
关于招牌技能,每个球员最多有5项,但并不是你的球队中最强的人就有5项,也许反而是你队伍中“最弱”的人有5项,这点上非常符合现实,同时也是你保留一个球员在你的板凳上的意义,比方说一些球员虽然属性值很弱,但是他可以在防守或者是突袭方面有很独到的地方,这样你也可以就战术层面而言让队中每个球员都使得其所。NBA 2K13 introduces a new feature called Signature Skills.Zach Timmerman, Producer on NBA 2K13, joined us to break down each Signature Skill and answered a few questions.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Dig in to all the juicy information for Signature Skills!NBA2K13自从有了Signature Skills后,似乎饱受关注,闻者喜忧参半。NBA2K13的制作人Zach Timmerman将来为大家庖丁解牛同时解疑释惑。一起来尝尝鲜吧!精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:NBA 2K13 SIGNATURE SKILLS精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: PosterizerExample Players:
Blake Griffin, Josh Smith, Hakim Warrick精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:A player with this skill will often look to dunk on defenders when attempting a dunk in traffic.To get this skill to trigger there must be a defender in the vicinity.To force big-time contact dunks, his stamina must be above 80.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Once the dunk completes, his teammates will be given a temporary energy boost.示范球员:Blake Griffin, Josh Smith, Hakim Warrick拥有这项技能的球员在混乱中扣篮往往会直接隔人暴扣。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:当然要发动这项技能附近得有防守人。要使用这种极端的身体碰撞扣篮,球员的体能值必须要在80以上。一旦扣篮成功,他的队友会获得暂时性的体能恢复。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Highlight精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:FilmExample Players:
JaVale McGee, Gerald Green, Paul GeorgeWhen looking to dunk, a player with this skill will look to perform the most spectacular dunk available amongst the dunks in his repertoire.In order for this skill to fire off, however, he must have a stamina level of 80 or higher.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Once the dunk completes, his teammates will be given a temporary energy boost.示范球员:JaVale McGee, Gerald Green, Paul George拥有这项技能的球员在扣篮时会选择用他最特别的方式去演绎扣篮。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:同样,这项技能发动要求球员的体能值必须迈过80这道坎。一旦扣篮成功,他的队友会获得暂时性的体能恢复。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: FinisherExample Players:
Rudy Gay, Carmelo Anthony, Russell Westbrook精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:This player is adept at finishing contact layups and dunks at a higher rate than others.There is a shot penalty that all offensive players receive when they make contact with defenders in the air.Finishers decrease this shot penalty by 30%.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:This skill combined with our existing Draw Foul Tendency lends itself well to creating and-one opportunities.示范球员:Rudy Gay, Carmelo Anthony, Russell Westbrook拥有这项技能的球员擅长于有身体接触的上篮或者扣篮,在这些情况下有比其他人有更高的成功率。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:所有的进攻球员在空中与防守球员有身体接触时投篮都会受到不同程度的干扰。拥有Finisdher技能的球员会将这种干扰的不利影响降低30%。这项技能结合了现有的制造犯规倾向,很好的为其提供了造+1的机会。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Acrobat精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Monta Ellis, Derrick Rose, Tony Parker, Manu GinobiliThis is a player that can change his shot in the air without severely reducing his chance of making the shot.There is a shot penalty that all offensive players receive when they attempt to change their shot in the air.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Acrobats decrease this shot penalty by 40%.Also, when attempting a hop, spin or euro layup, Acrobats are given a 15% boost to their shot chance.示范球员:Monta Ellis, Derrick Rose, Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员能够在不严重影响命中率的前提下在空中完成投篮动作的改变。所有的进攻球员在空中做出改变投篮动作的时候命中率都会受到不同程度的削弱。拥有Acrobats技能的球员将会把这种削弱度降低40%。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:同时,当尝试在勾手,转身或者是欧步上篮中变换出手动作,这些球员能够获得15%的命中率加成。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Spot Up ShooterExample Players:
Anthony Morrow, Kyle Korver, Steve NovakThis shooter is known for his ability to spot-up and knock down perimeter shots while shooting from a stand-still position.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:The penalty that users receive for bad shot timing (i.e. releasing the shot too early or too late) is decreased by 30%.This skill becomes available when the player is standing still, shooting 12 to 28 feet from the hoop and not posted up or dribbling.示范球员: Anthony Morrow, Kyle Korver, Steve Novak精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员闻名于他们投篮策应能力以及命中定点外线3分的能力。球员投篮时机选择不当(即出手早了或晚了)而造成的命中率影响将会下降30%。球员站稳时这项技能才能发挥,作用于离篮12-28英尺的位置范围内且不处于靠打及运球中。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Shot Creator精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example players:
Kobe Bryant, Kemba Walker, Dwyane WadeA player with this skill can hit shots at a higher percentage than most if he creates space for his shot.
