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【18禁】内有裸露镜头 慎入!!! 游戏里的铅笔
An Abridged History Of Video Game Dicks龙腾网
You don't have to look very far to find naked breasts in video games. Uncensored dicks, on the other hand? Those are rarer.龙腾网
Maybe that's changing. Have you noticed that there are a surprising number of recent big games that show uncensored penises? I couldn't help but wonder if uncensored dicks are becoming more common in games. So, I've tried to find out.
Warning: this post contains uncensored NSFW pictures!
Over the last week, I've been up to my ears with digital dicks. How many games these days feature uncensored dicks? Are there more now than there used to be? What kinds of dicks do games depict—are they circumsized, for example? I'm here to share my findings with you, in all their floppy, pink glory.
I'm mostly focusing on mainstream games—obscure eroge games might be saucy, but there are simply too many of them to keep track of. I'm also disqualifying any dicks that the result of user-created mods, as well as sex scenes where you can't see a penis. Sorry, Hot Coffee. With all that said...let's jump in. Here are the ways that video games have depicted dicks over the years.
Custer's Revenge, 1982
One of the earliest known video game dicks is, unsurprisingly, also a controversial one. Custer's Revenge was an Atari 2600 game that starred none other than George Armstrong Custer himself. The goal of the game was to make it across the screen to a tied up Native American woman, all while avoiding arrows. If Custer makes it there safely, he rapes the woman.
Custer's Revenge isn't the first 'adult' video game—text adventures have Gone There for a while—but it remains one of the earliest games to graphically depict a penis, and an erect one at that.
Turns out, penises are surprisingly common in early video games. 1982 also saw the release of &Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em,& a game where a man pumps something (semen? pee?) out of his junk, into the mouths of women below him:
The Atari 2600 was also blessed with the release of X-Man, a pornographic game that has nothing to do with mutants. In this game, a man tries to make his way out of a labyrinth. If players are successful, they are rewarded with a sex scene:
X-Man also proves that the issue of perfecting (and failing at) breast physics is a phenomenon as old as the industry itself.
The most ridiculous out of all these early Atari games has to be Bachelor Party, though. The premise is familiar: It's pretty much Breakout, but replace the bricks with women. Also, substitute the ball with a naked man with a raging erection. Um...yeah.
Most of these games are kind of...gross. But it's still wild to think that they all came out in 1982. It's not something I would have expected, especially given how rare male nudity is in games.
Rampage: World Tour, 1997
As those of you who have played Rampage before know, the monsters in Rampage are actually humans who survived experimentation. And if you happen to take enough damage as a monster while playing World Tour, the godzilla-like creatures will all revert back to their human forms—which happen to be naked. While the characters cover themselves up quickly, you can still catch a glimpse of some wang.
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, 2004
Naturally, a series like Leisure Suit Larry—which is all about seducing women—has depicted some nudity from time to time. Surprisingly, this also includes the protagonist himself!
Manhunt 2, 2007
This dick belongs to Piggsy, a disturbing antagonist from Manhunt. Weirdly, you only see his penis when you first encounter him—after that, his model doesn't have it anymore.
You'll also note that at this point, the door for more detailed penises has opened.
Penumbra: Black Plague, 2008
But &details& can also lead to nightmare situations, as this abomination proves. Look at that infected, raw-looking dick in Penumbra. Okay, maybe don't look at it. Barf.
Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost and the Damned, 2009
The expansion DLC for GTA IV lets you play as a biker who gets pressured by a congressman into committing murder. You're looking at the congressman right now, in fact! We called thisthe &very first glimpse of digital dick on the Xbox 360& back in 2009. It may also be the hairiest dong in games.
Heavy Rain, 2010
Heavy Rain is a curious case: you can't actually see this nudity in the game proper. Not withoutglitches or modding, at least. But even though it wouldn't be visible to most people, Quantic Dream still went through the trouble of designing and modeling Ethan's genitals. Years later, they would go on to do something similar in Beyond: Two Souls. Also, it looks like Ethan manscapes—no detail is too small, I guess!
Amnesia: The Dark Descent, 2010
During a morgue portion in Amnesia, players can find the naked body of a deceased man on table. Spooky, right?
Dante's Inferno, 2010
If we must remember Dante's Inferno for something, let it be for depicting what may be gaming's biggest dick. Which, by the way, belongs to Satan. Because of course it does.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf, 2012
And now for an inclusion out of left field. Nintendo has indeed rendered a modern video game dong—it belongs to Animal Crossing's version of David, but still. That's a dick. In a Nintendo game. Woah.
Rust, 2013
Not only do the models in Rust have dicks, players have actually taken to trolling each other because of it. In this video, you can watch YouTuber NormalDifficulty go around with a band of naked men who force other players to take off their pants...or else.
Outlast: Whistleblower DLC, 2014
Few things say &terror& as much as &almost having your dick sawed off by a villain& does. Don't worry, though. The player gets saved just in the nick of time. No digital dongs were harmed in the making of this video game.
