
奥古斯特·罗丹(Auguste Rodin):“一切生命皆从一个中心迸生出来,然后由内到外,滋长发芽,灿烂开花。”虽说生活有千百种可能,但总有一种是你想要的样子,越简单越自由,这才是拥抱自然生活的样子。Although there are hundreds of possibilities in life,But there is always something you want,The simpler, the freer,This is the way to embrace natural life.希望能有一个空间,完全安静,然后听见自己与爱人的心跳,手指交叉,指出夜空里属于二人的星座,风都停了。Hope to have a space, completely quiet, and then heartheir heartbeat with their lover, fingers crossed, pointing out that the nightsky belongs to the constellation of two people, the wind stopped.抛弃所有的技巧,是一开始的初衷,更希望通过尊重建筑本身的意义,宜居,环保,实用,与人的生活状态高度融合来传递设计观点——物我两忘,浑然天成。Abandoning all the skills is my original intention atthe beginning. I hope to convey my design ideas by respecting the meaning ofthe building itself, livable, environmentally friendly, practical and highlyintegrated with people's living conditions.在空间上尽最大可能打开,让家人在里面随时都能感受到对方的目光,这种交替,是情感最好的表达,就像冬天被白雪覆盖的山脉,小动物的一点声响都能为整个森林带来生机。Open as much as possible in space, so thatfamily members can feel each other's eyes at any time in it. This alternationis the best expression of emotions. Like snow-covered mountains in winter, alittle sound of small animals can bring vitality to the whole forest.精确的灯光设计,带来不同的家居氛围,无论是相聚,还是独处都能被恰到好处的灯光包围,眼里没有多余的颜色,更能看清内心的想法。Accurate lighting design, bring different homeatmosphere, whether together, or alone can be surrounded by the right lights,no redundant color in the eyes, can better see the inner thoughts.温暖且纯净的白色,用不同的材质串起空间的变化;为了避免大面积留白带来的苍白和无力感,在每一个空间都巧妙的做了形态变化。Warm and pure white, with different materials to string up the changes of space; In order to avoid the paleness and powerlessness caused by the large area of leucorrhea, morphological changes have been cleverly made in each space.平面图布置项目名称|名城国际项目面积|180平米设计单位|铂林国际设计设计总监|林中立主案设计|张庆开完成时间|2022主要材料|科技木、亚克力、岩板、艺术漆、GRG- 林中立 -铂林国际设计·总设计师


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