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视觉小说 Q&A
嗯嗯,我也赞同。话说,这类小动作不是叫肢体语言吗…………还是说要个更精确的名称?用文字传达“拨发见鬓”、“小舔上唇”、“侧脸斜视”背后的晦涩且边界模糊的信息,确实有点难度。所以,有门叫live2d的技术应运而生,但缺陷挺多的,起码使用成本较高,我只在日式gal游戏中看到过,国产和其他类型的游戏还没有。其实用动画也可以,难度恐怕更高一点。来个网站看一看?http://hydrozoa.felisworks.com/diarycontent.php?url=8bea0d0eeced13e963a29fd最后一段的问题是最重要的,绝大部分地决定了一款gal游戏的质量,即文字语言与视听语言的结合。游戏是多视听语言的,而编剧的剧本只是纯文字语言,这时就要脚本/导演编排图像、声音。因此通常工作流程是编剧编写好剧本后,交给脚本/导演完善视听语言,完善成完整的企划书。当然,也有厉害的人同时兼任两个职位,写的时候就考虑好图像声音了。大概是这样吧,有些内容记不太清了……给些网站当参考吧,写得很清楚,值得学习。知乎:Galgame 企划书是如何撰写的?https://www.zhihu.com/question/知乎:有关galgame剧本/演出的写作规则(1)https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/Galgame剧本相关理论浅谈&http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_45a6a8240102weav.html遊戲腳本學---甚麼叫遊戲腳本&http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist__3_1.htmlps:事实上,一款优秀的文字小说游戏的制作难度绝对不比其他类型的游戏低,甚至更高。如果有志于制作的话,加油啊!
对哦,就是肢体语言…我想深了……我想呀,如果是求实用,gif动图就可以做视觉小说的动态立绘了,而且某种意义上应该比骨骼会更顺眼。骨骼动画做不好怕会有恐怖谷效应。链接有用!不管我近期会不会用得上,先收下啦~~ 谢谢~~P.S.回复迟了好久……P.P.S. 其实我对galgame一窍不通的……视觉小说_视觉小说游戏_视觉小说下载合集
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发布时间: 15:08:28
作者:Lex Allen
如果你的游戏收入超过1万美元,那它一定相当棒了。但是更多情况下你的第一款游戏只能赚到几百或几千美元。《A Hate Story》和《To the Moon》则是例外,因为它们的媒体宣传非常到位,而且成功登录了Steam平台。《Cherry Tree High Comedy Club》同样也进入了该平台。因为Steam的审批系统引入Greenlight,视觉小说能否在这个平台发布变得更加不确定,基本上是件碰运气的事。大多数视觉小说的下场是未能通过审核,完全与排行榜无缘了。
visual_novel(from wikipedia)
目前,Winterwolves是视觉小说的领头羊(产量最高),Hanako Games紧随其后。也许Hanako在单款游戏上的销量比较多,但Winterwolves每年都会发行3到4款游戏。去年,Sakevisual和Sakura River也非常活跃。《Always Remember Me》一直是我们网站上的销售冠军。我不知道为什么,但它确实把握了潮流动向,是一款成功的游戏(这款游戏中有一个女主角,玩家可以升级各种指数,赚钱和约会)。从销量来看,《To the Moon》可能是至今为止欧美市场中最为成功的视觉小说。虽然这款游戏的类型比较偏,但是因为《植物大战僵尸》的音乐演唱者参与了该游戏的音乐部分,所以它获得了大量的媒体报道机会。
(1)使用跨平台引擎(面向Windows/ Mac/Linux)去创造游戏。我认为Renpy较难用,所以我推荐的是Multimedia Fusion 2 Standard。因为你的销量大多是来自Windows,所以如果你不能使用跨平台引擎,你就必须确保能够将所有内容移植到PC上。虽然有些开发者也会通过手机平台赚取收益,但主要关注点仍应该是Windows平台。
(8)游戏应该设有12条长的路线,而不是许多条短路线。在《Curse of Slate Rock Manor》中,因为我们设置了36条短的路线,所以问题便出现了——因为这些路线有点短,玩家总是会一次又一次看到相同的开头。
(16)你还可以通过出售其他人的游戏赚更多钱。现在,大多数视觉小说开发者都在使用BMT Micro。
(19)为了制作视觉小说,你必须拥有一些背景和角色作为视觉资产。你还需要音效和背景音乐。你可以从Dlsite.com (English)上廉价下载高品质的材料。但是美术资产可能就不好找了。
Bringing Your Visual Novel to Market: The Tips for Western Success
by Lex Allen
Can You Really Make Money Selling Visual Novels?
