求监禁re birthing1.12的汉化版

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The poor in Gansu and Yunnan, by contrast are at risk of having their meagre property confiscated if they fail to remain within birthing quotas.
Birth doulas advise on birthing techniques and serve as the mother's advocate during labor.
These women are literally birthing the next generation.
When it comes to dealing with infertility or miscarriage in particular, the creation of a poem may also offer the author a different kind of birthing experience.
For several years the government of the Ulyanovsk region has set aside a special birthing day, when couples are given a day off to help reverse the population decline.
From America's birthing pains to the civil rights protests of the 1960s, blacks have never been afraid to fight for economic or social justice.
In Tupelo, Mississippi, and other towns, a group called Birthing Project USA is asking for donations of baby blankets and diapers for pregnant and parenting young mothers.
No one has ever found mating or birthing grounds.
The study found no link between birthing method and autism.
The "Codes of Renewal" are Cosmic Light Information "packages" or downloads that carry the instructions from the Divine Heart for the Renewal of All Creation at this New Cycle of Cosmic Birthing.
“更新密码子”是来自宇宙的光的“文件包”,他们携带着来自神圣的心的引导和启示。 这些密码子可以在这新诞生的宇宙循环中更新所有的生物。
Classes covering specific birthing techniques like the Bradley Method can be lengthy and hard to find so it’s not too early to do your research—you want to finish your class before you deliver.
The transmission route is likely through contamination of pasture or feed by infected birthing fluids or fetal tissues from bats.
If your labor seems to start with a bang—with contractions strong and close together—get to the hospital or birthing center quickly (so you and your baby can be monitored closely).
What you're probably experiencing is known in the birthing business as “back labor.
The "End" is Over....it is truly the Time of Birthing and Beginning.
You might also consider a birthing chair, if one is available, which is specifically designed to support a woman in a sitting or squatting position during delivery and, theoretically, speed labor.
What if I progress so quickly that I don't make it to the hospital or birthing center in time?
Elephants in the wild are often assisted during the birthing process by other females of their species and have been known to harm their calves in the frenzy of giving birth.
在野外,母象在生产的时候通常会有其他母象来帮助它们。 据我们所知,母象在生产的狂躁中可能会伤害到它刚产下的小象。
There is an unspoken rule of motherhood that says, “Thou shalt not put your lady parts on a mechanized beast of burden after birthing another human being.
At one point, the alpha female allowed Jamie to enter the wolf den after she gave birth to pups -- behavior never previously attempted by humans since female wolves keep the birthing process private.
Afterward he mapped out seven "centers of origin of cultivated plants, " which he described as the ancient birthing grounds of agriculture.
Afterward he mapped out seven "centers of origin of cultivated plants, " which he described as the ancient birthing grounds of agriculture.
adv. 生来;在血统上
天生缺陷(等于congenital defect)
n. [宗]童贞女之子;[动]单性生殖
- 来自原声例句
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保存至快速回贴Birthing & Pediatrics
Your Miracle.& Your Experience. York Hospital.
From the moment they’re born, Every parent wants only what’s best for their child. Because, never do you realize just how important, or even what “the best” may mean—until it comes to delivering your baby or your child’s medical care.
The Obstetrics and Family Care Team at York Hospital makes a promise every
day to provide this ‘intangible’ to the children, newborns, moms…and the families they
care for. If you ask them, “the best” means delivering exceptional medical care in an
uplifting and contemporary environment, within their own community, with the same
love and kindness they’d offer to their own family.
And that’s why we’re so proud of miracles, the new Birthing and Family Care center at
York Hospital which opens early 2017. Our expectant mothers will be greeted with a
secure and welcoming reception area, and will then be able to appreciate private
updated labor, delivery and recovery rooms, a dedicated newborn nursery and a
private breastfeeding room. For babies and children who may need special care, there
will be two pediatric rooms—one of which will have a telemedicine connection with
Massachusetts General Hospital. Our youngest patients will have access to the world’s most
sought after specialists when they need it most…and when their parents do as well.
Talk to your provider about delivering at miracles at York Hospital or call 207.351.2385 for more information.
Miracles&Family Birth Center&provide a full array of obstetrics - antepartum testing (a variety of tests performed late in pregnancy to verify fetal well-being), labor and delivery, postpartum and newborn care as well as inpatient pediatric services to take care of your children’s needs. We are pleased to share with you and your family a birthing experience that respects, supports and honors your birthing wishes. Our care involves your family members as much as you wish in all stages of prenatal care and childbirth.
Miracles Family Birth Center at York Hospital
15 Hospital Drive, York, Maine 03909
Phone: (207) 351-2129
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