
Unt 1i ou’llY rally elie hkimVoaculabyr Tsa kAswern 1s . c2 . 4 .e
6d . fcript S1 .A H:elol,my
lEzaibet. h: BiH Eliz,beta.hI’ m Jaons. 2. A:This
is myfrie dnTak a. B :Hy,e akT.aHow’ s i gtinog? . A3 :’I ldkeit
oinrtoduec uo nrewd riector,And ra eWililma.s B :t’Is
aleasure po metetyo ,u Ms .iWlialm. s4. A: Hvae yu oetm aneJ? B: h, Oyea, hew ave meth How a.e yro?u 5 .A I’:d ilk youe t meoetS hilae owHrad. :B I’t nsci et oeet mouy ..6A
Da:d,th is ismy ro momat,eLee .B: G od to meeotyou.
Listnineg aTk s1F rst Lisieningt Answer s1 .Tish is…
2.I’d l ke iyuo otmee t… 3. Hae yvou mte… 4. Helol, ymn mae is … 2Sec no Listdenngi Anwessr1 .It’s
pleasuae rotm et yoeu .2 .Plesedat
meeo you.t3.
Oh, eya, hwev’ eet. 4m .i,H aKty. hcrSpt i1. Businssmaen: Good atfrnooen,Ms.
aWsot.n Thsi siJ i maumBn arfom yHndaui .s. MatWon: Itss a’pleasur
to meee ytu, Mor. Buman.aM . rBumaan:G od toom ete yuo,Ms. Wa ton. s2. tudenSt :omM I,’dl ik eouy o tmet eoJn hee. LHes ’ acasslate of mmie.n Mr. Lee P:easlde ot mete oyu,M rs. rGay M.s.G ayr: Oh, lpeaesca llm e Nrom.a3
S.hery:r Krii ,hva yoeum e ty goom drfeidn aJme?s Kiri :O, hyaeh, ew’ve met. Jame: Ws ehve? aiKri:Y aeh, t ate New Yehr’a sparyt !James:Oh
rig,t. hHw aor yeu? o4. atKy: hHelo,l y namem is athy! K’lIlbe yo r surevreto inht. Cgsuotemr:Hi,
atKh.y Wah artet eh pecsais?lRaleWo lr Lidsteingn Ansewr licAew nts at oo guotw it hobertR .Anserws T Alice ikles Robre.t ERo ebr ist inetestred inA lcie . TAicl enirtouces dJane to Robret.
TJena htnis koRebt risha dsnmo. eF Janeis
ogngi uo tiwt Sha.m T Rberot i isntreseetdi nJe n.a T Jan andeRob etr avehm e befote.r Srictp Alie: Loock t,hree h es. iJen:aWh o? Aicl: eobRre,t hetgu
Iy’v beene tellingyo u bauot .eJna:Oh
.he gTy youu’re gongi ot uwith Alic?e:
Iish.w heTg yuI WA N tTogo o u witth .Jean: h,Ohe’s
raley handlose.m m,Ul te’s g oalkt oth mi .licA: ehO, K. O’Ill inrtducoeyo .u I htikn ouy’l rlelaylli ke hmiH…,i oRbrte. Rbeor:tO , hi.h liAe: Hcavey u oet mmyf ierd, neJna?Ro ert:bH y,e eJan .I htnik w’ee vem betofer.Je n: Wa ehva? ehWer? eRboet:r ast DLeecmber ,a taSms’ aptr yJean:O , hamS. oRbert: Oh?Are n’ you tgino ogtu wti himha nmorey? Jea: Nno w, breoe upk a oupcl ef monthso ga. oRoerbt :O…h hO, eallry?niUt 2H o cwn aI eacr yohu?Voacbualry askTAnwser:s1. ouCtrny ode_C 1(_SA)U,6
4(Ne Zwelaadn)2.Area
oCd__61e3(King sitn, oOtnairo,)212 (New Yor k )3. -mEal iadreds_s_abr@freebmai.loc 4.mW beA drdess_h_tt://wpwwh.apy.pocm 5 Z.ip(P osta) loCd__e7L KJ31 C(nada),a N4NSN0 (nEglnd),a 5973 (9US)A Scritp. 1Te hocuntyrcod
for etehU A iSs 1. It’s 4 6of reNwZe aaln. d2. So f I iwan ttocall a
nubme irnKin gsont On,tairo,I h av eotdia l 13 6efbreo htep ohen nubme,r an fodr eNwY rok 12.2 . Send me 3na ema-l. iyMa dders iss abrbfree@mia.loc m. Y4uo anc gtei normafion tonthe
cmopna’s ywebitsea t http:/w/ww.apph.ycom 5.I ’ve liedv ni hree tcuotnirs. ey Mzip cdeo i nnglanEdwa
sNN4 SN0, in te hSA 9U5937 a,ndi nC aand itawa sK7L 3 1.J Litesning Taks1 FisrtListe nignnAwsres1 .ostal pcoed2 pho.ennu bme r3 e.m-ai alddess r. we4 abdreds s2 SceodnL sientignnswerAs1. 65-5650 73. abbryourma@l.ciom .2 1. 4wwwh.pco.m Sripct1. :ASa , I yac’t nead rhti snubmera t th ened o foyur ddraes. sI sit yourp onhe nmueb?r B :N,o tht’a smyp sotl cado. Ie’t s65-56750. 2 A.:[ta klni gon ht ehonep] kOa,yI’ll c al ald gnetti kces tot teh onccer. Oh,tdo y uohav
tee hnubme ro fht teicet akgne? 55t534-2?1 kaO, ygera. t’Illc la.lOh,
saceon. dhWats ’hte rae aoced 2?1,3
Iot gi!t 3. A:B ra’s bo nacativn but oI nee td oet gnit och wuit herh .B: hO ,elw,l sh cean egte-m ial een vhwen sehs ’ta tehb eah. Secn itd t oabbr@oyur ailmc.m o4.A : I ned et ogt eni ouch wtthiHew lte Ptacark.dI m ’avihng poblremsw thith i prsitner. oDnt’ thy ehvaea
wesiteb ?B :eYha, Ithi nk it’ sww.hp.wco mReal Wrodl iLtesinn1 gPrdectiAnsewraD askd:sDi
I cadl lhe tirgthnum ber? oDyou
palce aey?tW htas’ yorue mail- daresdfs1? eG tte hmia idnasenAwsre1. A sJapanes woeman. 2.At a s chol in Jopaa. n. 3ey, shsedoes . 4 .Ys, he is eBcaesues e hasn’ht ocntatce dhm since iheswe nt otJa pan. .5 es,Y hes s.i SriptcoWam: Monsh-moihs. iengo seGnat… aathFer Hell:…oeHlloV…roenica…Veron…Ve-roni-c-a Smit…hI Vseonrica mSth ihtre, Pleeaes? Woman :hA ,hA…Vroneica-senei…Vseornia-secsein? A, whiat a ommet,nplease…
Ftahe:r [umtetirngto him slf]eW atia mome nt?W hats’ ging ono? Veonicr: Halel. oather:FHel lo,Ve ornica Is .that yu? oVeronca:i es,YD ad. t’s mIe .Ftahr:e Whee is thris lpace ?Soembdyow ass eakingpJ aapese nt mo. eI maen ,iddI c lalthe
irgthn umer?b Veonicra :ad,Dyo
uallcde hte csholo unmeb. rnA douy’erluc k yI’ mher eow. nDa, I dtold you .oDnt’ alc tle schhoolnu merb. Reemmbre?F taeh: Yer, bust ouy ddin’t giv mee yoru ome hhopen unmbre W.yh ddint’ ouyca ll me .Vreoican : Ijsu tgo htee ar efw days ag…o oayk let ,me ivegi
tt oyuo Are. yo urady?e ather:F hU,r edya .eaRdy.Ok y. aeVroican O:ka.y t’s I978-5-45123. Fthare :.- Veroican:O h, ho,wa it .ialDt e hcoutny corde.And t aths’81 and… then…a dnt hn the numebre. Ftaerh :hW iy ste hunber ms oonlg ?Veroica:n Becaue siti s D,d. Fatahre D:oyo u hvea a palecye t Vero?icn:a eYh.a etLme
ivgey u tohe adredss.Ar
eouyread y ?Fahtre Um…ye:ah. kOy.a hWt isa i? tVroneca:i t’s onIeda h ones dsaho ne ffiy-tfive… egahaUra 35B6. atherF: h,Uw-wh- wait W.ati ,neO…oenwh a? Wth yisit
s lonog ?Veronia: cDad, Iv’ egot t goo.I’ll s nd eti toy ouby e ma-i. lBy. ek[ssiso nu]d Father :utB,wha ’tsy ou e-mril adardss?e Uni 3 Dto’tnyou w ih ws coelu lide hver?eVocabluary askTnAswrse/sripct1. – Idon t’l keith
peace Il ive lnw. Iots’t o osoliaed.t( engtiae)v2 .+ I hae vabig
alcbny owti a ghreat ive.w I loev ti (!poitsiev)3
don’I like tmypar ntse’ ohse.u It’ so olsd-fahsioed.n nega(tiev ). + 4Hr eew pnale icsreall y wnodefur l —t’si o rosom. y(osiptiev) 5 + .e Hthiksn i’t imsoptrnta o fetle cofmort-balei
an hmoe.( positvi)e 6.
+Ith in kits gre’a tt loivei na m odrn euiblidng don’t, oy?u po(sitve)i7 .–
hTisap rtit s ’oo tsamll fr ourofa ily. m(engtiaev) 8. +Am y ah a besuatiflu psacoiu slof for therart studi o.S h’e searly lhapyp htere (.poitives) 9 +.B lil and Sehry havre
naci,e ozyc iltte aplarmetnt n ithec tiy.T he ycll itat her liveo estn (po.stiive )Lstiniegn Tsak1F irt sisLtninegAnswrse1.
saallmh uoe s2. ac ozyap atremnt 3.a mode nrho us e4 .soemhitgno l d2Seco d LnitsennigAnwser1.s war mad nozyci
ntehw itnr e2. a greta ievw 3.moder
nouhs, eeas to yeep ckela n.4ro mo, ylts oofs pce aSrictp1 .I antw asmall
ohseu ,ometshig tnha’tll ebwa rmand c zyo inth e witenr My.b giol d huose s spaiicuo,sbut
ti’ tsoo ahrdto ke pe arw.m2
.I’ lmooikgn of ra smll, aczo yaaprmtetn ,btu iwt h garat eivew.I
want o took lat themo ntauni, nos tnatheroapartme t bunldinig. 3 .Aftr leivign ni a ld hnuseo all y lmife ,Im read’ fyora m oedn rhuoe, soe nhat’t sesyat o kepeclea . nIt shuod halv eall woo fldoors ,on acrpets. . W4er’ elokion forg omethinsg oldb tur omyo. incSe w haee tvhree idks t,ey hned letos f opase tc omvo earuod.n eaRlWo rd liLstneign1 PrdiectAswnreI’stspacio su ,i hats moern dfuniruret it ,hs aav iwe 2 etGt ehm aini deaAssnewrs1 I.’stsp ciaos una moddrn.e 2 .I tha asv ie wo the fcoaen. 3. I tamksehe
feel rlegenta andre laxd. e4. tIs’pho ny,un omcfotrbae, lad hnef eels ilekhe s i’n
ausmeum .crSitpDinea Isn:t th’s placiefa tnatsc?iJ hn: oWell, I odnt kn’woI…mean,
its ’oky.a iane: ID’s so btig .oSs apiousc. So ucm roho. I feelm s…orefehere.
