怎么训练罗威纳犬训练教程打架 怎么训练罗威纳犬训练教程的野性

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最后登录13/11/21积分6708 点狗民币6537 个注册时间10/1/29积分6708帖子主题精华2UID385921
狗民元老, 积分 6708, 距离下一级还需 3292 积分
发表于 10/2/3 23:05
最近我会多搜集一些有关罗威纳的训练的文章(主要是社会化训练、服从训练等),如果这里有其他人也需要的话我就翻译了贴出来(水平有限,英语好的尽量看原文吧),如果没人感兴趣那我下次就不翻译了,自己一个人看算了。- l" s+ n7 H( H# ~5 W7 K% Q
1 M; h4 s( l5 s% p" F8 A
How to Train a Rottweiler to be a Family Friendly Pet$ z( H- a4 w7 `& O% u
如何将罗威纳训练成友善的伴侣犬0 U2 a- t- e/ u/ W. p7 Q
$ N! O&&W+ h&&K2 o( `
A well-trained Rottweiler is a wonderful family pet that is calm, confident and loyalty. These dogs have a special devotion and a fondness for small . Since an adult can weigh between 100 and 120 pounds, a Rottweiler can pose a danger if trained poorly or improperly handled. If you decide that this breed is for you, take these steps to train a Rottweiler and secure his place as a loving member of your family.5 z7 W0 ?% p8 G3 V+ t
7 L7 |- R- _: M
Step 1" R: _( k- R# ^/ ^& j0 `6 O$ u. w
Make your dog's world as big as possible. Allow her to accompany you in the car. Introduce her to friends, family and the neighbors.尽可能地让你的狗多见世面。开车带她出去。把她介绍给你的朋友、亲人和邻居们。
Step 2" Q* s+ a5 @( r& u" w: I' B3 G
Kennel train your Rottweiler early on. Start by kenneling her for short periods and then build up to a maximum of three hours at a time. In time, your dog will use the kennel as his den or retreat, so be sure to respect her space.尽早训练你的适应狗屋。一开始让她在狗屋里呆很短的时间,以后渐渐让她能适应一次在狗屋里呆上三个小时。到时候,你的狗会把狗屋当作她的安乐窝或者避难所,一定要尊重她的空间。(呃……这段翻译得不好,凑合看吧)
Step 3$ D" x- ^% V& V1 l- h
Enroll in puppy school. Continue through beginning up to advanced dog training. You and your dog will learn together and enjoy a wonderful bonding experience.报名参加幼犬训练学校。从基础到高阶的训练都要学。你和你的狗可以一起学习并享受这种共同相处的美光。(貌似不适用于国内,国内的学校一般都是让你把狗送进去,人不让进去的,到时候还给你一条病歪歪的瘦狗,学会了几个动作,而且回家就不会了。所以我看我们还是自己多查资料,自学训狗技能吧。)
Purchase a 6-foot, flat leather training leash. Most dog s require a good leather leash, which will last a long time.买一条六英尺(约183CM)扁平的皮质训练牵绳。多数训犬师都要求使用优质的皮牵绳,更耐用。
Select a pinch collar with the help of a trainer who can show you the proper method of adjusting and fitting it. Use the collar only during training sessions. When you put the collar on your dog, she'll know it's time to get down to business.在训犬师的帮助下选择一个钉钩式颈圈并学会如何调整和使用。只在训练过程中使用这种颈圈。每当你把这种颈圈套在狗身上时,她立刻就会知道,现在是乖乖学习的时候了。&&y$ a9 p0 t( ]0 V2 J1 h( h
Step 6; w- `3 k7 m4 \" U6 ^! F0 c
