情闯关,单人挑战等移动端特有玩法。4、和平精英《和平精英》是由腾讯光子工作室群自研打造,的反恐军事竞赛体验手游,该作于2019年5月8日正式公测。《和平精英》采用虚幻4引擎研发,致力于从画面,地图,射击手感等多个层面,为玩家全方位打造出极具真实感的军事竞赛体验。2020年7月8日,《和平精英》成为第三届超新星运动会的比赛项目。5、狼人杀狼人杀,是一款多人参与的,以语言描述推动的,较量口才和分析判断能力的策略类桌面游戏,该游戏通常的版本需要4-18人参与互动。四个人一起联机的手游 联机游戏推荐1、《求生之路2》作为打僵尸游戏殿堂级的游戏,V社的《求生之路2》可谓是开创了一个时代,加上各式各样的Mod,《求生之路2》的生命周期还很长。适合4人联机,在线游戏。 2、《无主之地2》《无主之地》系列本来就是为联机设计的,单人游戏难度过大。把RPG和FPS结合在一起,《无主之地》可以说开了先河。而之后大火的《全境封锁》也可以说多少借鉴了《无主之地》。适合4人联机,在线游戏。 3、《收获日2》《收获日2》也是经久不衰,不断更新DLC是一方面原因,联机抢银行可能也是玩家热衷的题材。如果你没有一个可以稳定联机一块玩的好友,还是不要考虑这款游戏了,因为很多地图需要4个人的配合,蛮干往往很容易失败,而路人局很多上来就掏枪的玩家只能让你无奈苦笑。适合4人联机,在线游戏。 4、《饥荒》一款很小的游戏,却有无穷的魅力。流落在一座荒岛上,面对变化莫测的环境和千奇百怪的生物,你要努力活下去,关键就是寻找各种食物让自己不被饿死。建营地,盖房子,种庄稼,养牛养猪等等,有你体验不完的乐趣。 5、火炬之光2》《暗黑》游戏中最为出类拔萃的ARPG,多种技能流派,五花八门武器装备,属性加点层出不穷,当年为这个游戏刷的天黑地暗,如果你喜欢《暗黑》,就一定不要错过《火炬之光2》。适合2~6人联机,在线游戏。 6、《泰拉瑞亚》 2D版的《我的世界》。你要做的就是挖矿,挖矿,还是挖矿,在挖矿的过程中发现宝物,装备,然后盖房子,打怪,继续挖打更强的怪,这里的世界没有尽头。适合多人联机,在线游戏。 7、《GTA5》无论从各方面来讲《GTA5》都可以称得上是神作,尤其是线上模式让它保持长久的生命力。几个好友在游戏中什么也不干,单是在大街上随便乱逛就能耗上一下午的时间,在这里你总有事情可以做。适合多人联机,在线游戏。文章到此结束,以上就是90手游网小编对安卓手游四人游戏大全的介绍,希望通过安卓手游四人游戏大全的问题解决了您的问题,那么我们由衷的感到高兴。

  ·Payday Birthday
  ·Armored Transport
  ·Gage Weapon Pack #01
  ·The Charlie Santa Heist
  ·The Infamy Update
  ·Gage Weapon Pack #02
  ·The Death Wish Update
  ·The Election Day Heist
  ·Gage Mod Courier
  ·Gage Sniper Pack
  ·The Shadow Raid Heist
  ·The Big Bank Heist
  ·Gage Shotgun Pack
  ·Gage Assault Pack
  Hotline Miami
  The Hoxton Breakout Heist
  Gage Historical Pack
  The White X-Mas Heist
  The Diamond Heist
  Happy New Year Update(2015)
  The Bomb Heist
  Coming in Hot
  On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don't let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.
  开始任务之前可以购买Armored Escape,注意任务中一旦将4包毒品扔进卡车后,马上就会触发escape,建议此时不要逗留,必要时多余的包也不用管,赶紧杀到街上,等车子过来就能直接撤了。
  Fish A.I.
  On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.
  F in Chemistry
  On day 1 of the Rat job, blow up the lab.
  Caribbean Pirate
  On day 2 of the Rat job, bring additional meth bags to the trade, but steal your payment instead.
  Short Fuse
  On day 3 of the Rat job, get away with 7 bags without defusing any bombs.
  建议至少3人的情况下完成,最好都有ACED之后的GHOST的FAST HANDS技能。
  Painting Yourself Into a Corner
  On day 1 of the Framing Frame job, steal all sold paintings without being seen.
  在Framing Frame第1天, 不被发现并偷走所有的画。
  要求全程潜入或者多人合作组队ECM rush。
  Big Deal
  On day 2 of the Framing Frame job, trade 9 paintings.
  在Framing Frame第2天,用9幅画交易。
  I Wasn't Even There!
  On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.
  在Framing Frame第3天, 不触发警报用滑索运走金库里的黄金。
  要求plan A全程潜入,plan B是无法打开金库大门的。
  I Knew What I Did Was Wrong
  On day 1 of the Big Oil job, enter the basement, open the ATM machines and take the loot.