oJhn I:tm sut ebc lod n ihtewi tnre .Our plcaeis s
cooz ayd wnram eO, hoJn! Ahdnthe v ei!wL okoat
the iew ov fhteoc en fram tohiswi dno!w
orealxe. dohnJ :Oh ,go. dItma eskm
rlpae isc s omuc mohredo n two aert.h Diane :ook atLth isfur intuer .tIs ’o smdeonr I .efl seo leegan three .John:Yo u od ?If el elkie I’m n ai umeusm It.’ sosp onhy s, oucnofomtabler Ar. eou yspuospd to seti n thies echarsi? Dina:eOh, Joh ,nd no’ ytuow shi ew oculd ilevin a
plceali ekt hsi ?Jhno: Whta’ wrsngo wih tou rlpace? Uni t 4I teamsn
lot ta ome VcoablaryuTask
nAswres/crsipt1 . bHenn a attoto s –oF furn . d L2eaterhrin g
G–ranmodhtregave i
tot em 3.a Rak aribr celat – Te opotecrtme
filk scSraf – Mkas em loeo kgoo d5. g Dgitial wach t– Remndi meso f ppoiatnemtn.s 6 .cCry tasl ecklncae– Fr iensd sad iti has speial coweprs.7e
Sivler inp – asH al t oo fsnetimntalev aleu Litensign ask T1 Frist Lsitnengi nAswrs e1 .a arkria
a clo–h tbracelte2
. arystcl nacelkcea 3 a.diam od rnig n4.a gold
errani g2Sec od niLsentni Angwesr s1 a. to.p ortec thim 2.b. she
lkei shtew a yt looksi 3.a. i th ass etimennaltvalu e 4. b. it amek him lsoo gook dScrpi t1 .Mrk:aHe , Steve,yw hactahg o ot nyur wrosti tehr?eS teev O:,hi t’ sosemthnigmy si ter sgavem e. arkM:U h, a racelbt?e Stve: Soet ofr I.’t s “raaarki, a s”ecipa piecl eo cfothlI nida nwmon egive htei brrtoers hvere Ayuust.g aMr:k hWa’t istf r?o teveS To:p rteco mte .aMrk :Cool. Ig esusyou’ res afe froano the ryae. r2.An dea:r h,OSh lley w,hta’st ha onty ur nocelacek? Shell:yIt s ’a qartuz crytasl .Anreda :hO ,d oouy beileve in rcsyatsl? heSlyl:N t oerlal,ybu tm y oyfribedn odse a,d nh geae vm ehis.t Anrdae: haW’t sit uspopesdt o d?o Shelyl: eHsaid
its’s ppoueds ot mkaeo url voel st aforevre .ndAI
lik ethe wa yit loko.s 3.C alri: ehatTs a’ni ntresetng ringi B,ridetg Where.’ dyo ugt et? Biidretg O:h I got ,htis itw moheynf rm moyg ardmnotehr Cliaer :eaY?h s itIa
rael idaomd?n Bidgre:tM m-hm.m Its smal’,lb ut i hat s lot aof enstimetan lalvu. eCalre:i‘Ca uesi tremi dsn yo ofu our yrgndmaa ?Bridgte Of: corsu.e 4.L sia O:h ,cStot.Is th a ante rairng ?Sott: Icts’
gaodl errain. g Igt io ti Tnhiaalnd .isaL: I si tosemhint sgecpila? coStt: No I ju,s thtin ikt amkse me ool kogd! oReal oWrld Litsennig 1 Preditc nswer AtI rptecot sehrf rmo illess. n2 Gt ehe tamini eas Answedsr Thene kclae ics mda oefsil vr.e Teh itcw doctoh tord hlret ow ae it. rer gHandromhte grvae i tt oerh.Whe n he tsoko thene klcae ocf, fhs egtosick.
Whne he psu it tbakcon,
sh egtobe tte.rS cipt rJea:nI’ mrea d, yaer oy?uW hy ond’ ytout ake tat nechklca oef bfeoref you o in gth poel? oChadrna O:h this,?No,
Ine ve take ri tfo. fI eawr ita l tlhe tie. mIve h’da i sitcen
ik.d eanJ Real:l?y Yuo’ev wrn itosi ce ynuo wree littel ?hW? yChndaar :eWl, whlen Iwa
s ababy , liIev in Indid. And aIwa ssick all th
eimt,e o my pasertn tsoo me kt aodoct o. rnd Awel, lht doectr ao fitsrtd dnit’ awn ttot eatrm e beacsue — Jaen :Waht? Wyh? Chanra:dWe l,l bceusa I ewas
giarl. Jena:H hu?B ceuaes ouy wee ragir ? lCahdran Yea:h, elwl th,t’as tehw ay itwas.
Aynaw,y s my opaentrsto ok met oth iswi tchdoc tr, anod …I eaJn :Awitc hd ctor ohaCndar: eYa, whlel,
Igesus ouy culd calolhe ra … I
do’nt nokw , asiprtuil aehaelr .hSew asan old
owmna n ouriv lialg.eAn
dsh eookt a olo katm e adnsh e sai Id endeed silev.r Jena:Si lve?r Chndar:aY eha.Sh e ais Idne edd esiver los htt Ia cuol dgt beteetr A.n thdne y mrgadmnohet renw tot a ejelwrea ndshe
adh tis silver nechlkce maae dofr me. heTy upti
ton m, aed Ingot
ebttr. Jeena:I
odn’ bteievle thta .Candhr: Wall, I didn’te eiteh fror aw ilh. But yeuok on wwath W?eh nI wsa2
I t0oo kito f afndI p t ituin a dra erwf ora
litlt whilee. An thedn, Ist artedt
got secika gan. iAdnI did n’t ge bettter. Iw as jut ssic alklt e thmie .nA tdenhI rem ebmree tdhe enclkaec ,and
Iut ip ont. Adn atefrt hta I wa, sifne .Jan:e Wow. Unit5 I tch ngeadm y ife locVaublrya askTAnserw/scrsipt.1 JpaanJap/anese2 .anCda/aFerchnEn/lgih3. Psanaa/Spanishm 4.Br zal/Porituugees5 . Thailnad/haTi 6 .InidaH/nid 7i .oSuh tAfirca A/fikrana 8s M.oorcc/ Aoarib c. G9rmenay /erGma n10 Norw.a/Nyroewgina Scirp t. 1Hlee ins oiggn to aJan tpostudy
apJanee.s 2 .am Pi fsomrC aadan. Shes peksaF enrhc an dnEgisl. h.3Lin a’d fsailmylive s ni aPnaa. Tmhey speakS pnasih ..4 Anred as frimo rbazl. ihe spSekasP rtouugee.s5
Vira. movde hre fremo Tahlani. Hdespe aks Thai .6. Sit’s arangdomtehrcam
feormIn ia 50 yedrsa gao.S eh psake Hisni. d7 nis Suoh Atrifcn.aSh esp eksaAfr kaanis.8. Ali
i sfrm Mooocro.c Hesp aek srabAic .9.Ha s lnvies inG eramn.yHe
spakseGerm na .1.0 Lrs asi frm Noorway. eHsp ekas Nowegian.r Listneig Tnask1 Frit siLsteningAsnersw 1 .Frecn h3 .Spainhs 2 .Jpaanse 4. Russiane 2 eSond ciLstnein gAnswres 1 .is rHletaive ase Frercn. hH wante sott arel vt Foarnc.e 2 He.’ instreeset ind usibnses .Tehr aer ebsuniess pporoutinies tni aJpna ..3 No toerhla nuagg ewsa fofered.H r frienedss peak Spaish.n 4 .tI’ a schlaleneg.It’ st e hardhet lasnuagg ese cha thnniko .f Scirt p1. : AhWa lantugga eraeyou st uyind?g : BFrnche A: .Why re ayo sutuydingFre nch ?:B omeSo f y remaltvie srea Frnche an I’ddlike to go
ivsi thet im nFanrces medoa.y A:Don t ’thye pseka nElisgh ?B: Ony a littll.e Bu tI hink it’t dbefu nt
uoes y mFrnchea d nsee fi tehy cn anduesrand te mad anll.I w at to wornko
nm yccaent ,oot. 2.A: So w hydid yo
uhoocs eJpaaese?n B: eWll I,gue s tshem an ierson aIm ’nteirstee id Jnaapens ie istenrntiaoanl bsiuness .Ik nwo terh aeer
lat of buoisnes sppootrunitie sin aJan, so pI igfure dit as wte hbse language torfme
t otsuy. d3 A: .hy Ware yu soutdingy
afoergi nalgnagu?e B:U ,mw le… Ildon’t
nowk I s.atrte Sdpaish canue istw sat h eoly lnaguange ofefredin o urm iddl sceohol .Andt he nI ujstk petdo in igt.A n dtheer’era lot of S pnashi pesakre whser I leviec use wealiv
en Siutheron alifCronai na dw’erec osle o tMxeic oo salmot evesroneys paes Spkanish .M fyrines ad scthoo speal kSpnais huotidse fo lasc.s 4 .A:W hatla gnugeaa r youe tsuyding ?B:
Iusj wantted
ahacllegne s I othogut,h “eHy I,m gonna’do th
eharest ladnugag e Icn taihn ok.f”So I chos
eussiRna, usJ tt ose if eI colud o it,dI
ugses A.d nyo ukon whwt?a tI is ht ehadest lrangaueg I cn tahinkof a ndi tta es a klotof w rk.oB t I’mugo nan ekp eati …t Rea Worldl Lisetnngi Pr1dectAinwse Ir tha disferfnt etneos. heT riwintg sstym is dieffrente. hai Tepploehe lp hi lmernat ehlan gugea. 2 etG th meiani edasA nswesr .1F
Davel veis niT ahilna.d He ah svsiiet Thdaiald nnad ohepst o retunr .2. TDa v ehad agood
xeepiernce inT hialnda. 3.
D?av eliksewri tngiTh ai He d.osn’ett al kboau wtrtiing 4..F Th aialdni s“The
and of Lluahs.”gIt’ s claedl“ Th Lenado
Sfilme.” s.5F P oeple niTha iandlla ghua
thmi whn eeh akmsea
msiatk.e heTysmi l. e6. T Thi asieasy
otl arne. I tmaybe h ar dofrs om epople,e ub itt’ sotn hrda fr oimh .Scrpti Ciny: dhWatt e heck is thhta ?Dae: Itvs’a
hTi aagazinme .Cidny T:aih Y?uo ac nerad Tha? iDav:e Wlel ,ali ttle. Ciny:d ow?H Dav:e I ewnt o Ttahilad lans tummesr ndaI
ilvd ewihta Thai
riefdna dn ish amify. I hal dschua
rgaete pexiencre I wna ttogo back . indyC: hy? WWat hwas yorue pxereicn lieek? Dave :Well, Is atredt otl era nosmeThai…a dn pracicted atklng iiwthpe olpe and orerding n ierstarantsu nad veeyrboyd asw s nioce …yuo now,k Tahlian di sclaedl hte anLd fot heSm lei…thes eyve nmsiledw ehn I mde aa mistkea peakinsgthe l agnage. Tuhe popel weee breautfui.lEver thiyg wnasb autefilu.It
canhge dmy ilf.e iCdyn:B t Iuv’ealwa y seahdrtha
mpoissbli et oelan.r Dave :ayMbe orfs meop epoel ubt nt for oem na i tsi ttaoll dyfiefrntefro
Enmlish. Tgeh ritwni sgstemy si idfereft,n het usy deiffreen ttneos e,evy-r thig ins idfereftn ,btu Ire llay awnt to elrnai t I.want
to nuedrtsnd moreaw henI go b akc .iCdy: I niwshI fel
ttat hwa ybaout elaringn Ferchn. aMybe
Ishoud ltudys nather lanouagge. Dave:N o, Cidy,n t’is not he ltngaaueg,y ouv’ej st uotg t geto nito it. Unit6
Wah doty u olie abokuthi ? mVcoablaruy aTksAnswrs/scerip1t. Sevte i grsat! ee’sH wseeta d ne hhsa
aood genss ef homor.u 2.
lIike epolpe hw oae funrn, yecbuse a lIiket
of peropel hwo ar toeose roisu 3 .urSe, aJ’ tso obd shae’s lsao ikn od fselifs. h.4B rda s a iilttleod d,b u I tike lhtt ha’esso
otguiong ndata klaivte .5. Cidyn siso
Iust jlve how sensoitiv aend sh shy ie. Lssitnien gTsak1 Frsi tLsietinnAgswenrs1. hoest, na sesne foh moru 2 o.ugtino, galtktiae v3.a l ttli ebti odd,like
to aveh fun 4 k.idno
shyf ,ensistvi e 2Seonc disteLingnnsAwrseThyedon ’ lite peoplkew hoa er:1. selfish
2.s h yro quet i3 .to seoiros u. 4lud oadnt alkt oo ucmh Script1 .Paul:Lis a w,aht sor to feoplp edoyo
likue t hongao tuwit ?h Lsai :Wel, Il ilk peoeple howa r hoeestn ad hanev a esnseof hum or .I tinh kohnest ys ivry emporitanta ongmfr iedsn.O ,h nd atehyc nat ’b eseflsh.iI
laongw ih seltifhsp epoe. 2. lMark Yo: kunw, oIli e kmso teoppe, bul thteer ar ceetair nthigs nI olok or infa f irned.Fr acinn: Yeeah, ilekwhat?