Give your dog simple, one-word commands in a firm, calm voice. Teach him that one &no& means &no& and don't establish the habit of arguing with him. Praise your dog in an enthusiastic tone that is different from your &training voice.&用坚定而冷静的语调,对狗发出简单的指令。要让他知道,no就是no,没得商量,不能养成讨价还价的习惯。表扬狗的时候要用一种充满热情的语调,必须明显区别于发指令时的严肃语调。
Step 71 |5 w$ x( i&&o5 `& n# B9 o
Be patient and consistent in your commands and rules. Establish a schedule for walks and mealtimes. Dogs like routine.对于你的指令和规矩,必须有耐心而且要坚持。遛狗和就餐都要固定时间,狗喜欢有规律的生活。& [& d& W- w9 N! K! [+ _2 A&&t3 e1 b
Offer your Rottie an array of interesting toys and chews. Rottweilers are playful and bright and need to be engaged. When ignored, a bored Rottie will find creative ways to pass the time, perhaps chewing your new shoes or tearing up the sofa cushions.给你的小罗一堆有趣的玩具和咬骨。罗威纳既贪玩又聪明,你得让她有事可做。如果被忽视了的话,一只太闲的小罗就会自己想办法来打发时间,说不定会去嚼你的新鞋子或者扯烂沙发靠垫。
Tips & Warnings
Remember that you're actually the one being trained in &dog school.& Never use the crate as punishment. 记住,在狗学校里,狗主人才是真正受训的对象。绝不要用“关进狗屋”作为惩罚的手段。3 s) h# e9 K3 Y! t
A pinch collar is not cruel. It is an effective training tool and your dog will do extremely well with it. A choke collar can injure a big, powerful dog and offers little control over your dog.钉钩式的颈圈并不残忍。这是一种有效的训练工具,你的狗戴着它会表现优异。而窒息式的P链反而可能伤到狗,控制效果却很差。
Never leave a Rottweiler alone with an individual who is not capable of controlling him. 绝不要让一个无法控制这只罗威纳的人与之单独相处。
Never shout at your dog in anger or frustration. Never hit your dog.绝不要因为生气或者失望而对你的狗大吼大叫,绝不要打他。
; z+ ~' ^&&o8 Z$ Y
[ 本帖最后由 daheixiaowang 于
00:16 编辑 ]
最后登录13/11/21积分6708 点狗民币6537 个注册时间10/1/29积分6708帖子主题精华2UID385921
狗民元老, 积分 6708, 距离下一级还需 3292 积分
发表于 10/2/3 23:11
我google了一下1 D+ |$ \8 A* X* b+ G5 X- i4 `* y
pinch collar是这种(作者建议的)
9 U/ G" j7 x2 }3 e' m% Y' w
&&@5 d1 r0 F- j3 z
1 G( b& T# z&&A* X2 `& c
5 ?3 R$ \" l' j0 y
下面这种是choke collar(作者反对的,说是效果又差,而且又容易让狗受伤)
% _$ T3 O% o6 K/ W3 O9 V
&&T4 S7 [3 {# Y9 v
最后登录13/11/21积分6708 点狗民币6537 个注册时间10/1/29积分6708帖子主题精华2UID385921
狗民元老, 积分 6708, 距离下一级还需 3292 积分
发表于 10/2/4 00:12
Training Tips
9 B, r$ n2 N* ?
--Practice taking the food away while your Rottweiler is eating (but give it back to him after a few seconds!) By allowing you to control the food, your Rottweiler is giving you the dominant position (because the Alpha dog controls the food)经常练习在小罗吃食的时候把食物拿走(但是过几秒钟后要还给他!)如果小罗允许你控制他的食物,那也就是说他承认你的支配地位(因为头狗才有权控制食物)
2 j$ o( e3 _4 p6 |: E. Q' M3 m1 U; r
--The Alpha dog never breaks a gaze first or looks down. When your Rottweiler meets your gaze, stare at him/her until they look down or away. The one who looks down or away first is the submissive one.
