
Audio,CODEC,Mono,Stereo ADC,DAC,音频,编译码器,单声道,立体声,NAU88,NAU85,NAU84 - 立体声编解码器系列
The NAU88L24 is an ultra-low power high performance audio codec designed for smartphone, tablet PC, and other portable devices that supports both analog and digital audio functions. It includes one I?S/PCM interface, one digital mixer, two high quality DACs, two high quality ADCs, two mono differential or one stereo differential analog microphone inputs, four analog single-ended microphone inputs, four digital PDM microphone inputs, one single ended stereo auxilary or one differenital mono inputs, one differential headset mic input, one stereo 2.9W class D loudspeaker amplifier driver for 4Ω loads and 5V supply, and one stereo class G headphone amplifier with advanced headset detection.
DAC: Headphone Playback SNR = 103dB (48KHz, 0dB Gain, RL= 32Ω, A-weighted)
ADC: Microphone Recording SNR = 100dB (48KHz, 0dB Gain, A-weighted)
1 Digital I?S/PCM/TDM
Dynamic Range Compressor (DRC)
5 Band Parametric Equalizer
1 Headset Microphone, 4 Analog or 4 Digital PDM MIC input supports
Stereo 970mW Class D Loudspeaker @ 4.2V, 8?, 1% THD+N (or 2.9W @ 5.0V, 4Ω, 10% THD+N)
Class G Headphone Amplifier(27mW @ 32Ω, 1% THD+N)
Sampling rate from 8K to 96 KHz
Jack Insertion and Ejection Detection
MIC Presence Detection
Up to 8 Distinct Button Detection with Long / Short Button Press Supports
Speaker Impedance Detection
Headphone Crosstalk Detection / Suppression
NAU88L24 Product Brief
Sat Oct 03 02:28:56 CST 2015
> 超越播放器?手机音频解码芯片的发展
  自vivo在vivo X1引入独立DAC之后,Hi-Fi手机开始崛起,之后连续几款vivo手机都用上了独立的Hi-Fi芯片。同时,消费者也开始被这些不明觉厉的芯片型号给搞混了:DAC、ADC和,运放和耳放,和独立DAC。除此以外,Hi-Fi芯片的组合方案更是一绝,同一家厂商不同功能Hi-Fi芯片,相同功能Hi-Fi芯片分别有啥不同。不同厂商不同功能或者相同功能Hi-Fi芯片又有啥区别?今天我们先从简单入手,重点聊聊DAC、ADC、、、运放、耳放这6个术语是什么。本文引用地址:
  codec也能够独立于SoC,例如三星和苹果手机的codec一般都独立于SoC,也算是独立的音频芯片。换句话说,三星S7(骁龙820版)那颗Qualcomm家的WCD9335 codec也是独立的音频芯片,只是解码效果没有CS4398之类的芯片好而已。同理,vivo Xplay5同时拥有WCD9335 codec和CS4398 DAC两颗解码芯片。为啥codec没有独立的DAC那么好?
  前几年仿佛更流行三种芯片都独立出来的Hi-Fi方案,例如vivo Xshot,TLV320ADC+CS4398+MAX97220。自SABRE9018Q2C和ES9118这些高整合了运放芯片的DAC出现之后,业界仿佛也开始关注起这种全新的Hi-Fi方案。这样做最大的好处就是节省了手机内部空间,同时也能够继续满足消费者喜欢在Hi-Fi电路上堆料的心病,集成度在codec和独立DAC之间,兼顾解码效果和效率。
  ES9018K2M:vivo X3、vivo Xplay3S、vivo X5Max、小米Note标配版、魅族MX4 Pro和魅族PRO 5、蓝魔MOS1 max、TCL东东枪2和Gigaset ME和Gigaset ME pro