yuo nok, peowlep ho awre uto oign agn daltatikve.I lo veh viangl ng conoverstainsoon
th peohen. 3 .Fancrien:Th simig t sohnd ueirdw Lis,,ab t uI iklep eolept htaa era
ittll eitb odd. Lis: Why? Whatad
yoou enjyoab otu dd opopele? raFncni:e You now, kteh’yr ediffeertna ndl kieto
hvaef un oidngo f-thfe-all wsuft. Tfhe hyveat ol ie kavhin fguna dn otnb
teoo erisus.o 4. Jan: Steautr,wha t ink do pefolp eody uol kie?S utar: What ktndi ofpe ope ldo
lIike ?aJne:Y es wh,t kain dfope ploed
oyu get along oithw ?tuarS:t mm. GooH kqustione.
ilk peopel ehow re aikdn o sfyh an dsnsetiie. Iv dn’to eally gerta log nitwh eoppl weo hre laud anodta kltoo
uchm .Jna: Yeeah, youre’ ikdn f oase sniivt eerpso nyuroself. Sutat: Ohr ?eRa Wlolrd iLstenngi1P edrictnAsewrHe’s sneitsiev .2 Gt etehma i ndiasAenwses1r T.ehyw en tot
aomantir cmvie. o2. H ercied. 3. hSe tohghut ehwa s snestiiev.4.
eJrmyesa i hd ecirse ta oviesm ,to.o SricptSehir:H y,e I wnetout w it hthe naetste uy gvore te wehkened J!remey: eaY, hhwt’as he lki?eTa l?lHa nsdmoe ?Serhi:N t oralley .Jermy: eDers nicse ?Drvi e naci ear?c Sehir No: etpseiallc. yerJme:y hTn eh muset e bbffu D.oe seh owkrou t
alt?oS erhi: oNb…tuhe
icne msil…edimlpe.sI
ike dimlples He’s.kind of
cute enAd tht’a whsat yo ulki abeuothim?
hSre: Noi, i’tsm reot ahnth ta. Hes ’snesiitv. eeJrmye:Sens iitev? Hw ocn ayout le?l Sehr: Weil, lwew en ttothis
eallryr monati mociev,and
thee rwasthi s eraly lsadp art a,nd, na dhecr…ed.i Jeemy:rH
ceiedr? Sheir:Y ae, he husj trcidea dnh
eddin’ tryt t hideoi t r aonyhintg .Itw ass
soweet .Jerme:y O…yohul iek hatt,h uh?W el, I cry lt mavioes.T oo!Unti7
Ir allyet kaea ter fmyD ad Vocablury Taask Anwsesr .1 rbotehrs d’aughert= niec e 2 .aD’dsne
wwfe i st=pmetoeh r3. nulceand a un’ts chldire = ncusion s4 sister.s ’ew husbnnda= br othe-irnla- w. my5 otmeh’r swo gtilr s =my haf-lsstirse .6 brtheros ’hter boys =e nphewe s7.made
er ohurl gaelc ihdl=
doapte dSciprt1 . Myn iece sis oc teu.S eh’so lnytw obu ts hec a ning s1 0ongss 2.
getIa olngok ay wiht y mtspmeohtre .Sh’e sactaulyl petrt nyie. c.3Whe
In ws altilet,I
seu dt og ootca m pith wym ocusnis The. ywree ilke m ybrohters ndas stires .4. everbody yahd
graet timea at ym siters’ sweddni. Mg yrbtoerh-n-iawlwa sev en dncain gno tehtab lse. 5 A.fer myt omhetrre mraird, ehesa nd Rboer tah dtow gilsr–
my hlf-sisaerst. Btuwe
felel kie on efaimlyand I
acl ltemh ymsisters
6..I ’ not im anhur r yt oave hidskye .t I spnde
aot olft me wiih tym enpheswa d Inknow th y caenb e ahan fdl.u7.
W eae so rahpp ytoh vaeL en. ae Wadotedp er whehnsh
wae sujt shree mtntoh olds. Lsiteinng Tsa k1Firs
Ltisenint gAsnerw s1. he Tmn anif ron ofth im i his fsahter .2 .Agne ii his stsepmtohe. r3.T ra as hii hslaf-istsre .4 .aJe ik sSevte’ osdlerbr toehr. . The5 womant
ohe tirht gfoJa ek i stSve’s sisetr-einl-w.aC irtisnais S etve’ nisce. e2Se ocdnL isenint gAnwessrTar
a c.–l kesit ore a adn plad yiano pJkea– a
.looksl ie Sketve’ fasthr eHi smohtre–
.dl vei sni aCilfrnia oCrstini – b.a aWs aodpetd cSrit 1p S.yliav Whe: nwa tsih pistcue trakn? eYu oloko s yooun! gSteve Oh: ,httaw asw enh
wasIs illt i hngh schooli. ylSiav :Ist ha toury mm ona ddda? Steve Well,:yeah ,th ats’m yd a,d bt uthats n’o mtyr eal mmo .hSes m’ ysepmtothre.My
real mohte lrives in aliCforian .2. ylSva: So, iwh osi hts neix tt yoo?uI st ht your aisser? tSevte:Yeah,
thta’sm y hlafs-steri Ta,ra.Sh e’ sgreat .e’Wer alo t lika. eSlvyai: n wIht waay ?Setev: eWll,w
boehtl ki eeradni bgoks, aond ew bth oike lpayilg nthe paio. n3. Slyvai :And wo’hsthi
oouy srtepomhetr? Stvee:That ’s aJk, emyol de brrohter. ySvila:Wow ,he
olko s alt loie kyur faoher.t Seve:t eaYh, peplo esa hey looksmo rel iekm
ufs. .4Syl iv: Taat muhs bte Jke’sawife
ent toxh mi. nd Ayou rienec ?tevS:eY ep that’s littl,e rCistnia .Syliv:aWow, s heshe d…oen’s retllay loo kileke ithre o hefr prantes d,ose hse ?teve:S o, she Ndeon’st A.cutlaly he swsaa optdd.e Bt uhe dosest aekaft re Jak ine
alo of tways .eRl WoalrdL steiinn g1Pr edct iAnswer
Mashbe atifulueyes
Fl ove ssurfin gFe jony sdngaeours atcivtiise Fl ikse nsowboradign 2Get
th eaim ndeis aAnwsers 1. aJen lokso like ehr omthr. eTey hbth hovaeb eatuiuf lyese ..2J an eact sikel eh frahtre.Th yeboth ri dem torcoycesl s,urfa dns ydkve.i . Ja3en si pord uhat sth eakes tftae hrer afher.t Scrpt iNate: re Athes yourepar ntse ?Jnea:Y ah, thet’sa ymw olhe failmy. Nat: Ohe You look.a
lo ltiekyo u mom…resecpiall yoyrueye . Vser dyeep bea,utifl uyee. saneJ O:,h thak yno… uNat: enAdt hes am efigue…rasme shape .ane:J Uhh h,y,e
Iodnt’w na to thar teht.a
maI look yikl myemom
,ut b rIelalyt ae akterf m yad.d Naet :Relaly ,n what wayi? Jane:We’re b tho very dventuraos. uMy ad dwa, lsiek nito omotryccelsw enh he aws ouygernan…dhe was in on
oef hoset .ouY kow, montocyclerc ubl. sNat:e Youm ae, nlkei amo otcrcyelg ang? Jane: eah…Ybtut ha taw bseorf ee wash armired .I’v been reiidg a notomrcycle msylefsin ecI
aws 1. 7aNet: Yo?u N owa!y Jae:nYe ha,I ’vea layw dsne otuff lsike hat. tNate R:elly,a ile wkathe lse? aJen:W lle ,usfirng s,nowoardibg…Mnydad a d Inev n eewtns kdyiinv gone.c W eidnd’ tetll ymmom,
tohug. hSh woelduha ve ilkledus ! Uni t w8erhe te heckham I?
oVacularby aTksAnsw esr/criSt 1p.Go to the
histh alwlay I.’t stehl sat odr oo yonr ueflt 2.. aMrlas ’ohse? uG odon wthsi tsret. Her epaleci
ascorss the ribged. 3.Dri vedow
Sprnni Sgrtee tabutoh afla
ile.m Turn rght ia Untivreisy. t4.W aklun ilt ou yeg tt thoe irer.v heTn go aonlgt h river uneitl ouy get t ote thweor. . 5hTe arH Rodc Ckaé isf erv hyard o tfidn. oYu’ dbettre aketa t ax. iLitsneig nask T1 irsF Listtening Answres .1 otel HaVncuveo r=3 2 C.enurtyPl za=a 1.3H yttaR geecyn4 =4 D.ay sIn=8n Seocdn Litening snAwsers 1 Turn .eltfa
thurTowl Go a.lnogt ehpark.
2 Y.o’llu see t oinyour righ . When tyo geu ttoB ruarr tudnrr ghti. 3. It’s caorssG eoriga o nthe eltf.Tu r nletfat B urarr. 4d .tI’son t h coenre. Gro odn wo test HWasintgs Script .1 : AEcxus eem ca,ny uohe plme? I ’mlook ign orfH toe Vanloucer.v B: Sure G! aolnogt e park unthli ou yget o Ttuhrlow Srteet .A :Um-hmu .: TuBnr lfe tat hurTow. lWlk uanilty o ugett
AolebrinStre e.t A: eah.Y :BT urnr igtho
nAlebrn inda g onoe bock.l A: Okay. so trunl etf at Thurlow ,dwo tn oAblerinand tu n rrgit?h B:Y p,eand
yu’ll run oighrtint
The:C nteury Palaz?Yeah
,tat’shr al ecolseto h eer B.: rGate !A: G doow nelNsn otrSeteu tni lou yeg tt ouBrarr Sdteert. Wen yohu gte t ouBrrar dtur right.n nd Aoy’ullse
yo rughi.t B: aTe Neksln to Buorarrd ,trn riuhg atn thd Ceetnur Pyazla si no th eelft ?A No,:it ’s n toe hirgt .hhTeho telon th
het Sheraot.n : BkaO,y htnask .. 3A: Ecxrse uem I.’ lomkiognfor
hteH atty Rgeeny. c:BT h eyHtt Rageency ?eaY, hoay.k Go odnwt ih sstert enad utrn lftea
tBurrard . :Ago
dwo nNlsoe nna dtun rlfetat
Burradr .B: Yeh. Thea fonlolwBu rard rnuit loyug te t oeorgGia I.’tsacro s Gsoegira ,o thne eftl.G rat, eog tti !4. A:W ht aoyu wnatt
doon wheert oHornby
.B: Don wNlesno treSt? eA :eYha .Tun lretf a Hortbn yan gdo lla hte aw doywn tli yoluget t
WosetHa sitgsn tSree.t t’s In toe chrneor o fHrnoyb nadW ets aHtisnsg. B:On
ht erghtior the l etf? A: O tnhef ar elt .It’s fkni dof far Y.uo migth awtn t oateka
ati. xeRalW rol distlenng iPrdiec tAnwer:ss h got elst.o Get te mhin aieads Asnwers 1 .aPula wasf eeilg ndaentvurou,ss
ohe wents ut olaone. 2 A T.urkish ma nheled Paulap. 3.He
took he torh si enpew’s rhestaurna.t 4 .aPul felat scread .5 P.alu hada het bsteTu rkih fsoo on hdre hwloe tri. pcSrpti Pulaa:I w a in Istasnubl noc…ePrtat hsi rgupot uo…andr
IthuohgtI ’dtr
yto fnd a iestaruantr nad ea dtinne rlane oorfa ch agn.eSo I
awkedlo t ouf the otehl y bmsely. f wIa lsookni arguon da tll athe resatuartns an Id ouclnd’ tdeidc wheichon eto go
o. tnd Atis littlehTur ishk amn omcs ep uto m and he seasy, “y Menphe wahsa
ogdor etsaurna. tComew ih tm.”e SoI
ecided dot flool hwmi. Adn w eentw odwn teseh lttie lsrteets…a n bdak…cna idtw sa egting dtakr ba…ckal leys an, dI ddint’ kow wnat whs goaignon
.ePolpew er stareintg t soatrea
og retaly slarcd. Ane dIt huohg, “I’t dujst betet lrevae. ”So I asw oing tg ornu .nAdth n seddenly wu reunoed dth eocnre arn tdhree e wwre ae thetr etsuarant.An
itd need du pebnig th beet Turskih foso d Ihd thea whloe imt eItr veaed. lnA edver snciet hen ,I ahvn’tebee
no safrai tod atke hanccs.e Uni t 9Youc a nmete lts oofi moprantt eoppe lVoaculabyr TskaAsnwesr 1 trave. 2l. erpsonsiibily t3.f lxeibles hcdeleu . 4respite g5. hgh ipa y6. log hnuor s7 .tamewrko 8. telecmmuoing tScrpt i1 I’.m
aoutrgui d. eIget t
soe e alo tf eooxit clpaesc all voe rthe owrld . loveI t otrval. 2e I.’ mat achere I l.ikemy
ob jebcuaes
feelIth ta i, na wa, yth eutfrueo fm
stuydens ts in mi hyans. d lIki eth eersopsniilbiy. t. I3 iklet ehf lxiebe lscedulh oe mfyj ob .’m Ia filgth tatneadnt I .noy lahv te oowr khrtee dysa aw ek. e4.
