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In every talk I have given till now, the question “how does Rust achieve thread safety?”has invariably come up. I usually just give an overview, but this provides a more comprehensiveexplanation for those who are interested
I touched a bit on the
trait. There are other such “marker” traitsin the standard library, and the ones relevant to this discussion are
and .I recommend reading that post if you’re not familiar with Rust wrapper types like
and ,since I’ll be using them as examples
but the concepts explained here are largely independent.
For the purposes of this post, I’ll restrict thread safety to mean no data races or cross-thread dangling pointers. Rust doesn’t aim to solve race conditions. However, there are projects which utilize the type system to provide some form of extra safety, for example rust-sessions attempts to provide protocol safety using session types.
These traits are auto-implemented using a feature called “opt in builtin traits”. So, for example, if struct Foo is Sync, all structs containing Foo will also be Sync, unless we explicitly opt out using impl !Sync for Bar {}. Similarly, if struct Foo is not Sync, structs containing it will not be Sync either, unless they explicitly opt in (unsafe impl Sync for Bar {})
This means that, for example, a Sender for a Send type is itself Send, but a Sender for a non-Send type will not be Send. This patte it lets one use channels with non-threadsafe data in a single-threaded context without requiring a separate “single threaded” channel abstraction.
At the same time, structs like Rc and RefCell which contain Send/Sync fields have explicitly opted out of one or more of these because the invariants they rely on do not hold in threaded situations.
It’s actually possible to design your own library with comparable thread safety guarantees outside of the compiler — while these marker traits are specially treated by the compiler, the special treatment is not necessary for their working. Any two opt-in builtin traits could be used here.
Send and Sync have slightly differing meanings, but are very intertwined.
Send types can be moved between threads without an issue. It answers the question “if this variable were moved to another thread, would it still be valid for use?”. Most objects which completely own their contained data qualify here. Notably, Rc doesn’t (since it is shared ownership). Another exception is LocalKey, which does own its data but isn’t valid from other threads. Borrowed data does qualify to be Send, but in most cases it can’t be sent across threads due to a constraint that will be touched upon later.
Even though types like RefCell use non-atomic reference counting, it can be sent safely between threads because this is a transfer of ownership (a move). Sending a RefCell to another thread will be a move and will make it unusable from so this is fine.
Sync, on the other hand, is about synchronous access. It answers the question: “if multiple threads were all trying to access this data, would it be safe?”. Types like Mutex and other lock/atomic based types implement this, along with primitive types. Things containing pointers generally are not Sync.
Sync is sort of a crutch to S it helps make other types Send when sharing is involved. For example, &T and Arc&T& are only Send when the inner data is Sync (there’s an additional Send bound in the case of Arc&T&). In words, stuff that has shared/borrowed ownership can be sent to another thread if the shared/borrowed data is synchronous-safe.
RefCell, while Send, is not Sync because of the non atomic reference counting.
Bringing it together, the gatekeeper for all this is thread::spawn(). It has the signaturepub fn spawn&F, T&(f: F) -& JoinHandle&T& where F: FnOnce() -& T, F: Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static复制代码
Admittedly, this is confusing/noisy, partially because it’s allowed to return a value, and also because it returns a handle from which we can block on a thread join. We can conjure a simpler spawn API for our needs though:pub fn spawn&F&(f: F) where F: FnOnce(), F: Send + 'static复制代码which can be called like:let mut x = vec![1,2,3,4];
// `move` instructs the closure to move out of its environment
thread::spawn(move || {
& &x.push(1);
// x is not accessible here since it was moved复制代码In words, spawn() will take a callable (usually a closure) that will be called once, and contains data which is Send and 'static. Here, 'static just means that there is no borrowed data contained in the closure. This is the aforementioned constraint that prevents the sharing of borrowed without it we would be able to send a borrowed pointer to a thread that could easily outlive the borrow, causing safety issues.
There’s a slight nuance here about the closures — closures can capture outer variables, but by default they do so by-reference (hence the move keyword). They autoimplement Send and Sync depending on their capture clauses. For more on their internal representation, see huon’s post. In this case, x was captured by- i.e. as Vec&T& (instead of being similar to &Vec&T& or something), so the closure itself can be Send. Without the move keyword, the closure would not be `‘static’ since it contains borrowed content.
Since the closure inherits the Send/Sync/'static-ness of its captured data, a closure capturing data of the correct type will satisfy the F: Send+'static bound.
Some examples of things that are allowed and not allowed by this function (for the type of x):
1. Vec&T&, Box&T& are allowed because they are Send and 'static (when the inner type is of the same kind)
2. &T isn’t allowed because it’s not 'static. This is good, because borrows should have a statically-known lifetime. Sending a borrowed pointer to a thread may lead to a use after free, or otherwise break aliasing rules.
3. Rc&T& isn’t Send, so it isn’t allowed. We could have some other Rc&T&s hanging around, and end up with a data race on the refcount.
Arc&Vec&u32&& is allowed (Vec&T& is Send and Sync if the inner type is); we can’t cause a safety violation here. Iterator invalidation requires mutation, and Arc&T& doesn’t provide this by default.
4. Arc&Cell&T&& isn’t allowed. Cell&T& provides copying-based internal mutability, and isn’t Sync (so the Arc&Cell&T&& isn’t Send). If this were allowed, we could have cases where larger structs are getting written to from different threads simultaneously resulting in some random mishmash of the two. In other words, a data race.
