
大小:38.1M 宇宙平衡破解版下载,宇宙平衡是一款非常有趣的太空题材休闲益智游戏。游戏中玩家需要利用宇宙平衡将小球引入指定目的地。丰富的游戏内容和有趣的玩法将带给玩家乐趣无穷的游戏体验~
大小:26.1M 弹性平衡下载,弹性平衡Bouncy Balance是一款非常有趣的跳跃类休闲益智游戏,游戏中玩家需要帮助小球借助外力的作用不断向上跳跃以达到最高处,下载来试试吧。
大小:21.3M 平衡感是一款非常有趣的休闲益智游戏,游戏非常考验玩家的目测技能,玩家需要对圆圈进行不同程度的切割,能够切割得恰如其分不是那么容易哦,下载来试试吧。
大小:14.5M 平衡独轮车Unicycle Balance是一款非常有趣的敏捷类休闲游戏,游戏中你需要操控平衡独轮车一直前行,保持平衡很困难,所以尽量在车上待更长时间吧。
大小:29.0M Mr Muscle中文名肌肉先生游戏是一款趣味十足的休闲游戏,肌肉先生游戏中玩家需要不断给举重选手增加铅块,同时注意保持平衡,如何分割铅块是关键,下载来试试吧。
大小:10.3M 自然平衡Equal Match安卓下载,自然平衡Equal Match是一款非常有趣的敏捷类休闲娱乐游戏。游戏采用简约的画面设计十分精美,操作简单容易上手,丰富的游戏内容和有趣的玩法将带给玩家乐趣无穷的游戏体验~
大小:26.5M 《二极管的一生10 Solo》是一款乐趣十足的休闲游戏,由于二极管的造型和角度是非常令人无语的,所以游戏有一定的难度,能不能过关,主要看气质!
大小:16.1M 双平衡(double juggle)是一款乐趣十足的休闲游戏,画面风格简洁,想要打发时间,玩一会手机上的休闲游戏乃是最适合不过了,这款风格简洁的“两个平台接多球”游戏就是特别适合消磨时间的类型,玩起来一定让你爱不释手。
大小:34.3M 兼职达人苹果版是款校园兼职找工作实习平台,不论是大学生还是白领,需要找工作的就来兼职达人吧。
大小:17.3M 《搭建高塔》是一款好玩的休闲益智游戏,画面精美清新,玩家需要搭建世界上最高的摩天大楼,快来试试看吧。
大小:58.5M 登山赛车是一款休闲赛车游戏,画风卡通有趣,游戏中山路颠簸,一定要把握好刹车和油门。而且要面对许多登山过程中会遭遇的独特挑战,从大胆设计的关卡中获得奖励,收集金币升级你的车。赶紧来试试吧……
大小:45.7M 平衡城市破解版下载,平衡城市(BalanCity)是一款很有创意的平衡建设游戏,已破解免谷歌、无广告、无限金币。
大小:46.7M 平衡城破解版下载,《平衡城 BalanCity》是一款休闲游戏,玩家需要在一块巨大的平衡木上建设城市,游戏修改为无限金币。
大小:44.6M 《平衡城市》是一款乐趣十足的休闲平衡游戏,玩家通过搭积木来建造城市,平衡的重任就交给你了。
大小:19.1M 平衡的世界下载,平衡的世界(Balance Of World)是一款风格简洁的趣味平衡游戏,游戏为谷歌市场已付费完整版,谷歌市场需要付费下载,现在免费提供。
大小:21.2M 完美对称汉化版下载,由3DM遗墨汉化组制作分享,完美对称是一款极简风格的平衡游戏,可以和朋友一起同屏对战哦。
大小:10.8M 《平衡之道 Level With Me》是一款好玩的平衡游戏,玩家需要控制水里的气泡来让木棍保持平衡,喜欢的玩家可以试试。
大小:34.4M 白色海胆的日常下载,白色海胆的日常是一款3D风格的趣味游戏,玩家将扮演白海胆,在吃苹果和躲避黑海胆的平衡中生存下去。
大小:21.1M 《保持平衡》是一款好玩的休闲平衡游戏,玩法简单易上手,考验玩家稳准快的时候到了。
大小:43.8M 飞船停泊破解版下载,《飞船停泊Starship Parking》是一款卡通风格的平衡游戏,只有左右两个键,也就是操作方向的时候必然有上升气流,有点影响微调。
大小:43.8M 《飞船停泊Starship Parking》是一款卡通风格的平衡游戏,只有左右两个键,也就是操作方向的时候必然有上升气流,有点影响微调。
大小:26.2M 摩托喜悦破解版下载,《摩托喜悦Moto Delight》是一款好玩的摩托车平衡游戏,玩家需要在各种平台间前进并保持摩托平衡,游戏的低模风画面效果看着很不错。
大小:26.2M 《摩托喜悦Moto Delight》是一款好玩的摩托车平衡游戏,玩家需要在各种平台间前进并保持摩托平衡,游戏的低模风画面效果看着很不错。
大小:17.2M 保持平衡破解版下载,《平衡之道 Level With Me》是一款好玩的平衡游戏,玩家需要控制水里的气泡来让木棍保持平衡,喜欢的玩家可以试试。
大小:42.8M 外星小球破解版下载,外星小球是一款平衡滚球游戏,玩家需要控制一个小球平稳的走在外太空的轨道上,游戏修改金币为无限!
