
(ERROR:15) & 访客不能直接访问英雄联盟天命/命运模式测试中 技能随机简直OMG模式
时间: 14:04:22 来源: 作者:乐游
英雄联盟是目前全球最热门的电子竞技游戏,除了职业比赛外,玩家还比较关心游戏的新模式,之前推出的各种游戏模式都吸引到玩家的参与。根据网友爆料,一个天命/模式即将推出,目前正在测试中!近日,有网友在贴吧爆料称从国外的朋友哪里得到消息,《英雄联盟》将要出新模式。这位网友在帖子里称“我这个哥们在美国,跟跟拳头公司的几个策划有一些来往。”他还补充到,“拳头那边有个策划和他说,他们研发了一个新的模式,暂时定名为The Destiny,中文名可能会被翻译为“天命”或“命运”,现在正在测试。但是他在游戏的平衡上感觉有点问题,希望我朋友帮他解决。”根据这位网游的爆料,这个模式类似中的OMG模式,你选择的英雄将不会有原本的技能,却而代之是随机组合的其他英雄技能,比如你使用的是寒冰射手,他的技能却是维鲁斯的Q、是EZ的W、阿狸的E,大招甚至可以是金克斯的R。不过,这条消息的真实性还没有得到确认,如果消息属性,那么这个模式的趣味程度将是不可比拟的。
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? OMG 美语 ? 【OMG 美语】第1期:如何使用 OMG 如何使用 OMG!/Oh My Gosh!(天呐) OMG! Did you hear Lady Gaga new song? I love it! You can use OMG as a reaction to almost anything. OMG 几乎可以用于任何情况下。 If you're frustrated... 比如受挫时: Oh my gosh! I miss the bus again! If you're excited... 比如兴奋时: OMG! I'm so excited. We're going to the beach tomorrow! Or if you're disappointed... 比如沮丧时: Oh my gosh! I just failed that test. 重点词汇 reaction [ri'?k? ?n] n.[U,C] 1.反应,回应 2.(对旧观念等的)抗 拒 3.生理反应,副作用 4.反应能力(通常用复数)5.反对,反动, 阻碍 6.化学反应 7.反作用力 frustrated [fr? s'treitid] a. 1.挫败的;失意的;泄气的 2.性欲没 有得到满足的 3.无效的;没有得到满足的 disappointed [dis?'p? intid] a.1.失望的, 沮丧的; 受挫折的; 落 空的 ? 【OMG 美语】第2期:热!热!热 如何表达天气热: OMG! It's so hot outside. I am roasting out here! Oh my god, I'm so hot, I'm sweating bullets. I'm sweating like a pig. It's hot as heck out here! 如何用 HOT 说美语短句: OMG! Did you see that guy. He is so hot. Have you heard Lady Gaga's hot new song? I have the hots for Brandon. He's so handsome. Be careful! Don't drink that coffee yet, it's red hot! Don't listen to her. She's not making any sense. She's full of hot air(满口空话). Oh, don't worry! He's just kidding! Don't get all hot and bothered(别生气)about it. 重点词汇 heck [hek] int. 1.(表示诅咒、恼怒、厌烦等,hell 的委婉语)真见鬼,在感叹句中加强语气 n. 1.【英】拦鱼木栅 roast [r?ust] v.[I,T]1. 烘,烤,焙(肉等)2. 曝晒;烘烤 v.[T]1. 烘烤,焙、炒(坚果、豆子等)2.(对某人)非常生气,严厉批评 n.1. 烤肉2.(常构成复合词)户外烧烤野餐3. 耍笑庆祝会(常为宴 会,讲述主角的滑稽事)adj.1. 烤的;焙的 bullet ['bulit] n. [C]1.子弹,枪弹,弹丸2.【俚】豆子3.【俚】解 雇通知 ? 【OMG 美语】第3期:没有比这更好的了 Nothing+主动动词短语+better than+名词 没有什么东西比……更让我…… 1、Nothing cools me down better than ice cream. 没有什么比冰激凌更让我凉快了。 2、Nothing puts me to sleep better than classical music. 没有什么比古典音乐更催眠了。 3、Nothing wakes me up better than coffee. 没有什么比咖啡更让我精神振作了。 4、Nothing makes me want to dance better than Lady Gaga! 没有什么比 Lady Gaga 更能激发我跳舞欲望了 ? 【OMG 美语】第4期:鞋子的妙用 美语中有很多用到 shoes 这个词的短句: 1、fill someone's shoes 接替某人的职位 It will be difficult to fill his shoes. He did a great job. 2、If the shoe fits, wear it! 如果是真的,承认吧。 Are you calling me a dumb blonde? If the shoe fits, wear it! 3、To be in someone else's shoes 从别人的角度看 What would you do if you were in my shoes? 4、I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. 我不想处于她的境地。 She just wrecked her car. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. 重点词汇 dumb [d? m] adj.1.哑的,哑巴的2.无声的,沉默的3.愚笨的 blonde [bl? nd] a.[也作 blond]1.(头发)金黄色的2.(人)头发 金黄的 n.[C]金发女郎 wreck [rek] n.[C]1.严重损毁的车、飞机等(尤指在事故中) 2.破碎或严重损毁的船 ? 【OMG 美语】第5期:浪漫约会夜 1、-How was your weekend? -I went on a date this weekend. go on a date:去约会 2、We went out on date night. date night:一般指星期五/星期六晚上 3、XX took me out to dinner and a movie. Dinner was so good! XX took me to an Italian restaurant. 4、He picked up the check. 他请客了。 5、He is such a gentleman(他是一位真正的绅士). He was so polite. He opened every door for me. When a man is being a gentleman. 你可以说:He's being very chivalrous. chivalry:对女孩子谦恭有礼 6、I don't kiss and tell! 我不会泄露隐私的事。 7、Will we go on another date next weekend? I haven't called him back(还没回他的电话). I'm playing hard to get. play hard to get:故意装出难以接近的样子 重点词汇 chivalrous ['? ivlr?s] a. 骑士的,勇敢的chivalry ['? ivlri] n.[U]1.(尤指男人对女人的)彬彬有礼,殷勤, 体贴2. (中世纪的)骑士 ? 【OMG 美语】第6期:时尚达人 1、Lady Gaga has great fashion sense(对时尚很有感觉). Lady Gaga is a fashionista. fashionista:赶时髦的人,追随时尚的人 2、Girl, that shirt is fierce! Work it! Work it:把你的神情、味道都表现出来 3、Lady Gaga is rockin' that dress! Lady Gaga 把这个裙子穿得 很好看。 rock a dress / a T-shirt / sunglasses / tennis shoes 4、Does this shirt goes with my shoes? 这个衬衣和我的鞋子配 不配? They go. / They match. 很配。 ― My shirt goes with my shoes. / This shirt matches my shoes. These don't go. / These do not match. 不搭。 ― My shirt does not go with these shoes. / This shirt doesn't match these shoes. 5、I love this shirt. It's so me! It's so me:完全是我的风格。 重点词汇 fashionista [f?? n'i:st?](尤用于报章)时装设计师,穿着入时的人 fierce [fi?s] a. 凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,强烈的? 【OMG 美语】第7期:一起去淘便宜货 I am a bargain shopper(买便宜货的人). I look for all of the coupons, the clearances, the sales, any discount I can find! This shirt is so cute! I got it on sale(大减价)yesterday! It was half off(半价). Did you hear? The Gap is having a clearance sale (清仓大甩卖) . We have to go today. I have a coupon that gives me 10% off my entire purchase (10%折扣的优惠券)! I don’t see a discount(折扣)on the price of this dress. I don’t think I’m going to buy it. Let’s go look at the sale rack(打折 区)for a better deal. ? 【OMG 美语】第8期:身体部位的短语 美语里很多说法用到身体部位: I can't carry everything. Can you give me a hand , please? (帮 忙) Will you please keep an eye on my luggage? I'm gunna go get coffee. (照看)
She is always sticking her nose into other people's business. She is no nosey!(爱管闲事) I can never remember people's names. They go in one ear and out the other.(耳边风) He is so lazy. He never lifts a finger to help me at home. 举手之劳) ? 【OMG 美语】第9期:打个招呼吧! 打招呼 Hello! / Hey! / Hi! / Hey there! / Hi there! Hey girl! / Howdy little lady! - Hey, what's up? - Nothin'much. - What's up with you? / How are you? - I'm good. - Hey, what's news? - Nothin'much. - How are you doing? - Pretty good. - How is it going? - Goin' well. 再见 Goodbye! / See ya later! / See you! / Later! / Peace!
(尽 Adios!(西班牙语) OK, talk to you later, bye-bye.(打电话时) “是的。” Yes. / Yeah. / Yep. / Yup. / Sure. / OK. Uh-huh. / Mm-hmm. / You bet! “不是的。” No. / Nope. / No way. / Not a chance. Not in this lifetime! / Mm-mm. / Uh-uh. 很 The movie was very / so / really / real good. The movie was totally awesome! 【OMG 美语】第10期:我饿啦 我饿了! I'm hungry. I'm starving. I'm feeling a little peckish. My stomach is eating itself. I'm so hungry. I could eat a whole cow! 让我们去麦当劳吧! - Let's go get something to eat. What do you feel like eating? - Let's go to McDonald's! - Welcome to McDonald's. May I help you? - I'd like the #4 cheeseburger with fries please. 我想点… I'd like the #4. Can I get the #4? I'd like to order the #4 please. I'm just gunna get the #4 with small fries. 让我们去那家法国面包店吧! I don't wanna eat McDonald's. Let's go to that French bakery and get some sandwiches and coffee. That place is a little more healthy. Dontcha think? - Hi! Can I start you off with something to drink? - I'd like some ice water with lemon please. - Are you ladies ready to order? What can I get ya? - I'd like the chicken sandwich with wheat bread. What kind of sides does that come with? - Our sides include a side salad, french fries or a fruit cup. - I'd like the side salad please. 【OMG 美语】第11期:打电话 占线。 Dropped the call. 喂? Hello? Baijie speaking.
