
10:47:59&作者: 来源:官方
  1. Taiho&s stock and upgraded bombers have the same name (Aichi B7A2) but their characteristics are different. Is it a bug or is it intended?
  1. 大凤的白板和升级过的舰攻的名字都是一样的(流星改),但是属性不一样。这是Bug还是故意的啊?
  A. Yes it is intended. Different &entities& for different balancing parameters.
  2.a. What punishment does a players get for being reported as &bot& or &playing badly&?
  2.A. 如果有玩家被举报成&挂机&或者是&玩的很烂&的话会受到什么样的惩罚?
  A. Both of these reports are only for analytical purpose. The first one is for data about bots, the second for data about the necessity to have better learning processes. There are no penalties associated with both of these reports.
  2.b. In what cases should we report a player for &playing badly&?
  2.B. 那我们要在什么情况下去把别的玩家举报成&玩的不好&呢?
  A. When a player disrupts the game for other players or when his actions seriously jeopardize his team.
  3. When will we see armor visualisation added to the game?
  3. 什么时候才能在游戏里看到装甲模型?
  A. I hope in 2016. There&s still some aspects of it we have to work on. We&re actively working on this feature.
  4. Are mouse macros prohibited? Since, like it&s the case in some shooters, there are ways to compensate the recoil with mouse macros/parameters, it would give an unfair advantage to the users of such &mod&.
  4. 鼠标宏是会被封禁的吗?你看,很多射击游戏里面的话可以通过鼠标宏/鼠标的设置来人为的控制后坐力,使用了这些&mod&的用户是有很大优势的。
  A. Mouse macros are not included in the list of prohibited mods. Fortunately, you don&t have to shoot directly from the guns themselves.
  5. When I have the choice between modules for AA or secondary batteries survivability, which one does affect dual purpose guns?
  5. 防空炮和副炮的生存性的插件里的哪一个会影响高平两用炮?
  A. AA module only improves AA guns survivability. Secondary guns modules improves secondary guns survivability and dual purpose (secondary & AA) guns.
  6. Regarding Warspite, according to some documents, after her refit, her 381mm guns could fire &super charged shells& weighting 879kg and having an initial velocity of 803m/s with a 30km range. In game, her initial shell velocity is 732m/s (it&s possible this is due to heavier shells) even though it was 747m/s for 871kg shells.
  6. 有一些关于厌战的文献中表示在她改造之后,她的381mm炮可以发射&增压弹&,重879公斤,初速803m/s,射程是30公里。游戏中她的炮弹初速是732m/s(有可能是由于炮弹更重了),尽管真正的数据是871kg的炮弹,初速747m/s
  Similarly to Molotov, could you give Warspite super charged shells that would have a higher initial velocity (803m/s) and a 18km range?
  A. In game, Warspite is equipped with standard shells. Moreover:
  We don&t plan to improve Warpsite&s shells characteristics.
  7. It seems AFT isn&t working on Novik. She&s equipped with 120mm guns and with the skill, he range should be 12.1 km, but it remains at 10.1. Why is that?
  7. 进阶射击训练好像在诺维克身上不起作用啊。她的主炮是120mm,点了技能以后的射程应该是12.1,但是现在依然还是10.1。怎么回事?
  A. I just checked. Unfortunately, on this ship, ballistics don&t allow for longer firing range. Currently, this situation isn&t obvious and affects a couple of ships. We will look into fixing this issue.


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