头犬在对视的时候绝不能先移开目光或者垂下眼皮。如果你的罗威纳与你对视,你就要瞪着他直到他向下看或往旁边看。先向下看或往旁边看的那一个是顺从者。5 a/ ?5 m7 W" z
Tip2: Never give your Rottweiler treats or a new toy just because they look cute. Always make them work for it or 'earn' it. This helps them feel important and they don't begin to think that everything is theirs for the taking.
& V" Y" I/ o# d1 |! C
Tip3: Ok this isn't a training tip but it's one of the BEST things we ever did for our rotti (and we keep hearing it over and over from other rotti owners). We got pet insurance. : F) l. w' n3 K0 E, x
这一条其实不是训练的小贴士,不过这个非常重要,那就是,我们要买宠物保险。(意思是“罗威纳没有不闯祸的”吧?汗……可能在国外吃官司、伤害赔偿非常非常贵,不过在国内要是闯了祸也得赔不少钱)& A5 n. E7 A5 h8 l% I4 W, F
; V* {; C4 m/ X) M" g
Tip4: Teaching your Rottweiler the &Leave It& or &Drop It& command early on helps keep your Rottweiler safe. Often they curiously pick up anything in their path and it can be quite poisonous or harmful to their mouth.
3 g! x. r0 A5 h' m
By teaching them this command, you can then tell them to &Drop it& quickly, even if you are yards away and can't take it out of their mouths physically
教会了这个口令以后,就算你离你的狗很远,根本来不及冲过去从他们嘴里挖出来,你也可以及时地叫他们自己吐出来。; J% `# W5 C1 z* J5 z
Tip5: A gentleman with a Rottweiler gave us this one: 0 T. F. S/ p7 m1 x# t
To train his 7 month old, very rambunctious puppy, he would tire her out by taking her to a leash free zone for an hour. When she was exhausted (but happy and well-socialized!) he would then start to train her. . r, _. x( h3 i5 p% R
0 N$ O- z9 H3 I6 d4 Z
She was more apt to pay attention during these times and soon, with some repetition, she even began to listen to him when she was energized and wound up. He said it was the easiest way in the world to train dogs! " i' J4 n( @1 W% P
Tip 6: We've heard horror stories about people trying to crate-train their dogs and this might seem simple, but here's what we did:; j5 D* E&&{$ M7 {
When we were trying to train Hunter (our Rottweiler) to go into his crate, we simply said &Crate& and then gave him peanut butter or a dog treat (with lots of verbal praise) when he followed the treat into the crate. * K( B9 g) o/ N6 z5 w7 Q
我们要训练狗进狗屋的时候,我们就简单地说一声“狗屋”,然后用花生酱或者狗零食来引他进去,进去以后就赏给他吃(同时大大地表扬他)3 r* X5 M$ p3 \1 s( ?5 j3 n. {
This took a few days, but soon he was running to his crate when he heard the command. We eventually scaled back the treats to just verbal praise but it worked quite well. Now his crate is his own little home. To this day, he'd rather sleep in his crate than even on our bed!7 n&&L, X, Z' H9 c* z, y&&z
这个训练要花几天的时间,不过不久以后他每次一听到这个命令就会乖乖自己跑回狗屋了。我们最后可以取消物质奖励,只口头表扬,也一样非常有效。这时他的狗屋就成为他自己的小家了。到那时他会更乐意睡在他自己的窝里,叫他去我们床上睡他都不乐意了。$ s, U* `% E+ W& d
Tip7: When our Rottweiler was a puppy and had to stay in his crate for a couple of hourse (like when we wanted to sleep!), we found that after a while he would begin to cry in order to convince us to let him out. This drove us crazy until we tried something just on a whim.
We threw a blanket over his crate so that he couldn't see anything. Surprisingly enough, his cries soon stopped! We're not sure why this worked, (out of sight, out of mind maybe?) but we were thankful to be able to sleep again!