  在Big Oil第1天,进入地下室并拿走ATM机里的钱。
  Doctor Fantastic
  On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.
  在Big Oil第2天,一次性选对引擎。
  如果你还不知道如何选择正确的引擎,请至Steam阅读指南:Which Engine? - Big Oil Day 2 guide
  Diamonds Are Forever
  In the Jewelry store job, steal and secure 4 bags without the escape car leaving the first time.
  在Jewelry store任务中,在逃走的车子不离开的情况下抢走4包。
  潜入或者ECM rush很容易得到的成就。
  Let's Do Th...
  In the Ukrainian job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.
  Yeah He's a Gold Digger
  In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.
  在Four Stores任务中,从保险柜里找到金砖。
  很高几率随机在Four Stores中的保险柜里出现。
  I'm Going All-in!
  In the Nightclub job, put a bag filled with money on the poker table.
  Shoot the Glass!
  In the Mallcrasher job, destroy all windows in the mall.
  Lord of War
  On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.
  Guessing Game
  On day 2 of the Firestarter job, complete the heist in stealth without hacking the computer.
  首先你要知道如何潜入这张图,而要在不黑掉电脑的情况下潜入完成完全看RP。很多人说有规律,其实不然,所以说,多去扶扶老奶奶过马路,然后祈祷吧。以下是所有可能出现Security Box的位置:
  The First Line
  On day 3 of the Firestarter job, find the rare hockey poster of the OVERKILL hockey team.
  King of the Hill
  In the Park escape, ensure that no law enforcement enters the park before the escape van arrives.
  在Park escape中,逃跑汽车赶到之前不要让任何警察进入公园内。推荐4人Normal难度下,一人守住公园一个入口即可。
  单人下,开始后不管你在何处出生,迅速清理掉眼前的警察后来到公园,然后杀掉公园附近的平民,否则待会儿平民会跑到公园里,警察也一定会进入公园。之后来到停车场靠近建筑的十字路口固守即可,注意一段时间后敌人的直升机会在前面的街上运送一些人过  来,请务必速速干掉。
  You Shall Not Pass!
  In the Overpass escape, don't let the cops s-e-t foot on the bridge before you can escape.
  在Overpass escape中,逃跑汽车赶到之前不要让任何警察去到桥上。
  Cappuccino to Go, Please
  In the Cafe escape, secure all loot and escape within 30 seconds of the escape van arriving.
  在Cafe escape中,在逃跑汽车赶到后30秒之内带上所有包离开。
  Bullet Dodger
  In the Street escape, complete the escape without killing any enemy snipers.
  在Street escape中,不杀死任何狙击手完成任务。
  They See Me Baggin', They Hatin'
  On the Garage escape, get away with 8 bags.
  在Garage escape中,带着8包逃跑。
  推荐多人合作OK难度Transport: Harbor的任务,有极高的几率能拿到8包(建议带上电锯),并有不小的几率出现Garage escape图。
  Tip the Scales
  In the safe house, find the hidden basement.
  How Do You Like Me Now?
  Equip an armor for the first time.
  Man of Iron
  Equip the Improved Combined Tactical Vest.
  需要ENFORCER的IRON MAN技能(至少要有44个技能点)。
  Would You Like Your Receipt?
  Buy a weapon for the first time.
  Armed to the Teeth
  Modify a weapon for the first time.
  Fully Loaded
  Own 9 weapons.
  Weapon Collector
  Own 18 weapons.
  Masked Villain
  Modify a mask for the first time.
  No One Cared Who I Was...
  Until I put on the mask.
  I Got It, I Got It!
  Catch a bag mid-air.
  No Turning Back
  Complete your first job.
  I'm a Healer-Tank-Damage-Dealer
  Spend 10 skill points in each skill tree.
  Spend Money to Make Money
  Spend $1.000.000 in total cash.
  Going Places
  Gain $1.000.000 in total spendable cash.
  You Gotta Start Somewhere
  Reach reputation level 5.
  Guilty of Crime
  Reach reputation level 10.
  Smooth Criminal
  Reach reputation level 25.
  Armed and Dangerous
  Reach reputation level 50.
  Career Criminal
  Reach reputation level 75.
  Most Wanted
  Reach reputation level 100.
  Payday Birthday
  Like an Angry Bear!
  Equip the "Mark" mask. Celebrating 2 years of heists, you can now unlock the "Mark" mask by simply joining the PAYDAY 2 Official Group on Steam.
  I Am the One Who Knocks
  On day 1 of the Rats job, cook 3 bags worth of meth without letting any law enforcer enter the house.
  Full Measure
  On day 1 of the Rats job, cook and secure 7 bags worth of meth without blowing up the lab on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  Afraid of the Dark
  On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, while doing plan B, do not let law enforcers pull the power.