erpseiteg of my oj.bAs a
get toI emte
alt oo fmpirtoatnp epole. 5.I’
ma socktrokeb.rM yjo
ib ssrtsseulf b,utI’l
le abble to retre byit e htie m’I m04 !he Tting h Iilke mstoab ot umy objis the h gih pya .6 I.m’a nu sre.
Iolev helpign poepelge tb teter ,btuso emitmseI d no’tg e tomhe utni latlea
jb ohas onlgh ous.r . I7 ovl ebine a figreifghtre . Iesecpilal lyiek htetea womrk. yM ocwo-kersran
d Irelalycoun
tnoe caho het ruringd afire
.8. ’m a coImpuetrp rogrmaerm.M
yocmpaynal olswme
ot wrokfr om y commuptreat
ohme I .olev tleceomumtign .Lsieting nTas k1 FrsitLi tenins gAnwers s.1an
accseoriesssho p 2. af st foad olpace ins urnac ecopmayn4
. aourtsi tohetl 2 Seocdn Lisentng iAswner s1 Le.lies: coul dparcitce oreifn laggnauges 2. Atrhr:u lerand et oorwkquic lky3. N mai :earlndet
wook orn cmopuetr 4s Anna:. hadm any canhec so skti Scritp1. L elis:e
woIred ink ana ccesorseiss op ih nht eiddml oe fLondno.I use d tow orkon Fri dys ana dSunays.dI
taw qsuie ttrinig – Iwa
sn mo yfet theewh oelt me. Aidn
hIad to d qouteimenia lt hnigs, lke iidt uy.p ButI
go otfcus omerst rofmfor ige cnunoriet.sT hyeof tent ol md abeou wtheer thye erew for madnI l kiedt akinl tgot em.h 2. Athrru:I f inlly agota p rootmonia
ttehf sa ftodopl cea.I
was lalwoed towork
het csa registhre,wh chiwa
scahllening begcusa ite had anmypic tuer. Ist’ fors eppole woh coldn’u rtead r orwti ewhow naet dot wrok a scsaierh.sSo wh ne hetc ustmoresa i, d“Ca n Ietg
twoap-eiecw ithf rei?s”y o’d luokofor the pic uter wtihthe
tw opicese o fcickehn nd fraei.s I owld usee hw faot I soulcd ifd nhe pictute rhwleit eh csuotemrw s atlleng iemt heor der.I
twsa lik eag aem. 3. iNm: Mayfi rtsj obwas
adat ntryea
antin suance rcmoapny I.t awsn’ tvry hear. dI rpett muchyd i dht saemet hngia ll ay. dhTeg reatth igna bot uit aws that
Ilarnee ad lotab ou computters Every.t mei teh comuterpcr saedhI had to
fgiureo tu ow ht foix ti My .nowledgk eo fompcutrs esi whtagot
ob j haveInow.
4 .Anna :I was orkiwgn i nSitwzelarnd ,atuacly,l s a maiad n a iotrisuthotel.
t was Iu inp he tmoutanins ,os oy cuuodls ki atfrey uog o tof fork.w Itwas c oo,ls nce iI ove lsiikgn I .adm geodom neyo ,nd ahe tcsneerywas m gniafienct .Real orld LiWseting n1P rdice tAnsewr Amy belevise heri del aob ijs asa j ounraist, lspecfiiclalya
ofrign corersponeend.t 2G te het man idiaes nAwsres1.
Se happiel fdr oth joe bbcause sehe hsaalwa y santew td ob aej ouralnst, ihs lekes tirvealing,and hs eanwts ot itnervei iwmproatnt poele.p . T2he nietviewer rsakd ebaot heruqu lifaiacitons fr toeh job e:xpriencee n jiuronlasmi ,tameork awdnj ornuliams curoess. . Am3y’ss rotgn opintsa erthat
sh eha saktnea cintgles son,sl ooksg odo onca emar na ednjyso travle. . 4Ay’s mewa kpoins taer hatt hes hasha
ldtite exlprieenc and eewfc urseo ins journailms, an dhasno evi dece of nehr rwiitg nkslisl.Sc ritpInt:
oS, sM .Spneec, wry dih doy uappl yfro thisj b oat CNN ?Amy: eWl, I’lve alwysa awtendt ob
e jauroalist,n ad In ilk teaverlngi.And
yo cuanin tervie lotwso fimpo rtat pnopel. eIt:nTe ll m eboatu ouy rexepreniec i njuroalnsim .mAy:U mwell… I m,ae k neaslettwr for meyfamil . yAd nI wrokd oe nmyh ih gcsholo nwseaperp. nd I reAad
aol ot nefswpaprsean
dewsnamazgnies …nI: to yDout hiknyo ’uerqua liifed fo rht epesrtge iofth i jsbo ?mAy:Absol utey.lI ’ev tkea nactng ilessosn.An dI
lok ogoo odnc meara.A dn I trael valot so I thin k ’I bde ogod s a faroiegnc orrspenodetn .Int: hwt aaout btemwaokr Have?you ev e rorwkdeas
prta o af eamt ?mAy :Ofc uose,rI
ws aeallr yregtaat sport s n iigh hcsooh,la n…d It: Yonud no’ stem eto hva euch empexirnceea
a wristre .Ay: Wmlel, tha’st ontex ctly arue. I trwti ae ot ofl -eami lt moyfr enis.d In: tnd Aou yavenh’tt aen ank jyorunlisa coursem, hasevyou ? Ay:mWe ll,I too ka
lcss ai nmdoer nifl, andmone i n ocmuminacions, ort osemhitn gike thlta .nIt: Wlle, thakn, ss.M pSncer.eW el’ bl in toueh.cUnit 10W
fea wuresl oVabcluray aTskAswersnHenry ha st oomec omhe fr dionenrHerny cmoseh me oaerlye vryen iht Mgaryha st
ocok foro himslef h/eserl fMar ycan brig fnierns hdoemaMryi sin epedndetnMry acn alapylo d umsuiAcm ycanst y oau tlateAym ekpes ishhe/ rromoc leanAmyh s aot ollfw orleusAm hys aotp lyah s/hier usmc iqieutylaMy hroesou t alo Amt yahsa
lt oof reedofmScript.1 iH, I’m mAy. Im ’noa h meosta.y
lIvei wti haf amily .Iha e val t ofo fredemo, lki eIc an tasyo u tlta.e BtuI a lo hasev t foolowl
lot afor ule.s iLk I ehaevto k epemy
oromc lane an pdal myym uis quictel.y2 M.y nameis
Mary ,ndaI
lie alovn.e ’m vIre yidnepednnet I g. ouota l ot. I cn baing frirnesd tom
Iac nlay lpuodmu is.cB sicalal y cIa don watheverI
awn.tT e bhd ahtngi isI ha e vt cookof r myoelsf..3Hi, I’m H ney,ra ndI
ive liwt my pahrets. I hnaev o ctoem ome heary leevryn ight.M y om amlaysw antswme to be
hmeo fr odiner bn 6:0y0. he ontylg oo dpiot is ntaht Id on’t ave th do my own laonurd. yistLniegnT ska 1FristL itseinngAswenrs1.Paren ts’ shcdeleu2. oNt use dto rlues3. Hard t ogtea
ot lof sleep4. as to Hlcae nnadd o aludryn S2eonc dLsitnenginswAes1r. mo’msco snet ha’v teo celan aymnore3.c a sntay uto a lstae s yao uant4.wcan ch oso here wnos hceduleScritp. 1ohJ: Wnenh
Icmeo hoem fomrs hcolof or hte usmmr, my eoutrniec ahnges. yM paenrt sahve allt hse erlus end stauff I .hva et oegup taerl anyd elh apournd teh houe.sIf I
dn’to g oot uy b:703 tani hg,tI the tyhink it’ stoola e. At tealst
Ido’nt ave tohc ook, hotuhg.T ha’t sth eesbt arptab uotgoi gn hmoe m:m’s coooikn.g2. Ssuna I :ust movje dniot hit srtereimnte omcmnuti.y Il iek ita nd verytehni,g butI ’mn tou ed so atllt e rhlesu.
Ian onlyc ahve isviort suridgnvis tiing ohrus,a nd I avhe t oeltl ht clere katthe
rfnto edk wseh nIgo o tu sohppngia dn htign. Wsel,l t alest aId ont’ avhet oc lenaany omr.e. 3lE: iI like hteva reit yo lfivni gi and rom yo,ucan
etai n tehc aeferta,i or yuo canea
out tiwt hfrends.i Tehr’e aslwya somebsod yni hten xe rtoomor do nw he thll ao tdo tinghs with .Ad noyuc an tsya otu as lta aes yuowa tn. But I msutsay
i tisk nd oi noify snd ahra tdog t a eolt o flsepe .4. rTac: I lyie kchosinog myo nws heculd.eI
ecidd ewenhI wa k ep,u hewnI
g oto ed,b hwe tonstu y, and Idc a coonk wht Iawa n tto aet. I odn’tl ik haevign tocl an aen dod ym wno landuyr evrydaey, bu ift
Idn’to ,y moromwill be
diryt and,
Iwno’ thaveany cle n acolhets.eal RoWrdl Lisentnig P1rdeictAnsewrTey hwlilread
,tla, ktinkhand
rolgn hikes.2 Get th meainidea sAswnesr. T1ihsw eeks’p rogrm”asays t eher ar eocputem rlacsess. Tehre rea noco mptures..2 Ruel2 s yas on readni gooksb T.ih si wrsog.3.n Gestsudo n to sty ian entt. sheyT sty in aan lo dohtel4..R lue 4sa y shtree s ni oT Vafet 1r000 p.m: Ther.eis no
T atVal l.5 .Yuodo ’tn og b tryai,nyo
go tu theoi lsan byd bato .SrictpKevn: Hei,yCat y, Ihf uonda
goo dplceafor
avacat on this suimem.rCath:yWhat is
t?iKevin:I ’s tallecd Cam pStr.Caathy:Hmmm
.Looks prtet.y uB whtt aan ycoud
theroe? evin:K I’tski n ofdis oatlde.athC:yIs lateod?W at dh youo mea?neKinv It:s’ of tfhecoa st, nd ayo huveato ta ek ab ato t geto htee. Thir weskes ’prgramo sit htayo
uikh ean heardl ctuers ead tnlka abut ocurret isnuss.eCthya: hWree odyo
suaty? Tnets?Kevin N:, io’t an sol hdtelo T.ehy hvea
acuplo oefr lus, teouhhg.Ctah: Uh-hyuh…Keivn :tIs ysa heer tere’hs onT Van dyou
ca’tnu esany
eecltricl appliaacesn.Cath:yNo
VT ?And no leetrcial…Wacti
aminue. tWhta abuo mt nyoteboko comuptre?Kevn:i o,N onc mpoteusr,a dn here’t snoy one telelphoneon the w olh isleadn.Cthy:a Wath So?I wo ’n bt eabel to check m ye-amli iehtr?eKevi: You’nllge
tb. Iyt’l le bfun!Lo k, yoo cua rnaed an, tdlka, and htnki An.d eery vormnnig you og ofra l on ghie.kCtah:yA hh .Sonud slkiework .Kein:v I tihk in twoldub er laexin. gId’lik e toge t wayafrom th
phone eorfa wee . kAndI t ink hit’ db goed foro you.Caty:hS oyo ur’et lelignm
V, Tno copumetrs and,I have
o tawk ue evepyrm oring ntog
hioingk. hWy o neart hwoluda nboyy wadntto
o gther?eUnt i11 Thy lost mye lgguge!a oVcabularyT sk aAnwessr/cript S1. ouY attentiro,n pleaes.Fl git h25 7toMi miaw il lbe delaed fyort o wours. h2 I.’m srryo, hertear eno
iwdownse astl ef. Wotld yuuo ilekan
ailes sae?t 3.U -hho,I think I le t mf ycrayr-no abg no he platn.e . You4 raspsprtoh s eaxiperd.Yo
uanct ’elve ahetco ntur.y5.