我们把一条毯子盖在他的狗屋上,这样他就什么也看不到了。他马上就不叫了!我们也不确定为什么这个方法会起效,不过我们总算可以安心睡觉了!6 T$ d- K# Q; d2 H&&I
Tip8: Although we know this too is a simple one, we found that good Rottweiler training can be summed up in one word: Consistency.
这一条也是简单的真理:我们发现,所有好的罗威纳训练技巧总结起来就是一句话:要坚持,保持一贯性。, n5 k& y5 `9 J3 w, b0 Y
Rottweilers are famous for testing their owners over and over - especially when they're puppies. If they try to get up on the couch once and you say &NO& they'll wait a while and try it again. If you allow them to get up on the couch (or another family member allows it) the second time, watch out. % k' {( ]' h1 K) S0 E
They've not only learned that they ARE allowed up on the couch but they've also learned that they just have to keep trying something - and sooner or later it will be allowed!
Stick it out - they will learn in time. The general consensus among Rottweiler owners we've talked to is that the testing slows down around 1.5 to 2 years of age - it never stops but it does SLOW down and gets MUCH easier! ' f&&L' X$ l7 ]! u( n
一定要坚持,他们慢慢会学乖的。与我们聊过的多数罗威纳主人都说,这种测试主人的行为会在一岁半到两岁时渐渐缓解——不会完全消失,不过将会大大改善,而且越来越容易对付!' d) e! k" W5 i* B: e* h( _/ b
[ 本帖最后由 daheixiaowang 于
00:18 编辑 ]
最后登录15/6/10积分1593 点狗民币1618 个注册时间10/1/12积分1593帖子主题精华0UID377057
高级狗民, 积分 1593, 距离下一级还需 1407 积分
发表于 10/2/4 00:18
最后登录17/4/19积分3734 点狗民币1930 个注册时间08/12/14积分3734帖子主题精华0UID172039
金牌狗民, 积分 3734, 距离下一级还需 1266 积分
发表于 10/2/4 00:36
DIY了一个P链&&现在解开了拿来当牵引绳用& &哈哈
我觉得我家兔崽子已经够温和了. C% A3 V, L% w
一袭白衣  一叶扁舟  一江清水  两岸风情······
最后登录13/11/21积分6708 点狗民币6537 个注册时间10/1/29积分6708帖子主题精华2UID385921
狗民元老, 积分 6708, 距离下一级还需 3292 积分
发表于 10/2/4 01:10
原帖由 f22su37 于
00:36 发表
各执一词吧4 w- Q% f&&c( j) F
那种带倒钩的没用过 $ F5 P! c4 c, r, b& ~$ E" z
DIY了一个P链&&现在解开了拿来当牵引绳用& &哈哈' K2 V! O# F% \, N4 ]0 S
我觉得我家兔崽子已经够温和了) O8 b/ W/ Z5 f" o+ g# L# w
我希望我家大黑能像他老妈一样,对一般人都友好得不得了但是一旦情况不对了又会护主。% n2 Y/ g* ?' f& D: S8 I7 A! L
. U% {& Q1 Z) o
最后登录16/9/13积分4276 点狗民币2455 个注册时间09/9/6积分4276帖子主题精华0UID314804
金牌狗民, 积分 4276, 距离下一级还需 724 积分
发表于 10/2/4 08:19
最后登录12/8/13积分284 点狗民币284 个注册时间09/8/12积分284帖子主题精华0UID301462
中级狗民, 积分 284, 距离下一级还需 1216 积分
发表于 10/2/4 08:59
最后登录13/7/29积分957 点狗民币957 个注册时间10/1/6积分957帖子主题精华0UID374530
中级狗民, 积分 957, 距离下一级还需 543 积分
发表于 10/2/4 09:03
最后登录14/6/16积分2516 点狗民币2519 个注册时间10/1/18积分2516帖子主题精华0UID379994
高级狗民, 积分 2516, 距离下一级还需 484 积分
发表于 10/2/4 12:31
4 ~2 h6 i% I$ q6 T. H6 b
最后登录12/5/11积分1102 点狗民币1102 个注册时间09/11/19积分1102帖子主题精华0UID352492
中级狗民, 积分 1102, 距离下一级还需 398 积分
发表于 10/2/4 18:07