Far Cry 4, 2014
Even if you've played Far Cry 4, chances are good you missed its penis scene—it flashes by so quickly! Thankfully, eagle-eyed Nick Robinson caught it for us.
South Park: The Stick of Truth, 2014
These are actually just a couple of the genitals that the South Park game depicts—but, that's probably not surprising. It wouldn't be South Park otherwise, now would it?
GTA V, 2014
In 2015, having a Rockstar game depict genitals isn't particularly noteworthy. But, interestingly, after players figured out how to mod GTA, some put on the flaccid penis model totroll and harass other GTA Online players. More specifically, players would pretend to rape other players while using this specific penis model. The &joys& of multiplayer gaming, I guess.
Apotheon, 2015
Apotheon looks like a Greek myth lifted straight off an old piece of pottery—so it makes sense that it has so many dicks. Erect dicks, too! You'll note that most modern games don't depict genitals this way.
The Order:
Right after The Order: 1866 leaked online, people seemed obsessed with two things: the length of the game, and the fact that, as Kirk Hamilton noted in his review, The Order has an &unusual number of free-hanging dicks.& What makes the one in the GIF above particularly funny is that that scene happens mere moments after you catch this guy having sex—he seems to immediately lose his boner after seeing you. Which, you know...fair enough.
And now for the honorable mentions!
Mount Your Friends
The competitive climbing game has contributed greatly to the representation of dicks in gaming—it was the first game to include &dick physics.& We can only hope that other games will follow suit. For this, we will also commend 2014's Loadout:
The SMT Series
Shin Megami Tensei games sure love a demon with a good cock. The one that most people know about is the dick chariot, Mara:
This is a real character, which you can use to attack enemies in SMT games. Hilariously, there are actually enough penis monsters in SMT to make a top ten list. Wow.
Kane and Lynch 2
While the dicks are censored, you actually have to play through an entire level like this—all cut up and naked.
And, there you have it. Gaming's most notable dicks. After a dry spell in the 90s, dick production in video games seems to have come back into fashion in the 2000s, particularly in the last five years. It could be that developers are becoming bolder. For now, we can only wait until some brave developer finally depicts modern gaming's first erect penis. It could be a bit of a wait, but you never know.
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而且,早期电子游戏中出现铅笔并不是什么稀奇事。1982年还发布了个游戏叫“Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em”,在这个游戏里,屏幕上方有个男子喷出些什么东西(尿?精液?),反正是些他的废弃物掉到他下方的女人嘴里:
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这些早期雅达利游戏中最荒诞的莫过于《Bachelor Party》,前景设置还是一个强大的男人穿过“砖墙”,砖块是一个个的女人,而且把是一个带着勃起的铅笔的男人。
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主角是一个骑手,受国会议员胁迫成为杀人凶手。看看他的铅笔,非常真实了对不对!我们把它称为“Xbox 360上出现的第一个数字铅笔”,也可能是游戏史上最多毛的一款铅笔。
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暴雨里的铅笔有点奇怪的情况:你在游戏里不可能清晰看到裸露镜头。不是故障或是改装的缘故,但是尽管大多数人都没办法看清晰,制作团队还是对Ethan的生殖器进行了设计、建模。几年以后他们可能会在Beyond:Two Souls里做类似的东西。不过,这样看起来Ethan的男性器官就算看不清细节应该也不会小。
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2015,The Order: 1866
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The Order: 1866一在网上传开,人们似乎就纠结于两个地方:游戏的长度和自由悬挂着的铅笔的数量。上面的动图展示的尤其有趣,当你一抓住他想要OOXX的时候,他看到你之后铅笔立马就软下来了。
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真女神转生(Shin Megami Tensei)系列游戏对有着好铅笔的恶魔情有独钟,最为人熟知的就是铅笔战车Mara:
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Kane and Lynch 2里面的铅笔被打了马赛克,整个游戏都得这样,裸男下面的铅笔被马赛克搞得七零八落。
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只玩过逃生来着,小丁丁要被切掉的时候感觉异常凶残- -
炒作的力量 明明世界上人口50%的有。还他妈的打码。稀罕吗
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9175 爱卡币
来自: 四川省|成都市
01-01-30.38 第一个露点镜头,妓女罗丝身材还不错,白白的皮肤大大的胸,命最硬的配角,一直活到了第三季。
01-01-34.22 龙妈全裸。哥哥居然这么对待自己的亲妹妹,丧心病狂啊。
01-01-56.53 龙妈第一次啪啪啪,黄昏的海边,跟野蛮人野战- C
01-01-59.31 色吸跟杰咪俩人在临冬城的塔楼里野战,被布兰看到。(此处只露了屁股)
01-02-24.50 龙妈被卓狗强行后入。
01-03-19.41 喵姨被小指头约在妓院见面。
01-04-12.19 龙妈的哥哥跟他买的妓女一起泡澡,俩人废话太多。
01-05-16.16 罗丝跟希恩啪啪啪,希恩居然不给钱!