  SABRE9018C2M:LG V10、联想乐檬X3、小米Note顶配版
  ES9018AQ2M:Geek Out V2便携式解码耳放一体机,可以搭配智能手机使用,一般最好找USB输出功率比较大的手机,功率太低会带不动这种便携一体机。由于功耗和发热都比较大,所以不建议长时间搭配手机使用,而且音质也没有接在电脑上面那么好。
  ES9028Q2M:vivo X6Plus、vivo Xplay5旗舰版
  ES9028C2M:LG G5 B&O Hi-Fi模块
  AK4375:nubia Z9 Max、nubia Z9 Max精英版和nubia My 布拉格,vivo X5ProV、vivo Y27、vivo X6和vivo X6S,Gigaset ME pure
  CS4398:vivo X1、vivo Xplay、vivo Xshot、vivo X5、vivo X5F、vivo X5Pro、vivo Xplay5、vivo X6S Plus
  不少读者可能会疑问,同样是ES90xx芯片,C2M、Q2M之类的后缀是啥意思呢?其实代表着该芯片的封装方式不同。C2M是三种封装规格中面积最小的,K2M封装面积在C2M和Q2M之间,Q2M是三种封装规格中面积最大的。综合对比上面ESS各款DAC芯片参数来看,LG G5 B&O Hi-Fi模块使用的ES9028C2M相对是最好的。不过类似Geek Out V2这种独立解码耳放一体机,LG那款Hi-Fi模块也存在发热大和功耗高的问题。
  AK4376:代表机型为nubia Z11和vivo X7
  338S1285:iPhone 6s
  338S1201:iPhone 6 Plus
  338S1117:iPhone 5
  Lucky CS47L91:三星S7(Exynos 8890版)
  CS43L36:魅族PRO 6
  AK4961:nubia Z7和nubia Z9
  使用这些芯片的手机有很多,但是他们从供电规模、运放数量上都和随身听差很远,所以声音没法比。举个最简单例子,手机上面那颗ES9018K2M其实是ES9018的缩水版,专门针对移动设备进行定制的,前者是双声道,后者则是8声道。无论是动态范围还是信噪比等参数,ES9018都要远胜ES9018K2M。例如HIFIMAN 901采用了两块ES9018 DAC,同时,HIFIMAN 901采用专业运放芯片型号也比Hi-Fi手机更高级,数量也更多,分别是两颗OPA2107和两颗OPA627。
微信公众号一自vivo在vivo X1引入独立DAC之后,Hi-Fi手机开始崛起,之后连续几款vivo手机都用上了独立的Hi-Fi芯片。同时,消费者也开始被这些不明觉厉的芯片型号给搞混了:DAC、ADC和DSP,运放和耳放,codec和独立DAC。除此以外,Hi-Fi芯片的组合方案更是一绝,同一家厂商不同功能Hi-Fi芯片,相同功能Hi-Fi芯片分别有啥不同。不同厂商不同功能或者相同功能Hi-Fi芯片又有啥区别?今天我们先从简单入手,重点聊聊DAC、ADC、DSP、codec、运放、耳放这6个术语是什么。ADC和DAC、DSPADC是模拟转数字信号编码芯片,例如TLV320ADC,DAC是数字转模拟信号解码芯片,例如ES9028,前者一般用于录音而后者一般用于解码音频。中间数字信号处理过程交由DSP进行操作。模拟信号从ADC输入,经过编码变成数字信号,交由DSP进行运算和处理,最终交给DAC将数字信号重新解码为模拟信号后输出。运放和耳放耳放是一类产品的名称,而不是芯片类型。一个耳放里面可能会有多个运放芯片,例如OPA1612和OPA2604。另外,运放芯片之间也有分类,有些只作用于外放而不作用于耳机,例如NXP的TFA9890。有些只作用于耳机而不作用于外放,例如Maxim的MAX97220。而OPA1612和OPA2604这两块运放芯片能够同时作用于耳机和外放。codec和独立DAC一直以来我们总以为codec一定是集成在SoC之中的,而独立DAC则是外置于SoC,所以通过芯片之间位置排列能够很好地识别codec和独立DAC,其实这是错误的想法。codec也能够独立于SoC,例如三星和苹果手机的codec一般都独立于SoC,也算是独立的音频芯片。换句话说,三星S7(骁龙820版)那颗Qualcomm家的WCD9335 codec也是独立的音频芯片,只是解码效果没有CS4398之类的芯片好而已。同理,vivo Xplay5同时拥有WCD9335 codec和CS4398 DAC两颗解码芯片。为啥codec没有独立的DAC那么好?codec同时集成ADC、DAC以及其它各种音频相关模块,例如AK4961就是同时集成ADC、DAC和amp功能,是一套完整的音频方案,按道理应该比只懂得解码,无法独立使用的独立DAC要强大吧?问题就在专注度上。codec整合功能多了,兼顾的事情就自然多了,运算量自然会被多种功能模块分摊调度,解码效率和效果自然就不及独立DAC好了。前几年仿佛更流行三种芯片都独立出来的Hi-Fi方案,例如vivo Xshot,TLV320ADC+CS4398+MAX97220。自SABRE9018Q2C和ES9118这些高整合了运放芯片的DAC出现之后,业界仿佛也开始关注起这种全新的Hi-Fi方案。