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Apple iPhone 5se rumor review: everything we know about the brave little 4-incher
Apple iPhone 5se rumor review: everything we know about the brave little 4-incher
The rumored 4-inch
5se is something of an enigma. It's the iPhone that should not be. A tiny David in a world increasingly full of over-sized Goliaths. Word is,
had already developed the iPhone SE into a production-ready state by summer 2015, before postponing it for next year. Could it become the brave little iPhone that could, succeeding where its predecessor, the "unapologetically plastic" iPhone 5c, failed?We are still months away from learning the truth, but we aren't spending our precious time in idle waiting! The rumor mill is working days, nights, and weekends to come up with those hype-raising, surprise-destroying leaks, hearsay, analyst predictions, "Mr. Blurrycam" photos, and concept renders.How can we possibly miss out on the "impending iPhone launch" media cavalcade, especially when it's so soon after the one surrounding the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus ended? Not on our watch! Here's everything we know, or we think we know about the iPhone SE so far!TL;DRWe know that here's plenty of information to digest below! You might be on the run right now, or just interested in the gist of it, so we've summed up the most relevant rumors about the iPhone SE here to assist you.Design: Instead of a plastic shell, the iPhone 5se will feature an aluminium body, styled after the current iPhones and sold in multiple colors.Hardware: Sources claim the iPhone 5se will feature the powerful A9 chipset and M9 co-processor found on the Apple iPhone 6s. While some prototypes of the
are powered by the A8 and M8 chips, Apple does not want the
to fall two generations behind under the hood. That would happen once the Apple iPhone 7 is launched with the A10 and M10 processors on board.Display: Apple will probably opt for a 4-inch, 640 x 1136 resolution IPS LCD display, supplied by LG and Japan Display Inc. It is highly unlikely that Apple will bring its "3D Touch" pressure-sensitive tech, a highlight of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, to the budget-conscious iPhone SE.Camera: The iPhone 5se is said to feature a 12MP shooter with a Dual-LED flash on the back, and a 1.3MP FaceTime cam with f/2.2 aperture on the front. 4K video playback / recording and 'Live Photos' will probably happen.Release date and pricing: The announcement and release are most likely to go through in late March 2016. The price will be set around $500 for the base model.Contents:Plastic gets shown the door, colorful aluminium steps in.Widely known as the iPhone 5se (and before that, '6c',) the new 4-inch iPhone may be simply called the "iPhone SE." This will mark the first iPhone upgrade without a number in its name, and would logically remove it from a yearly update cycle.Based on Apple reinvigorating the 4-inch iPhone
size at a time where the market is mostly moving toward larger smartphone screens, it would make sense for Apple to position this device as simply the "SE." Dropping the 5 simplifies things, as bringing back an iPhone 5 variant amid the iPhone 6 life cycle could potentially confuse customers. Still, the iPhone SE will replace the existing iPhone 5s at the same price point.Some say the visual style of the iPhone SE will resemble that of the iPhone 5 family, others suggest it will look more like the current iPhone 6 and 6s, but whatever it ends up looking, chances are that these concept images below, made by designer Martin Hajek&solely based on the rumors, are the best mockups that you will see until Apple unveils the official thing.
iPhone SE concept
iPhone SE concept
iPhone SE concept
Previously, a leaked photograph compared the upcoming
with the original iPhone 5. Some of the changes visible with the naked eye are the oblong volume buttons in place of the circular ones, and the fingerprint-reading Home button.We also got a round of leaked pictures of the new iPhone's alleged front panel. If legit, they would confirm the screen size and that the device has no 3D Touch layer.