For this skill to fire off there are a number of rules that must pass:1.The shooter must break his defender down to create space, either with iso-moves, triple threat moves or drives into special shots (i.e. step backs, drifters, hop shots, spin jumpers, etc).精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:The space he creates when he starts his shot must be more than the space he had when he started to break his defender down.2.The Shot Creator must be closer to his matchup (within 7 feet) when he starts to break him down.3.The shot must be taken within 2 seconds of the initial break down.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:4.The shot must be taken in a half-court context (i.e. not in transition and not on a fast break) and must come from 33 feet to the basket or closer.5.The shooter must not be smothered by the defender at both the break down and the release of the shot.If the shooter passes all of these rules, then the shot penalty enforced by the defender on the release of the shot is reduced up to 100%.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Kobe Bryant, Kemba Walker, Dwyane Wade拥有这项技能的球员,如果能够创造出投篮空间,则有更高的投篮命中率。这项技能的发动有点繁琐,有以下几条要求必须达到:1.球员必须甩开防守者创造出空间,不论是使用过人动作、三威胁动作亦或是特殊投篮方式(即后撤步、骑马射箭、勾手投篮、翻身投篮等等)。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:反正就是要让他做这些动作后起手投篮时的空间要比没做动作前的大。2.球员甩开的对位 防守球员必须跟自己的身高相近(身高在7尺之内)。3.投篮必须在开始最初甩开防守动作2秒内出手。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:4.投篮必须在落到半场阵地进攻时(即不是防守反击或者是快攻)才能作用,而且离篮必须不远于33英尺。5.投手在甩开动作及投篮时不可被防守者紧逼。如果能满足以上条件,防守者的压力造成的命中率下降的影响最高可减少100%。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Deadeye精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, Klay ThompsonLate arriving defenders have less impact on this type of shooter than most.When we determine the final outcome of a shot, part of the calculation comes from how well a shooter is defended at both the start and release of the shot.
When a Deadeye shoots and the defender is more heavily guarding the Deadeye when he releases the shot than when he started it, we reduce the impact of the release up to 100% depending on how heavily guarded he is at the beginning (the more heavily guarded, the more we reduce).精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:A couple more things to keep in mind:1.In order to ensure that closing out on a Deadeye matters, there must be some sort of defense applied at the start of the shot.2.The shooter must not be smothered by the defender at both the start and release of the shot or the skill will not trigger.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员: Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson拥有这项技能的球员,会使因迟来的防守造成的影响降低。我们决定投篮的最终结果时,部分取决于防守者对开始投篮以及最终出手时刻的防守力度。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:当球员有Deadeye技能,并且防守者在投篮出手时的防守比投篮动作开始时更卖力气时,我们依照在开始时他受防守的压迫程度来降低影响出手的概率(防守越严密,我们降的越多) ,最高可降低100%。两点需要注意的:1.要使对Deadeye的防守有效果,就要在他投篮开始时施加更大的压迫。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:2.(Deadeye)投手在投篮的始终不能被防守者紧逼,否者这项技能不会触发。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Corner SpecialistExample Players:
Shane Battier, Courtney Lee, Danny GreenThis is a skill reserved for players who are exceptional at knocking down three point shots from the corner where the sideline and the baseline meet.