Hello? This is Baijie. 请问你是? Excuse me, who is this? May I ask who's calling, please. 对不起,你打错了。 I'm sorry. You've dialed the wrong number. 我可以和…通话吗? May I please speak with Ms. Bai? Can I please have extension 552? Is Baijie there? 留个信息… I'd like to leave a message. Would you like to leave a message? Can I take a message for you? 等一下,有人打过来… Hold on, I'm getting another call. Hey! Can you hold on one sec? Hey, I gotta call you back. I'm getting another call. Can I call you right back? I've got to take this call. 【OMG 美语】第12期:谢谢! For me? Thank you so much! You shouldn't have. He's so cute. “谢谢你”的各种说法: Thanks. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot. Thank'ya much. I had a splendid evening. Thank you so much for having me. Cheers! 干杯(美国人) ;谢谢(英国人) ? 【OMG 美语】第13期:见面聊点啥? 问候别人: - Hi! How are you? - I'm doing well. How are you? - I'm good, thanks! 可以用来开始谈话的问题: Where are you from? Where do you work? What do you do for a living? Do you come here often? Are you enjoying yourself? What brought you here? How has your day been? How has your week been? Where did you grow up?
What do you do in your free time? Where do/did you go to school? The weather has been amazing lately! This shop serves really good coffee. This is a good song. Do you like it? ? 【OMG 美语】第14期:各种“屎” 今天我们要来谈:All of the gunk that comes out of your face. ( gunk [ ? ?k] n. 泥状物质;黏性物质;无特殊形状之一堆) sleepies / eye gunk 眼屎 I always have sleepies in the corner of my eye when I wake up in the morning. earwax 耳屎I use Q-tips (n. 棉花棒;棉签)to get the earwax out of my ears. Hey! Get the wax out of your ears. 听我的话! booger 鼻屎 You have You have a booger. Right there! OK, you got it! You are being such a booger! (= annoying,非常口语的表达) snot 鼻涕I’m so sick. My rose is so runny. So much snot! She refuses to wash the dishes. She is such a little snot! drool / slobber 口水 This big dog slobbered all over me. His slobber is all over my hands! Dude!! Stop drooling over (垂涎) her. You are never gunna get a date with Britney Spears. (布兰妮? 斯皮尔斯) zit / pimple / blemish 青春痘Girl! That zit you have on your chin. That thing is huge! You gotta pop (突然出现)that thing! ? 【OMG 美语】第15期:看看我们的脸 eyes 眼睛 Her boyfriend has wandering eyes. nose 鼻子 Let's nose around this store. I want to find a pair of shoes. mouth 嘴巴 Don't tell her too many secrets. She's a big mouth. lips 嘴唇 Do as I tell you! And don't give me any lips! 别对我说好听的 cheek 脸颊 Usually I turn the other cheek when a person is rude to me. face 脸 Why the long face? What you just said to me is such a slap in the face! 耳光 Happiness is written all over your face. Shut your face! Two-faced ? 【OMG 美语】第16期:受伤的总是我 受害的美语说法: I slammed my fingers in the door. 我关门时手指被夹到了。 I just stubbed my toe. 我踢伤脚趾头了。 I just got a paper cut. 我的手被纸划破了。 Ouch! Your sweater shocked me! 我被你的毛衣电了一下。 Your cat just scratched my face. 你的猫抓伤了我的脸。 My mosquito bites are still so itchy!! 我被蚊子咬的地方还在痒。 I've been looking at the computer all day. My eyes are so sore. 看了一整天的电脑,我的眼睛很酸痛。 add insult to injury 雪上加霜 He dumped me and to add insult to injury. He started datingmy best friend! 重点词汇 mosquito [m?s'ki:t?u] itchy ['it?i] n. 1.[C]蚊子a. 1.渴望的,贪得的2.痒的,生疥疮的sore [s?:] adj.1.(发炎)疼痛的;酸痛的2. 气恼;愤慨;愤愤不 平 n.(肌肤的)痛处;伤处;疮 insult ['ins?lt] slam [sl?m] n.[C]侮辱,羞辱(+to)v.[T]1.侮辱,羞辱2.辱骂 v.1.[I,T]砰地关上,使劲关闭门等2.[T]砰地放下,使 劲放下3.[T]猛烈抨击 n.[C](使劲关门时)砰的一声,砰的关门 stub [st?b] n. 1. (烟、 铅笔等的)残余部分, 残端2.存根, 票根 v.[T] 脚趾不小心踢到...上 scratch [skr?t?] v.[T]1.抓破,划破2.擦红,擦伤3.在(身体部位) 搔痒4.(用爪子等)扒出5.刮擦(某物)发出刺耳声6.刻7.乱写乱画 8.删去,取消9.(艰难地)凑集,积攒10.【体】使弃权11.【俚】伪 造(文件等)v.[I]1.抓伤2.搔痒3.被划伤4.使人发痒5.发刮擦声6.艰 难谋生7.【美】在候选人名单上划去名字8.【体】 (赛马等)退出比 赛9.【台】失误,侥幸击中 ? 【OMG 美语】第17期:来杯咖啡吧 Today I'm here at my favorite coffee shop. It's so close to my house. And their coffee us so good! I usually order a medium soy latte with hazelnut syrup to go. to go 外带 for here 在这儿吃/喝 A medium latte for here. A double latte has 2 shots of espresso (意大利浓咖啡) with either hot or cold milk. Mine is cold. Espresso is just really strong coffee. It has a very intense flavor. So you only need to add a little bit. The more shots of espresso in your latte, the more caffeine it has. A regular cup of coffee is also called 'drip coffee', or 'a cup of joe'. 'drip coffee' 滴流咖啡(使沸水慢慢渗过咖啡粉末所泡成 的咖啡,等于 drip grind), ( 'a cup of joe' 一杯咖啡 ) I need coffee to wake up in the morning. I'm kind of addicted. Wake up and smell the coffee! 别迷迷糊糊的! 重点词汇 latte ['l:tei] n.[=caffè latte](意大利语)拿铁咖啡,热奶沫咖啡 hazelnut ['heizln?t] n.1.榛实syrup ['sir?p] n.[U] 1.糖浆,糖水2.甜而稠的汁液(如糖饴) espresso [e'spres?u] n.1.[U] 蒸馏咖啡(让蒸汽或开水通过磨碎的咖啡豆制成的浓咖啡)2.[C] 一杯蒸馏咖啡 intense [in'tens] a.1.强烈的,剧烈的;极度的2.紧张的;认真的 3.热情的;热切的4.【摄】厚密度的 caffeine ['k?fi:n] n. 1.咖啡因,茶精(兴奋剂) addict [?'dikt] v.[T]1.使沉溺,使入迷2.使成瘾 n.[C]1.【口】入迷 的人2.有瘾的人 ? 【OMG 美语】第18期:音乐改变生活 When I'm relaxing or studying, I like to listen to Beethoven. 当我休息或者学习的时候,我喜欢听贝多芬的音乐。 When I'm getting ready in the morning or going dancing, I like to listen to Lady Gaga. 当我早上起来梳妆打扮或者跳舞的时候, 我喜欢听 Lady Gaga 的音乐。 What's your favourite band?你最喜欢哪个乐队? Who is your favourete musician?你最喜欢哪个音乐家? Did you see? Lady Gaga's new album dropped today. 你知道吗?Lady Gaga 今天发行了新专辑。 I'm Lady Gaga's little monster. 我是 Lady Gaga 的粉丝。 重点词汇 band [b?nd] n. [C]1.带,细绳;箍2.橡皮圈,松紧带3.【机】传 送带,传动带4.(无线电的)波段,频带5.条纹;嵌条 v. [T]1.用带 捆;为...装箍2.用条纹装饰3.给...镶边 n. [C]1.(一)伙, (一)帮, (一)群2.乐团,乐队;管乐队 v. [T]1.使聚集,使团结 v. [I]1.聚集, 联合 monster ['m?nst?] n.1.(传说中的)怪物,怪兽2.庞然大物3.恶 棍,恶魔4.小恶魔,小坏蛋 adj.【非正式】巨大的,庞大的? 【OMG 美语】第19期:派对 high 起来! TGIF:Thank Goodness It's Friday. throw a party/have a party:开个派对 My friend Karen throws the best parties. life of the party:派对上活跃气氛的中心人物 I'm so glad Brian is coming out with us tonight. He's the life of the party. party pooper:不合群的人 He's bringing his girlfriend? She's such a party pooper. party hard:玩的很 high party animal:派对迷,喜欢社交活动的人 Bob parties really hard every weekend! He's a party animal. wallflower:躲在旁边看的人 He was being so shy at the party. He was being a wallflower and didn't talk to anybody. social butterfly:交际花 I talk to everybody when I go to parties. I'm a social butterfly.【OMG 美语】第20期:迎接圣诞节 1) Christmas shopping 圣诞节购物I love Christmas shopping. I bought all of my Christmas presents online this year. 2) Santa 圣诞老人 When I was little I believed that Santa delivered all of my Christmas presents. 3) stocking stuffers 圣诞节填塞袜子的小礼物 It's Christmas tradition to hang stockings over the fireplace and stuff them with small presents called &stocking stuffers &. 4) reindeer 驯鹿 Little kids in America believe that Santa has 8 magic reindeer. And they help Santa deliver all of the presents in one night. 【OMG 美语】第21期:约会时间 关键句型: We met through mutual friends.我们是通过共同的朋友认识的。 We have so much in common.我们有很多共同点。 I think we are a match made in heaven.我觉得我们是天作之合。 Last week, we got in a fight.上周,我们大吵了一架。 We were on the rocks for a bit. 我们的感情出现了一点危机。 He messed up, and he was in the dog house for a few days. 他把事情搞砸了,让我很生气。 We made up a few days later.后来,我们又和好了。 ? 【OMG 美语】第22期:换个发型吧! 有关美发的实用句子: I'm getting my hair done today.我今天要剪头发了。 I just want to take an inch off the ends. 我想把头发剪短一英寸。 I'd like to shorten my bangs down to touch my eyebrows. 我想把刘海剪到眉毛的位置。 I wanna dye my hair red. 我想染红色的头发。 Can you make the ends choppy. 可不可以把发尾剪碎? My hair is too long. I wanna cut if all off! 我的头发太长了!我想要剪短些。