最后登录12/5/11积分1102 点狗民币1102 个注册时间09/11/19积分1102帖子主题精华0UID352492
中级狗民, 积分 1102, 距离下一级还需 398 积分
发表于 10/2/4 18:16
之前我家的从来不上沙发,有次洗澡帮它吹风,它一跑就上面去了.看它趴着不跑.就也没赶,在上面帮它吹干...好了,噩梦从此开始,之后就老喜欢上去,,再就开始咬,一个3人皮沙发就这样报销... 咬的都见木头
最后登录12/5/17积分13412 点狗民币3543 个注册时间08/3/25积分13412帖子主题精华8UID87798
青铜元老, 积分 13412, 距离下一级还需 6588 积分
发表于 10/2/4 19:59
最后登录13/11/21积分6708 点狗民币6537 个注册时间10/1/29积分6708帖子主题精华2UID385921
狗民元老, 积分 6708, 距离下一级还需 3292 积分
发表于 10/2/4 21:29
在一个国外的罗威纳论坛(这个网站的论坛不错专门讲罗威纳的,强烈推荐懂英语的人去看看)上经常看到网友们提到NILIF ,说这个理念对于罗威纳的训练很重要。于是我搜了一下:
8 l! n2 V; [, T/ F
Nothing in Life is Free (这句话的意思类似于“天下没有免费的午餐”,NILIF是这句话的缩写)
Undesirable behavior can be caused by many things, including undetected illness. No behavior modification program should begin without first taking the dog to a veterinarian for a complete physical examination. While you're there, give your vet a printed copy of this page and ask if it would be an appropriate technique for you to try. The NILIF program is an accepted standard in dog training/behavior but it is not, and is not intended to be, a substitute for an in-person, professional evaluation of your dog's behavior. This technique is intended for dogs in good health and of sound mind and stable temperament. (这段话的大意是,首先前提是必须确认你的狗的健康状况,因为有些行为问题可能是因为生理或精神上的疾病造成的。只有健康的狗才能用NILIF的方法来训练) , b&&D, S: \2 g' O! v
The NILIF program is remarkable because it's effective for such a wide variety of problems. A shy, timid dog becomes more relaxed knowing that he has nothing to worry about, his owner is in charge of all things. A dog that's pushing too hard to become &top dog& learns that the position is not available and that his life is far more enjoyable without the title. 9 \# n+ s8 E/ m- [2 u
NILIF可以广泛应用于很多不同行为问题的训导。一只羞怯胆小的狗通过训练可以变得更放松更安心,相信自己的主人可以搞定一切。一只极力想要称王称霸的狗通过训练会明白自己绝没有机会成为领袖,而且如果他不去争取那个“犬王”的头衔的话,自己的日子会更好过。2 x/ i4 D9 y: N
It is equally successful with dogs that fall anywhere between those two extremes. The program is not difficult to put into effect and it's not time consuming if the dog already knows a few basic obedience commands. I've never seen this technique fail to bring about a positive change in behavior, however, the change can be more profound in some dogs than others. Most owners use this program in conjunction with other behavior modification techniques such as coping with fear or treatment for aggression. It is a perfectly suitable technique for the dog with no major behavior problems that just needs some fine tuning.