大小:41.0M 《平衡球 PILA - Ball Balance》是一款加的你好玩的休闲平衡游戏,玩家需要控制小球前进,注意保持平衡哦。
大小:27.8M 《6! 》是一款平衡游戏,玩家要一边消除积木一边让六边形稳在平台上,画面十分精致,游戏拼的就是耐心。
大小:22.9M 《平衡滚球 Teeter 》是一款虐心的平衡游戏,只能控制棍两端上升,将球稳住滚进洞里,玩起来有一定难度。
大小:22.9M 《走在跷跷板》是一款乐趣十足的休闲平衡游戏,操作简单易上手,在移动中找寻平衡,赶紧来试试吧。
大小:23.9M 超级指环游戏下载,超级指环(SuperRing)是一款极简风格的平衡控制游戏,玩家需要点击屏幕让指环保持高度并成功通过各种弯曲的线。
大小:39.1M 精灵太空球3是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它精致的游戏设计和独特的游戏风格以及动感流畅的游戏画面都让玩家们很快喜爱上它,给玩家们带来轻松愉快的游戏体验,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:15.5M 《单轮2 Wheelie 2 》是一款休闲平衡游戏吗,玩家需要用单轮前进,坡度变化大,上坡尤其难。
大小:39.2M 魂断小桥是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它精致的游戏设计和独特的游戏玩法以及可爱逗趣的游戏形象都让玩家们一下子就喜欢上它,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:49.3M 曲线回避是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它精致的游戏设计和简单的游戏风格以及极具挑战性的游戏玩法都让玩家们不自觉沉浸其中,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:35.8M 疯狂火箭3D金币版是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它简单精致的游戏色彩和独特的游戏设计以及轻松的游戏体验都让玩家们有一个愉快的游戏感受,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:35.1M 摩托车越野赛无限金币破解版是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它精致的游戏设计和精美的画面以及动感的动作设计都让游戏十分有魅力,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:11KB 平衡之路是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它简单的画面设计和精致的游戏风格以及独特的玩法都让玩家喜爱不已,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:46.6M 平衡复兴是一款十分好玩的平衡球游戏,它精致的画面和独特的游戏设计以及动感的游戏体验都让玩家爱不释手,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:59.7M 地牢滚球是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它精致的游戏设计和独特的游戏玩法都让玩家喜爱不已,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:9.9M 炫光下落是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它简单的游戏风格和精致的游戏画面以及酷炫的游戏设计都让游戏十分迷人,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:56.9M 平衡关卡解锁版下载,《平衡 Balance》是一款乐趣十足的平衡游戏,画面精致清新,玩家需要让架设的电网保持平衡,赶紧来挑战吧。
大小:34.7M 摩托车越野赛是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它精致的画面和酷炫的动作设计以及刺激的快感都让玩家体验到不一样的游戏魅力,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:27.4M 摇晃球是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它简单的游戏风格和精致的游戏设计都让玩家有一个轻松的游戏体验,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:41.1M 《平衡 Balance》是一款乐趣十足的平衡游戏,画面精致清新,玩家需要让架设的电网保持平衡,赶紧来挑战吧。