That hair style fits you perfectly. 这个发型很适合你。 I'm having a bad hair day. 今天的发型很糟糕。 * having a bad hair day 另一个意思:一天过得很糟 hair 的各种用法: She won by a hair. 她以微弱的优势获胜。 You're being so annoying. Get out of my hair! 你很烦啊!让我清静一下! Don't be scared. I know he's a big dog. But he wouldn't cut a hair on your head. 不用怕。我知道它是只大狗,但是它不会伤害 你的。 Let your hair down. 放松一下。 I've been pulling my hair out over this interview. 我为这个面试担心的不得了。 重点词汇 choppy ['t??pi] a. 急动的,突变的 bang [b??] n. 1.猛击,猛撞 2.巨响,爆炸声 v.[T] 1.猛击,猛撞v.[I] 1.发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔] 2.男性和(女性) 性交 ad. 1.正好;完全地 ? 【OMG 美语】第23期:我爱洗澡! take a shower:洗澡 shower gel:沐浴露 vanilla scented shower gel:香草味沐浴露 shampoo:洗发精 conditioner:护发素 When I wash my hair, first I shampoo, and then condition it. 洗发时,我先用洗发精,再用护发素。 wash your face:洗脸 I wash my face every morning and night. 我每天早晚都洗脸。 loofa:洗澡海绵 lather:泡沫 A loofa helps the shower gel lather up. 把沐浴露挤到海绵上可以搓起很多泡沫。 I like to sing in the shower. 我喜欢边唱歌边淋浴。 face cream:面霜 body lotion:润肤露 After showering, I like to put on face cream and body lotion. 洗完澡后,我喜欢擦面霜和护肤乳液。 hair dryer:吹风机 ? 【OMG 美语】第24期:和身体部位有关的短语 美语中跟身体有关的说法 1. head over heals 很爱一个人 He is head over heals for her. 他为她神魂颠倒。 2. wear your heart on your sleeve 感情外露 It is better to not wear your heart on your sleeve. 最好不要轻 易地流露感情。 3. have a good head for something 很有头脑 She always suspected he had a good head for math. 她一直觉 得他很有数头脑。 4. lose face 丢脸 If the teacher can't even answer the simple question, he will lose face with his class. 如果老师连简单的问题都不能回答,他就 太丢脸了! 5. by the skin of one's teeth 勉强 I made the 5 o'clock train by the skin of my teeth. 我勉强赶上 了五点的火车。 6. a pain in the neck 惹人讨厌的人或事 These mosquitoes are a pain in the neck. 这些蚊子讨厌死了。 7. put your heart into something 用心去做一件事 Nothing is diffcult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只 怕有心人。 重点词汇 sleeve [sli:v] n. 1.袖子2.有…袖子的3.唱片套4.(机器的)套筒, 套管 heal [hi:l] v.[I,T] 1.(使)愈合,治愈,(使)恢复健康 2.(使)结束, 较容易忍受 v.[T] 1.调停,消除 2.治愈(病人) ;使(某人)又愉快 起来 suspect [s?'spekt] v.[T]1.疑有;对…有所察觉2.怀疑3.不信任4. 猜想;认为;料想 v.[I]有怀疑 n.被怀疑的人;犯罪嫌疑人 a.可疑的; 信不过的 mosquito [m?s'ki:t?u] n. 1.[C]蚊子? 【OMG 美语】第25期:Hold 得住 1) brilliant 精彩 All of the singers at last week's concert were brilliant ! 2) moved 感动 3) rendition 表演,演唱 I was so moved by Coco Li's rendition of &Someone like you&. 4) mind blowing 让人兴奋的,震撼 John Legend's performance with Shunza and Coco Li was mindblowing! 5) hold 住 = keep it together You gotta keep it together! I kept it together for the first half of the concert. 6) hold 不住 = lose control, out of control But when the Black Eyed Peas came out, I lost control! OMG! I couldn't stop dancing! 重点词汇 brilliant ['brilj?nt] a. 1.光辉的,灿烂的,明亮的2.卓越的,杰出 的;辉煌的;英明的;极棒的3.有才能的,才华横溢的;技艺高超的 4.十分顺利的,极为有利的5.【音】华丽的;灿烂的6.显著的;炫耀 的7.(颜色等)鲜明的,鲜艳的 n.1.多面形钻石(或宝石)2.【印】 最小号铅字 rendition [ren'di??n] n.1.演唱,表演Mind blowing 产生幻觉效果的令人极度兴奋的;给人印象极深的 ? 【OMG 美语】第26期:圣诞节怎么过 1) Christmas shopping 圣诞节购物 I love Christmas shopping. I bought all of my Christmas presents online this year. 2) Santa 圣诞老人 When I was little I believed that Santa delivered all of my Christmas presents. 3) stocking stuffers 圣诞节填塞袜子的小礼物 It's Christmas tradition to hang stockings over the fireplace and stuff them with small presents called &stocking stuffers &. 4) reindeer 驯鹿 Little kids in America believe that Santa has 8 magic reindeer. And they help Santa deliver all of the presents in one night. 重点词汇 fireplace ['fai?pleis] n. 壁炉 reindeer [rein'di?] n. 1.[C]【动】驯鹿 stuffer ['st? f?] n. 【物】填充者 【OMG 美语】第27期:你的星座是哪个?(一) 1) Do you believe in the zodiac? 你相信星座吗? 2) Aquarius 水瓶座 1月21号 - 2月19号 What is the Aquarius December 2011 horoscope? 3) Pisces 双鱼座 2月20号 - 3月20号 Pisces treats others like family and is very understanding. 4) Aries 白羊座 3月21号 - 4月20号 I hear Aries buys the first thing that catches its eye. 5) Taurus 金牛座 4月21号 - 5月21号 The zodiac sign Taurus stands for growth and maturity. All of my Taurus friends are such responsible people! 重点词汇 zodiac ['z?udi?k] n.1.黄道带,黄道十二宫2.黄道十二宫图Aquarius [?'kw? ?ri?s] n. 1.【天】宝瓶(星)座;宝瓶宫 horoscope ['h? r?sk?up] n. 占星术 Pisces ['paisi:z] n.1.[U] 黄道第十二宫;双鱼宫;双鱼(星)座2. 属双鱼座的人(约出生于2月20日至3月20日) Aries ['e(?)ri:z] n.1.[U] 黄道第一宫;白羊宫;白羊(星)座2. 属 白羊座的人(约出生于3月21日至4月20日) Taurus ['t? :r?s] n. 金牛座,金牛宫 maturity [m?'tju?riti] n. 1.成熟;成熟期;发育完全 2.(金融)到期 3.(人或动植物)成熟;成年;完全长成 4.(保险单等)到期(应付款) 【OMG 美语】第28期:你的星座是哪个?(二) 1) Gemini 双子座 May 22 -June 21 If you're a Gemini, you're known for being quick on your feet. 2) Cancer 巨蟹座 June 22 - July 22 Cancers are very faithful and attached to their friends and love ones. Family is their highest priority. 3) Leo 狮子座 July 23 - August 21 Leo is like to be in command of others. And they have very strong organization skills. But they also have a very inflated sense of self. 4) Virgo 处女座 August 22 - September 23 Virgos are known for being quiet and peaceful. They are the models of modesty. 重点词汇 Gemini ['d? emini] n.1.双子宫,双子(星)座 Cancer ['k?ns?] n. 1.癌 2.迅速蔓延的恶劣的或危险的事物 faithful ['feiθful] a. 1.忠实的,忠诚的2.the faithful n.【复数】 (宗教的)忠实 信徒; (政党的)忠诚支持者3.(夫妻或性伴侣)忠诚的,忠贞的4. 如实的,比毫不变的5.【只在名词前】可信任的,可信赖的 priority[prai'? riti] n. 1.[U](时间等方面的)在先,居前2.[U]优先,重点; 优先权;先取权(+over)3.[C]优先考虑的事;优先配给 Leo ['li?u] n. 里欧;狮子座(天文) inflated [in'fleitid] a. 1.(价格)飞涨的;(通货)膨胀的 2.【贬】言过其 实的,夸大的,华而不实的 3.充了气的 Virgo ['v?:g?u] n. 室女宫,室女(星)座 modesty ['m? d?sti] n.[U]1.谦虚,谦逊 2.庄重,贤淑3.不突出 【OMG 美语】第29期:你的星座是哪个?(三) 1) Libra 天秤座 9月24号-10月23号 Melissa is a Libra and her boyfriend is an Aquarius. Their signs are very compatible. 他们的星座很配。 2) Scorpio 天蝎座 10月24号-11月22号 The sign traits of Scorpio are: loyal, passionate and dynamic. 3) Sagittarius 射手座 11月23号-12月22号 They say Sagittarius is adventurous and independent. So ture! I want to see the world! 4) Capricorn 摩羯座 12月23号-1月20号 Celebrity Capricorns include: Kate Middleton, Tiger Woods and Elvis! 重点词汇 Libra ['li:br?] n. 天秤座;n. 磅,磅; Scorpio ['sk? :pi?? ] n.1.[U] 黄道第八宫; 天蝎宫; 天蝎 (星) 座2.[C] 属天蝎座的人(约出生于10月23日至11月21日)