  在Framing Frame第3天,进行plan B时不要让警察关掉电源。
  Witch Doctor
  While wearing the “Witch” mask from the Halloween event, revive 50 crew members.
  It’s Alive! IT’S ALIVE!
  While wearing the “Frank” mask from the Halloween event, get electrocuted by a Taser 25 times.
  While wearing the “Pumpkin” mask from the Halloween event, kill 666 enemies using only shotguns.
  No One Can Hear You Scream
  While wearing the “Venomorph” mask from the Halloween event, silently kill 50 enemies using only melee.
  The Pumpkin King Made Me Do It!
  Kill 666 enemies using only the Interceptor 45 pistol.
  使用Interceptor 45手枪击杀666名敌人。(累计成就)
  Christmas Came Early
  Equip the Interceptor 45 pistol. Celebrating Halloween, you can now unlock the Interceptor 45 pistol by simply joining the PAYDAY 2 Official Group on Steam.
  装备上Interceptor 45手枪。(若要取得此武器,请先加入PAYDAY2的steam官方组)
  From Russia With Love
  While wearing the “Mark” mask, finish 25 of Vlad’s jobs on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  First Nightmare
  This is a secret achievement. It is only obtainable during the Annual Halloween Event!
  在Safehouse Nightmare中,Normal难度下找到“Baby”面具并完成任务。(节日限定成就,仅可在每年万圣节期间解锁)
  Second Nightmare
  This is a secret achievement. It is only obtainable during the Annual Halloween Event!
  在Safehouse Nightmare中,Hard难度下找到“Baby”面具并完成任务。(节日限定成就,仅可在每年万圣节期间解锁)
  Third Nightmare
  This is a secret achievement. It is only obtainable during the Annual Halloween Event!
  在Safehouse Nightmare中,Very Hard难度下找到“Baby”面具并完成任务。(节日限定成就,仅可在每年万圣节期间解锁)
  Fourth Nightmare
  This is a secret achievement. It is only obtainable during the Annual Halloween Event!
  在Safehouse Nightmare中,OK难度下找到“Baby”面具并完成任务。(节日限定成就,仅可在每年万圣节期间解锁)
  Armored Transport
  We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
  On the Train heist, steal and secure 40 bags worth of ammo.
  在Train Heist任务中,带走40包弹药。
  But Wait - There's More!
  On any Armored Transport heist, find the plans that unlocks the Train heist.
  在任意Armored Transport heist任务中,找到进入隐藏Train Heist关卡的文件。
  If You Liked It You Should Have Put a Ring on It
  Finish any Armored Transport heist, Having Secured at Least 9 Bags of Gold.
  在带走9包黄金的前提下完成任意Armored Transport heist任务。
  I Do What I Do Best, I Take Scores
  While wearing the "Hockey Heat" mask, finish any Armored Transport heist 15 times on OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  戴着"Hockey Heat"面具,完成OK难度下(或以上)任意Armored Transport heist任务15次。(累计成就)
  License to Kill
  Kill 378 enemies using the Gruber Kurz handgun.
  使用Gruber Kurz手枪击杀378人。(累计成就)
  Let Them Watch
  Finish the Train heist without killing any snipers.
  不杀死任何狙击手的情况下完成Train Heist任务。
  首先需要进入Train Heist任务。推荐全程潜入,当然如果是plan B的话也不难,注意找好掩体别被狙击手射中即可。
  I'm Not a Crook!
  While wearing the "37th" mask, destroy 69 snipers using the Commando 553 rifle.
  戴着"37th"面具,使用Commando 553步枪击杀69名狙击手。(累计成就)
  I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Bulldozer
  While wearing the "42nd" mask, trade 7 civilians.
  Fool Me Once, Shame on -Shame on You. Fool Me - You Can't Get Fooled Again
  While wearing the "43rd" mask, kill 95 Shields using the Swedish K submachine gun.
  戴着"43rd"面具,使用Swedish K冲锋枪击杀95名Shield。(累计成就)
  Affordable Healthcare
  While wearing the "44th" mask, place 61 doctor bags.
  如果想要快速获得上述4个成就,建议阅读此篇指南:How to Reliably Obtain Card-Dropped Masks Required for Achievements
  Heat Around the Corner
  Equip the "Hockey Heat" mask. Celebrating the release of the Armored Transport DLC, you can now unlock the "Hockey Heat" mask by simply joining the PAYDAY 2 Official Group on Steam.
  装备上"Hockey Heat"面具。(若要取得此面具,请先加入PAYDAY2的steam官方组)
  Gage Weapon Pack #01
  While wearing the "Dolph" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the AK5 rifle.
  3000 Miles to the Safe House
  While wearing the "Jean-Claude" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the Kobus 90 submachine gun.
  戴着"Jean-Claude"面具,并用Kobus 90冲锋枪击杀100名敌人。(累计成就)
  While wearing the "Arnold" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the UAR rifle.
  Public Enemies
  While wearing the "Chuck" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the Crosskill pistol.