大小:15.1M 超空间飞行是一款十分好玩的重力游戏,它三维的设计和立体的画面感都让游戏变的十分有魅力,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:49.6M 德克萨斯野生赛马是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它精致的画面和动感的动作设计都让游戏十分好玩,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:34.4M 超级英雄向上冲是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它可爱的卡通风格与有趣的动作设计都让玩家喜爱不已,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:55.9M 小羊跳跃 是一款十分好玩的平衡游戏,它可爱的卡通形象和需要动脑的游戏玩法都能让玩家融入其中,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:65.1M 滚动的蓝球3D破解版真的不想多说,精致的不能再精致的画面真实的代入感和流畅的游戏体验让所有玩家都能爱上它,跑跑车为您带来这款非常棒的游戏。
大小:12.8M 蕾米莉亚掉下来下载,蕾米莉亚掉下来是一款以东方人气角色蕾米莉亚为主角的趣味平衡消除游戏,玩家需要点击消除箱子让蕾米莉亚安全的降到地面。
大小:20.0M 《呼呼火箭 Rocket Phew》 是一款好玩的平衡游戏,飞得越高越难控制,努力收集更多金币吧。
大小:1.2M 机器人走钢丝下载,机器人走钢丝(MagnaRobo)是一款很有趣的休闲游戏,运用了物理元素,快来帮助机器人顺利走过绳索吧。
大小:7.4M 荒野之路下载,荒野之路(Wild Roads)是一款像素风格的平衡游戏,玩家需要驾驶小车运送货物,不要过快过慢控制好平衡哦。
大小:34.8M 超重力格里维下载,超重力格里维是一款不错的平衡游戏,玩家在需要保持平衡让主角安全降落,喜欢的玩家快下载试试吧。
大小:34.5M 旋转平衡球2(Hyspherical 2)是一款超好玩的益智类休闲游戏,游戏融合了数学上的几何原理,精心设计的关卡,一定让你爱不释手。
大小:0KB 禅之一点(ZEN SPLASH)是一款平衡躲避类游戏,玩家需利用重力感应控制小球只在白色区域运动,游戏适合休闲放松的时候玩,一定会给你不一样的感受。
大小:51.5M 平衡城市中文版下载,《平衡城市》是一款乐趣十足的休闲平衡游戏,玩家通过搭积木来建造城市,平衡的重任就交给你了,游戏已汉化,手谈汉化组制作。
大小:34.6M 《平衡塔 Balance tower》是一款好玩的休闲游戏,玩家需要将木条堆叠得更高,保持平衡。
大小:48.0M 《找平衡 Find The Balance》是一款休闲平衡游戏,玩家需要将道具进行组合,找到物体的平衡点。
大小:48.8M 找平衡破解版下载,《找平衡 Find The Balance》是一款休闲平衡游戏,玩家需要将道具进行组合,找到物体的平衡点,游戏内星星为无限。
大小:53.0M 找平衡破解版下载,《找平衡 Find The Balance》是一款休闲平衡游戏,玩家需要将道具进行组合,找到物体的平衡点,游戏修改游戏中钻石奖励数量。
大小:25.8M 《平衡圈圈 BalanceCircle》是一款简单好玩的平衡游戏,玩家将控制独轮车保持平衡,不断前进,喜欢的玩家可以试试。孔夫子旧书网该图书“游戏性是什么 如何更好地创作与体验游戏”已经找不到了, 还有其他店铺销售此图书。Copyright(C)
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战机世界有关平衡那些事 如何来看待游戏平衡
战机世界有关平衡那些事 如何来看待游戏平衡
对于网游,尤其对于战机世界这样的游戏,为了保持良好的游戏体验,平衡(锉刀)工作是不会停止的。今天我们来谈点新东西——我们是如何看待游戏中的平衡的。有请平衡小组的组长Anton Muskeev来谈一下当他们平衡飞机的时候到底参考了哪些因素。
  Balancing an MMO, and World of Warplanes in particular, is a constant process that aims to create equal conditions for all players, while maintaining variety and attractiveness of the overall gameplay. Today we want to begin a new series, looking at how we see balance in our game, how it changed in the past and how it will evolve in the future. The first part of this series, written by Battle Balance team lead Anton Muskeev, illustrates how many factors the balancing team takes into account when trying to fine-tune the planes, shooting mechanisms, physics and many other aspects that make up our game.