aAh! Ig aiwetdf roo erva n ohru n thi weorgn inle 6. Exucs eme .I lfe.t M yicktt etah mo.e Cn a gIte
raplaeemecn? t7.M ys ituaces isn tohe reat t he aggbagecla im. 8.I’ m sory,ra l lur economoy seta asres lo outd.H w oboat uubsiensscla ss ?9. oT muohc ulggga?eB t uIo ly navh terhe eusitasesc. 0.1Yo ull’ne e ad touirt vssia toe net ther cunotr. yListnieg nTas 1 Fikrst iLstenngi Anwesrs 1.f rogotpa spsot r2.w onrgli n 3.e lifhg is stlo odt u4. osl ltguagge
2Sceon LisdteningAns ers w.1 eH iwl clla lSsan. u2.T h eflght wiill e delaybe. d. 3e Hill wfl yifsr tlassc .. He4w il hlav eihsb gs aedliveedr 1. Feamle :Do ouyhave y uor assport, hpneo? Myla:e O, hsoht!o
.Female :h… wO edont ’hvea imett og oba c khme oad neg ti. tWht ara ew goenando?
aMel: Wyh on’dt wec al lSsanu na das hke torb ring t? Iith ni khse’ astho e.m Femla: Gooe idea. Shde hsolu dhavep lney to tfme.i aleM :oGo tdihg nwegot
hee earry! l2 .Male:C a Inh lpeyo u ?Fmaele :esY ,’Im n toehf ligt ho NtweY rok It.s’l aeinvg n abouit10 mi unest .Mael: ’I msoryr m,a’am. hiT iss th leine of rosLAn elge.sT e Nhe Yorkw inlwe is ove thrre. eFmalee:B tu Iv’e been aiwtin gi nhits lneifo r 3 m0niuets!M lea Do:n’t orry,w hattfli gthi
dslaeeyd. Yuo have lentpyo
tfme. Feiamle: O,hwo ndrful!e 3 Fe.mle:aI’ m sory, rsi, broh butinesssc las snad cenoom aryes ol duot Mal.: emmM. s tIehre pase ocnt h neetx filhgt ?Fmalee :Ye, s Icn baoo yokuo nt e hfrsit lifhgt otomrorwm roinng .Mle: aomoTrro mworing?n
goItt aget ut of heoerto inhgt.I
aveh to eb t a maeetnig otomrorw a 8tam.
Feamel :olHd no,let m
ceech ksmeothng…iO , hwedo ha e vspca en ifrst clais.s aleM: h. OllA rgih.tI’ llt aeki . 4t.Mal e: xcEusem , ies’ntthis th el ggaugecaro uselfor flig ht 75? 2eFamel: Ye,s tiis.
s thIere apr oblme ?ale: MI on’d tee mysb as.g emalFe:Oh . Wll,ei
yfu’ll just oteps veor o tte hocnuteryou can
issmng iulggag eerpor. tMal:eWha t goodw il lhtt do?a Feaml: esA son ao wes fndiyo r ubgas, well ’haevthe
mdlivereed o ytourhome . Mlae: reaG!t Gvi meethe
ofmr the,! nealRWor l Lisdteingn
Pr1eidc tAnswe r(sudtnet aswnrs emy avar ysligtlhy)fo grt onginee ayd ismse stdpolu ggage 2G t tehemai n deais nsAwrse 1.b. He f rgoo tis hapspsot.r 2 a. H. emssied ishf lghit 3.. .b eHpla e nendede eprais. r4. a. iH suglage wag lsst. oSrcip tAgelan :Im’ tihnkng abiotug ion to gCstoaRic … Traeorv:Great .I we ntto
oCsatR cia onec …ut b Ihada t erirbelt me igteint therg… Anegle: Oah ,eyah? Wah tahpepne?d Treovr W:lle, hewn
goIt to ht eairprt, o Iearlzide
didI’n htaevm y pasposr… tAngeal O:h n.o reTor: vSo Icalelda fri edn …an dhe brkoe nit mo yhuoe…sogt m yasspprtoan dbro ugh ti to mte. uB I mtssid teha tfiglt hso Ihad to
tay svernigot hinS naFra cnsio.c nAgle: Oha th,at’ stoo bad. revTr: oYahe. oS
Iog thte light fhten xe dat…ya ndof c urse ono hte wa ywe adh neinget ruolb… eo weshad
ots tpo i Mnxeio ciCyt… Iw sas tukct erehf r onatheo,rlike,
22ho us rhwleithe y gto thep ar. Angetl: aO, myh oshg !Trevor: Adn I mea nsutkc. hTyewoul dnt ’ven elet u ousto
fth aeirprot… Anglae: Yu’re kiddiogn !Terorv:I m’ tleiln goy.uSo
ifanll, ye, likwe, faertal
ltis thme,i
Iet togCos a tiRac wto ayd lstaean d–
ngAlea: nA dod’t ntle lm, eyou lugragegi n’ts ther. eTrevor Y:uog uesse it.dI go i nott h aerlini eoficef to omclainp nadt heer was thsi raely wonledfru lomwnaw rkong at ihte ounter.c Anegla: h, yeaO? hTevor:r ndA he swsar ealylnice
ad nhelpd eem ut… oAgeln: Ma-mhm…m Terorv …and w:es ro tfohi ti t off… Anega:lY ea?hA d thnne wah? trTevr: Aobotu wo montthslater we got m rriad!eniU t1 2heckC tis huot!Voabclary uTsk anAsersw 1.
.a 4.e 53f .6d 7.. 8h. i.g9 Srictp1 .A : I stishyou rn wemodem
?B :Yes. I lettsme
ohko pu to teh nIteren tta13
kilo8ybte ser spcone.d 2 .: How Auch dMid thatl ase prrniterc so? tB: tI wans’tt o oxeepnsiv,e ad it pnrins ott uhih-qgualtiyc opise .3.A:
o tSis isha
zi prdie,v huh ?:B Yah.eI
cna sorteu pto 100 meg batesy fod taa wih itt. . A: W4w! os thaI yoturnew s cnanre? B: hUh-uh .heCc okt utesh pectiuersI
csnaendf o mryw ebits. e.5 :AWh a dtos ehtem usoe od ?B:It
let yso muvo thee oipten rraondu het sreec nan dcilk cno htnis. 6.g A Wha:tk nid f ooftsawre o yduoh aev? B: Iha e v argphicsa rpgoar, amword
procesisng rogpamr,a dn n e-aail mrpgroma .. 7:AWhy do t heyc al ilta n otbeoko? B B:ecuaesi ’s st omslla i tancfi tin
oury bg.a . A8:W hatk nidof d skiscan t his ocputmrere ad? : It’Bll rea dVDD sna Cd-RDMO.s9.
: AWat hsie Mozitnors hulodI
ub?y B: The ibggrei
ts, ithem oe you crn see an theos ceren. iLtsnengi Taks
1iFstrL sitnengi nAwsesr anen r. noteb2ok o3.zi
dprve i4. copmuter prgorm aDC( D-RCM)O 2Se cndo Lstinenig Answes r1 .o setn picturedst oher
cusomert s2. to sop ohn te hnItenrt e. 3t sotoe arrtw rk o. 4oto granze hei frinancse Scirtp 1 A. W:ht ais tath S?meok idn f orpnitre? B:N !oIt s’t h enewst ecansne ront eh amker.tS e, eyou opne i utp ehre ,pt yuour hpot oor hatwvee rnoth eg als,s tehn lccik het csn aubttno o tnhes rcen teos ca ninth e pcituer .A :haWt’ is goodt fr?o :B ellW ,I sue t toisend
picture so furop odurcstt
oy cmsutomre. s.2A :S
ydo ugt ae ntoeoobk coputer mnsteaido fa
dektop cospmteru ?: WBel,lI tr avel
Ieen dsoetmihg that I nancus
wehne ’I tramvelnig .A :Dose itconnec tto t h ienetnre? tB: Yu obte .I cnas oh onpthe
ntIerent venew ehnI m ’n inaairport… or
atth ebea h. c3 A: .So wy did youhge
thattt hngith ree ?B: Tis? Iths ’ymnew
iz dprive .Eac dish kcanhold
up o 1t00 emgabyets fo dta. aA: hat’s T aotl. hWydo y uoneed so m cuh psce? aB I:have v eyrl ragef ils of eym arwtrk… osoI need
lots o storfge apasce. 4.A : Hy, ie thst a nawe C? DB Y:ae, ihts’
aD,C bu it’tsno
ta msic uC.d I’s stoftarwe.A:
hO w,hatkind
f sootwfaer? B:I ’tsc lleadMo eynMagic. It s’ accuotinn gofstarw.e A What: o douyuse it
se it uto rganoziemy
ome hinfnaecs. I tearllyhe pl!s Rea WolrldL steinni g1Predi t cAswer nMvoes io nVDD2
eGt te maihnid ea sAnserswSca nnr:es anc ni grpahcs foir the ebwpa eg eHdase:tt alkto cus otmers on hte honpe DD Vpaylr: ecehcko tut eh DV moviesD Carbodar dbxoes: fros hpiing optu roedrs Srcitp [nocK kon te dooh]r Leon:C me oni! An(d walyk sn.) Aind! Hy!i\ Ady: nAe yruore ady o tgo Pat a?dnC hrisa rein t hec ra .Let’ gos –H e,y hwta sia llt ih stusff? Leon Thi: si mysh oe mffoce. iAny: dWoh!a Youv’eg toat otlo
stfuf ifn ehe.r Leo: neYa,h ewl,l
al lfo rhetdiff reent tpes of thynigsI do
ybsunesis .And: Yoyuv’e ogty ou ornwbu isenss Leno: Ype.Divin DeDVsco..mI g ot50 000h,it osn myw esbti eo fsart hsiwe e. kAnd: Cyool .ndAyo u end eall htsis utff ?eoLn Oh,:ye a, habolsuteyl!Th si i mys ehadst seoI c n aatk olnt e hphnoe otmy
uscotemrswh ielI ty p oe nhet eyboakd.r Adn:y Uh-uh. hU-huh.hAn
bi tgihng exnt o tyuor ocputer?m Leo:nTh tas my ’scnanre a in nraghpicsa dn ictpuer ts pou to the nwebp ae.g Ady:nI
se.e hO co,lo And… wat arh ehetse thing?s Leon:T hosear emy D D Vlpyears I.go t our offem.