The program begins by eliminating attention on demand. When your dog comes to you and nudges your hand, saying &pet me! pet me!& ignore him. Don't tell him &no&, don't push him away. Simply pretend you don't notice him. This has worked for him before, so don't be surprised if he tries harder to get your attention. When he figures out that this no longer works, he'll stop. In a pack situation, the top ranking dogs can demand attention from the lower ranking ones, not the other way around. When you give your dog attention on demand you're telling him that he has more status in the pack than you do. Timid dogs become stressed by having this power and may become clingy. They're never sure when you'll be in charge so they can't relax. What if something scary happens, like a stranger coming in the house? Who will handle that? The timid dog that is demanding of attention can be on edge a lot of the time because he has more responsibility than he can handle. 如果你的狗走过来碰碰你的手,想要你摸摸他,你不要理睬。别说“no”,也别把他推开,只要假装你根本没注意到他就行了。因为他以前这么做的时候你都会很宝贝地摸摸他,所以他肯定还会继续缠着你更努力地想要得到你的注意。最后当他终于意识到这样做没用的时候,他自然会停止。在狼群中,只有只有地位高的狼有权要求得到地位低的狼的注意,反过来则不行。如果你的狗一来找你你就去注意他,那就等于是在告诉他,他在狼群中的权力比你多。胆小的狗被额外赋予这些权力后会觉得很有压力而且会更粘人。他们搞不清楚你这个主人到底顶不顶用,所以没法安心。如果有什么吓人的事情发生了,比如说陌生人闯入家中,该谁来搞定?胆小而又得到过多注意的狗因此会常常觉得自己能力小责任大而惶惶不可终日。
8 U! ]" b' T, |
Some dogs see their ability to demand attention as confirmation that they are the &alpha&, then become difficult to handle when told to &sit& or &down& or some other demand is placed on them. It is not their leadership status that stresses them out, it's the lack of consistency. They may or may not actually be alpha material, but having no one in the pack that is clearly the leader is a bigger problem than having the dog assume that role full time. Dogs are happiest when the pack order is stable. Tension is created by a constant fluctuation of pack leadership." ?9 \- P- ?2 D: }* |, n
另一些狗则因为自己能得到你的注意,而觉得自己可能是群体中的头狼,于是在你命令他坐下、趴下或者发出其他指令时对你爱理不理。因为他们觉得狼群里没有一个真正的头狼。狗喜欢生活在有明确阶级秩序的群体中,群里领导者的不确定是紧张情绪的根源。$ f& {4 c2 r2 T4 ~
Your dog already knows that he can demand your attention and he knows what works to get that to happen. As of today, it no longer works, but he doesn't know that yet. We all try harder at something we know works when it stops working. If I gave you a twenty dollar bill every time you clapped your hands together, you'd clap a lot. But, if I suddenly stopped handing you money, even though you were still clapping, you'd clap more and clap louder. You might even get closer to me to make sure I was noticing that you were clapping. You might even shout at me &Hey! I'm clapping like crazy over here, where's the money?&. If I didn't respond at all, in any way, you'd stop. It wasn't working anymore. That last try -- that loud, frequent clapping is an extinction burst. If, however, during that extinction burst, I gave you another twenty dollar bill you'd be right back in it. It would take a lot longer to get you to stop clapping because you just learned that if you try hard enough, it will work.