这样做最大的好处就是节省了手机内部空间,同时也能够继续满足消费者喜欢在Hi-Fi电路上堆料的心病,集成度在codec和独立DAC之间,兼顾解码效果和效率。最后让我们看看市面上独立DAC、整合了运放芯片的DAC和codec三种方案的主流Hi-Fi芯片,以及对应的机型都有哪些?独立DAC系列主流独立DAC横向对比ES9018K2M:vivo X3、vivo Xplay3S、vivo X5Max、小米Note标配版、魅族MX4 Pro和魅族PRO 5、蓝魔MOS1 max、TCL东东枪2和Gigaset ME和Gigaset ME proSABRE9018C2M:LG V10、联想乐檬X3、小米Note顶配版ES9018AQ2M:Geek Out V2便携式解码耳放一体机,可以搭配智能手机使用,一般最好找USB输出功率比较大的手机,功率太低会带不动这种便携一体机。由于功耗和发热都比较大,所以不建议长时间搭配手机使用,而且音质也没有接在电脑上面那么好。ES9028Q2M:vivo X6Plus、vivo Xplay5旗舰版ES9028C2M:LG G5 B&O Hi-Fi模块AK4490:中兴天机7AK4375:nubia Z9 Max、nubia Z9 Max精英版和nubia My 布拉格,vivo X5ProV、vivo Y27、vivo X6和vivo X6S,Gigaset ME pureCS4398:vivo X1、vivo Xplay、vivo Xshot、vivo X5、vivo X5F、vivo X5Pro、vivo Xplay5、vivo X6S Plus不少读者可能会疑问,同样是ES90xx芯片,C2M、Q2M之类的后缀是啥意思呢?其实代表着该芯片的封装方式不同。C2M是三种封装规格中面积最小的,K2M封装面积在C2M和Q2M之间,Q2M是三种封装规格中面积最大的。综合对比上面ESS各款DAC芯片参数来看,LG G5 B&O Hi-Fi模块使用的ES9028C2M相对是最好的。不过类似Geek Out V2这种独立解码耳放一体机,LG那款Hi-Fi模块也存在发热大和功耗高的问题。整合了运放芯片的DAC芯片整合了运放芯片DAC横向对比AK4376:代表机型为nubia Z11和vivo X7ES9118:无具体机型SABRE9018Q2C:无具体机型codec系列主流codec横向对比338S1285:iPhone 6s338S1201:iPhone 6 Plus338S1117:iPhone 5Lucky CS47L91:三星S7(Exynos 8890版)CS43L36:魅族PRO 6WM5102:三星S4、魅族MX3、联想K860iWCD9335:三星S7(骁龙820版)AK4961:nubia Z7和nubia Z9总结使用这些芯片的手机有很多,但是他们从供电规模、运放数量上都和随身听差很远,所以声音没法比。举个最简单例子,手机上面那颗ES9018K2M其实是ES9018的缩水版,专门针对移动设备进行定制的,前者是双声道,后者则是8声道。无论是动态范围还是信噪比等参数,ES9018都要远胜ES9018K2M。例如HIFIMAN 901采用了两块ES9018 DAC,同时,HIFIMAN 901采用专业运放芯片型号也比Hi-Fi手机更高级,数量也更多,分别是两颗OPA2107和两颗OPA627。如上图所示,从ES9018K2M到ES9028Q2M/C2M,相比ES9018S在关键指标上逐步缩短距离,另一方面,ES9038PRO这块新品芯片在关键指标上继续作出突破,DNR和THD+N提升到新的高度。另一方面,回到Hi-Fi手机三种主流芯片方案上,独立DAC和整合了运放芯片的DAC在音质表现上相比codec方案一般会好一点,其中更节省机身内部空间的整合了运放芯片的DAC将会成为未来的主流解决方案,用于Hi-Fi手机之中。最后就是在短时间内,表现较好、综合水平更高的Hi-Fi芯片在续航和发热上表现一般更糟,这也是无法回避的技术瓶颈,正如录制和解码4K视频时候,手机的功耗和发热也会上去一样。更好的音质和更出众的画质表现肯定是需要付出一定代价的。
抱歉,产品库没有您要找的产品Cirrus CS42L73高集成低功耗音频CODEC解决方案
Cirrus CS42L73高集成低功耗音频CODEC解决方案
Cirrus公司的CS42L73是高度集成低功耗音频和电话CODEC,适用于手提设备如智能手机,笔记本电脑. CS42L73具有灵活的时钟架构,可采用的基准时钟为6, 12, 24, 13, 26, 19.2, 或38.4 MHz,立体声ADC,支持两路模拟或数字MIC
  Cirrus公司的CS42L73是高度集成低功耗音频和电话CODEC,适用于手提设备如智能手机,笔记本电脑. CS42L73具有灵活的时钟架构,可采用的基准时钟为6, 12, 24, 13, 26, 19.2, 或38.4 MHz,立体声ADC,支持两路模拟或数字MIC,四个DAC耦合到五个输出,单声道耳机放大器和1W扬声器放大器,数字音频混合和路由, 3.00 V - 5.25 V工作电压,超低功耗,模数转换具有91dB动态范围和-85dB THD+N,DAC到线输出的动态范围97dB, -86dB THD+N.本文介绍了CS42L73主要特性,方框图, 典型应用电路图和评估板CDB42L73特性, 系统框图,电路图,PCB元件布局图与CS42L73在智能手机中的应用框图.