For this skill to fire off there are a number of rules that must pass:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:1.The shooter must be standing still.2.The shooter must be considered fairly open when he shoots the ball.3.The shooter must take his shot within a couple seconds of catching the pass.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:When these rules are fulfilled, a 5% bonus is added to his shot percentage.示范球员: Shane Battier, Courtney Lee, Danny Green这项技能是专门为那些特别会投底角三分的球员保留的,就是边线跟底线交接的那个角落。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:有以下几项条件必须满足:1.投手必须站稳2.投手出手前必须确保有充裕的出手空间精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:3.在接球2秒内必须出手。当这些条件满足了,作为奖励将会提升5%的投篮命中率。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Post ProficiencyExample Players:
LaMarcus Aldridge, Al Jefferson, Carl Landry精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:This is a player with supreme low post offensive skills.Defenders fall for his fakes up to 50% more often than for others, his post shots such as hooks and fades get a 5% shot chance increase and his post moves are more effective.A couple more things to keep in mind:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:1.The shot must be taken from 17 feet to the basket or less.2.The skill is still active for up to 0.5 seconds after exiting the post to allow shots and pump fakes to trigger the skill.示范球员:LaMarcus Aldridge, Al Jefferson, Carl Landry精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员在低位进攻技巧上游刃有余。防守因他的假动作被晃倒的的几率增加50%相较于其他人,他的背身投篮比如勾手及后仰的命中率提升5%同时他的靠打动作更有效率。有两点需要注意:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:1.出手点必须在离篮17英尺及以内。2.在离开背身状态后,最多0.5秒内你还可以使用这项技能来发动投篮或者是做投篮假动作。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Ankle BreakerExample Players:
Jamal Crawford, Austin Rivers, Tyreke Evans精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:This player is apt to break the ankles of his defender when performing isolation dribble moves.This skill provides a 30% increase in the chances of forcing defenders into ankle-breaking defensive falls, stumbles and recoveries.示范球员:Jamal Crawford, Austin Rivers, Tyreke Evans精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员在做运球虚晃动作时更易于破坏防守者的脚踝。这项技能使防守者脚踝受损跌倒、绊倒、来不及回神的可能性增加30%。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Post PlaymakerExample Players:
Joakim Noah, Kevin Garnett, Greg Monroe精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:This is a player known for hitting open guys in a good position to score when passing the ball out of the post.This skill fires off when passing the ball from a post-up position to an open teammate.The pass will hit the receiver on point and will give him up to a 10% bonus on two-point shots and a 4% bonus on three-point shots, so long as the potential made shot by the shooter would result in an assist for the Post Playmaker.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Joakim Noah, Kevin Garnett, Greg Monroe拥有这项技能的球员闻名于善于在背身下将球传给位置好的空位球员令其得分。这项技能激发于背身位将球传给空位队友。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:球会传得较为到位,同时会给接球人2分球10%以及3分球4%的命中率加成,既然接球人有投篮的可能性也就直接增加了Post Playmaker的助攻数。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:DimerExample Players:
Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Rajon RondoThis skill is reserved for top-notch passers who are known for hitting open guys in the correct position to score.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Dimer fires off when passing the ball (not from the post) to an open teammate.The pass will hit the receiver on point and will give him up to a 10% bonus on two-point shots and a 4% bonus on three-point shots, so long as the potential made shot by the shooter would result in an assist for the Dimer.示范球员:Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Rajon Rondo精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:这项技能是赋予那些一流的传球手,他们擅长将球传给对的人。这项技能触发于球传给空位队友时(不是在背身状态下)。球会传得较为到位,同时会给接球人2分球10%以及3分球4%的命中率加成,既然接球人有投篮的可能性也就直接增加了Dimer的助攻数。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Break Starter精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Tim Duncan, Kevin Love, Lamar OdomThis player is known for initiating fast breaks with accurate outlet passes.For this skill to fire off, the player must be the defensive rebounder and the pass must be made within 3 seconds of the defensive rebound.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:The longer the outlet pass is in the game, the higher risk there is for throwing a bad pass.If the rebounder fulfills the two rules mentioned, the pass will have 50% less penalty than normal.示范球员:Tim Duncan, Kevin Love, Lamar Odom精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员闻名于用他们精准的长传发动快攻。这项技能的触发,球员必须摘下后场篮板然后在3秒内将球传出。(隔半场)长传的距离约长,传出坏球的风险就越大。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:如果摘得篮板的球员满足以上所说的两个条件,将会比一般情况下少受50%的不利影响。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Alley-OoperExample Players:
Andre Miller, Jason Kidd, Raymond FeltonThis is a player known for throwing accurate alley-oop passes.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:The Pass attribute of the passer plays a large role in the outcome of alley-oop finishes.An Alley-ooper gets a significant boost to his Pass attribute and receivers will be given a small catch chance bonus.示范球员:Andre Miller, Jason Kidd, Raymond Felton精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员擅长投掷精准的空接传球。传球手传球的好坏在完成空接中扮演着重要的角色。Alley-Ooper球员会将会显著提升他们的传球质量而接球的球员也会因此增加一点接球的成功率。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Brick Wall精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Marc Gasol, Kendrick Perkins, Glen DavisThis player engulfs defenders with physical screens, making them more difficult to get through or around.Often times you’ll find defenders getting hit with such force that it causes them to stumble or fall to the ground.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Marc Gasol, Kendrick Perkins, Glen Davis拥有这项技能的球员会让防守人受阻于其掩护的身体屏障,让防守球员更加难以逾越。时常你会发现,防守人会因碰撞而绊跤或者跌倒在场上。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Lockdown Defender精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Andre Iguodala, Thabo Sefolosha, Tony AllenA top-notch perimeter defender who automatically neutralizes most offensive Signature Skills of the player he’s actively guarding.It’s a fairly powerful skill that only elite defenders possess.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:The only offensive Signature Skills that a Lockdown Defender cannot neutralize are Brick Wall and Floor General.示范球员:Andre Iguodala, Thabo Sefolosha, Tony Allen拥有这项技能的球员是一流的中距离防守专家,他们会自动抵消大部分对位的进攻球员的进攻招牌技能。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:这是非常强悍的技能,因此也只有防守专家才拥有。唯独他们不能抵消的技能是Brick Wall和Floor General。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Charge CardExample Players:
Udonis Haslem, Raja Bell, Kyle Lowry精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:This player specializes in the art of drawing charges.When attempting to take a charge, a player equipped with the Charge Card skill will have a 50% better chance of drawing the charge than others. His teammates will also receive a small energy boost if the Charge Card player receives the beneficial call.示范球员:Udonis Haslem, Raja Bell, Kyle Lowry精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员很会制造进攻犯规。在制造进攻犯规方面,拥有该技能的球员会比其他人多50%的成功性。如果成功制造进攻犯规,他的队友也会因此有少量的体能恢复。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Interceptor精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Trevor Ariza, Brandon Jennings, Rodrigue BeauboisGetting pass lane steals is this player’s forte.When attempting to steal a pass that is in the air and in a pass lane within 9 feet of the Interceptor, he will get a boost to his Steal and Vertical attributes, thus allowing him a much better opportunity to pick the pass off.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Trevor Ariza, Brandon Jennings, Rodrigue Beaubois断球是拥有这项技能的球员的特长。尝试在9英尺内的半空中或者是传球线路上断球,他们会激增断球及弹跳能力,因此而使他们更有机会去抢断传球。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Pick Pocket精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Jeremy Lin, Ricky Rubio, Mike ConleyAn on-ball thief adept at stealing the ball from players attempting dribble moves.
There are three perks to having this skill:1.Significant increase in strip probability when offensive player is in an iso-motion move.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:2.Minor increase in strip probability when offensive player has been in a standing dribble for a couple of seconds.3.Lowered foul chance when attempting an on-ball steal.示范球员:Jeremy Lin, Ricky Rubio, Mike Conley精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员擅于从持球球员的运球中抄球。如果有这项技能的话有几个小福利:1.在攻球员施展虚晃运球动作时,截抄的成功率会有显著增加。2. 在进攻球员原地运球2秒以上,截抄的成功会稍有增加。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:3.截抄断球时更低的犯规几率。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Active HandsExample Players:
Mario Chalmers, Ronnie Brewer, Kawhi LeonardThis player can more easily strip the ball from players attempting shots, layups and dunks.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:When the offensive player is in a shooting motion, an Active Hands player is twice as likely to strip the ball than a player without this skill.示范球员:Mario Chalmers, Ronnie Brewer, Kawhi Leonard拥有这项技能的球员能更加容易地从尝试投篮、上篮甚至扣篮的进攻球员手中破坏球路。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:当进攻球员处于投篮动作下,拥有Active Hands的球员会比没有这项技能的球员有翻番的几率去破坏球路。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:EraserExample Players:
Dwight Howard, Josh Smith, Serge IbakaA player with this skill is known for protecting the rim with emphatic, crowd pleasing blocks.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:When an Eraser swats a shot, he boosts the energy of his teammates and decreases the shooting attributes (up to six points) of the player he blocked for up to a minute and a half.示范球员:Dwight Howard, Josh Smith, Serge Ibaka拥有这项技能的球员闻名于激情保护篮板以及振奋人心的盖帽。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:当Eraser扇掉一个投篮,会帮队友恢复一定的体能同时会让被盖的进攻球员最多在一分半钟内下降最多6个点的投篮命中率。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Chase DownArtistExample Players:
LeBron James, Brandon Rush, Thaddeus YoungThis skill is reserved for players that are adept at chasing players down on fastbreaks and swatting their layup and dunk attempts from behind.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:While on a fastbreak this player is given boosts to his Block, Vertical and Quickness attributes, which will give him a better chance of swatting the shot.A couple more things to keep in mind:1.This skill can fire off any time the defense is in transition精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:2.The block must happen from behind the shooter while he is moving示范球员:LeBron James, Brandon Rush, Thaddeus Young拥有这项技能的球员会倾向于紧追快攻的进攻球员,然后在他们上篮或者是扣篮的时候赏给他们追身大帽。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:当(对方)下快攻时,拥有这项技能的球员会增加他的盖帽、弹跳以及灵敏度属性,让他们能够更加轻松地完成封盖。两点需注意:1.在攻防快速转换中的任何时点这项技能都能发挥作用。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:2.盖帽(的动作)必须发生在移动中的射手背后。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:BruiserExample Players:
Anderson Varejao, DeMarcus Cousins, David WestThe overall size, power and relentlessness of this player will drain energy from his match-up upon physical contact.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:When a Bruiser collides with his opponent during boxouts, post backdowns, off-ball bumps, off-ball rides and contact shots, he depletes more energy from his match-up than players without this skill.For comparison purposes, when contact occurs in one of these areas, bruisers cause their opponents to lose energy about half as much as when his opponent is running.示范球员:LeBron James, Brandon Rush, Thaddeus Young精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员的体型、力量以及他的冷酷会在身体接触中无情地抽干对位球员的最后一点力量。当拥有Bruiser技能的球员在和对手碰撞中,包括抢篮板时将其对手挤开,背身强碾,无球推搡,以及干扰投篮,他比没有这项技能的球员更能消耗对手体能。 为了很形象地对比,当对抗出现在以上情况中时,Bruiser们能使对手的体能消耗相当于奔跑时消耗的一半那么多。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Hustle PointsExample Players:
Nikola Pekovic, David Lee, Andrew Bynum精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:This player is known for his ability to score following an offensive rebound.For three seconds after the rebound is pulled down, a Hustle Points player will be given a boost to his Shot Inside, Shot Close and Layup attributes. 示范球员:Nikola Pekovic, David Lee, Andrew Bynum拥有这项技能的球员得名于二次篮板得分能力。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:在摘下进攻篮板3秒内,拥有Hustle Points的球员会提升内线投篮,近距离投篮还有上篮的属性。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:ScrapperExample Players:
Chuck Hayes, Reggie Evans, Tyler HansbroughA hustle guy known for his ability to dive for loose balls, win boxout battles and strip rebounds from opponents.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:A small attribute boost is given to Speed and Quickness during loose ball dives to display the effort these players usually give.During boxout battles and moves, a Scrapper will be given up to a 50% increase in the boxout win chance.For rebounds, a Scrapper has a 50% increase in the chance of poking the ball loose from an opponent who has already grabbed a rebound.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Chuck Hayes, Reggie Evans, Tyler Hansbrough拥有这项技能的球员或许可以成为拼命三郎,他们不过一切去跳夺球权、将对手挤出抢夺篮板的有利位置破坏对手的篮板。跳夺球权时,会用一小点速度以及灵敏度的属性提升来展现他们的努力效果。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:在boxout(不知道专业术语是什么,大概是将对手挤出抢夺篮板的有利位置)中,Scrapper们赢得boxout的机会会有最多50%的提升。篮板方面,Scrapper们会有最多50%的几率加成去拨掉对手已到手的篮板球。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Anti-FreezeExample Players:
Luol Deng, Luis Scola, Zach Randolph精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:A player that rarely goes on a cold streak, even when missing several shots in a row.When a player starts to miss shots or turn the ball over, he’ll eventually get cold and his abilities will decrease for a period of time.However, it takes twice as many misses and turnovers for an Anti-Freeze player to get to that point. Basically, he’s a fairly steady player.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Luol Deng, Luis Scola, Zach Randolph拥有这项技能的球员手感几乎不会冷下来,即使几个回合下来都没有投中。一般情况下,一名球员如果投失几个球或者是未及投篮就丧失球权,那么他会在一段时间内属性值下降。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:但是,要让Anti-Freeze属性值因此而下降,那么需要再多投失几个球多丢几次球权,他们是非常稳定的球员。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:MicrowaveExample Players:
Louis Williams, Eric Gordon, Nick YoungA player with this skill can heat up in a hurry.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:It takes fewer made shots and good plays for a Microwave to get hot than players without this skill.Once hot, various offensive and defensive attributes are given a boost for a period of time.示范球员:Louis Williams, Eric Gordon, Nick Young精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:拥有这项技能的球员手感能迅速热起来。比起没有这项技能的球员,他们只需几个命中和成功的战术就可以热得发烫。一旦热起来了,在一段时期内许多攻防两端的属性就随之提升。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Heat Retention精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Kobe Bryant, Deron Williams, Stephen CurryPlayers with this skill retain their hot streaks through various game breaks, and they have the ability to maintain their hot streaks through bad plays longer than most players.Typically, when a timeout occurs or the end of a quarter hits, players that are hot will have automatic cool downs that bring them back to normal.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Heat Retention players stay hot through these breaks and only bad plays such as missed shots and turnovers can bring this player back to normal.
Even then, it takes twice as many missed shots and turnovers for a Heat Retention guy to return to normal.示范球员:Kobe Bryant, Deron Williams, Stephen Curry拥有这项技能的球员能够在多次暂停后仍然保持手感的热度,他们的手感热度保持度相比大多数球员而言更加稳定。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:一般来说,当暂停或者是半场休息后,热起来的球员会有一定程度的冷却并使他们的属性值回到正常水平。Heat Retention们在这些情况下依然会保持手感的热度,并且只有失败的战术执行比如说投失或者是turnovers才能使他们冷却到正常的水平。即便如此,也要让他多投失或者turnover相当于正常球员一倍的球。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Closer精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Derrick Rose, Jason Terry, Kobe BryantThis player raises his game in clutch moments.
For the last 40% of a fourth quarter and all overtimes, a Closer receives the following perks:1.Attribute boosts of up to 12 attribute points精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:2.A widened “Excellent Release” free throw release window, thus making it easier to knock down clutch free throws3.Energy boosts during timeouts so that he retains more energy through breaks during clutch moments4.Shot chance percentage boost of up to 5% for “moving” shots, such as drifters and step back shots.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Derrick Rose, Jason Terry, Kobe Bryant拥有这项技能的球员将会在关键时刻提升能力。在第四节最后剩余40%的时间里以及加时赛里,Closer有以下福利:1.属性能有最多12点提升精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:2.“完美的投篮”的判定范围扩大了,因此能够更容易投入关键罚球。3.暂停会加速体能回升,让他在关键时刻能够保持更多的体能。4.在运动得分中会有5%的命中率加成,比方说骑马射箭和后撤步投篮。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Floor General精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Jason Kidd, Rajon Rondo, Chris PaulThis skill identifies an offensive team leader that has the ability to raise the offensive game of his teammates while he is on the floor.While a Floor General’s team has possession of the ball, all teammates are given up to a six point attribute boost to their offensive abilities.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Jason Kidd, Rajon Rondo, Chris Paul球员拥有这项技能使他们区别于一般球员,他们球队的进攻领导核心,在场上的时候能够推动整支队伍的进攻水平。当Floor General控制球权时,所有队友的进攻属性都会有6点的加成。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略: Defensive Anchor精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Example Players:
Dwight Howard, Tyson Chandler, Kevin GarnettThis skill identifies a defense team leader that has the ability to raise the defensive game of his teammates while he is on the floor.While a Defensive Anchor’s team is on defense, all teammates on the floor are given up to a six point attribute boost to their defensive abilities.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:示范球员:Dwight Howard, Tyson Chandler, Kevin Garnett球员拥有这项技能使他们区别于一般球员,他们是球队的防守领导核心,在场上的时候能够推动整支队伍的防守水平。当Defensive Anchor的队伍处于防守,所有场上队友的防守属性都会有6点的加成。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:FAQQ:
Why create these Signature Skills for 2K13 when you already have several attributes in 2K12?A:
We felt that our existing attribute and tendency system quite didn’t lend itself well enough to various situational moments that happen in basketball, nor did it help identify very specialized players.