dynamic [dai'n?mik] adj. 1.有活力的,强有力的2.不断变化的3.动 力的,动态的4.充满活力的;精力充沛的5.发展变化的6.效率高的; 精悍的;有生气的;能动的7.动力学的;力学的8.【医学】官能的, 功能的,机能的 n. 1.(人或事物)相互作用的方式,动态2.力学;动 力学3.动力 4.力度;力度变化5.活力 Sagittarius [s?d? i't? ?ri?s] n. 〈天〉人马座;人马宫 adventurous [?d'vet? ?r?s] a. 1.爱冒险的 2.大胆的;敢做敢为的 3. 充满危险的 Capricorn ['k?prik? :n] n. 1.【天】摩羯座;摩羯宫 trait [treit] n. (人的个性的)特征,特性,特点 celebrity [si'lebriti] n. 1.[C]名人2.[U]名誉,著名,名声 ? 【OMG 美语】第30期:看看衬衣吧 1) collar 衬衣领子 2) collared shirt 有领子的衬衣 3) popped collar 竖起来的衣领 4) short sleeve shirt 短袖衬衣 You guys know I love short sleeve shirts. 5) cuff 袖口 I like to roll up my shirt's cuff. I think it's cute. 6) hood 带帽子的 I wear a hooded sweatshirt when I go running in the moring. 7) zipper 拉链 8) zip up 拉上拉链 Zip up your sweatshirt. It's cold outside. 9) ruffles 花边 I love the ruffles on the shirt. 10) wrinkly 有皱纹的 11) needs to be ironed 需要熨一下 OMG! This shirt is supes wrinkly! It needs to be ironed! 重点词汇 collar ['k? l?] n.1.衣领2.戴在动物(尤指狗)颈部的项圈3.(连接两 条管、杆或轴的)圈,箍(尤指机器中的) cuff [k? f] n.[C]1.袖口2.【复数】手铐3.(裤脚的)外翻边,外卷边 4.用掌轻拍 v.[T] 用手轻快地拍(某人) hood [hud] n. 1.兜帽,头巾 2.(汽车、童车等的)折合式车篷 3.汽车 发动机罩 4.面罩 5.学位连领帽 (表示学位种类) 6. (设备或机器的) 防护罩,罩 sweatshirt n. 运动衫;T-恤衫 zipper ['zip?] n.[C] 拉链,拉锁 wrinkly ['ri?kli] a. 有皱纹的,易生皱纹的 ruffle ['r? fl] n. 1.皱褶,波纹2.生气 v. 1.[T]弄皱,触怒,洗牌,连 续轻擂2.[I]起皱, ? 【OMG 美语】第31期:&get& 的一些美语说法 1) Get real! 别傻了! - I think Bob and I are going to get married. - Get real! You met him 3 days ago! 2) Get lost! 走开! I don't wanna see you anymore! Get lost! 3) Get out of town!! 真的吗??别唬我! Get out of town!! You met Lady Gaga! OMG! I'm so jealous! 4) Get a life! 开始过一个更为充实或更有趣的生活 I wish Melissa would get a life! She's always studying. Who's gunna go dancing with me? 5) Get with it! 快点着手做某件该做的事 Get with it! You have a huge exam tomorrow! 重点词汇 jealous ['d? el?s] a. 1.妒忌的,猜疑的 2.妒羡的;羡慕的 3.精心守 护的,珍惜的 【OMG 美语】第32期:追星族 追星族 Super fans 1) Little Monsters 小怪物 = Lady Gaga 的追星族 Little Monsters are Lady Gaga's biggest fans. Lady Gaga is called Mother Monster. I am totes Lady Gaga's little monster. Are you a little monster? Paws up, little monsters! 2) Twi-hards 幕光迷 The craziest Twi-hards camped outside of movie theaters for days so they could be the first in line to see the new Twilight movie. 3) Bieber Fever 比伯流感 Have you heard Justin Bieber's new Christmas album? I have Bieber Fever all over again! 4) Gleeks 是 Glee 这个电视剧的追星族 Gleek comes from 2 words. The show name &Glee& and &geek& which means &nerd&. People who love Glee are proud to be called &Gleeks&. I am totes a Gleek! I watch Glee every week! 重点词汇 geek [gi:k] n.【俚】1. 杂耍演员(在表演时常常有咬下活鸡头等怪 招)2. 反常的人,怪胎3. 黑客,电脑玩家4. 极客极客是美国俚语 &geek& 的音译。随着互联网文化的兴起,这个词含有智力超群和努 力的语意, 又被用于形容对计算机和网络技术有狂热兴趣并投入大量 时间钻研的人。 nerd [n?:d] n. 1.令人厌烦的人,愚蠢的人,落伍的人2.电脑迷 paw [p? :] n.1.(动物的)爪2.(人的)手 v.[I,T] ~ (at) sth1.(动物) (不断地) ? 【OMG 美语】第33期:到底是什么? 1) what in the world?/ what on earth? = 到底是什么?究竟是什么? who, what, when, where, why + in the world / on earth Who on earth would say something so mean? What in the world are you wearing? Where on earth are we? We are so lost ! Why in the world do you like watching &Glee&? It's so cheesy! 2) Melissa is the coolest girl on earth! Coffee is the best thing in the world! China is the coolest place on earth! 3) in the whole wide world (on earth 不行) Coffee is the best thing in the whole wide world! 重点词汇 cheesy ['t? i:zi] a. 干酪质的,俊俏的,潇洒的劣质的;粗俗的;庸俗的 ? 【OMG 美语】第34期:姐妹淘 1) girl 对女的朋友的一个称呼 Hey girl! How you doin'? Hey girl! I haven't seen you in so long! 2) babe 男朋友对女朋友的称呼,也是女孩对女的朋友的称呼,女朋 友也可以对男朋友称 babe Hey babe, you look so pretty today! Hey babe, you look so handsome today! 3) sister/sis 姐姐,妹妹,除了家人之外,也可以对女的朋友说 Hey sis.. will you make me a sandwich? Hey sister, wanna eat lunch with me today? 4) Hey woman!/Hey lady! 女孩子对她们很熟的女朋友的一个称呼 Hey lady! Are you ready to go to dinner? Hey woman! I really like your shoes! They're so cute! 重点词汇 babe [beib] n.1. 婴儿2. 对年轻女子或爱人的昵称。 ? 【OMG 美语】第35期:嘿,哥们儿! 1) Dude Dude, what's up? 嘿,怎么啦? Dude, what's going on? 嘿,什么事? Dude, how you doin? 嘿,你怎么样啊? 2) Dude 也是“朋友”的意思,不管是男的还是女的 my dude. 3) Man,这个称呼,跟 dude 有一样的用法 Man, what's up? 嘿,怎么啦? Man, what's going on? 嘿,什么事? Man, I'm so tired. / I'm hungry. 嘿,我好累/我好饿。 4) Bro 和 Buddy 这两个称呼也是“朋友”的意思 (也可以叫你的哥哥 弟弟你个 bro) Sup bro? 嘿,怎么样? Hey bud, how's it going? Hey buddy, are you ready to go dancing? 重点词汇 dude [dju:d] n.[C]1.城里人(尤指在农场度假者)2.纨绔子弟;花花 公子3.【俚】男人 buddy ['b? di] n.[C]1.好朋友,同志,伙伴;搭档2.小男孩3.老兄, 老弟(用作称呼)4.(关爱艾滋病患者等的)病患者之友 v.[I]1.做好 朋友,交朋友2.伴护艾滋病人 【OMG 美语】第36期:许下新年愿望 What's your New Years resolution? 你的新年决心是什么? The new year is coming! It's time to make a list of new years resolutions? I think the most popular new years resolutions is always LOSE WEIGHT! I think people make new years resolutions to improve themselves and to even learn something new . These are 白洁's 2012 new years resolutions! 白洁的2012年决心! 1) Go running 6 times a week! 每个星期要跑6次步! No excuses! I wanna get in shape (保持体形) ! I mean, I love running! So why not!? 2) Learn how to cook fried green beans! 学怎么做干煸四季豆! 3) Visit china again! 再去中国! And throw more OMG fan parties! 重点词汇 fried [fraid] a. 油炸的 resolution [,rez?'lju:? ?n] n. 1.[C] 决心; 决定[+to-v]2.[C] (会议等的) 正式决定,决议 ? 【OMG 美语】第37期:u,跟你说个秘密 1) Yeah = Yes = 对 - Do you wanna go dancing tonight? - Yeah! 2) Nah = No = 不 - Do you wanna go dancing tonight? - Nah... 3) 比较夸张得&yes/no&回答 Um..yeah!!或者 - Do you wanna go eat lamb kebabs with me? - Uuumm..yeah!! I'm starving! - Do you wanna go eat lamb kebabs with me? - I hate those things. 4) Whaaa? = What? = 什么? Whaaa? who hates lamb kebabs?! Are you crazy?! 5) Phew! = 唷!哎哟 Phew! I am finally done with that test! Phew! What a long day! Time for bed. 6) 你无所谓的时候就会说&meh& - Do you like this Lady Gaga song? - Meh. Not really. - Do you wanna watch this movie with me? - Meh. Not really. I'm kinda tired. 7) 你想告诉一个人一个秘密的时候,你就说 Psssssst..!! Psssssst..!! Hey! This meeting is so boring..! Psssssst..!! Melissa! Are you awake? Let's go get breakfast. Psssssst..!! Check out this app! It's so cool! It's OMG!美语 app. 重点词汇 kebab [k?'b :b] n. (=kabob)(印度)烤腌羊肉串,肉串上的肉块 例句:Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.这条街上的上百个小吃店供应各种吃的,从烤肉 串到汤一应俱全。 starve [st :v] v.[I]1.挨饿;饿死2.【口】饿极,饿得慌3.迫切需要, 渴望4.经受极端贫 ? 【OMG 美语】第38期:miss 的各种用法 miss 的各种用法: 1) miss 小姐 May I help you, miss? 2) miss 没赶上 He arrived too late and missed the train. She arrived too late and missed the plane. They got there late! Oh,no! And they missed the bus. 3) miss 避开 If you go early, you'll miss the traffic. 4) miss 差点 I narrowly missed being hit by a car yesterday. I narrowly missed being hit by a bus yesterday. 5) miss 错过 I cannot miss the Lady Gaga concert! I would die to see her!! 6) miss 想念 I really miss OMG!美语 fans! I cannot wait to visit China again! 重点词汇 narrowly ['n?r?uli] ad. 1.仅仅,勉强地2.严密地,仔细地,小心地 hit [hit] v. [T]1.打, 打击; 击中 2.碰撞; 使碰撞3.达到, 到达4.袭击, 使遭受5. (精神上) 打击; 伤...的感情6. 【板】 击中 (投球) 得分; 【美】 【棒】安打7.