First pictures of iPhone 5se leak
Alleged iPhone 5se is compared to the Apple iPhone 6s
First pictures of iPhone 5se leak
First pictures of iPhone 5se leak
4. Alleged iPhone 5se is compared to the Apple iPhone 6s
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The iPhone 6s' Apple A9 SoC is supposed to be on the case.We just recently heard that the device will be have the current Apple A9 chipset and M9 motion co-processor, paired with 16GB and 64GB of memory. Also, the iPhone 5se is expected to carry a 12MP rear snapper and an unknown front-facing one, along with Apple Pay support (courtesy of an NFC chip), Bluetooth 4.2, VoLTE, and 802.11ac Wi-Fi. The device will also be able to display Live Photos, but not record them.Furthermore, we can safely assume that the smartphone will have all the hardware and software necessary to pair with the Apple Watch. And in this line of "near-constant connectivity and data processing tasks that suck power" thought, the iPhone 5se is said to feature a 1715mAh capacity battery, just slightly less than the iPhone 6's 1810mAh unit, and same as that of the iPhone 6s. Sounds good to us!The 4-inch screen is back in town, but 3D Touch said "sorry, won't make it."Not pulling any surprise punches, Apple will probably opt for a 4-inch, 640 x 1136 resolution IPS LCD display, supplied by LG and Japan Display Inc. This adds up to a pixel density of 326 ppi, which is enough to make individual pixels indistinguishable from a normal viewing distance.It is highly unlikely that Apple will bring its "3D Touch" pressure-sensitive layer to the budget-conscious iPhone 5se. According to an executive directly involved with selling the component, it will take
and cheapened enough to walk the path of the fingerprint scanner and make for a viable addition to mid and entry-level handsets, be it from Apple or competing smartphone makers. Besides, 3D Touch lends a layer of exclusivity to the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, which Apple isn't keen on losing so fast.The 12MP rear cam is back in town, so 4K and Live Photos aren't out of the question.Connected Apple analyst Ming Chi-Kuo said the iPhone 5se will have a 12MP camera with a Dual-LED flash on the back, and a FaceTime camera with f/2.2 aperture on the front.A report from May 2015 claims that imaging sensors for the iPhone SE5se will be sourced from Sony, as usual.
(such as Huawei and ZTE) this summer, because it was so busy fulfilling Apple orders for iPhone 5se cam sensors. What can we say — small phone, big deal!Comparatively, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus have 12MP rear cameras with 4K video recording and 5MP selfie cams, while the upcoming iPhone 7 and 7 Plus might feature . One of the cameras will likely be used for depth perception or wider imaging, whereas the other will act as a regular one, so the resulting photos will have adjustable focus and possibly other cool depth tricks.March release, around $500 for a base model. Any takers?According to sources for 9to5Mac, Apple has set the announcement for Tuesday, March 21st. At that event, it is expected that Apple will be announcing the iPhone 5se, the iPad Air 3, and new Apple Watch bands.Reputable analyst Ming-Chi Kuo from KGI Securities has another saying on the matter. He believes the handset could be&announced in late February and released in early March.&Of course, there are also claims , which will see Apple pull off its first smartphone hat-trick, announcing the iPhone 5se together with the big guys — the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.With the scent of uncertainty lingering in the air, we'll have to hail the rumored Q1 2016 February / March announcement as the one to look forward to. It's the one that's popped up the most on our radar, and the highly knowledgeable Ming-Chi Kuo has voiced its support for it, so chances are that early 2016 it is!And now, how about the price? A report from Chinese website TechWeb cites "Foxconn insiders" and various sources claiming that the base model iPhone SE (with 16GB of storage) will be priced between $400 to $500 in the United States. Meanwhile, the iPhone 5s' price will be dropped in half.
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I am team Android, But I really don't get the point of this.. Why would anyone want that small of a screen anymore! Even 4.5 nowadays seems small to me. I don't like them to huge either a screen about 5.5ish tops & the sweet spot currently is 5 to me, but again ya I just don't see how this is going to sell much & it will probably be over priced to boot! knowing apple.
I see plenty of people with iPhone 5's, 5s', and 5c's, And plenty of people with small (low-end) Androids. Not everybody wants a huge phone, or even what is considered "medium" by today's standards. 4" is enough to get the job done (that's what she said - or you wish she did) if all you need is to make calls, check emails, reply to texts, and do the occasional internet search. Not everybody wants or needs to play games or watch Twitch, so a small device suffices.
I'm a proponent of Android as well, but I also wish there were more quality, smaller options.
Considering the new iPhone 6c has the same processor as the iPhone 6 or the iPod touch 6th gen.
It's even going to have the same ram, display and camera as the iPod touch.
The iPod touch even starts with 16gb of storage.
Yet the only difference between the iPhone 6c and the iPod touch is the phone parts, then wouldn't it make sense if you really want to be in Apples world to just get an iPod touch and save yourself a lot of money.