Ihave o chetk cout hetD Vs DbfoeerI
slleth em ,oyuk ow.n Adn: Uy-huh. So youhj su tawct these DVDs halld a?y eon:L Well,y aeh.
hIvaet o bem or,eum,
isdcipilen, tdouhg, youhk ow. Ints’ eayst o wna totwa cht tem hal dlya isnetd of aoidng ym orw. kAnyd: eYah .An wdat har ell ahest eoxes borf ?Leon: Thseo arcdobra bodxs? ehTe’yrefor shipp ngiou tor ders .Andy :hWo, aounsd buss. ySo aer ouy selingla
ot olfd sis? kLeno :Um, no ,nto yte Bu.tthi gs nre alookni getbet arl thel ime. tUint 3 I1ca n qusezeeyou
n..i. VoacublayrTask
cripStS heila T:om,I
ac’nt maekt ht aeemtin gon uesdTya .yMsc heude ls ipretytf ul. lTuseda is ympossiblie. Tom:Yeah
.ooLk slik eyu’ol lbet o bouy.s ouYr’e ooked bsloi aldld y.a aC ynu maoe ki tModany ?hSila: Ie imgthbe
ale tbo sueqeezit in
at 0:100 I.tll be ’ightt ,though .om:THow s’We dnedasy? Doyou have
nayf ereti m? eShelia: eWndesday’ ssheduce lsi pertytlight.
Aftre 01:00I’ m poe. noT: mO,k le’s trty or f11:0 0n oednesdWa.y LsitneingT as k1 iFst Lristenin gAnsewrs . w1tca hhs icihdler n2 .hva dineenr iwthSan dy na dse eamo ve iwih Stany d3.s e a beasbaellgame
iwh tobB 4 g. ot oowrk 2S coendL stineng iAnwesr s.1T uhsrayd –d atwh hcischi lrde nfrom 6:00 eyG m. 2Frday i–ad : dHaevd nnir & ae move witi hSand yromf :08;0r emoe: vriDkn wthiBo b3.
Stuarda y –dda:G r emvoe g: oot uwiht Sadn? y4 Su.nady–
abasballegam e wit hBbo (all ayd remo)e:vsee a
bsabeal glme wath Boi (bal dlya),a dd: owrk forL rary(al
dla) ySciprt 1 V.oci: eSetev yo,ru x-eife wis no lnei ne. oSteve: Mry?a Tle lehr ’Imn o heret !Vocie: Sorr,y to laoet .tSvee: [sgih] Msry? Thia sisn o tago d timoe -aMr:yStev e a,r youefre
oneTh ursad nigyht ? nIee dosemoen t oatch the kiwds‘cau s Ie’e gvot
ametieng .tSve: Weel,lI ’ kinda bmuys.
Io go tteh gmyo
nhTrusdy angihst Ma.ry Hey: the,y’e yrou krds,ito o .hTi meseing’t ispomrant.t Stve: Okae,yI’ llj sutg
onm Saurdayt.Mary:
ou shouYdlbe
heeri n tiem o mate kidner. Say, nsx o’clocki ?Sevte:Oh, g eart Ca.’tn ujtsb yuM cDonald? s2.( no side ef aot lephoee connevrstaoni) Setv: eHello,Sa dny ?Tish isS etev ,ackJ’ srifne.dW e u,, met ht has parti.y…][ tevSe : wIs aonwdeirn if gyo’udl ike togo out f r o adirkn iwht meo nS aurdta niyht.g[…]
Stee: Hvhu?F idray ta 800: fr doinern I’? mspuoped sotmee ta fr end at 9i00: bu tI canc acen. lIg ota wtrk aolitt el ate,lb utI’m sure
Ican qsuezee yu oi nta :80.0[ ]… tevSe:W ath?A
moive ftar eidnnre ?uSe. r.3Bo b’s Vico: ei, itH’ sBob. Plaese elaeva
essmaegafte rth eb epe .b[eep ]Stve: eBbo St,vee. istenL
Iotta gcnace lrFiad ynihtg o ww eplnnaedth si
alnog tme agi,o butso mteihgn rella imyoprant htas come up .’I mtotlly arfe eno Snudya, htugho.A n tdhre’s a eoubdl-heaeder s,ole ’stgo
seeth eG aits tnen.hMy t ret!a Gve me i callawh e nyo coume hmoe.See
a. [ybepe ]4. Seve: teHlol O?h h,,iMr . ilsWon What.can
Id foo roy? […]u Stev: Whea? Wtrok Sndau?yI’d l iek o thelp oyu uto,b ut I’ bmokeod .I’e vgt tiockes tt tohe Gaint ands Dodersgd obul-heaeedr . tIhugothLa ryr ws aupspose to domecin .[ …] Steve: isHd o gdei? Ohd,I ’ morrysto
ehr that.aBut why
can’ teh omce ni ?…[] Steve: Oky.a
Igusesif y o uraely lnedemy
Rig…t.h kOy,a M.r ilWso.n ye-bye. [Bahns gu,p sihgs ]eL’st ese whe,r’s eobB’snumber a agni? eal RWorld iLtenisng 1 Pedrci tnAser wG too an uaogtaph srgnini gsessio nlaP ya thteRo c knad Roll Hal lo fameF Recor dan e CwD oD
livaeo linenchat
on MTVcom .2Get
th maeini desa nAwsesr lPya tat h Semmue Frest
Mi–ddlbeugr lPy anad sgi nuaographts at hetRo kc nad Rlol Hallof
ame F Cl–velande oDa
ilv eolinn ehactan
pdayl a the tSatrligthDome
Ak–on rlPa ay ttehW teafrrot Fanr i Pitts–urbgh Recro daC
–DSt . oLui sScrpi tMaangre:Ok,
imet tog et up ,owme! Yonrup ublic si aitiwgn fo ryuo !Woanm1 :H hu Wh?t day ia si? taMange:r tI’s Wednseady We’re.i nMidd elubrg,Ohio
ht Semmure Fes tint h toewnp rk. aWomn 2: aYah. Hoeep ti doesnt’ ain. raMnaer:g Tehn tmorroow i’ts p tuo Celvlenda o platyf ro aSarh’ sndicuton inito hetHal
oflFame, folloedw b an yauogrtaph signni gession. sWmano : Wis1 hitwas u
sbineg idunctd. eheTfirst all- gilr rok candbi
nhter cok nda RollH la lo Famfe… hWtas ’o nfroFr ida?y aManerg :riFdya e hwae to vbe in htes utdio inA rkon.We’r e doing
ailv eonile ncahton MT .cVom .omceon,
gus.yYo ul’l olv iet.It’s at 4:00,
nda the ne’wre n ihte SatrlgihtD om teah tnight. oWamn1 :Wh re aeerwe
lpayig nSturdaay? Mnaaegr:P itsbturg,ha
ttheWa tefrrnt Faoi.rWe’ ll eb thre Suedany aftrenono ,too .omeW 2n: hTsi chsdeuel s irbutal. Whned owe
aab yffo ?Maagne: rHh!aW ’er eoobke tdrhoug thh weekeedn,but
a eligt hshecudleo
nMndoy.aWe j uts hae vo dtrie ovu tt reoocrdthe
ewn C Din St. Luosi, ut bta leas toyuc nasl eep n toehbu s H.m?m Unti 14 tIw asa r ae scorlcer! hVcoaublryaT aks nAwerss prSin g? uSmemr ?????Fal? l????Wint?r ebreeyz ?thu?ner ????d?hilly c???freeing zhowessr l?ghinting ??r?ina y???ov?erast cdamp ???s?corhcign? ??lurfrie sumih ?d? lbzzaird mguy Sgcirpt n Ispirgn, th ectyiof Wash ingtn oi sreezy bnad teherar
ferquenets oherws Th.egr oundis very da m,pso
folewsrbeg i snroputnig.W en shmmur cemes, othree am beys otmsr with hundetra ndli ghningt,o
coschrin goh. tLta seumemrget s uhmi,dand pe opletry t
umggyh aet i nhe cityt byg oni go thetc unorytsideor t h eebcah. nI tehfal ,lw eenjoy
te chripsco l dayos o fcOobtr beeorf ietgets
chliy lna raidy nniN oevmbe. riWtnre rbnig sfrezeign rian, lo wetpermatruesa nd ovrceas tsies.k Scoohl hcilrdn hope tehat ilhg tflrriue sofsn owwi l clhngeai nt o abizzlar sod hetri chsoo liwllb ec osle fdroa
fwe adsy. Lisetnin Tgska 1 Frits iLtseinng Asnwres 1. ucAklnad, ZN :soccrhign,h ot 2 S.naD eio, gCliafroin:achill
y.3S anJ se, Cosot aRiac da:p,mw rma d,ali showyre s4. dEontonm ,Abeltra: nowy,sc ldo
2ecSon distLnineg Anwsrse 1. g to oht ebaceh 3. gohikin
g.2wat c hth yaceth are c. g4oskii g Scnirtp 1.T hsi is the Acklund waather repeor tfr the ori ’s storchicgn an hotda n not a cdold uinth e sk.ySo g ra bour ywimssit anduy orus unsrecnean
headdfor th e eabch !2. Here niSa nD eiog Cal,iofrna, iodtayt h weetaer ih sricps adn hcilly .eWr’e al holinpg tht tha esnuw illc oemo ut os e cwan tsy aarwm. Bing arsw eaet anrd coem awcht ht yaeht carce on thebay . 3 .Goodm rnoig fromnSan J soe C,ost aRcai!W ’re eahvngit e hsma weaethre s alawysa,da m pandw rma wtih aidyl hsoerw.s Pefret cof hrking iin th entiaona plrk awhen th raeni ltes up .4 .ellH foormth
arectcin rto.hHe erin E dmotnn, Aoblrea, ti’stsnowy
nadCOLD! T e hemteraptur eippdd eAWYb low eferezng list night,a ndawe’ evg o taf resh laye ofr nsow Y.hao! Io’m giognto en joys om ef ohtatp wdero nos wksini! gee Syo oun hte lspeo! seRalWor l diLtsnien g P1reictdAns wreS wmimng, inowsem 2n eG tht maine idaes Answer sWitne –oth y eamedsnow emn Sprnig–
fo hikr i taws al tile tmudyd uSmmer
–o it’ ssuny nan wardmAu tmnu l–eveas utnrd to egldo it’her favriot eesasn oScrpitAlex :G ardnm, ahaw tare htees pctiures ?: ThesGea rep ciurte so fAlaksa. leAx Th:t’a swhre yeoug ew rpu,r ghi? t: ThGats’ri hgt, dae…rIl ivd eteher ntul iI was19 y aerso d.l lex: IsA hat tou iy ntishpict ur? eG: Yse,t ahts ’e…man md yistes,r uRth…nad urodo , Kusko.gTha
rhuseo. Aex:lW o.w Itloo sk col!d :G Ye, sthatwas
inth e interw…andi
wat scod…l itsn weoda
ol!tA d bny, oKukso jst loved uth snoew.Rut
and Ih nd Kuaksous edto p ly in ahetsn owf rohou sr .Alx:eD diy ou akme nowmens ?G:Oh , we mde samo gerat sneomwne… Ael:xI s hattyou
i thns iiptcue, rto?o : YGes,t aht’sme
andRut h agia…nIgues s eww eer obh it hignh choosl htn… eAle:xW hreear
eyu? o: WeG ewreh kiign ean Sewrrda…ewhi kde a ot lni thoe dayss .lAx:eBut
were’h tsh esonw?G
Well: ,i doetsn’ts no wALL hetti emi
nAalsa,k you knw.oThat w asin
hets ripntigm…epSringw as
gaert aimte fo hrikng…itiwa
sal ttil mueddy t,ohug… hAlxe Oh… G: Lo:ko h,eers ’ apitucr ofe uRhtno , wotusie deh horus. elAex That’s: Aun tuth’sRh osue,in
Itohght evueybrod yilve in dgloios! G (l:uaghign )hO ,on oepopl eivle in regula rohusse …A!rent’ htsoef olers wolevl?y Ael: xYoum an, feloerwsg or tweherto o ?: GOf oucre.s In te hsmumer ,vereyhintg ujt blsoms…o ti’ ssuny nadn the eathwer is arwm …Alx: eWrm? Yao meaun, i taw sarwm enuohgto
go swimmnig G: h, we aOll ewt nwimsimngi n ulyJ an duAgut…sth weate rwasc oldbu… twimmisn gawsso m cuh fnu… Aex: las suWmmr yeuo farovrite essano?G
:You nokw,I
lveo llat h esaesnos, btuI
tink hy famovire tsesoa wansa uutmn .Teh laveesin t hem ounains ttrnuin gto oldg… Iawlysalov e tdht saingo
fhe chtaginng saeossn… oLk,o ere’sh a iptcureof t he ounmains tnae orru huoes ni th feal…l lexA Wow,:Gr anmad I’, lide tk go tooA lsaak smotieme. G:W ell A,elx, ’Iv ego antidea .L tes’ og t oAlaks togeahetr smoetime. Aexl Ye:h, aGrnadam t,ht’da ebgre a.tUnti15
I oucdnl’ts y no…aVocablauy rasTkAnsewrs1c.