你的狗原本认为他有权引起你的注意,也知道要用什么办法来引起你的注意。但现在,他那套老办法不会再起作用了,只不过他自己还不知道。我们都倾向于在老办法不起作用的时候就更努力地去试图让它起效。如果你每次拍拍手的时候我就给你20块钱,你肯定会很乐于拍手。但是如果我突然再也不给你钱了,不管你拍得多努力多大声都不给。你可能会干脆凑近我继续拍手,甚至会冲我吼:“喂,我这么没命地拍手,你干啥不给钱?”如果我还是根本不睬你,你就会自然停止,以后也再不这么干了。可是如果我在你那最后一搏之后又给你20块钱,你就又会想要拍手赚钱,那样一来,想要让你最终再也不要拍手的话,得花更长的时间,因为你老是会觉得,只要更努力地尝试,最后就还是会达到目的。When your dog learns that the behaviors that used to get him your attention don't work any more he's going to try harder and he's going to have an extinction burst. If you give him attention during that time you will have to work that much harder to get him turned around again. Telling him &no& or pushing him away is not the kind of attention he's after, but it's still attention. Completely ignoring him will work faster and better. ! H( H% O: R; u9 \6 M/ Q
As the human and as his owner you have control of all things that are wonderful in his life. This is the backbone of the NILIF program. You control all of the resources. Playing, attention, food, walks, going in and out of the door, going for a ride in the car, going to the dog park. Anything and everything that your dog wants comes from you. If he's been getting most of these things for free there is no real reason for him to respect your leadership or your ownership of these things. Again, a timid dog is going to be stressed by this situation, a pushy dog is going to be difficult to handle. Both of them would prefer to have you in charge. # g/ N, u) v+ S1 ]* ^& A1 p
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[ 本帖最后由 daheixiaowang 于
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发表于 10/2/5 00:51
一袭白衣  一叶扁舟  一江清水  两岸风情······
最后登录15/6/10积分1593 点狗民币1618 个注册时间10/1/12积分1593帖子主题精华0UID377057
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狗民元老, 积分 6708, 距离下一级还需 3292 积分
发表于 10/2/5 09:35
我看到老外养这种狗好像都特别注意严格的训练,而且如果谁没送小罗去上学的话(是那种主人和狗一起参加的培训课),在论坛上简直是要受大家鄙视的。' D8 f1 o3 k! ?0 `$ @
9 q9 ?&&k( s4 e7 S" i3 X&&_6 u( V- H
最后登录11/8/24积分1653 点狗民币1703 个注册时间08/10/17积分1653帖子主题精华1UID149770
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发表于 10/2/5 15:01
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狗民元老, 积分 6708, 距离下一级还需 3292 积分
发表于 10/2/5 23:15
To implement the NILIF program you simply have to have your dog earn his use of your resources. He's hungry? No problem, he simply has to sit before his bowl is put down. He wants to play fetch? Great! He has to &down& before you throw the ball. Want to go for a walk or a ride? He has to sit to get his lead snapped on and has to sit while the front door is opened. He has to sit and wait while the car door is opened and listen for the word (I use &OK&) that means &get into the car&. When you return he has to wait for the word that means &get out of the car& even if the door is wide open. Don't be too hard on him. He's already learned that he can make all of these decisions on his own. He has a strong history of being in control of when he gets these resources. Enforce the new rules, but keep in mind that he's only doing what he's been taught to do and he's going to need some time to get the hang of it all.
要实施NILIF,很简单,你得让你的狗通过良好的表现来从你那里挣得他需要的一切。饿了?没问题,他得乖乖坐好,等着食盆放好了才能开动。想玩捡球?很好,他得先趴下,等你扔球。想出去散步或者兜风?他得等牵绳扣好了,好好坐着,直到你开门。他得坐着等你把车门打开而且发出上车的指令才能上车。回来的时候,就算车门已经被人打开,他也得等到你说“下车”才能下车。不过别太心急,他之前已经习惯于自作主张和自己控制那些他想要的东西。你要不断地强化你的新规矩,但是始终不要忘记,他的不良行为都是你之前的纵容造成的,需要花一定的时间来改掉老习惯。. v8 D&&r0 h& U1 j
You're going to have to pay attention to things that you probably haven't noticed before. If you feed your dog from your plate do you just toss him a green bean? No more. He has to earn it. You don't have to use standard obedience commands, any kind of action will do. If your dog knows &shake& or &spin around& or &speak& use those commands. Does your dog sleep on your bed? Teach him that he has to wait for you to say &OK& to get on the bed and he has to get down when you say &off&. Teach him to go to his bed, or other designated spot, on command. When he goes to his spot and lays down tell him &stay& and then release him with a treat reward. Having a particular spot where he stays is very helpful for when you have guests or otherwise need him out of the way for a while. It also teaches him that free run of the house is a resource that you control. There are probably many things that your dog sees as valuable resources that I haven't mentioned here.