  对于网游,尤其对于战机世界这样的游戏,为了保持良好的游戏体验,平衡(锉刀)工作是不会停止的。今天我们来谈点新东西——我们是如何看待游戏中的平衡的。有请平衡小组的组长Anton Muskeev来谈一下当他们平衡飞机的时候到底参考了哪些因素。
  Let’s first establish what balance is to us. Here in the game balancing department, we are responsible for adjusting the values of all aircraft as individual subjects, including all of their possible configurations, for all types of players in all our supported regions. Each configuration of each aircraft consists of multiple combinations of modules, weapons, equipment, ammunition and crew skills. When looking at all these factors, you receive a somewhat oblique average stat value that is difficult to decipher. In these cases we turn to more obvious stats that usually paint a clearer picture. However, it’s not always what you’d think. For balancing for example, it’s not necessarily the win ratio – the stat that most people think about when aiming to determine the overall efficiency of a plane. When you look at it closely, you realise that the win ratio is largely dependent on the team setup that you happen to be playing in: the types of participating planes, their tiers and their classes have a very strong influence on the outcome of your battle. At the same time, these factors can vary strongly dependent on the time of day, the number of people playing, if there have been new planes introduced into the game recently, how the matchmaker works and so on and so forth. If we had the ability to pair up each player in teams where for each participant there were an absolutely equal counterpart, flying the same plane, on the same configuration with the same crew skills, then, regardless of the flight characteristic of the plane or the player’s personal skill the win ratio would always hover around 50%. In fact, it would be a bit lower, because you have to account for some of the battles that end in a draw.
  That’s why the win ratio is not a perfect factor to look at when trying to determine the game balance, which is why we need to look elsewhere.
  Let’s look at what balancing of a plane is. Each plane is subject to balancing. Let’s take a simple example in which every player has access to only one configuration for each plane. For arguing’s sake, let’s pretend that everybody is bound to only use Premium planes without the ability to strap on additional equipment, special ammunition or use sophisticated crew skills. Everybody starts out with the same conditions. Here’s where already a lot of factors come into play that disturb the precious equilibrium. All the planes are matched into separate teams, consisting of players with different skill levels. Each team battles differently. Every battle involved planes of different tiers. After each battle, the players receive rewards based on their performance. Using these rewards, players can unlock new planes and receive access to new parts of the game. We have many planes in the game that are split into tiers, branches and nations. And all of this needs to be calibrated in a way, so that nobody is at an inherent disadvantage. That’s the job of the game balancing department.
  Let’s start at the highest level.
  Ideally, players should be able to research and purchase newly unlocked aircraft from different branches and nations at the same pace. The player is supposed to be able to comfortably reach new branches and pursue them to the very top, staying invested in the process all throughout. To achieve this, the player needs to receive a balanced amount of XP and credits for participation in battle. We need to make sure that our economy model applies as planned. That means: the higher the tier, the more XP is required.
  Consequently this means, that the economic balance and researching balance depends on the speed at which the player receives XP or credits.
  Another benchmark for balancing is how well the necessary population across tiers is met in-game. In other words: If there are enough players in the game available for the matchmaker to be able to assemble battles for each level. Most MMOs have the majority of players playing at the lower tiers, while fewer, albeit enough for proper matchmaking, play on high tiers. In the case of World of Warplanes, this is, unfortunately, not entirely the case. However, it is also important to note that players won’t climb to the higher tiers, if they don’t see a reason for it. That’s why in MMOs progression unlocks new features and options for those, who choose to play at the summit of what’s possible. In World of Tanks for example, players bear with the unforgiving Tier X-economy because, in return, they’ll be rewarded with the possibility to play on the Global Map and Clan Wars.
  Ok, let’s assume that we have enough players on all levels. This is where the matchmaker comes in. It is tasked with assembling balanced teams consisting of equal numbers of planes of different tiers and classes, based on the overall level of the battle. It is also important that the matchmaker assembles the classes according to the proportions that we had in mind when designing the battles, in order not to have too many one-sided teams but rather a controlled level of variety. That means we’re looking at the balance of tiers and classes when dissecting what planes ultimately end up in a battle. If there are specific player groups present, as is made possible by the Flight feature, the matchmaker needs to account for that balance too, trying to keep the same number of flights per team. That means that flight balance is also a factor that needs to be considered when looking at the overall balancing picture. Additionally, it’s important to know that, on average, different types of players appear in the player pool at different times of day. Battles played against regular players during lunch time are significantly different to battles that are made up of hardened and Flight-connected ace-pilots, who stalk their prey during hour-long night hunting sessions.