  如果想要快速获得上述4个成就,建议阅读此篇指南:How to Reliably Obtain Card-Dropped Masks Required for Achievements
  Kill 100 enemies using only the Eagle Heavy rifle.
  Hard Corps
  Kill 100 enemies using only the SpecOps submachine gun.
  Above the Law
  Kill 100 enemies using only the Signature .40 pistol.
  使用Signature .40手枪击杀100名敌人。(累计成就)
  Guns Are Like Shoes
  Fill up 72 weapon slots.
  Fire in the Hole!
  Throw 100 grenades.
  Share the Love
  Buy the grenade case ass-e-t 100 times.
  The Charlie Santa Heist
  Sewer Rats
  In the GO Bank job, complete the heist having secured all bags of cash via the sewers on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  在GO Bank中,OK难度下(或以上)通过下水道运走所有包并完成任务。
  下水道逃跑路线仅会在plan B或plan A打开金库前触发警报后出现,推荐至少3人合作。
  Is Everything OK?
  In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without having the alarm go off at any point.
  在GO Bank中,不触发警报完成任务。
  Upside Down
  In the GO Bank job, leave a mark on the bank logo.
  在GO Bank中,给银行的logo留下一个痕迹。
  All Eggs in One Basket
  In the GO Bank job, have the plane pick up all bags of cash with the skyhook.
  在GO Bank中,让飞机一次带走所有的包。
  仅可在plan B时完成,推荐在Normal难度下,最好带上电锯,可以大大节约时间。
  We Are All Professionals
  In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without the alarm going off and without killing any civilians on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  在GO Bank中,OK难度下(或以上)不触发警报,并且不杀死一个平民完成任务。
  Eco Round
  In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without using your primary weapon on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  在GO Bank中,不使用主武器完成任务。
  推荐全程潜入时与上面的We Are All Professionals成就一并完成。
  Dead Presents
  In the GO Bank job, put at least 4 body bags under the Christmas tree.
  在GO Bank中,在圣诞树下放置至少4个尸体包。
  要求全程潜入,推荐任务开始前购买Body bags,银行内共有两棵圣诞树,将4袋尸体包同时扔到任意一棵树下均可。
  Reindeer Games
  Complete a heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different ”Santa” mask each.
  4个面具其中一个为加入社区的奖励,余下3个为购买A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack后随机抽到。
  Merry Christmas!
  Equip the "Happy Santa" mask. Celebrating the release of the free Charlie Santa Heist, you can now unlock the "Happy Santa" mask by simply joining the PAYDAY 2 Official Group on Steam.
  装备"Happy Santa"面具。
  The Infamy Update
  Becoming Infamous
  Reach the first level of infamy.
  Becoming Disgraceful
  Reach the second level of infamy.
  Becoming Wicked
  Reach the third level of infamy.
  Becoming Notorious
  Reach the fourth level of infamy.
  Becoming Vicious
  Reach the fifth level of infamy.
  Gage Weapon Pack #02
  Doctor Miserable
  On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the last engine being correct on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  在Big Oil第2天,OK难度下(或以上)最后才选择到正确的引擎。
  Cloak and Dagger
  Kill a Cloaker with a knife.
  The Eighth and Final Rule
  On the Night Club heist, kill 50 enemies using your fists.
  在Night Club任务中,用拳头打死50名敌人。(累计成就)
  Killin’s As Easy As Breathing
  Kill 10 enemies in a row using any light machine gun without releasing the trigger.
  推荐Normal难度的Watchdogs第一天,开门杀。(可以点上ACED后的ENFORCER的BULLET STORM技能)
  They Drew First Blood, Not Me
  Kill 220 enemies in a single heist using any light machine gun.
  推荐OK难度的Four Stores,带上足够的弹药,在图中的位置固守,需要一点耐心。
  In Town You’re the Law, Out Here It’s Me
  Kill a jump kicking Cloaker using any shotgun.
  建议为霰弹枪加上000 buckshot ammo,先在远处用武器将其削弱。
  Don’t Push It
  Kill a charging Cloaker using the Deagle pistol.
  You finally got what you were asking for!
  I Ain’t Got Time to Bleed
  Take down 15 FBI SWAT and FBI Heavy SWAT units with a knife while at 25% or less health on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  在OK难度下(或以上),当生命值只有25%(或更低)时,近战击杀15名FBI SWAT(或FBI Heavy SWAT)。(累计成就)
  Are You Kidding Me?
  Kill a Bulldozer in a knife fight.
  赶紧下楼等待Bulldozer进屋,顺手开启ECM FEEDBACK。
  开枪削弱后上前去对其一阵狂刀即可。(注意ECM FEEDBACK的时间)
  The Death Wish Update
  Wedding Crashers
  Complete the Ukrainian pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Ukrainian pro job任务。
  Came in Like a Wrecking Ball
  Complete the Mallcrasher job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Mallcrasher任务。
  Becoming a Regular
  Complete the Four Stores job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Four Stores任务。
  Blood on the Dance Floor
  Complete the Nightclub job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Nightclub任务。
  Like a Fucking Sputnik!