你得留意一下你以前从未注意过的一些事。如果你吃饭的时候想让你的狗也吃一点,你是不是直接扔给他吃?以后没这好事了,他得先表现一下才能得到。不一定要用标准的服从口令,任何类型的动作都可以。如果他会握手或者转圈,或者依口令吠叫,你也可以用那些口令。你的狗是在你床上睡觉的吗?你就教他:他得先等你说“好”才能上床,你说下去的时候他就得下去。让他学会服从口令去他自己的床或别的指定位置,他去了并躺下时就叫他呆在这儿,并给他点零食奖励。指定一个专门让他呆的地方,这样当你家里来客人或者有其它情况、需要他离开一会的时候,你会比较方便。这样的训练同时也能让他明白,他能不能在房子里自由活动,这个是由你说了算的。以上我只是举了几个例子,诸如此类的东西还有很多。1 B3 @" ?4 d% {" x
The NILIF program should not be a long, drawn out process. All you need to do is enforce a simple command before allowing him access to what he wants. Dinner, for example, should be a two or three second encounter that consists of nothing more than saying &sit&, then &good dog!&, then putting the bowl down and walking away. - n$ Y4 {! q% l5 H( t: g( u. @
不要把NILIF搞成很冗长乏味的事。你要做的只是在允许他得到他想要的东西之前,强化一个简单的命令。比如,喂食前,命令他“坐”,等两三秒后再给他,然后说“乖狗狗”。再把食盆放下并走开。% }7 u8 [1 i: T1 q
Now that your dog is no longer calling the shots you will have to make an extra effort to provide him with attention and play time. Call him to you, have him &sit& and then lavish him with as much attention as you want. Have him go get his favorite toy and play as long as you both have the energy. The difference is that now you will be the one initiating the attention and beginning the play time. He's going to depend on you now, a lot more than before, to see that he gets what he needs. What he needs most is quality time with you. This would be a good time to enroll in a group obedience class. If his basic obedience is top notch, see about joining an agility class or fly ball team. " u! g2 h" [7 m' o&&J9 i9 p* G; j
NILIF DOES *NOT* MEAN THAT YOU HAVE TO RESTRICT THE AMOUNT OF ATTENTION YOU GIVE TO YOUR DOG. The NILIF concept speaks to who initiates the attention (you!), not the amount of attention. Go ahead and call your dog to you 100 times a day for hugs and kisses!! You can demand his attention, he can no longer demand yours!& &4 B9 S2 x# ?8 h4 `) ~
NILIF绝不是要你减少你陪伴狗狗的时间。NILIF要明确的是,由谁来决定要不要关注狗狗(应该由你决定!),而无关你要花的时间和精力。你乐意的话可以每天叫你的狗狗过来100次然后抱他、亲他!你可以唤起他的注意,但他不能使唤你!& O$ p! V' Z7 |* n- ]
Within a day or two your dog will see you in a whole new light and will be eager to learn more. Use this time to teach new things, such as 'roll over' or learn the specific names of different toys. * u" k! }+ L4 i
一两天之后,你的狗狗对你看法会彻底改变,而且会更渴望学习。你可以趁机教他新东西,比如“打滚”或者学习不同玩具的名称。# l4 J9 M' W0 m
If you have a shy dog, you'll see a more relaxed dog. There is no longer any reason to worry about much of anything. He now has complete faith in you as his protector and guide. If you have a pushy dog he'll be glad that the fight for leadership is over and his new role is that of devoted and adored pet. 如果你的狗原本很羞怯,你会发现他变得更放松了。他再也没必要胡乱担心了,他会相信你完全又能力保护他和指导他。如果你的狗原本很强势,他将会发现根本没必要去想什么夺位之争了,他的新角色就是做一只全心全意又可爱的宠物。


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