  Let’s continue. The balancing of teams happens based on three main criteria: tiers, flights and classes. However, when assembling the teams, it’s not, as one might think, all about only planes but also about the map and the chosen game mode. The spawning points, elevation of the map, positioning of clouds, objects and AA guns – all of this also influences the main goal of each battle mode: winning. Depending on the rules of the game mode and its inherent rules (destroying opposing planes, capture positions, availability of re-spawns, repair or power-ups), the path to victory can be quite different. That’s where the balancing of the game mode and the arena or – more simply put – the map comes in. The main objective of this kind of balancing is to ensure equal chances to achieve the game mode’s goals regardless of the setup of the remaining team. These goals can be the collection of superiority points, destruction of enemy planes, ground objects or, ultimately, the victory and the acquisition of the appropriate amount of game resources (credits, xp, etc.). Balancing also needs to take into account that all classes need to be equally useful and important on each of the randomly-selected battle arenas.
  Now it’s time to look at the planes themselves. Don’t forget that, for the purposes of understanding, we look at each plane with only one, primary configuration. If the matchmaker doesn’t use completely ‘mirrored’ teams, the players flying some of the aircraft of a particular class can have an advantage over the players of the other team due to the superior flight characteristics of their specific aircraft. To us, that’s admissible as long as all the planes remain equally useful to their respective teams (based on the role they play) and as long as the planes still meet the expectations of the players piloting them. The next point is very important too: There’s absolutely no need for a plane that nobody flies, just like there’s no use in a plane that everybody flies. This part of balancing is something that we have little control over. It’s usually the players themselves who determine the usage quantities of each plane. By choosing your plane, you vote for what’s popular. At this point it is our job to give the players the freedom to choose from a wide variety of aircraft, while at the same time avoiding that everybody picks the same. The popularity of a plane is also a benchmark for how well it is balanced. Usually players pick their planes based on what plane offers the best compromise between its weaknesses and strengths, their personal preferences in terms of the nation of the plane, and what other planes follow an aircraft higher up the tech tree that the player is trying to get to.
  Going even deeper into the subject, we of course have to acknowledge that aircraft can have multiple module configurations from stock to top, the ability to install additional equipment pieces, ammunition and even the capacity to train the pilots that fly them. And, lastly, you also have to take into account the player himself, who can be more or less skilled at the game, have different connection speeds to the server and be in different physical states (one being fit and ready and some other playing tired and over-exhausted). Apart from you, there are 29 other of such players in each battle that the matchmaker assembles. All of these factors lead to a very varied situation at the beginning of each battle, which only continues to diversify as the battle progresses. We think that that’s good – because change and variety is inherent to all life and also to games.
  So with all this in mind, how do we manage to balance planes in the end? We look at a multitude of factors and draw our conclusions from that. As such we observe different configurations of planes, groups of players with different skills, and assess from that the popularity of a plane, how much damage it’s capable to dish out, how many planes or ground targets it can destroy, how many superiority points, XP and credits players earn on it, and many other metrics. Additionally, we also take into account our community’s subjective opinion on planes, which shows through their feedback from the forum or other media, super tests, special balancing tests or the personal feedback of our game balancing specialists during their obligatory sorties on each aircraft that needs adjusting or qualifying. We almost never rely on average values of one key metric to assess a plane and always try to look at multiple key metrics together to determine a warbird’s final efficiency.
  To sum all of the above up, it’s clear that balance is something very complex that is not very tangible and only reveals itself under very careful examination. Pretty much every feature of a game impacts the final balance of it. In the case of video games, where the subjective experience sometimes even overweighs the underlying statistical and technical reality, even the visuals and audio of a plane can influence, how a player perceives the efficiency of a certain aircraft or its armament. In World of Warplanes, the game balancing
  department acts as a last line of defence, capable of preventing (or affirming) changes that could potentially change the eco-system of the current aircraft power structure in-game. In most cases, we’re able to do just that. Sometimes, we miss something and need to make corrections. We’ve made many adjustments since release already, but there’s still a lot of work to be done. Ultimately, it’s not only the perfect balance that we’re after. We aim to make the game fun, comfortable and as varied a gaming experience as possible.


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