You can make some money, but you’re not going to make a million dollars. Actually, you’ll be lucky to make a $1,000.00 on your first novel. If you make $3,000.00, it would be rather excellent. There are a few developers right now that are making a modest living, but you can’t expect to quit your day job after one game. I should also note that these developers have not stayed true to the genre, often offering RPG, puzzle, and other genres to make the games more interactive.
If you can make more than $10,000 on your game, it would be rather excellent. More likely, you will only make a few hundred or a few thousand dollars if anything on your first game(s). Analogue: A Hate Story and To the Moon are exceptions, as they managed to get extreme press coverage and somehow managed to get on Steam. Cherry Tree High Comedy Club also managed to make it onto Steam. With the introduction of Greenlight to Steam’s approval system, the acceptance of visual novels onto the platform has become even more unpredictable, mysterious, and is for the most part a virtual lottery. Most visual novels are failing to get “Greenlit” and have been completely blown off the charts (and not in a good way).
Who are the top visual novel developers in the west?
Currently Winterwolves is the leading visual novel developer (by number of visual novels produced) with Hanako Games following behind. Hanako may or may not sell more games per title, but Winterwolves is releasing 3-4 titles every year. Sakevisual and Sakura River have also been considerably active in the past year.
Always Remember Me is the top selling affiliate game on our site of all time. I’m not sure why exactly, but it does follow my popular features list that often go into creating a successful title (the game has a female heroine, stat-raising, currency, and dating).
Analogue and To the Moon are likely the most successful western developed visual novels to date in terms of units sold, but To the Moon is more of a fringe genre, and received considerable coverage because the Plants vs Zombies music lady contributed music for To the Moon.
Choosing a Genre:
There are exceptions, but your game should be a dating-sim! This is the traditional model for visual novels. If you don’t make a dating-sim, you should have some minor dating elements at least. Often, the first thing people search for in their novels is whether the genre is otome (girl pursues boy) or bishoujo (boy pursues girl). Most
importantly: Adding RPG elements will likely be one of the leading variables that will push your game out of the red and into the green.
Visual Novel Game Tips:
1) Build your game with a cross-platform engine for Windows/ Mac/ and Linux. I think Renpy is hard to use, so I really recommend Multimedia Fusion 2 Standard. Most of your sales will be on Windows, so if you have to use an engine that is not cross-platform, make sure you use one that ports to PC. Some developers are making some sales through mobile, but you should be focusing on the Windows platform.
2) It may seem obvious, but your game should not require any keyboard controls. Period!
3) Games with female heroines, dating, stat-raising and RPG elements tend to sell more novels than those that don’t.
4) Make your game as interactive as possible. Visual novels are hard sells and kinetic novels are suicide! Your visual novel should include OPTIONAL puzzles, RPG battles, stat-raising, currency, paper doll (dress up), cooking, pets, and other elements. Do not alienate traditional players by making them do mini-games that they may not be good at.
5) Although it may seem obvious, a visual novel is no place for a 3D shooter. Ayu at Sakevisual posted an interesting poll about this here. Out of the 193 people that took Ayu’s pole, only 11% said they didn’t want any mini-games. However, you need to remember to keep your game simple, or you will quickly and surely alienate your market. For example, let your players win the dateable characters that they want. There’s nothing worse than playing a multiple times only to find that you didn’t get the partner you wanted because you didn’t wear a pink dress or the polka dot tie.
6) Visual novel players expect to be able to customize the game through a menu system. Players should be able to change the volume of background music and sound effects. They also expect to be able to save anywhere.