01-05-35.20 喵姨的姐姐赖傻给十岁大的儿子喂奶,奶头淡淡的。
01-05-49.27 同样是小指头的妓院里。
01-06-44.01 罗丝要去君临了,希恩给钱最后看了一眼罗丝。
01-06-46.53 部落里庆祝龙妈怀孕。龙妈的哥哥这时候死的。
01-07-10.02 罗丝跟另一个妓女来到小指头的妓院,在面试,哈哈哈哈。
01-09-26.38 小恶魔的妓女情人雪伊出场。(这女的拍过A片,社区里有人发过帖子)
01-10-35.06 罗丝被君临的老学士招妓,貌似还内射了。这老不死的藏的很深。
01-10-50.14 龙妈在火化卓狗的大火里烧了一晚上安然无恙,天亮后怀抱3条破壳的龙。
02-01-49.55 小指头的妓院里,罗丝已经升职,她在面试新招的妓女。
02-02-19.30 希恩回家,上了船夫的女儿,又不给钱。
02-02-50.05 红发祭祀,身材皮肤棒棒哒!
02-03-32.38 玛格丽唯一一次露点。此女嫁了2个国王,2个国王都没破她的处,2个国王还都死了。第三个国王虽然破处了,但是最后应该也是死了。这简直就是国王克星啊。
02-03-39.41 这老头又来招妓了,这次招的是跟罗丝一起入职的,哈哈哈哈。
02-04-13.58 乔弗里让罗丝跟她的同伴玩SM,其实不算SM,是脱光了衣服行刑。
02-04-49.50 祭祀大姐施展血魔法,生了一个影子。
02-06-31.01 城内暴乱,抓到一个镜头。老外的电视剧比国产的电影还要逼真。
02-06-49.05 女野人舍身救布兰。
02-06-51.08 希恩哈皮完了睡的跟死猪一样,女野人成功救走布兰一伙。
02-08-41.46 萝卜跟他的老婆啪啪啪。原著中吧萝卜的失败归咎于这个女人。
02-09-10.45 大战前波隆玩的一个小妓女。
02-10-11.46 罗丝色诱太监。
03-01-14.35 波隆在小指头的妓院里。
03-03-38.55 小恶魔带着随从在小指头的妓院里接收财政大臣的文件之类。
03-05-10.09 宓囊叭伺笥眩共淮砼叮褪怯械闶荨
03-05-36.32 美人布蕾妮洗澡。没有露点,但是露屁股了,不知道是不是她自己的屁股。
03-07-07.13 萝卜又跟老婆啪啪啪。
03-07-38.57 小扒皮派来的2个下人的女儿来色诱希恩的。希恩貌似这个时候被阉了,不过原著里没有被阉。
03-08-17.43 次子团团长的情人?还是妓女?
03-08-30.35 红袍祭祀又脱了!
03-08-46.31 龙妈妥妥的又全裸了。
04-01-12.01 小指头的妓院里,多恩亲王跟自己的情人招妓。
04-03-29.44 脏乱差的妓院。
04-03-32.52 还是多恩的亲王。
04-04-40.26 这个胸够大,看着很带劲啊。
04-06-07.48 海盗船长跟妓女们边泡澡边吹牛逼。
04-06-10.39 米兰达跟小扒皮啪啪啪。米兰达就是之前被小扒皮派去色诱希恩的其中一个。
04-07-20.44 祭祀大姐洗澡。
04-08-07.56 龙妈的贴身丫鬟全裸洗衣服。
05-01-13.45 无垢者逛妓院,然后被杀。
05-03-40.44 君临的首席祭祀招妓,还玩带花样的。
05-03-55.23 妓院里的妓女装成龙妈的样子,以图更多钱。(此处没露点,就露了屁股)
05-04-10.05 小指头的妓院里,宗教狂热分子来砸场。
05-04-19.50 祭祀大姐色诱澹还痪芰耍
05-05-18.40 漂亮的米兰达又出现鸟。
05-07-39.27 多恩,死去的亲王的情人的女儿之一,哈哈哈哈,好拗口。
05-00-44.50 色吸“认罪”,被女祭祀们暴力刷洗。
05-10-48.02 色吸全裸游街。
[ 本帖最后由 63912 于
20:05 编辑 ]
760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {window.open('.cn/attachments/a/day_b1ae1e4dc886bc34d89f9DKRc0BwSvZ.gif');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
36550 爱卡币
来自: 四川省|成都市
2978 爱卡币
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2854 爱卡币
来自: 四川省|成都市
撸主太有心了,要不剪辑到一起做个专辑 传说中的10分钟看完所有啪啪啪镜头?
760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>760) {this.resized= this.width=760; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {window.open('.cn/album/bak/_79eddadf98f7vXB7YaJhyExS.gif');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
41830 爱卡币
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62364 爱卡币
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尼玛 太不人道了&&竟然没有图片和动图
6615 爱卡币
来自: 四川省|绵阳市


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