猜对;说中8.【口】被...想起9.抨击,严厉批评10.揭穿 (真相) 11. 【俚】 杀死; 抢劫 v. [I]1.打, 打击; 击中2.碰撞(+against)3. (突然)攻击 n. [C]1.打击;击中2.碰撞3.成功而风行一时的事物4.讽 刺; (更多略 concert ['k? ns?t] n. 音乐会,演奏会 ? 【OMG 美语】第39期:冬日流行服饰 1) leggings 打底裤 Leggings are usually made of cotton. You can wear then with a dress, or a longer shirt. If not, you might get cold! 2) jeggings 牛仔打底裤 Jeggings are leggings that look like jeans! jeggings = leggings + jeans They're really popular right now, because they're so comfy! 3) tank top = tank = 背心 4) jewel colored jeans 宝石颜色的牛仔裤 Jewel colored jeans are really popular right now. OMG! I love my red jeans! I wanna wear them every day! 5) riding boots 马靴 They come up below the knees. And they have a flat heel. I wear these every day! Thery're so comfy and warm in the winter. 6) infinity scarf 无限围巾 I don't leave the house without this scarf. It's called an 'infinity scarf'. Because it never ends! It's one big circle. This scarf is so warm! 重点词汇 leggings ['legi?z] 打底裤,绑腿 jeggings ['d? egi?z] n.牛仔布打底裤 comfy ['k? mfi] a.1.舒服的,轻松的 heel [hi:l] n.[C]1.足跟; (袜子等的)踵部,后跟; (鞋p靴的)后跟 2.外形或位置似踵部之物3.【俚】无耻之徒,恶棍,坏蛋4.(船的) 倾侧 v.1.[T]给(鞋等)修后跟2.[I](指船)倾侧3.[I,T]紧追,紧跟 infinity [in'finiti]n. 1.【数】无穷大,无限大 2.无限远的点 3.无法计算的量;无限大的量 ? 【OMG 美语】第40期:和身体部位有关的短语(二) 1) elbow room 一个人可以施展的空间 This apartment is tiny! There's barely any elbow room! 2) play footsie 在桌底下偷偷碰脚 Melissa said she went on a date last night. And they played footsie under table. 3) I'm all ears 全神贯注的听 - You're not listening to me! - No no no. I'm here. I'm all ears. Tell me what's up? 4) a shoulder to cry on 能提供慰藉的人 - My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday. - I am always here for you, if you need a shoulder to cry on. 5) a leg up 占有优势 Unemployment is high. so there is fierce competition for jobs. Her doctorate degree gave her a leg up in finding a job. 重点词汇 footsie ['futsi] n. 调戏,挑逗,脚 fierce [fi?s] adj. 凶猛的; 猛烈的;暴躁的; 激烈的 doctorate ['d? kt?rit] n. 1.[C]博士头衔,博士学位 【OMG 美语】第41期:“火”力全开 1) on fire 火了, 要火了 Lady Gaga's new album is on fire. Everybody's buying it. 2) spread like wildfire 消息传播得很快 Do you remember the “各种屎”OMG!美语节目? It spread like wildfire last summer. 3) fiery 激烈的 Bob gets fiery when he talks about basketball. He is a huge Miami Heat fan! He loves Lebron! 4) fired 被开除的 Bryan was fired from his job last week. Poor Bryan. 5) put out fires 灭火,解决问题 OMG! Everything is going wrong today! I have a million fires to put out before lunch! 重点词汇 wildfire ['waildfai?] n. 1.野火 2.(消息)不胫而走,迅速传播开来 fiery ['fai?ri] adj.1. 火一般的;火的2. 暴躁的;易怒的3. 充满激情 的; (尤指)怒气冲冲的4.(食物或饮料)辣的 Miami [mai'?mi] n. 迈阿密 【OMG 美语】第42期:你最近还好吗? 1) How are you? 你怎么样? Hey! How are you today? 2) How you doin'? 你怎么样?
Hey Rachel! How you doin'? 3) How's it goin'? 你怎样? Hey, Melissa! It's so nice to run into tou! How's it goin'? 4) How are things? 最近怎么样? Hey, Bob! How are things? 5) How you been? 最近怎么样? OMG! Kenzie! I haven't seen you in ages! How you been? 6) How's life? 你生活得好吗? So, Cameron, how's life? Do you like your new job? 7) How's it hangin'? 怎么样? Yo! Kevin! How's it hangin' man? 8) Doin' good, how 'bout you? 还好,你呢? 重点词汇 hang [h??] v.1.[I,T]悬挂,吊;[I], (指织物、衣服等)挂着或垂吊 着的某种样子2.[I,T]晾挂风乾 (以便食用) 3.[I,T]固定在墙上, (尤指) 展览;[T][尤用于被动语态] [hang sth with sth] 用(图画、饰物等) 装饰某物4.[T] 将壁纸贴在墙上5.[T]上吊,绞死(某人),(尤指)处 以绞刑;[I]被处以绞刑6.[T]给(门)安装铰链7.[I,T](使某物)下垂 或弯曲下垂 ? 【OMG 美语】第43期:要说“再见”啦! 1) goodbye 再见 Goodbye! All the best! 一切顺利; 万事如意 2) see you later 再见 Thanks for stopping by! See you later! 3) see you tomorrow 明天见 I can't wait to go out to dinner with you! See you tomorrow! 4) see you next time 下次见 OK, class dismissed! See you next time! 5) see you soon 一会儿见 I'm so excited to come home for New Years! See you soon,mom! 6) I gotta go/I gotta get going/time to go = 我得走,我要走了 OK, Melissa, I gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye! OK, I gotta get going. Thank you so much for lunch! Oh no! I gotta go! I cannot be late for class! OK, time to go, honey. We need to get back and let the dog out! 7) 写短信的时候,如果想说 gotta go 就可以写 G2G! G2G, getting on the metro. 另外,写短信的时候,如果想说 Later! 就可以写 l8r! or TTYL,就是 Talk To You Later 的意思。 重点词汇 metro ['metr?u] abbr.metropolitann.1.地铁2.大都市的居民3.(基督 教的)大主教(常大写)a.1.大都市的;大都市市政府的2.(基督教) 大主教辖区的 Metro UIWindows 8的用户界面 dismiss [dis'mis] v.[T]1.让...离开;把...打发走;解散;遣散2.解雇; 免...的职;开除 ? 【OMG 美语】第44期:朋友一生一起走! 1) Will you be my friend?可以交个朋友吗? 2) I don't have any friends.我没什么朋友。 Melissa is my best friend. Melissa 是我最好的朋友。 3) We're friends.我们是朋友。 4) - Do you know Bob? - Yeah! We're friends! We were classmates at OU! - 你认识 Bob 吗? - 是的!我们是朋友!他是我俄亥俄大学的同学。 5) Let's be friends. 我们交个朋友吧。 Can we be friends? You have a dog too? Let's be friends! We can walk our dogs together! 6) BFF=Best Friend Forever=最好的朋友 7) make friends with someone 和某人交朋友 I want to make friends with everyone in my class! 注意:Can I be (而不是 make) friends with you? Let's be friends. Can we be friends? 8) fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友 Diana was a fair-weather friend. When I broke up with my boyfriend, she stopped talking to me. That's when I needed her the most! 9) fast friends 很快就交朋友 Kenzie and I have been good friends since college! We were fast friends because we both love to dance! 10) man's best friend 人类最好的朋友 They say dog is man's best friend 11) friends in high places 有势力的朋友 She got the job because she has friends in high places. 12) 此外,&A friend in need is a friend indeed& 可以形容一个很靠谱 的朋友。 重点词汇 fair-weather a. 只适宜好天气的,只能同安乐不能共患难的 ? 【OMG 美语】第45期:谈谈感恩节(一) 1) Pilgrims and Indians 清教徒和印第安人 The story of Thanksgiving states that the Pilgrims and Indians gathered for the first Thanksgiving dinner to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. 2) Thanksgiving Dinner 感恩节晚餐 3) visit family 看望家人 My parents and I drive to my Grandma's house every year to eat Thanksgiving Dinner with our family. 4) extended family 所有的亲戚 5) catch up 和很久没见面的人好好聊一聊 We gathered with extended family for Thanksgiving Dinner. Everybody comes together and make a lot of food. We all eat and talk and catch up with family members we haven't seen for a while. 6) Eat turkey! 吃火鸡! Eating turkey on Thanksgiving is a tradition because it's said that the Pilgrims and Indians also ate turkey during the first Thanksgiving. 7) Give thanks 感谢 Every year before Thanksgiving Dinner, each family member goes around the table and says what he or she is most thankful for. This year I am definitely going to say I'm most thankful for OMG! 重点词汇 bountiful ['bauntiful] a. 慷慨的,宽大的 extended [iks'tendid] adj.1.伸出的,伸展的,拉长的,展开的2.长 的,延长的,延伸的,延续的,延长的,持久的,持续的3.(影响、 意义、范围、效力等)扩大的,扩展的,广大的4.引申的,外延的, 扩展了的5.努力专注的,竭尽全力的,加强的6.【印刷】(西文活字) 扁体的,阔体的 Pilgrim ['pilgrim] n. 1.朝觐者,朝圣的人,香客2.