Outlet passes, winning charge calls, staying hot through in-game breaks, etc, are just a few areas where our attributes system failed to give you what you need.
We’re now able to dig deeper into these situations to allow players stand out where they’re most精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:known.
Let’s take shot blocking for example.
LeBron James is well-known as the best chase down blocker in the league.
In 2K12, when you were in a chase down situation, LeBron was unable to block the shot from behind as much as we’d like him to because he had only a 60-ish Block attribute.
With the inclusion of the new Sig Skill, Chase Down Artist, we’re now able to give him the types of skills he needs to embarrass the unsuspecting shooter, without having to artificially raise his Block attribute (which would then allow him to block shots in areas he’s not known for).
There are reasons like this for every skill created, which is why we’re bringing this feature to you for NBA 2K13.Q:
How many Signature Skills are there in total?A:
There are 31 total Signature Skills.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:Q:
What is the maximum amount of Signature Skills a player can have?A:
An NBA player can have anywhere between 0 and 5 Signature Skills.Q:
How will I know when a Signature Skill fires off?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:A:
If you press UP on the On the Fly Coaching menu on the d-pad, the Signature Skills HUD will appear.
You can leave this up the entire game by never pressing UP on the d-pad again.
The HUD sits in the upper left-hand corner in a single player game and in the both the upper left-hand and right-handcorners in a multi-player game (however, you only see yours in an online 2-player game).
The HUD shows the name of the player you are actively controlling, the Signature Skills he possesses and his basic stat line.
When a skill is not active it will be grayed out.
When it is available it will be semi-transparent, basically letting you know you are in a situation where it could be used.
When it has been activated it will light up in its full glory and the stat line will change to the name of the Signature Skill that just fired off.问:2K12中已经有了好多属性,那为什么还要在2k13中设计“招牌技能Sig Skill”呢?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:答:我们觉得现有的属性及倾向系统在篮球世界中多样的环境下没能很好的发挥作用,并且也不能够帮助我们区分那些有着特殊天分的球员。(隔半场)长传,成功博取进攻犯规,在比赛中断后仍然保持较热的手感,等等,这些正是填补了属性系统所没能带给我们的空白。我们现在可以深度发掘某些情况下球员人所共知的特点,然后让它闪光。就从“赏火锅”说起。LBJ是联盟中数一数二的追身帽大师。在2k12中,当你(控制LBJ)紧追的情况下,LBJ并不能够像我们希望的那样完成追身大帽,因为他的盖帽属性只有60上下。当Sig Skill加入进来之后,Chase Down Artist(招牌技能名称),我们现在可以给那些毫无防备的射手一点颜色,而不是单纯地增加LBJ的盖帽属性(单纯增加盖帽属性的话,就会让他在平时我们不常见他盖帽的地方盖帽)。每一个被设计出的技能都是类似的起因,也就是为什么我们要将这个概念引入到13中了。问:总共有多少招牌技能?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:答:共有31个。问:一个人最多能有多少项?答:每个NBA球员能有0-5个不等数量的技能。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:问:我怎么才能知道我触发了招牌技能呢?答:(手柄)d-pad向上,开启On the Fly Coaching菜单,招牌技能的HUD界面就会出现。你可以整场比赛都保留着这个HUD界面,方法是不再按d-pad的向上键。单人游戏,界面在屏幕左手边,多人游戏,界面左右手边都有(当然,在在线2人游戏中你只能看到你自己的那部分界面)。HUD界面显示你正在控制的球员所拥有的招牌技能以及他的基本数据。当一项技能当前没有触发时会变灰暗色。当它可用时会变半透明,就是要让你知道你现在的处境下可以使用这项技能了。当它被使用时会变的金光闪闪,并且数据条会变成正在使用的招牌技能的名称。 精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:


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