7) Don’t waste your time on voiceovers. Voiceovers will not help you sell more visual novels and most people won’t appreciate them. They will also take up excessive space and will make your downloads corrupt more easily when downloading. This will hurt your number of successfully completed downloads. If you want to make your game special by adding voiceovers, then it will likely result in decreased profits.
8) You should concentrate on around a dozen long paths, not dozens of short paths. In Curse of Slate Rock Manor, we had about three dozen short paths, but this ended up being a problem because they were a little too short and required the player to see a few of the same starting branches over and over again.
9) You need to be able to skip text! Scrolling backwards through text is important, but skipping forward is more important, so if you can’t scroll backwards for whatever reason, make sure you can at least skip text, even if the feature is limited.
10) Your graphics need to be high quality. With all of the cheap professional content out there, visual novel players will not excuse poor quality artwork. That being said, if you can’t afford an artist, you may need to design your content around what art assets are available.
11) Make sure that you are a decent writer. This means that other people need to think you are good… If not, you’ll need to find a writer.
Designing your game with software such as Freemind will help to avoid holes in your design and your plot. You don’t want your universe to break over inconsistent information in your game.
Innovative Payment solutions
13) You will make the most money on niche products by charging $19.99 – $24.95 on your games. You will not be able to ride the viral mass market appeal train because there isn’t widespread demand for visual novels, and you by yourself will not be able to set any new trends.
14) You can also offer TrialPay as an alternative payment solution. TrialPay allows users to get your game free by purchasing something that they would have bought anyway. You sign up for Trial Pay and choose what you want to be paid, and the user is given various choices of things to buy or sign up for (like a credit card). The user buys something from a company like flowers.com and flowers.com pays you what you want for referring the customer.
This works well because some gamers view games as having no value and should be free. If they get your game for free by buying something that they believe has value (or they would have bought anyway), you can easily get past this consumer spending bump.
Monetize your demo
15) You should always include a link from within your game to the purchase page of your game as well as your other games. You could also consider forcing open the sales page on the demo when the user exits the game.
Sell Others’ Games
16) You may be able to make more money by selling other peoples games. Most visual novel developers are currently using BMT Micro. I’ve been using them for a few years and they are excellent.
17) Do not expect social networking and crowdfunding to be a silver bullet to funding your game. If you don’t have a following already, it is unlikely that you will be able to successfully crowdfund since nobody will find your game with out proper media coverage. If you decide to crowdfund, make sure that you have a playable demo. I cover this in detail on my blog.
18) Preorders can be done successfully by offering significant discounts or extras to those who preorder. A discount is much better than an extra, but you may lose money by preordering at a discounted rate, especially because people that preoder your game at a discount probably would have bought your game anyway at retail price.
Where to Find Visual Novel Assets:
In order to make your visual novel, you are going to need backgrounds and characters at a minimum for the visual assets. You will also need sound effects and background music. High quality assets can be downloaded cheaply from Dlsite.com (English). They may be hard to find, so I have included links to the higher quality artists here. Character Sprites, Backgrounds
BE WARNED! Hard core visual novel players will recognize some of these assets as being used in other games, but for most people, they will be new to them. You can use the assets initially to develop your game and swap them for commissioned ones later if your product is strong enough to warrant it.
20) You can also consider sites like fiverr.com. Many people are willing to do commissions for just $5 (chibi sprites for example). Be nice and tip them extra if you can. This may be against fiverr.com’s terms, so make sure that you check that first.
If you need money, you could also look at peer lending sites like Prosper.com if you are unable to get a business loan. I have done this myself and it is much easier then going to a bank and filling out countless forms and providing endless documents. Borrow With Prosper!
22) The dominant art style for visual novels is anime/manga. Do not deviate! Cinders was able to stand out by offering a different art style, but I would advise against this unless you are able to create something unique AND amazing.
If you don’t think that your game is good enough or long enough to sell, release it for free. This will help you to build a customer base.
Affiliate Networks and Visual Novel Distributors
Your best bet is to work with other visual novel developers, but posting to these sites will help.()
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