5.& &&&Arc&Mutex&T&& or Arc&RwLock&T&& are allowed. The inner types use threadsafe locks and provide lock-based internal mutability. They can guarantee that only one thread is writing to them at any point in time. For this reason, the mutexes are Sync regardless of the inner T, and Sync types can be shared safely with wrappers like Arc. From the point of view of the inner type, it’s only being accessed by one thread at a time (slightly more complex in the case of RwLock), so it doesn’t need to know about the threads involved. There can’t be data races when Sync types like these are involved.
As mentioned before, you can in fact create a Sender/Receiver pair of non-Send objects. This sounds a bit counterintuitive — shouldn’t we be only sending values which are Send? However, Sender&T& is only Send if T is S so even if we can use a Sender of a non-Send type, we cannot send it to another thread, so it cannot be used to violate thread safety.
There is also a way to utilize the Send-ness of &T (which is not 'static) for some Sync T, namely thread::scoped. This function does not have the 'static bound, but it instead has an RAII guard which forces a join before the borrow ends. This allows for easy fork-join parallelism without necessarily needing a Mutex. Sadly, there are problems which crop up when this interacts with Rc cycles, so the API is currently unstable and will be redesigned. This is not a problem with the language design or the design of Send/Sync, rather it is a perfect storm of small design inconsistencies in the libraries.
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 北京市公安局海淀分局网监中心备案编号:10 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:编号(京)字第1149号Rust 1.2再添新功能,你试用了吗?
 作者: IT168 编辑:
  【IT168 编译】系统编程语言Rust再次被更新,其增加了对关联常量的支持,Cargo功能也得到了改善。    Rust是Mozilla开发的注重安全、性能和并发性的编程语言,预期用途包括嵌入其他语言,编写具有特定空间和时间要求的程序,以及编写底层代码,如设备驱动程序和。  对关联常量的支持补充了Rust对关联功能的现有支持,可以与traits,structs和enum相关联。关联的函数是与类型本身相关联的,而不是任何特定实例。Rust 1.20还添加了定义“关联常量”的功能:  struct S  impl Struct {  const ID: u32 = 0;  }  fn main() {  println!(&the ID of Struct is: {}&, Struct::ID);  }  它将常数ID与Struct相关联。  Traits也可以与常量相关联,并且它们还会具有特殊能力,你可以像关联类型一样来关联一个常量,只声明不赋值。Traits的执行者会在运行时赋值。  Rust的包管理器Cargo也已进行了更新,第一个更新是crates.io的秘密身份验证令牌被移动了位置,这意味着它可以被赋予权限级别,同时也可以被系统的其他用户隐藏。在此之前,它是被存储在配置文件中,它只允许某些级别存储。  Cargo的另一个改变是允许存储次级二进制文件,这意味着可以将较大的二进制文件拆分开来存储。  前段时间,Rust语言官方网站发布了一份2017年Rust语言使用情况报告,参与问卷调查的开发者认为Rust需要改进的地方如下,不知这次Rust的更新是否能够让程序员满意。  17%的反馈提到Rust需要提升工效,比如可以更方便地用它创建原型,更容易地进行异步编程,提供更多灵活的数据结构类型。  ·16%的反馈希望Rust具有更好的文档。文档里应该包含入门教程,并提供更多的示例和视频教材。  ·15%的反馈指出Rust需要提供更多的包支持。  ·9%的反馈鼓励Rust提供官方的IDE支持。  ·8%的反馈希望能够降低学习曲线的坡度。  ·其他的反馈包括:更快的编译速度、更多的协作支持、更好的语言互操作性、改进的工具、更友好的错误消息、改进对web assembly的支持等。
IT168企业级在 SegmentFault,学习技能、解决问题
每个月,我们帮助 1000 万的开发者解决各种各样的技术问题。并助力他们在技术能力、职业生涯、影响力上获得提升。
Ownership System是Rust中最独特和吸引人的特性,Rust也是依靠这个特性来实现他的最大的目标:内存安全,所有Rust的开发者都应该详细了解它。
Rust有一个非常棒的特点,那就是能在编译的时候检查出大多数安全隐患,这就避免了像C语言一样,编译一切OK,运行时来个Segment Fault,让人不明所以,所以Rust需要一套机制来保证在编译时期发现这些问题,这就是强大的Ownership System,它呢,包含了三个部分:
//the vector allocates space on the heap
let v=vec![1, 2, 3];
error: use of moved value: `v`
原因是let v2 =该语句将v所指向的内存区域移交给(move)了v2,之所以报错,官方文档的原话是:
When we move v to v2, it creates a copy of that pointer, for v2. Which means that there would be two pointers to the content of the vector on the heap. It would violate Rust's safety guarantees by introducing a data race. Therefore, Rust forbids using v after we’ve done the move.
let v = vec![1,2,3];
println!("v[0] is {} ",v[0]);
error: use of moved value: `v`
fn take(v: Vec&i32&) {
// what happens here isn’t important.
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
println!("v[0] is: {}", v[0]);
error: use of moved value: `v`
let v = 1;
println!("v is {}",v);
println!("v2 is {}",v2);
In this case, v is an i32, which implements the Copy trait. This means that, just like a move, when we assign v to v2, a copy of the data is made. But, unlike a move, we can still use v afterward. This is because an i32 has no pointers to data somewhere else, copying it is a full copy.
let v = vec![1,2,3];
println!("y[0] is {} ",y[0]);
let v = v2; //交回所有权
println!("v[0] is {} ",v[0]);
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