清教徒前辈移民 (1620年乘五月花号赴美洲,在马萨诸塞建立英国殖民地) ? 【OMG 美语】第46期:谈谈感恩节(二) 1) Turkey 火鸡 2) star of the show 重点 The roasted turkey is the star of the show at Thanksgiving Dinner! 3) stuffing 填料 Stuffing is really good! When you cook a turkey, you stuff it with bread cubes, veggies, nuts ,dried fruit and herbs and stuff! That's stuffing, it's so good! 4) mashed potatoes & gravy 土豆泥和肉汁 Mashed potatoes are my favourite Thanksgiving dish! I pour tons of gravy on top! 5) cranberry sauce 小红梅酱 6) must-have 必须要的 Cranberry sauce is a Thanksgiving must-have. It's very tart and a little bit sweet dish. It's very good! 7) pumpkin pie 南瓜派 8) from scratch 自己用基本材料 Thanksgiving Dinner is not complete without pumpkin pie. My mom makes the best pumpkin pie on earth! 9) gobble 吃;火鸡的声音 In the U.S., we say turkeys say &gobble gobble gobble!!& I gobble up tons of food on Thanksgiving. 重点词汇 roasted [r?ustid] a. 烤的 stuffing ['st? fi?] n.[U]1.(烹饪前塞入鸡等膛内的)填料2.(垫子、 玩具等的)填充物 veggies n. 蔬菜;素菜类;素食主义者[ veggy ] 的复数形式 gravy ['greivi] n.[U]1.(调味)肉汁2. 意外之财,飞来福 cranberry ['kr?nberi] n. 越橘 scratch [skr?t? ] v.[T]1.抓破,划破2.擦红,擦伤3.在(身体部位) 搔痒4.(用爪子等)扒出5.刮擦(某物)发出刺耳声6.刻7.乱写乱画8. 删去,取消9.(艰难地)凑集,积攒10.【体】使弃权11.【俚】伪造 (文件等)v.[I]1.抓伤2.搔痒3.被划伤4.使人发痒5.发刮擦声6.艰难谋 生7.【美】在候选人名单上划去名字8.【体】 (赛马等)退出比赛9. 【台】失误,侥幸击中10.【 (更多略) 。 。 。 gobble ['g? bl] v.[I,T]1.狼吞虎咽地吃 v.[I]1.(火鸡)咯咯地叫, 发出似 火鸡的叫声 cube [kju:b] n. 1.立方体; 立方形2.立方形的东西 (尤指食物) 3. 【数 学】立方 ? 【OMG 美语】第47期:黑色星期五 1) Black Friday 黑色星期五 Black Friday is the day after Thankgiving! And it's the beginning of the Christmas shopping season! OMG! I'm so excited to go shopping. 2) crack of dawn 黎明,天刚亮 Stores open at the crack of dawn on Black Friday and offer really really good sales that only last one day or even just a few hours! 3) be a sucker for something 被……吸引 My mon and I are suckers for good sales! We get up at the crack of dawn on Black Friday to go find all the good sales! 4) shop 'til you drop 购物到腿软
My mon and I try to get all of the holiday shopping done on Black Friday. We have to find gifts for every family member! We shop 'til we drop. 5) beat the crowds 比别人都来得早,避开购物高峰 This year there is no way to beat the crowds because some stores are opening at MIDNIGHT on Black Friday! Crazy... 重点词汇 crack [kr?k] v.[T]1. 使爆裂,使破裂2. 砸开,砰地一声打开;强 行进入3. 使霹啪作响4. 使嗓音变粗(或变哑)5. 猛击6.【口】说(笑 话等)7. 破解(密码) ,解开(难题等)v.[I]1. 发出爆裂声2. 裂开, 爆裂;断裂3.(嗓音)变粗(变哑)4. 垮掉;屈服(+up)n.[C]1. 裂缝, 裂痕 2. 爆裂声3. 猛烈的一击4.【口】尝试(+at)5. 俏皮话(+about)6. (突然) (更多略) dawn [d? :n] n. 1.[C,U] 黎明,拂晓2.开端;曙光,端倪(+of)v. [I]1. 破晓, (天)刚亮2.(时代,局面等)开始出现,渐露端倪3.开始(为 人所)明白;顿悟(+on/upon) sucker ['s? k?] n. 1.容易上当受骗的人,没有主见的人2.不由得对... 入迷的人,酷爱...的人 3.(动物的)吸盘4.(橡胶或塑料等制成的) 吸盘5.根出条6.【美,俚语】 (泛指人或物,尤表示强调)家伙,东西, 玩意儿7. 【美, 非正式地】 棒棒糖 v.[T] 1. 除去…的根出条(或吸根) 2. [美国俚语]欺骗,愚弄 ? 【OMG 美语】第48期:我懂你的意思
1) I don't get it 我不懂 - And that's how you calculate how much time it will take the spaceship to reach the moon. - I don't get it. 2) catch your drift 懂你的意思 - So, I think it's going to happen! Do you catch my drift? - I'm not catching your drift. 3) I don't get what you mean 我不懂你的意思 - Did you tell Mike we're going to the party? - I don't get what you mean. - Did you see the invitation? - No. - No wonder you don't get what I mean. 4) I don't grasp the meaning 我不懂这个意思 Excuse me, Mr. Jones? I'm not grasping the meaning of today's lesson. 5) I'm not following 我有点儿不明白,我听不懂你的话 - I shouldn't have to tell you why I'm mad. You should know! - I'm not following. 重点词汇 calculate ['k?lkjuleit] v. 1. [I,T] 计算;核算2. [T] 预测;推测 spaceship ['speis? ip] n. 宇宙飞船 drift [drift] v.[I] 1.漂,漂流 2.漂泊,流浪 3.无意间进入;不知不觉 陷入 4.吹积; 堆积 5.浮现; 飘然出现, 飘飘忽忽地出现 6.随波逐流, 放任自流;无目的(或随意)地移动;零落地出现(或到来);(从一固定 位置)轻易地、 逐渐地移开 7.(无目的地)游荡, 漂泊, 闲逛; 打零工 8. 偏离(或改变)既定的路线(航道等);自然缓慢地转变;自流;走入歧 途 9.(价格、行情等)缓慢变动;偏离;漂移 10.(机动车 following ['f? l?? i?] n.[C]一批追随者(或拥护者、随从等)a.1.接 着的, 其次的2.下列的, 下述的3. (潮) 顺船向而流的; (风) 顺船 (或 车)向而吹的 prep.在...后 grasp [gr?sp] v.[T] 1.抓住,抓紧 2.理解,领会 3.急忙抓住,毫不 犹豫地抓住(机会) ? 【OMG 美语】第49期:各种面包 1) bagel 硬面包圈 I eat a bagel for breakfast every morning. I cut it in half and then I toast it. And then I spread cream cheese on each half. How good does that look!? 2) loaf of bread 一条面包 This loaf of bread smells so good! 3) baguette 法式长棍面包 A baguette is a very long and thin loaf of bread which is known for its very crispy crust. 4) muffin 松饼 You're so cute, little muffin. My favorite type of muffin is the blueberry muffin. Blueberry muffins are very popular type of muffin and they can be found in most coffee shop. 5) toast 烤面包 Which one is toasted? This is a piece of toast and this is a piece of bread. Most Americans like to eat toast for breakfast alongside some scrambled eggs! 重点词汇 bagel ['beigl] n. 炸圈型的硬面包 loaf [l?uf] n.一条(面包)v.[I]游手好闲,无所事事,闲荡 baguette [b?'get] n. 切成长方形的宝石;法国长面包 crispy ['krispi] a.1.(食物)脆的,酥脆的2.(水果和蔬菜)鲜脆的, 脆嫩的 crust [kr? st] n. 1.[C,U]面包皮2.[C,usually sing.]糕饼(尤指馅饼) 酥皮3.[C,U](尤指软物或液体上面,周围的)硬层,硬表面 muffin ['m? fin] n.1.(涂牛油趁热吃的)松饼 alongside [?'l? ?said] prep. 1.在...旁边,沿着...的边2.与...一起,与... 同时 adv.并排地 scramble ['skr?mbl] v .1.[I]攀登, 爬2.[I][~ (for sth)]争夺, 竞争 (尤 指为得到某事物)3. 混乱的一团 Scrambled 搅拌的 ? 【OMG 美语】第50期:要不还是下次吧! 1) No thanks 不要, 谢谢 - You wanna go to lunch with me? - Oh, no thanks. I packed lunch today. 2) Maybe next time 下次吧 - I have an extra ticket to play tonight. Wanna go with me? - Oh, no, I can't. I have to work tonight. Maybe next time. 3) I don't think so 我不想做什么 - Heyyy, pretty lady! Can I take you out to dinner? - Sorry, I don't think so. - Why not? - I don't think so, OK? I have a boyfriend. 4) I'll have to get back to you 我会再和你联系的 - When can we meet and discuss this business deal? - I'll have to get back to you. I'm very busy. 5) Not right now 不是现在 - Hey, let's go shopping. I need some new shoes! - Not right now, I have too much homework to do today. 6) Thank you anyway! 不过还是谢谢你咯 I can't make it to dinner, thank you anyway! I can't make
but, can I take a rain check ? 今天晚上我不能去吃晚饭,但是我们改天再吃好吗?。 重点词汇 pretty ['priti] adv.【口】1.颇,相当2.很,非常 adj.1.漂亮的,好看的, 标致的2.悦目的,悦耳的,优美的3.(男孩)俊俏的,女孩子气的 homework ['h?umw?:k] n.[U] 家庭作业,课外作业 pack [p?k] n. [C]1.包;捆;包裹;背包2.【美】一包(盒,箱,袋) (+of) ? 【OMG 美语】第51期:合不合胃口 1) fishy 可疑, 靠不住 Your story sounds a little fishy! Tell me the truth! 2) cheesy 就是很俗气 庸俗, 没水平, 很愚蠢 I was at the coffee shop and some guys says &Are you a magnet? Because I'm attracted to you!& And I was thinking, OMG! That is the cheesiest pick up line ever! I love watching Gossip Girl, but Melissa won't watch it with me, because she thinks it's too cheesy! 3) in a nutshell 长话短说 Well, in a nutshell, I like watching cheesy TV shows! 4) It's my cup of tea 很合我胃口 Dancing is my cup of tea. Sleeping in is my cup of tea. 5) It's NOT my cup of tea 不是我的爱好 Washing dishes is not my cup of tea.