  Complete all of Vlads contracts on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成所有Vlad的任务。
  Who Let the Doge Out?
  Complete the Watchdogs pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Watchdogs pro job任务。
  If You Can’t Take the Heat...
  Complete the Rats pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Rats pro job任务。
  Into the Lion’s Den
  Complete the Firestarter pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Firestarter pro job任务。
  High Way to Hell
  Complete all of Hectors contracts on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成所有Hector的任务。
  Making Crime Into an Art Form
  Complete the Framing Frame pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Framing Frame pro job任务。
  Changing the World...
  Complete the Big Oil pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Big Oil pro job任务。
  … For Better or Worse
  Complete all of the Elephants contracts on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成所有the Elephant的任务。
  Snatch and Grab
  Complete the Jewelry Store job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Jewelry Store任务。
  Tough As Diamonds
  Complete the Diamond Store job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Diamond Store任务。
  Cash in Before You Cash Out!
  Complete the GO Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成GO Bank任务。
  Because That’s Where the Money Is
  Complete the Bank Heist pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Bank Heist pro job任务。
  Striking Gold
  Complete the Bank Heist: Gold pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Bank Heist: Gold pro job任务。
  Cash Is King
  Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Bank Heist: Cash任务。
  Yes Hello, I’d Like to Make a De-paws-it
  Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Bank Heist: Deposit任务。
  At a Crossroads
  Complete the Transport: Crossroads job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Transport: Crossroads任务。
  Downtown Madness
  Complete the Transport: Downtown job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Transport: Downtown任务。
  Shipment and Handling
  Complete the Transport: Harbor job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Transport: Harbor任务。
  A Walk in the Park
  Complete the Transport: Park job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Transport: Park任务。
  It’s Always Foggy in Washington D.C.
  Complete the Transport: Underpass job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Transport: Underpass任务。
  Long-Term Relationship
  Complete all of Bains contracts on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成所有Bain的任务。
  Tough Act to Follow
  Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the Hard difficulty.
  Hard难度下完成所有(包括pro jobs)任务。
  Shit Just Got Real
  Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the Very Hard difficulty.
  Very Hard难度下完成所有(包括pro jobs)任务。
  Completely OVERKILL!
  Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the OVERKILL difficulty.
  OVERKILL难度下完成所有(包括pro jobs)任务。
  OVERKILL Salutes You!
  Complete all contracts including pro jobs on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成有(包括pro jobs)任务。
  With an Iron Fist
  Equip the 350K brass knuckles. Celebrating the release of the Death Wish update, you can now unlock the 350K knuckles by simply joining the PAYDAY 2 Official Group on Steam.
  I’m a Firestarter
  Complete the Firestarter job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Firestarter任务。
  Breaking Bad
  Complete the Rats job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Rats任务。
  Special Delivery
  Complete the Watchdogs job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Watchdogs任务。
  Complete the Framing Frame job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Framing Frame任务。
  The Election Day Heist
  A Vote for Change
  Equip the Chimano Custom pistol. Celebrating the release of the Election Day Heist, you can now unlock the Chimano Custom pistol by simply joining the PAYDAY 2 Official Group on Steam.
  装备上Chimano Custom手枪。
  I Invented the Internet
  Complete the Election Day pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Election Day pro job任务。
  I'm a Swinger
  In the Election Day job, complete the heist in stealth and swing the votes to the republican favour.
  在Election Day中,全程潜入完成任务,并扫荡卡车里所有黄金。
  Storage Hunter
  On day 2 of the Election Day job, steal all of the extra loot in the storage bins.
  在Election Day第2天,抢走所有储藏室里的战利品。
  Master Detective
  On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the right truck.
  在Election Day第1天,将GPS安装到正确的卡车上。
  Murphy's Law
  On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the wrong truck, then find nothing in the vault.
  在Election Day第1天,将GPS安装到错误的卡车上,并在第2天的金库中一无所获。
  Death Wish Swinger
  In the Election Day job, complete the heist in stealth and swing the votes to the republican favour on the Death Wish difficulty.
  在Election Day中,Death Wish难度下全程潜入完成任务,并扫荡卡车里所有黄金。
  Hot Lava 2.0
  On day 1 of the Election Day job, use the computer in stealth without ever touching the ground.
  在Election Day第1天,不接触到地面就使用到电脑。
  Yes We Can!
  Complete the Election Day job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Election Day任务。
  Ghost Riders
  Complete a heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different difficulty mask each.
  4位玩家分别戴上不同的“difficulty"主题面具(4个面具需要分别达成Tough Act to Follow,Shit Just Got Real,Completely OVERKILL!和OVERKILL Salutes You!这4个成就方可解锁),并完成1次任意任务。
  Gage Mod Courier
  Praying Mantis
  Collect 5 packages with the green mantis stamp on to earn a green crate.