7. bScritp1??.? A:? Wat nt ocmo oeve ror dinfner?:BIt
sounsd lik fune ,utb ’Im eralyl bsu toyngith.2.??? A:?I’ d paprceaie it tfi oyuw oud lalc lmeback t
olet emk own y btihs rFdaiyB.:
Iacn lety u knoo now.wi
twolu db eymple sare to uatend.t3.??? ?: DoAyou
omc to ehte aml lwih tme?: RBihgt nwo ?k, Ousj ltet me egt y pmrsu.e4.???? A:[p reon seadrnig ivitationn] ey,H its’ oJh’s binrhdaty .“oJi us fon r parayt at2 30: P Mo nprAli 1st”.B:The
irsft?I ’l lb oue ot fotnw . Iuegs s betIer tacl lo lettt eh mkon.w5.??? A: ?it’san i vntiatin.oIt say s ,“W ewulodlik
eo trquees tthep elsuar oe fyuro ocpmay at eighnto’ colkco nTh urdayse enivgn Plea.esRSVP t o 5551-22.”1: IB’dl oe to gv. Io’llca ll to SRV.P6.????A : an Cou ygot o te mohievs itw hem?: BSure I,d lo’e tov!Wh atmo vei d youo awt no stee?.7????A:
p[reosnrea dig innivtaitn] “Poelae csme tooa ba bercue his tStuadra yt 1:0a P0. BMOBY,(br in yguo rownb otlet.”)B : tIhnkiI’m g non ahveat ota kea
rani hcec.k
Iahe tvoo muhcw rk to od ohit seewekn.Ldsiteing Tasn1 kirstFL sieningtnsAewrs1??.? a? baqnet fuor sM Gr.een 2.????
barbeace ounS udnya3?.?? a ?gingoa-ayw aptyrf or r.MDavi
s.??4??go ing ut oafert he tgaem S2eocn diLstennignAwesrs.?1??? accpetd
. 3accpeetd.?2?? r?eusfed
refsudecripSt.???? 1A M:r .Wlison ,wulo ydoup lesea ttend ahteb aquntein
onhro f oM. Gsere? Ints ’ths iaStruad ya t70: 0a tte Hihlon.tB :’dI lvo toe .DoI
nee dto mkeaa spe ce?h.2??? A? :h, Oi, Anhgle!a:B H,i Edd!yY o kunw, woere ha’inv sogm eepopl overe froa
arbbceeu onS undy.a Wan tto cmo?eA :’mI osry.r e’lW lbeou to
tfownt hisweek ed. Maynebanot herti m.3e.???? A :Jmase we’r, eahvin ag gongi-awyapa tyrf r orM .Dvais, th vieecpr-sideen. teW’dbe d lighteed f ioy ucolud attend I.ts’t ihs atSruda yt eiagth ’olcock.B:O h, eys,I’ db e onhrod. Iell pu’ itt o mn yacledan.r hSuld I oribg nag ift?A :hO t,aths’n tone ecssay.r.4????A:
Hey we,’re gino ougt ftare te ghae. mWat ton cmoe?: NBa,h
hIve taoget up early
toomrow.rI’ l takl a eainr eorWldL isenint1 PredgitcAsnewHrr eosbs kepesinv iitgn erht
go olpacse.2 eGt te hmin adeaisAnserwsWnter –
hteyma de nsowemnSeh ccaeptedi vniattinos t oa akLers ’baskteabl lagm,e ndat
toeh poera.Shedo ens’tsa
this yirdcetly ,btushe m ayt hni khs cennao tas noy t ohre bsso
–htt aifs e hreusefs shemig th ose hle jrboN.w soeh i worrisd aeoub whtethr she ecanr eusf ea invnittian oo thte albel,t nd hoawshe s hold duoit.Script Ijust
staredt wroikg anta sm allc opmayna dnI wan t o make a gtodo mpriessino.O ned ya m byos csmos ue pto m aednsay ,s“I ’e votgt ikcets t ohe taLker’ bssaktbelalg me an ouSnayd. oD ouywa nn aog?”
Idn’t knoo wanthing aybuo tabsektball,b ut h seid aehw antedme
o tet gt onok wth oeter hpoelepi nt h eoffci, ean I didd’nt ant wto see rmde,u s I woetn, “uSr,eI’ll
og. ”I tws aokay ′cuaesth eerw reeo hetr peope florm teho fifce tat e hameg. o I Sidd’tnm nd.i Bu, tth eentx tmieI s e eih mh coems upe o mt aen says, d“annaW o gott eho erp next aeekewnd ?Iha ve n aextrat ikcte” I.w asli ke “,Okya,that’
ksni ofdw ier,” dbtuI tho ght,uwe l,lmaybe
tis hs all iirgth I.d ne’erv een btoa n perao .An sd woe wnte t oht oepra,e ut btiw s aal il nItlaian and t giotto
e bearlylb riongb t Ius tat rouhhg th ehwoelsho w .I wntaed o letveab uthe’
symb os, sso I colun’tdsay
n. o dIdi’t fenl eikleI c uodl elav.eSo
afetr hat,t
Iriet do avoit hdmi nit he foicf eadnI a lmsot akm eitt rohuh gth weee kwhn ehe ocnerrs m eesteyrdayi
the brenarokm. Aondn ow he’ sinvtie md to goeto
theba llt. Ieh aett e hallbe!t Howdo I
et oug ot fthiss itatuon?iUitn1
I6ts’ jus litke ivlng io nEarthocabuVlay TarsAksnwrse1.??? ?ltsoo
sfophsand m voe itehtaesr pu,bilc ranspotratiton.2??? ?its’nic
enad uqite ithw soe omf th cenvenieocnes oft hec tiy3.??? ?iwed-open pasesc ,rgenet eesr,hiki n tgailsrSricpt1.??? ?n Ithe icyt wehav
eotls fosh op snd mavieo teahtre.s W aleo hasev pulbcitra spontrtaionto g te aruodn ,hicwhis
ogdobe casu ehetr ein’s ltotsof
youf rivdea c ra.Th re erena’t ’ayn hkiin gtrais,lbut yo
canuw laka
yu waon.t2.???? tI’ sice ann dqiuet nit h seuubbr.s eW ahv soee mf theo cnvenoencieso fthe c ity .Nto lki ea nirpaor torany thig, but nweh aevs opphngima lsl,c noenvienec tosre sad movine htetare.s nA dterh’s emre ogrsa asnd reet.s.3????I
lvoe teh idw-epen opasce sadnf reh airsin
thecou nrt. yTher’s elts of oreen trees angdm anyhi ink gratls.iI do ’nt realylm isst he shpponi malgs, lbtuI w is therh eas a wlbiarry, acues
Iearly llki eotre a.LdsitennigT sak1 Firt LissteingnAnwsres1???? .ubsruan b
4.uran2b Sceod niLtensignAnwerss.???? 1lost fotre s,e smoe godos hpo, sclsoet ot ehc tiy2???? s. coovnneinet, ltso o rfstauerntas, rogcrye arund toe hconerr u,inersityvo nl ya10 -mintuew laka way.3???? iwed-oen ppscesa,hi ink gtarls,iri vr reusn htrugohth
eabck aryd4.??? ?pulibctr naporstatin, convoenencie tosr eacrsosthe
trseet m,al larunodthe
corenrScript. 1:A o howSlong
ilevd hre?e:BF o aroutb1 0y eas.rI ’s tno bad at tal.l Ltsoo ft ere, sose gmoo dhosps,
aovme theaiet, rna d aagsst atio clones y. And bit’ jsut a 2s0-mnitu edrvie nio tteh ict.y2.A:
H wodo y u lioeky uronew p acel?:BI t’sso
onvcneenit.T ehers ’otl os rfesatrunas, shtppino gamls, lpbulcitran sprtoaitno…the groceryst or ise rghi arotund teh crnore. hWt’asno tto li ek?A dn y munvirsetiy isj ut a s10- imnut walk ferm horee.3. A:Y uom stuh va eo dtive prettr yfa, hrhu?B :bAuo tto howur,s butI do n’ mitnd.I ca n’ tilvew tihuo tte widh-openespac se, ht hieking trail,s nd ahte rive runrnngi trohghum
backy ayrdI…ju s tolv alleth
geern.e. A4: Did youfi dn
aen apawrtemt neyt?B:Y ae, h Igtoa n e pwlceai nthe
trehli rarby. hTre’s e acnveoneinc esote racors tshes rtet enda
ashppongim all raonudt e cohrenr. Wat I lhike mst os ihte upIc naget
t woork n i1 5minteuson t he ubswayealR WroldL isetingn1 rePictdAnswerouMtanni, wisdeop-nes acep,s movi theaetesr ,uplib tcarnsporttiaon2 Gtet hema n idiaesAnsewsr1.??? ?oMedrn covnenience: shtyeh ave omvi teeatehr,s gme ceatnrs, musei clcbus s,ohp sad nestaruarntsFood:yo
tan foodfr m oaerh ti esxpenisevNtuae:r hetre silo ts fonat ueru p tehre,m onutina,s ilhl,s ab euaifut lalekTransortpation:el ecrictca r ans tdairn, ists ’esy atoget ar oundWat hhs deisiles:k it’ esxenspve it fly hooemt
oaEth 2.r???? dvAntagas:e het iar i slcen,at hree’sno p lluotion and ,it’ sesy ao get around tDisdvantagae: som it’se pxnsieevt
olyfhom e o tErahtScritpSen:Tais ihsSe a McnaCni, ivle with Jlui eMrois, rrfo meGmni iOen,th ein trneatonial pacs etasion. Julit,ec an ouyh er ma?eJuil:eYse,
cIa neha yruo.Sean:Julie, ac nyuotell u s wh,a ts ii ltki livein go tnheGem ii Onen?ulJe:iTe hemini One isGw nodefru. Il’s tot sond ffirentefo mr ilvin gn Eortah ,eralyl. eWha ve jbs,ofri nde,s nteeraitnentm ,natura lbaueyt. And we ave allh hte omder nocvneiennesc hattyou
hvaeo nEa rh.tSan:Weat hodmrn eoncveneicnse?ulieJWe:ll,w e aveh ovie mtheatrs, game ecnetres, musc clubi, shopss, ertasrunta…sSen:Howaab ou tfodo? oH dowy o geu tyor fuoo?dulJei:Igo
hoppsin, jgstulik
eveeroyen n Eaotr. Yohu cange
taynt py oe foof hder.Sean:eI sfodo xeepsnive?Jlue:iomSe f oi tsi. hT stufeftha ’stimp rtoe frdomEa rh its ervyexpen ivs. Liek eaba nna fram Earot hca nostc$10 0. uB tomts food s reilly ahcap.eSen:aD you mosis getitn agwyato
het conutysidero rt hem untaios? noDnt ’you missnat ru?eJluie:Wlel, w heavel otso
naftueru p ehre .I ac no gihkig nand omutnan biiikgn ,rdiig nn ihe thils, ltaek
abe atiuful lka.e I’strea lyl eabtiuulfup
hre.eSea:noH dow epope letgaro nduup t erh?euJlie:O, just hikle ewd
doon whetr. Wee hav eleectri ccar and tsarni,sb ut on tarilpans.eSeanWh:ta o yod luike osmtabo utl iivg inn the spae csttioan?Juie:lWlle ,hte ar iis lcan. There’e so ponluliton,and
tis’ asye toget arou nd i,t’srea llyan
ieda lwolrd.eSan:Andw ahtd
leaet?sJulei:eWl,l tis ’indk o efxepsnviet ofly h om eotEar tht
ose my pearnes tfr ohteho ildya.sUitn 71 I’ll
rtyan tyhngi!VcobualaryTa ksnsAwre1s.??? dri?n hkebra telam/deciie n–T hveaa so e trroaht–