6) use your noodle 动一动脑子 - You guys, Chinese is too hard.. I can't study anymore. - Don't give up! Use your noodle! 重点词汇 fishy ['fi? i] a.1. 鱼的2. 似鱼的3. 【口】可疑的;靠不住的4. 无表 情的 cheesy ['t? i:zi] a. 干酪质的,俊俏的,潇洒的劣质的;粗俗的;庸俗 的 nutshell ['n? t? el] n. 坚果壳,极小的容器,极小的住家美国口语:简 明扼要的 ? 【OMG 美语】第52期:真爱一生 1) Love of my life 一生的爱 Melissa says Mike, her new boyfriend is the love of my life. When will I find the love of my life? 2) For the love of Pete!! 天啊!! 表示很 frustrated,无可奈何,很沮 丧的。可以说 For the love of...anything(cats/ China / chocolate...)! Oh! For the love of Pete! Bob is 30 minutes late for dinner! I'm leaving. 3) love handles 腰部赘肉 Cameron told me to lay off the junk food, because he thinks I'm getting love handles. He's so mean. 4) misery loves company 同病相怜, 或者自己遇到不开心的事, 不想 让别人好受 - Why is Ralph so grumpy today? (grumpy adj. 脾气暴躁的;) - He got in a fight with his girlfriend last night. Misery loves company. 5) love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系 I have a love-hate relationship with cookies... They taste so good ! But they're so fattening! They give me love handles. 重点词汇 frustrated [fr? s'treitid] a. 1.挫败的;失意的;泄气的 2.性欲没有 得到满足的 3.无效的;没有得到满足的 misery ['miz?ri] n. 1.[U] 悲惨, 不幸2.[U] 穷困3.[C] 痛苦的事4.[C] 老发牢骚的人 fatten ['f?tn] vi. 养肥 vt. 使肥胖 ? 【OMG 美语】第53期:好冷啊! 1) so cold 这么冷 How did it get so cold outside!? 2) freezing my butt off 冷极了,屁股冻僵了 I hate cold weather! I'm freezing my butt off! 3) chilly 冷 It's a little too chilly to go running this moring! I'm going back to bed. 4) I can't feel my fingers 我感觉不到我的手指了 I've been out in the cold all day. I can't feel my fingers. 5) nippy 有点冷 It's a bit nippy outside! I should wear more layers! 6) ice-cold 非常冷 There is no way I'm going outside today! It is ice-cold outside 重点词汇 butt [b? t] n. 1.笑柄 2.烟蒂,烟头 3.工具柄;枪托 4.(武器或工具 的) 粗大的一端 5. (盛液体的) 大桶 6.屁股 7. (头的) 顶撞 v.[I,T]1. 用头撞或顶 2.(动物)用头(或角)顶 chilly ['t? ili] a. 1.寒冷的,冷得难受的 2.冷漠的,不友好的 nippy ['nipi] a. 刺骨的,凛冽的,锐利的 【OMG 美语】第54期:白洁给大家拜个年 1) 春节 Spring Festival 中国新年 Chinese New Year 2) 春运 Spring Festival Travel Over 2 million people are expected to take the train over this year's Spring Festival.That's the biggest movement of humanity in the world! 2) 红包 red envelopes The red color of 红包 symbolizes good luck. How much money is usually in a red envelope? 3) 恭喜发财 I wish you good fortune. 4) 万事如意 I wish you all the best! 5) 放烟火 set off fireworks I had so much fun celebrating Spring Festival in Beijing in 2007. The best part was setting off fireworks with my classmates. 6) 吃饺子 eat dumplings Legend has it that the more dumplings you eat during Spring Festival, the more money you'll make in the new year! Because dumplings look like little baby gold bags! 重点词汇 million ['milj?n] n.[C]1.百万; (人或物的)百万个2.百万的符号 3.(millions)许多,无数4.百万元5.(the millions)大众,群众 a.1.百万; 百万个2.许多的,无数的 humanity [hju'm?niti] n.[C]1.人类; 【总称】 人2.人性; [humanities] 人的属性3.人道;博爱;仁慈;[humanities]仁慈的行为4.(苏格兰大 学里的)拉丁语研究5.[the humanities](尤指古希腊和拉丁的)语言 文学;人文学科;关于人的学问,人学 envelope ['envil?up] n.[C]1. 信封; 封皮, 封套 2. 包裹物, 包装物; 覆盖物;套,罩 3. 外表;外(机)壳,外层,壳层 4.【航空学】(飞船 或飞艇的)蒙皮;(飞船、飞艇或气球的)气囊 5.(特定飞机或系统等 的)极限数据, (飞行)速度极限 6.【生物学】包袋,膜; 【植物学】 包被;围绕部分(如花冠) 7.【几何学】包迹,包络线;包络面 8.【电 信学】包络(曲)线 9.【天文学】包层 symbolize ['simb laiz] v. 1.[T]象征, 用符号表现2.[I]采用象征, 使用 符号 ? 【OMG 美语】第55期:很赞啊! 1) That's good stuff. 那很好啊! You got front row seats to the Lady Gaga concert? That's good stuff! You made me a cup of tea? Thank you! That's good stuff! 2) That's where it's at. 那很好啊! New York City has the best pizza in the world! Oh year! That's where it's at! You bought Hershey Kisses? These are my favorite! That's where it's at! 3) the bomb dot com 一个东西是非常好的,很棒的 Hershey Kisses are the bomb dot com! Pizza is the bomb dot com! Tea is the bomb dot com! Bob, you're the bomb dot com! The OMG!美语 app is the bomb dot com! 4) ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的 Anything can be ridiculous. You look ridonkulous in those glasses! That dog is ridiculous. Do you watch &The Bachelor&? OMG! The women on that show are ridiculous! 5) FAIL 杯具了 Singing FAIL!! 唱歌杯具了! Lipstick FAIL!! 涂口红杯具了! 重点词汇 stuff [st? f] n.[U]1. 原料;材料;物料;素材2.【英】料子;毛料, 呢绒3. 物品,东西;物质;食物;饮料;药品4. 货色;财产;家具; 行李;装备5. 作品;作品(或演讲、乐曲等)的内容;行为;话6. 【英口】 【旧】无用的东西,废物;无价值(或愚蠢)的著作(或话 语、主意等)7. 要素,基本的东西;特质,本质;素质8.【口】能力, 本事;擅长,特长9.【口】毒品,麻醉剂10.[the stuff]【口】钱,钞 票 row [r?u] n. [C]1.一列,一排,一行2.(剧院、电影院等的)一排座 位3.(编织中的)针行,一整行4.(用于某些道路名称)5.划船(时 间)6.严重分歧,纠纷7.吵架,争吵8.大的噪音【习】in a row1.连续 几次地2.接连几天(等)地 v.1.[I,T]划(船)2.[T]划船送(某人)3.[T] 吵架,大声争辩 bomb [b? m] n. 1.[C]炸弹,爆炸,爆炸性事件2.(the bomb)[sing.] 核武器,核弹3.(a bomb)[sing.]很多钱4.(a bomb)[sing.]彻底的失败 v. 1.[T]轰炸,炸毁2.[I]快速移动,疾行(尤指乘车)3.惨败,大败 app n.1.【计】Application,应用程序 abbr. ? 【OMG 美语】第56期:上路去旅行 1) Go on a trip 去旅行 2) Go on a weekend trip 周末旅游 3) Go on a road trip 在路上的旅行 I'm going on a weekend road trip. My four friends and I are renting a car and driving to New York City! 4) Hit the road 上路 I'm not ready to hit the road. I still need to pack! I need some clothes, tooth brush and my dancing shoes! 5) Travel light 轻装旅行 Bob told us to travel light because there isn't much room in the car! 6) Get the show on the road 离开 OK! This is all I need! let's get the show on the road. 7) Third Wheel/Fifth Wheel “电灯泡” I kinda feel like the fifth wheel this weekend because I'm traveling with two couples! 8)Road Rage 交通暴躁情绪 Bob is definitely driving! New York City traffic is too crazy and I get road rage really easily. 重点词汇 definitely ['definitli] ad. 一定地,肯定地;明确地,确切地 rage [reid? ] n.[C,U]愤怒,情绪激动,狂暴 v.[I] 1.发怒,怒斥2.风 暴,战斗3.迅速 ? 【OMG 美语】第57期:迎接新学期 1) new semester 新学期 The new semester starts tomorrow, I don't wanna go back to school ! Which classes are you taking new semester? 2) easy schedule 课表很轻松 I have a such easy schedule and I'm only taking 3 classes and they're fun, too! I'm taking American History, Diet and Exercise and the History of Rock and Roll! 3) I'm so stoked. 我很兴奋 - Wow! There's really a class on the History of Rock and Roll? - Yes! I'm so stoked about it! 4) My schedule stinks! 我的课表很糟! My schedule stinks! I'm taking so many classes! And they're all so hard!! I'm taking Communication Law, Biology, Statistics, Finance and Philosophy! This schedule's gunna kill me!! 5) drop a class 退选 - OMG! That schedule sounds insane! Can you drop a class?