  Collect 10 packages with the yellow bull stamp on to earn a yellow crate.
  My Spider Sense is Tingling
  Collect 15 packages with the red spider stamp on to earn a red crate.
  Eagle Eyes
  Collect 20 packages with the blue eagle stamp on to earn a blue crate.
  Like A Boy Killing Snakes
  Collect 25 packages with the purple snake stamp on to earn a purple crate.
  模组包收集指南:Gage Mod Courier Pack Guide (with all locations!)
  There and Back Again
  Earn one of each crate.
  High Speed, Low Drag
  Modify the CAR-4 rifle with a Competition Foregrip, CAR Quadstacked Mag and a Competitor’s Compensator.
  为CAR-4步枪加装Competition Foregrip,CAR Quadstacked Mag以及Competitor’s Compensator模组。
  Point 'n' Shoot
  Modify any pistol with a Pistol Red Dot Sight and a Flash Hider.
  为任意手枪加装Pistol Red Dot Sight以及Flash Hider模组。
  Mall Ninja
  Modify the CAR-4 rifle with a Gazelle Rail, Tactical Compensator, Compact Holosight, Wide Stock and a Military Laser Module.
  为CAR-4步枪加装Gazelle Rail,Tactical Compensator,Compact Holosight,Wide Stock以及Military Laser Module模组。
  Russian Operator
  Modify any AK rifle with a Lightweight Rail, AK Slavic Dragon Barrel, AK Quadstacked Mag and a Funnel of Fun Nozzle.
  为AK步枪加装Lightweight Rail,AK Slavic Dragon Barrel, AK Quadstacked Mag以及 Funnel of Fun Nozzle模组。
  Gage Sniper Pack
  Build Me an Army Worthy of Crime.net
  Equip the Golden AK.762 rifle. Celebrating 500,000 heisters in the official community group, you can now unlock the Golden AK.762 rifle by simply joining the PAYDAY 2 Official Group on Steam.
  The Man With the Golden Gun
  Kill 6 Skulldozers using only the golden AK.762 rifle.
  所以笔者个人推荐尝试单人DW难度的Bank Heist任务,开始前先购买滑索。开局plan B之后上到银行对面的楼顶,10分钟之内必定会在银行楼顶出现一个,杀之。
  Lord of the Flies
  Perform 50 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the “Asilidae” mask, “Carapace” material and “Bugger” pattern.
  Arachne’s Curse
  Perform 100 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the “Tarantula” mask, “Insectoid” material and “Spider Eyes” pattern.
  Pest Control
  Perform 250 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the “Vespula” mask, “Bug Shell” material and “Venomous” pattern.
  Seer of Death
  Perform 500 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the “Sphodromantis” mask, “Hard Shell” material and “Wings of Death” pattern.
  Far, Far Away
  Kill 25 enemies from 40 meters using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle. Unlocks the Tank Buster Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.
  使用Thanatos .50 cal狙击步枪在40米开外击杀25名敌人。(累计成就)
  为狙击步枪换上Theia Magnified Scope准镜之后就很容易测距了(Theia Magnified Scope需要先达成Didn’t See That Coming Did You?成就后解锁)。
  Last Action Villain
  Perform a headshot kill on enemies using only the R93 sniper rifle while zip lining. Unlocks the Compensated Suppressor for the R93 sniper rifle.
  Triple Kill
  Kill 3 enemies with one bullet using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the Angled sight for all sniper rifles.
  Maximum Penetration
  Kill 10 Shields by shooting through their shields using only the R93 sniper rifle. Unlocks the Short Barrel for the R93 sniper rifle.
  推荐Very Hard难度的Watchdogs第1天,开门之后便有不少Shield。
  Dodge This
  Perform 10 headshot kills on Cloakers using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle. Unlocks the Suppressed Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.
  使用Thanatos .50 cal狙击步枪爆头击杀10名Cloakers。(累计成就)
  Surprise Motherfucker
  Kill 10 Bulldozers using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle. Unlocks the CQB Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.
  使用Thanatos .50 cal狙击步枪击杀10名Bulldozer。(累计成就)
  Didn’t See That Coming Did You?
  Kill 10 enemies using any sniper rifle while zip lining. Unlocks the Theia Magnified Scope for all sniper rifles.
  A Taste of Their Own Medicine
  Kill 25 Snipers using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle. Unlocks the Tactical Aluminium Body for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.
  You Can’t Hide
  Kill 25 enemies shooting through walls or objects using only the R93 sniper rifle. Unlocks the Wooden Body for the R93 sniper rifle.
  Double Kill
  Kill 2 enemies with one bullet 25 times using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle. Unlocks the Sniper Suppressor for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.
  Public Enemy No. 1
  Kill 250 enemies using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle. Unlocks the Long Barrel for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.
  The Shadow Raid Heist
  I Will Fade to Dark
  In the Shadow Raid job, secure 4 bags of loot.