If you really need the phone and data parts, then you could pick up an inexpensive smartphone as well.
You could pick up a iPod touch for $199 and an inexpensive Android smartphone for around $100.
So you would pocket $100 and you would also have both worlds.
here's the other side of the story, if you may:
I too am team Android (for the most part), but I'm tired of waiting for a slim, premium looking, decent spec'd android phone (z5 compact didn't convince me enough i suppose) that if rumors hold true - the iphone 6c might be my next phone!
just lends you a perspective doesn't it! :)
There's always a market for small phones!
My thoughts exactly Nexus 5x was awesome but with a baby in one arm and a phone in the other I returned it and went back to the 5s which originally was a backup to the N5 which on Marshmallow was faster than the 5s and seemingly the 5x.
If the N5 didn't die because of a battery issue and had a better camera I would still be using it today :-/ first android phone that I didn't feel the need to upgrade.
Went to crap on 5.0 but 6.0 made it awesome!
There are a group of people who don't want to say/do what others say/do, just to be different from others. They regard themselves as special, intellectuals - who are much wiser than the all others even including Geeks and professionals.
Apple is targeting that market and my word there are lot of em.
omg such MEGA TERA HEXA BOOM because some cheap poor ''SE'' coming up .. and nobody will buy it .. what's gonna be different nothing.. only worse little screen , slow..
Because a phone is a tool that has to travel with you.
You want it to be portable and have a long lasting battery.
I'm currently using galaxy note 5 after using iphone 6 for about a year..Honestly it's too big my note 4inch iphone is the best size..I'm going
to buy this as my main phone and use note 5 for media consuption.
Good for people who still want 4inches, but I just don't see how someone can stand that size. I still wonder why I put up with such a small screen everytime I see my Ipod.
Why is it 'brave'? I wonder why PA just doesn't change the website to iPhoneArena
brave... pukes.
a.k.a. ipod touch with cellphone capabilities a.k.a. 4" display iphone 6.
4.7" is the smallest I think a phone should be now. When I pick up my iPhone 4 to play some favorites, it feels like a toy after using 5"+ sized phones and tablets.
I too like someone else posted, see lots of people still using 4" iPhone models mostly the 4/4S and 5S.
I love the 5S. I would have that over my iPhone 4 if it supported iPod Out.
I guess maybe with the new design, maybe it will have high sales, but I cant waste money on something so small. The games i do play on my iPhone aren't worth spending any extra money.
I have a 5S, and there's no way in hell I'd buy this "SE."
There is no point in buying an Apple product without premium design.
No 3D touch.
Dated build quality.
Crappy battery life.
It is getting all the terrible trade offs of Apple phones with none of the benefits.
While I understand there is a demand for smaller phones and I believe Apple is partly taking this step to make more cash from this market, I also think it is symptom of Apples lack of innovation and fresh thinking. There will be nothing new in this phone not much more than a shrunken IP6 which in itself was not much more than a stretched iPhone 5s. The IP6 and 6s are already quite a way behind in smartphone tech themselves so all Apple are doing is trying to make up for slowing IP revenues by recycling cheaper old tech. $500 is ridiculous for a 4" phone with mid-range specs. It seems sadly this is the path Apple is taking now and why they are not producing class leading products anymore.
$99 seems the right price for this phone.
"The iPhone 5se is said to feature a 1715mAh capacity battery, just slightly less than the iPhone 6's 1810mAh unit, and same as that of the iPhone 6s. Sounds good to us!"
You gotta be sh*ttin me with that right? A thicker 4 incher shouldn't be a burden to anyone at this point in time, especially when even most Asian girls now are able to deftly handle most phablets up till friggin" 7" tabs? A thick 4" phone with a big battery today would be a massive relief rather than having to deal with ridiculous extended batt cases. God forbid if Apple plans another of that horrendous batt case of theirs to accompany this.
If size is conserned i dnt thnk even 6/6s z too big. i think its the perfect size for a phone to be.
its slim n can be used in 1 hand for people wid medium size hand. (not too small hands)
and with no buttons on screen u gt to use the whole screen so that almost makes it lyk 5' inch phone
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Apple iPhone 5se rumor review: everything we know about the brave little 4-incher
Apple iPhone 5se rumor review: everything we know about the brave little 4-incher
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