- I'll think about it... I might have to drop a class if I can't handle taking so many classes. 6) Your grades might suffer! 成绩可能会下降! - It's too many classes! If you don't drop a class, your grades might suffer! You don't wanna hurt your GPA! 7) GPA = grade point average = 平均绩点 重点词汇 semester [si'mest?] n. [C]1.(尤指美国的大专院校的)学期(半学 年) schedule ['? edju:l ] n.[C]1. 表;清单;目录2.【美】时间表;课程 表; (火车等的)时刻表 3. 计划表;日程安排表4. 报表 v.[T]1. 将... 列表(或清单等)2. 将...列入计划(或时间)表3.【美】安排,预定 (+to-v) stoked a. 【俚】热情洋溢的 insane [in'sein] a. 1.精神失常的;精神错乱的2.the insane n.【复数】 精神失常的人,精神错乱的人3.【非正式】十分愚蠢的;疯狂的;危 险的 stink [sti?k] v.[I] 1.散发出恶臭;发臭味 2.名声臭;糟透 n. 1.恶臭, 难闻的气味 2.大声抱怨 ? 【OMG 美语】第58期:感冒啦 1) I feel sick 我感觉不舒服了 2) sick as a dog 病得厉害
I am sick as a dog. Who's gunna make me some soup!? 3) call in sick 打电话请病假 I don't feel good. So I'm gunna call in sick and take the day off. 4) sick in bed 卧病在床 I'm sick in bed with the flu! 5) under the weather 有点感冒了 I'm feeling a little under the weather. Who's gunna make me some soup!? 重点词汇 sick [sik] n. 病人 a. 不舒服,有病的,恶心的,厌恶的,渴望的, 病态的 v.[T] 呕吐,使狗去攻击 soup [su:p] n. 1. 汤,羹 2. 浓雾 v.[T] 1. 通过改装(汽车、计算机 等)增强功能 flu [flu:] n.[U]流感 ? 【OMG 美语】第59期:cold 的一些表达 1) catch cold 感冒 Put on a coat, or you'll catch cold. 2) cold shoulder 冷淡地看待,不理一个人 I saw Bob at the party, but he gave me the cold shoulder! How could he be like that!? 3) hot and cold 犹豫不决 Melissa kept blowing hot and cold about studying abroad, And I told her: Girl, make up your mind! 4) get cold feet 临场退缩 Anna got cold feet and never showed up to her wedding ceremony! I feel so bad for her fiance! 5) quit cold turkey 断然戒掉一个习惯,平常是坏习惯 Have you ever quit something cold turkey? It's not easy! I could never quit drinking coffee cold turkey! 6) as cold as ice 非常冷 My hands are cold as ice! 重点词汇 abroad [?'br? :d] adv.【英】1.在国外,到国外2.【正式】广为流传 3.【旧】在室外;到室外;户外 ceremony ['serim?ni] n.1.[C] 典礼;仪式2.[U] 礼节;礼仪;客套 fiance [fi' :nsei] n. 未婚夫 turkey ['t?:ki] n. 1.[C]火鸡2.[U]火鸡肉3.[C]失败4.[C]笨蛋,草包 【OMG 美语】第60期:如何问路 1) Excuse me, I'm a little lost, Can you help me? 不好意思,我好像有点迷路了,你能帮我吗? 2) Can you help me find..? 能不能帮我找到……? Can you help me find the library ? 3) How do I get to..? 这个地方怎么走? How do I get to the nearest grocery? 4) Can you point me in the direction of..? 这个地方怎么走? Can you point me in the direction of the nearest metro stop? 5) How do I get to..? 该怎么去? Can you please tell me how do I get to 300 C Street? 重点词汇 library ['laibr?ri] n.[C]1.图书馆,藏书楼2.图书室;资料室3.(书、 激光唱片等的)个人收藏4.系列丛书(或磁带等) ;文库 grocery ['gr?us?ri] n.1. 杂货业2. 杂货店 direction [di'rek? ?n] n. 1.[C]方向, 趋势, 动向, 趋 2.[C][directions] 【通常作复数】 指南, 指示, 说明书, 用法说明, 操作说明3.[directions] (信件p包裹等上的)姓名地址4.[U]管理,监督 metro ['metr?u] abbr.metropolitann.1.地铁2.大都市的居民3.(基督 教的)大主教(常大写)a.1.大都市的;大都市市政府的 ? 【OMG 美语】第61期:我想见你 1) hang out 一起待着 - What are you doing tonight? - I'm hangin' out with Melissa. 2) get together 见面,相聚 We must get together soon. I want to try that new Chinese restaurant. 3) spend some time with you 和你共度时光 I can't wait to spend some time with Priya. I haven't seen her for a whole year! 4) wanna see you 想见你 OMG! You're coming to D.C.? I wanna see you ! Let's get dinner when you come to town! 5) meet up 见个面 You wanna meet up after work? Let's go to happy hour! 重点词汇 hang [h??] v.1.[I,T]悬挂,吊;[I], (指织物、衣服等)挂着或垂吊 着的某种样子2.[I,T]晾挂风乾 (以便食用) 3.[I,T]固定在墙上, (尤指) 展览;[T][尤用于被动语态] [hang sth with sth] 用(图画、饰物等) 装饰某物4.[T] 将壁纸贴在墙上5.[T]上吊,绞死(某人),(尤指)处 以绞刑;[I]被处以绞刑6.[T]给(门)安装铰链7.[I,T](使某物)下垂 或弯曲下垂8. restaurant ['rest?r?nt] n. 1.[C]餐厅,饭馆,饭店 whole [h?ul] a. 1.全部的,全体的,所有的2.整个的;完整的;无缺 的,无损的3.整整的4.健全的5.【数】整(数)的6.(自我)完全的 n. 1.全部,全体(+of)2.整体,统一体3.完全的自我 【OMG 美语】第62期:和天气有关的短语 1) fair weather friend 酒肉朋友 Mike hasn't call me since I lost my job. I guess he's just a fair weather friend. 2) It's a breeze! 这是很容易的! I'll teach you how to dance. It's a breeze! 3) come rain or come shine 风雨无阻, 不管发生什么情况 I will stay by your side come rain or come shine! 4) steal someone's thunder 抢人风头 I made all of the food for the dinner party, but Anna took credit for it! I can't believe she could steal my thunder like that! 5) take a rain check 下次吧,改天再说 I'm so busy tonight. I can't make it to dinner. Can I take a rain check? 6) under the weather 表示不舒服 Brian is feeling a little under the weather, so I'm going to make him some soup. 重点词汇 breeze [bri:z] n. 1.微风,轻风 2.轻而易举的事 v.[I] 1.吹微风 2.漫 不经心地行动 3.轻盈而自信地走 thunder ['θ? nd?] n. 1. 雷电,雷声2. 迅雷(下载软件)v. [I] 打雷, 轰隆地响,怒喝[T] 大声喊出,轰隆地发出 credit ['kredit] n.1.[U]赊帐,赊欠2.[U](经济上的)信誉3.[U]银行 存款(帐面余额) ? 【OMG 美语】第63期:淡定 1) chill / chill out 和朋友一起放松,休闲,打发时间 Let's chill out at my house after work. -What are you doing? -I'm just chillin' with Melissa. 2) chill / chill out 休息,放松 I have been studying all day! I need to chill out. Let's watch a movie. 3) chill / chill out 别着急,冷静 - I can't find my sunglasses. Where are they? - Chill out! They're on your head! - OMG! I'm so nervous for the exam. - Chill out! You'll do fine. 4) chillax = chill/chill out I just wanna chillax tonight. - I'm so nervous for the interview tomorrow! - Chillax girl! You'll do great! 5) chilly 冷 It's chilly outside! OMG! It's snowing! 6) chilled to the bone 感到寒气刺骨 Many people on the east coast were chilled to the bone last weekend by the early snow storm. 重点词汇 chill [t? il] v.[I,T] 1.(使)变冷,(使)变凉 2.使很冷;使冰冷 3. 使恐 惧; 恐吓; 吓唬 n. 1.寒冷, 寒气 2.寒颤, 发冷 3.害怕的感觉 4.扫兴; 沮丧;寒心;消沉 5.冷漠,冷淡,缺乏热情 6.【冶金学】激冷;冷 硬铸型 7.降服,屈从 8.(漆器上的)暗淡无光部分 a. 1.冷的,冷得发 抖的;凉飕飕的 2.令人失望的;扫兴的;沮丧的;消沉的 3.冷漠的, 冷淡的 4.[美国俚语]好;好极了 chillax [’t? il?ks] vi. 冷静,放轻松 chill “冷”和 relax “放松”的合成词 ? 【OMG 美语】第64期:谈谈万圣节 1) Trick or Treat 不给糖的话就捣乱 I am so excited to go trick or treating tonight! 2) hand out candy 给“不给糖就使坏”的人糖 3) carve a jack-o-lantern 雕一个南瓜灯 4) Halloween costume 万圣节服装 I don't have a Halloween costume yet...What should I be? 5) witch 女巫 I'm going as a witch! 6) ghost 鬼 I'm dressing up as a ghost! 重点词汇 lantern ['l?nt?n] n. 1.灯笼 2.灯塔 costume ['k? stju:m] n. 1.[C,U]服装;装束2.[C,U]戏装;服装3.[C] 英】 【口】=swimming costume witch [wit? ] n.巫婆,女巫 v.[T] 施巫术,迷惑 ghost [g?ust] n.1.[C]鬼;鬼魂;幽灵2.[C](尤指可怕事物的)记忆, 回忆 ? 【OMG 美语】第65期:运动达人 1) sporty 喜欢运动的人,像运动员的 Scott is a sporty guy. He plays basketball all the time. 2) athletic 身体健壮的,活跃的 I am not athletic. I'm so bad at sports! 3) in shape 健美 I'll never get in shape unless I eat less and exercise more! 4) active 活跃的


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