  在Shadow Raid中,偷走4包战利品。
  I Will Pass Through Walls
  In the Shadow Raid job, secure at least 6 bags of loot and without killing anyone.
  在Shadow Raid中,不杀死任何人偷走6包战利品。
  I Will Take With Impunity
  In the Shadow Raid job, secure a piece of every available type of loot, including money, gold, cocaine, artifact, painting, weapons and server.
  在Shadow Raid中,偷走每一种类型的战利品,包括:钞票,黄金,可卡因,工艺品,画,武器,服务器。
  I Will Walk Faceless Among Men
  In the Shadow Raid job, secure all 4 pieces of the samurai armor. Unlocks the “Somen Mempo” mask.
  在Shadow Raid中,偷走盔甲(一个盔甲共4件)。
  I Am Ninja
  In the Shadow Raid job, secure 16 bags of random loot and all 4 pieces of the samurai armor.
  在Shadow Raid中,偷走16件战利品以及盔甲(一个盔甲共4件)。
  I Will Die and Die, and Die Again
  Complete the Shadow Raid job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Shadow Raid任务。
  The Big Bank Heist
  It Takes Two to Tango
  Hack the correct computer on the first try in The Big Bank job. Unlocks the “The First American” mask, the "Parchment" material, the "Roman" pattern and the Tactical Grip for the Falcon rifle.
  在Big Bank中,一次就骇对正确的电脑。
  It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig
  Drop Floyd the pig on top of a lawforcer. Unlocks the “The 1st” mask, the "Exhausted" material, the "Ruler" pattern and the Extended Magazine for the Falcon rifle.
  在Big Bank中,让小粉猪砸到警察头上。
  Sweet Sixteen
  Complete The Big Bank job with 16 secured bags. Unlocks the “The 16th” mask, the "Clay" material, the "Spartan" pattern and the Marksman Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.
  在Big Bank中,带走16包并完成任务。
  不管是plan A还是plan B,只要你能带走16包都行。
  12 Angry Minutes
  In the Big Bank job, complete the heist in under 12 minutes on the Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the Wooden Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.
  在Big Bank中,在Hard难度下(或以上)12分钟内完成任务。
  熟悉本关流程之后不难,推荐Hard难度下4人合作完成,建议两人带上电锯,建议逃跑计划选择Bus Stop。
  开局迅速找到安保室后开始plan B。
  Player2:在Player1的辅助下迅速找到正确的电脑,然后打开Time-Lock。(参考It Takes Two to Tango成就)
  之后没有什么说的必要了,一起带着The Beast进去组装后开始钻金库门(最好能升级一下钻头),进去金库之后一人一包钱然后撤。
  Don't Bring the Heat
  In the Big Bank job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm. Unlocks the CQB Stock for the Falcon rifle.
  在Big Bank中,不触发警报完成任务。
  Backing Bobblehead Bob
  Bring Bobblehead Bob to the vault. Unlocks the “The 18th” mask, the "Gemstone" material, the "God of War" pattern and the Wooden Stock for the Falcon rifle.
  将Bobblehead Bob带到金库里去。
  In the Big Bank job, complete the heist with 12 bags in the default escape with the all lasers active. Unlocks the CQB Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.
  在Big Bank中,在默认逃跑计划下,不关闭红外并带走12包完成任务。
  You Owe Me One
  In the Big Bank job, start the Big Bank job after having spent all 10 favors in Preplanning. Unlocks the Retro Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.
  在Big Bank中,花费掉10点Preplanning点数后开始游戏。
  Don't Forget to Floss
  Complete the Big Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty.
  Death Wish难度下完成Big Bank任务。
  Funding Father
  In the Big Bank job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Big Bank" mask each. Unlocks the Marksman Stock for the Falcon rifle.
  4位玩家分别戴上不同的“Big Bank"主题面具(4个面具需要分别达成It Takes Two to Tango,It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig,Sweet Sixteen和Backing Bobblehead Bob这4个成就方可解锁),并完成1次Big Bank任务。
  Gage Shotgun Pack
  Police Brutality
  Beat a Shield to death using the Telescopic Baton.
  使用Telescopic Baton击杀一名Shield。
  Lock, Stock & Eight Smoking Barrels
  Own every Shotgun. Unlocks the Flip-up Sight for the Raven shotgun.
  Swing Dancing
  Complete any single day of a job, killing at least 50 enemies using only your melee weapon.
  Seven Eleven
  Get 7 enemy headshot kills within 11 seconds using any shotgun. Unlocks the Short Barrel for the M1014 shotgun, “John” mask, “Explosive” material and “Terror” pattern.
  建议为霰弹枪加上000 buckshot ammo,并加装红外。
  Shotgun 101
  Kill at least 50 enemies and get 101% accuracy or above using any shotgun. Unlocks the Long Barrel for the M1014 shotgun.
  Knock, Knock
  Kill 50 Shields using any shotgun and slug ammo. Unlocks the Collapsed Stock for the M1014 shotgun.