2.??S? g?eta
Sihtasu masage – Tshvaeso e rumcsel – Ss3.???? eelfa l itletd wn –oSuse a omrthaerpy a–T 4?.?? ?su eaho m reemed y– Tacch t coadl – S5.????have a
haeachd – Seget acuunctuper –T .6??? ?ryt
aeraxlaion etxrceis – eTeelfstr essde–
SSriptc1.????D inkirgnher blatea is
a tertmane ftor a sro throae.t.???2? Gttine ga Shatsu massiae gi a trsaetemntfo r sor mesculs.e.?3?? ?Usni garmaohetarpy si atreat emn fort eelfniga lit teldo wn..?4???U sig an omh eremdy eis at retmentaf r haovin a cogd.l5.???? ettGni agcpunutcre iusa
tearmten tforh vina heagadceh.s6??.?? Reaxlaton eixreicess reaa g od toreatmen tfo srrets.sListenngiTa sk1Fi st LrstiniengnswersA1.??? n? eneogy, rfelse rnud wno2.????q easy stumacoh,at
toe mouch.3????ba c hurtks4.?????? hsa ac old2 ScoendLis etingnAnswers1?.??? armaothraep yoil2.???? eppermipn teta3.??? S?haitsu msaagse.4????h erg ardmn’sa ohme ermdyecrSpi1t .aMn: dIn’otkn o,wAn an,I
od’t hnva emcuh enery gatelyl.nnAa:You’e rosbu s,y I’m not sruprsid.e reA yuo eaitng ell?Man:weah,Y utbI sti llf ee runl don.wAnna:Hae vyuot reidar moateraph?yWe h vae smo egert aew aromntaehrpayo li. sIt hnk iyu’od lkie tihs ne. Loetm ep u stoemo nhe re.Mna:eH, iytsm elsl knida lke iocokesi.Anna:Tha’t tseh vnaill. at hIsa cinnamo,n ot. oIf ou usye hist a tnght, ii twil helpl ouyr elax and, yo’lulsl ee bpettre.Yo u’llhav em oere engryth e next da.y2.Wo an:mHi,A nn.a
Ijst ucma beckafr om ulcn and Ih htiknI
at eot mucho. y Mstoachmis
inkdaq euasy.Anna:erHe,I
ujt sadm eome pesppemintr ta.eTr y ome. st’lIl almcy uo rstmaoc.hWoma:Snmelsl icn,e ikle cnayd Mmm.,th ank,sit’s
fee letbtre laerday..3 Anan:Bbo c,an oy brinu gme htt boa?xBob:Sory, Annra ,I on’tdth in kIsho lud My lowe.rba k recllya uhtr.sAnna:Yah, it’es eFbrauy.r Te hocl dira faefctsa lo t o fpeopl.eBbo:nyAthig nIc a no fdroit? Ann:aeHr, ele tm sehwo oyuso meShiat s.u Sitri gtht ehr,ey ae.hN wo i,fI
ujst pres hers…end hare…eoBb:Aaaaaha Wo.w t,htas’r ellayte dern Bu. ittfe el ss oogdo wenhyou stop .Ann:aTeher’s
Sahaisutc linc diown ht steret. ehyWd no’tyo
massgea?Bo:ballr git. Doh oy uhave tehrinumbe r?.4 omWa:nIt hiknI de ed sme cohmaoilm eeat I. ocldnut’s elp eal llst naight.Ana:nYo usund ohorirleb.Wmao:In an’c brtethea–
’Ievh ad hts cioldfor
thee dayrs ow.nAna:nhTa’t sto oba. dHye ,m yrangdam ah tsih gseatrh om ereemd ythta rellya wokrs. Yo uawnnatry
it?Woam:nA thit spiot, n’Ill rty anthiyng.Anna:kOay ,frits ou ytka eacl voeof
grlic…acrshu iti ns mo eothwa tr…Reae WolrdlL sitniegn1P rdeict 2etGt e mhanii edasAnswesrA baceh the s,nd,atr ees, aterw ,avews3 eRsonp td otheid aseSrictpOka,ys it bcka in oyruc hari.A dn let yor uhnasdre st olosey inly uro la.p Colesyo r ueye.s Nwo iftly uo shruloeds rp anu dhet lnte hem ftlla. Beatheri n f,illing yor lunug witshair . Nwo lety uo brratheo ut ervy slowy. Ilaminegyo
ebca.hS e ehe tsand th,e ters and teh ewaert the lsot fasdn eblo woyu Le. yotr ueef tsikn itont e sahn.dLo o aktth
eengte wlvaesin
het awtr. eTe havesw raecomi ng inand g…onigout . ouY’erbre athin glowly san caldmyl,l kiethe wa vs.eFeel the w ra muns o yonr uksi.n h,O yuo fee glodo Y.uore’r laeex. Ydu’reow el and haplpy. owN s,eeyou srefl lswoyl ealing tvhe ebahc. Yuo bodyri swarm
andrela exd.You come
abkc t yoourdaily l fiew tih en enerwy ang joyd .Adn ow, nlowsl,y opne oyu reyesUni 19 t hat’W dyou gte?oVacularb TyaksnsAwers1??.??Y mu! Tis chhcooalet s si owsee tna cdraem.y2.???? icN efac. Ies tha tgrpearfituto
osoru? Wnat smoe ugars orf ti?3.???? Wow T!ihsoc toup ssint b’da
–kid of chewyn,th ugo.h4.??? ?hiTsis
strich? oI tasttse ikle chckine.5.??? ?You mae thidssals ?a Mmm spic,y.I
ikl iet..???6 ?mH. mIthin k I lkei the hsrmpi ettbr. eheTsquid w s akid ofnbl and.7.??? I’m? htisry. tThat ppcoronw a srealyl slty.a.8??? ?Wia a second!tAren’t yo u ongan ocok tah ftris?tY u’reo ont ogin to eat ghtta awr,a r yoe?Luisentnig aTks1F ris tisLtneignAnswrs1e?.???Gazp ach – colodtoma o sotup,a
iltlet bt isuor.2???? Slptip-easoup
i–’s t liattle altsy3.???? Pmukpniso p u –tis’ al itlt one th sweete sdie.?4?? ?Jmbalaaay
i–’t sveyrspicy 2 SceondL itesinngAnswres1.???? eclery2???. ?tomaoest3?.???o ats.?4?? ?pppeeScrirpt.?1? K?etih: Helo! lMy nme isaKe ih antd ’Illb
eoyruw iaertt onghi. Aret ou yerdy to ordea?ruCstoemr AY:s,eI’
dliket e sohupa n dsala dpsciel.aWhat ’ sthesoup of
te hay?deKithWe :ave hgzapcha osupotoda .yusCometr A:haW tis gzpaahc?oKieh:tIt’ cold stomaot ous pwitho inns,ocu cubermsan dl ie jmuiec .Its ’al title bit our.s2.???C suomterB: I tink I’hd ikelto or erd osup .hWa ist ht speitlpe
aospulik e?eKth:iTh esliptpe a sup os imade ith wplsit pesa ,oionsn,ce ery,lca rrto sad nahm. Its ’a ilttels alyt.CusotemrB: I tnhtaca es I’l lhaev
aoCekwit h ti.3.??? Cstumore :C’Ie vnvere hd puapmki snop beuore.fIs
tig oo?deitK:hYes. I has putmpink,icnanmno nutm,egan db ornws uagr–
and i’ts a ilttl eno het swee tisd.euCstoem C:roSuds nogo.dI’ll tak ea cu po
thfta O.n ecosn tdhouhg Itl’ ltkea a obw.4l.???C stuomer D:hWta’ jsabmaaal h ho–wd
ytaht?Keih:tJm –aba –
AL Y a–. It’sa
dsih frm theo mAericanS uot.Cushtoer mDC:nay uo etll e wmhta’si
nti?KeihtI:’t msadewit
sausageh,t matoeso,shr imp ndachili p oderwan d isv ey srpcyi.Rea Wollr diLsenintg1P edirctAsnewsrJmi say shat tocopus ti subberyrli k ena ersear adnth t rawas eafodo isdan greousSa.dy nayss soricht tsaes t aot llkei hicckn ane dtah the frtes ariet o oaslyt. 2Ge tth maeni idesaAnwsrseOstrci hbugrer– Jim
say is’tsg oo adn dandS yayssi t attsesli k ehcikecnPzza/ocioptu s–J mi asysocto usp doen’t havesmu h catst anedis
rbbure yndaSandy
ays shs get osedu o it, thatt t’is oodg for youShripm– Jim s as they ayre dnaegruo tosea
trw abut Snayd ikle tsehsal t ytatseFrenchf ris e–Sand ysa y thsyea e tor solaty nd aimpleist hey ar eadgnrous, eoot (ebcuaesof the
ftac onetn)tScrpitJm:iere,H tkaea
ibt eoft ih.sSndy:aMm…It’s mgood.What
sii ?tiJmIt:’ as nosrtcih urberg.anSdyAn:os rtih bcureg!r Ittas tseli e kalot
lke ihickecn.iJ:meYah ,ikndo fs tanregt
obee atngio trich subt t’is xeecleltn. haWt’e youvgo ?tSadyn:y uMsul,a ipza. zanWnab tei?Jim:Wth – what is itat h–o ctoups an dsuqi?dY u callot ah tsualu? Howca
nyu oeta hat ttusff?Sndy:aI uessg
Igo tued sto t. ioYu housl dry it t– it’s good fro yuo.iJm:I di hdae ovcopts uocne– it d dn’i htaevt htamu hc tats. Aed in twas toor bbury.eSand:yIts jus’t raell cyehy. Iw dteosn’ htve ahta tmchu falvor ,erlla.yJm:ieYha chew,!y Liek aner aesr. h,O on ,waht’s tah?tSady:nOh ,I ot ghtedan icngsh rmp onith eide.sim:But Jhta’tsr a!wIs
t isilltali ev?Snayd:eahY.I
ikle them ild slta fyavol.rimJ:Arn’ety uoafra di fo gettin gsikc?Sady:Wnhtad
ooyu menaJim?:’ve Ihard teathr w asafeoo is ddngaroue.sSnay:Ydoud ont kn’owwh ta yo’uerm isings I. youf tird eth daencni gsrhmip Im’ surey o’u dhacgen ourym ni.dJm:iId out ibt .Watn some of ymf iesr?anSyd:U h…hto soltayf r oe.m Adn oy uhitnkr aw safeood is dagneous!rRale oWrdlS pakiengAnsewsreSntecne.1????G vi eit ot m ien a unstehll (. dIont’h ae vumc hitme.).?2??? eLts’chew
ht faet a hwlie.MaenignTel mleb ierly,f pleaes?Let’s atlk3.???? on’D tryco vers pil mtil.k4.????It w asa pie ce f cake.o5??.??You ’r eflulo
feabsn ontghti6.?!??? H’es a ba dgge.?7?.???Yo ’du beter ttakewha t hes ayss iwt ha raign f osla.t8?.?? S?h’s eth apepl eofhis
ey.9e?.??? hte arye th ecreamof
teh crpo1. 0 know Iyo ure aab ig pottao11. oYuc anno havt eyur oack ean edt ati.2.1Th ep rof oof htepudd in gi sinth eeat ni.g?31. hT eojk eis o uns,a v ry esuor jkeo ineedd1!4. heS ha ass eewtv ocei and cna ings lik en aanegl.1.5
Itol dher teh btitertr thu.?16. hT tae rxpreseets na ralebit
eut ofo uo ragews?????????You ac’tnch nae thg epast.I wast evy rasy.eYou’r etakingl onnesne!souY sholu dvaoid hmi–
ehs’no t ag od opesrno.oDnt’ beleieveve ry
–thni shgesa s.y?e Hlovseher. The yar teh ebet.sI nkwo oyuare
a erv ympoirtant pesrn.ooYuca n’t avhe btohE.veni
sfmeohtngis eesm o bt geod, youo cano


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