  使用任意加装了slug ammo的霰弹枪击杀50名Shield。(累计成就)
  Everyday I’m Shovelin'
  On the Night Club heist, kill 25 law enforcers using your shovel. Unlocks the Short Barrel for the Raven shotgun.
  在Night Club中,使用shovel击杀25名警察。(累计成就)
  Clay Pigeon Shooting
  Kill 10 snipers using any shotgun and flechette ammo. Unlocks the Long Barrel for the Raven shotgun, "Clint" mask, "Leaf" material and "Monkey Skull" pattern.
  使用任意加装了flechette ammo的霰弹枪击杀10名狙击手。(累计成就)
  Shock and Awe
  Hit 4 enemies simultaneously using any shotgun and HE rounds. Unlocks the Solid Stock for the M1014 shotgun.
  使用任意加装了HE rounds的霰弹枪一发同时击中4人。
  Bang for the Buck
  Kill 10 Bulldozers using any shotgun and 000 buckshot ammo. Unlocks the Long Barrel for the Street Sweeper shotgun, "Steven" mask, "Sparks" material and "Chief" pattern.
  使用任意加装了000 buckshot ammo的霰弹枪击杀10名Bulldozer。(累计成就)
  No Heist for Old Men
  Complete any heist in stealth with a silenced Locomotive 12G shotgun equipped. Unlocks the Suppressed Barrel for the Street Sweeper shotgun, "Rutger" mask, "Banana Peel" material and "Banana" pattern.
  装备上消音Locomotive 12G霰弹枪后潜入完成一次任意任务。
  Four Monkeys
  In the Rats job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Shotgun Pack" mask each on OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  4位玩家分别戴上不同的“Shotgun Pack"主题面具(4个面具需要分别达成Seven Eleven,Clay Pigeon Shooting,Bang for the Buck和No Heist for Old Men这4个成就方可解锁),并完成1次OK难度(或以上)的Rats任务。
  Gage Assault Pack
  Precision Aiming
  Kill 25 Bulldozers using the Gewehr 3 Rifle. Unlocks the Sniper Barrel for the Clarion rifle, Sniper Stock, Sniper Grip and Sniper Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Precision Stock, Precision Grip and the DMR Kit for the Gewehr 3 rifle as well as the “Black Death” mask.
  使用Gewehr 3步枪击杀25名Bulldozer。(累计成就)
  Big Bada Boom
  Kill at least four enemies with one GL40 grenade launcher shot. Unlocks the Sawed-off Stock for the GL40 grenade launcher and the “Crow Goblin” mask.
  Army of One
  Equip the GL40 grenade launcher, the Locomotive 12G shotgun and the Improved Combined Tactical Vest. Unlocks the CQB Foregrip and Plastic Stock for the Gecko 7.62 rifle.
  同时装备上GL40榴弹发射器,Locomotive 12G霰弹枪以及铁人甲。
  So Many Choices
  Own one of every Gage Assault Pack weapon in the game. Unlocks the Short Barrel for the Clarion rifle, Light Stock for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Plastic Foregrip and Short Barrel for the Gewehr 3 rifle, “Evil” material and “Vicious” pattern.
  拥有每种Gage Assault Pack武器。
  Artillery Barrage
  Kill 25 enemies at 40 meters or more using only the GL40 grenade launcher. Unlocks the Wooden Stock for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Pirate Barrel for the GL40 grenade launcher, “Bone” material and “Muerte” pattern.
  推荐Big Bank,开局plan B后直接去到吊车顶端,从这里打到银行楼顶足够40米了。
  Unusual Suspects
  In the Watchdogs job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Assault Pack mask each on OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the Light Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Tactical Foregrip for the Gewehr 3 rifle, Long Barrel for the Clarion rifle, “Void” material and “Death” pattern.
  4位玩家分别戴上不同的“Assault Pack"主题面具(4个面具需要分别达成Precision Aiming,Big Bada Boom,Rabbit Hunting和Tour de Clarion这4个成就方可解锁),并在OK难度下(或以上)完成1次Watchdogs任务。
  Not Today
  Kill a jumping Cloaker using the GL40 grenade launcher. Unlocks the Wooden Stock, Retro Grip and Wooden Foregrip for the Gewehr 3 rifle.
  Kill 25 thugs using the Ding Dong breaching tool melee weapon. Unlocks the “Frost” material and “Emperor” pattern.
  使用Ding Dong breaching tool击杀25名暴徒。(累计成就)
  Rabbit Hunting
  Kill 10 Cloakers using the Gecko 7.62 rifle. Unlocks the Skeletal Stock, Fabulous Stock and Fabulous Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle as well as the “Volt” mask.
  使用Gecko 7.62步枪击杀10名Cloaker。(累计成就)
  Tour de Clarion
  Kill 200 enemies using the Clarion rifle. Unlocks the Suppressed Barrel and G2 Grip for the Clarion rifle as well as the “Professor Wrath” mask.


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