  The CS42L73 is a highly integrated, low-power, audio and telephony CODEC for portable applications such as smartphones and ultra mobile personal computers.
  The CS42L73 features a flexible clocking architecture, allowing the device to utilize reference clock frequencies of 6, 12, 24, 13, 26, 19.2, or 38.4 MHz, or any standard audio master clock. Up to two reference/master clock sour either one can be selected to drive the internal clocks and processing rate of the CS42L73.
  Thus, multiple master clock sources within a system can be dynamically activated and de-activated to minimize system- level power consumption.
  Three asynchronous bidirectional serial ports (Auxiliary, Audio, and Voice Serial Ports) support multiple clock domains of various digital audio sources or destinations. Three low-latency, fast-locking, integrated high-performance asynchronous sample rate converters synchronize and convert the audio samples to the internal processing rate of the CS42L73.
  A stereo line input or two mono (one stereo) microphone (MIC) inputs are routed to a stereo ADC. The MIC inputs may be selectively pre-amplified by +10 or +20 dB. Two independent, low-noise MIC bias voltage supplies are also provided. A programmable gain amplifier (PGA) is applied to the inputs before they reach the ADC.
  The stereo input path that follows the stereo ADC begins with a multiplexer to selectively choose data from a digital MIC interface. Following the multiplexer, the data is decimated, selectively DC high-pass filtered, channelswapped or mono-to-stereo routed (fanned-out), and volume adjusted or muted. The volume levels can be automatically adjusted via a programmable Automatic Level Control (ALC) and noise gate.
  A digital mixer is utilized to mix and route the CS42L73’s inputs (analog inputs to ADC, digital MIC, or serial ports) to outputs (DAC-fed amplifiers or serial ports). There is independent attenuation on each mixer input for each output.
  The processing along the output paths from the digital mixer to the two stereo DACs includes volume adjustment and mute control. A peak-detector can be used to automatically adjust the volume levels via a programmable limiter.
  The first stereo DAC feeds the stereo headphone and line output amplifiers, which are powered from a dedicated positive supply. An integrated charge pump provides a negative supply. This allows a ground-centered analog output with a wide signal swing, and eliminates external DC-blocking capacitors while reducing pops and clicks. Trilevel Class-H amplification is utilized to reduce power consumption under low-signal-level conditions. Analog volume controls are provided on the stereo headphone and line outputs.
  The second stereo DAC feeds several mono outputs. The left channel of the DAC sources a mono, differentialdrive, speakerphone amplifier for driving the handset speakerphone. The right channel sources a mono, differential- drive, earphone amplifier for driving the handset earphone. The right channel is also routed to a mono,differential-drive, speakerphone line output, which may be connected to an external amplifier to implement a stereo speakerphone configuration when it is used in conjunction with the integrated speakerphone amplifier.
  The CS42L73 implements robust power management to achieve ultra-low power consumption. High granularity in power-down controls allows individual functional blocks to be powered down when unused. The internal low dropout regulator (LDO) saves power by running the internal digital circuits at half the logic interface supply voltage (VL/2). In a system with an existing high-efficiency supply at VL/2, the internal LDO may be disabled and the digital circuits powered directly by the external VL/2 supply.
  A high-speed I2C control port interface capable of up to 400 kHz operation facilitates register programming.
  The CS42L73 is available in space-saving 64-ball WLCSP and 65-ball FBGA packages for the commercial (-40° to +85°C) grade.
  ??Stereo ADC
  ??Dual Analog or Digital MIC Support
  ??Dual MIC Bias Generators
  ??Four DACs Coupled to Five Outputs
  – Ground-Centered Stereo Headphone Amp.
  – Ground-Centered Stereo Line Output
  – Mono Ear Speaker Amplifier
  – Mono 1 W Speakerphone Amplifier
  – Mono Speakerphone Line Output for Stereo Speakerphone Expansion
  ??Three Serial Ports with Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters
  ??Digital Audio Mixing and Routing
  Ultra Low Power Consumption
  ??3.5 mW Quiescent Headphone Playback
  System Features
  ??Native (no PLL required) Support for 6/12/24 MHz, 13/26 MHz, and 19.2/38.4 MHz Master Clock Rates in Add. to Typ. Audio Clock Rates
  ??Integrated High-efficiency Power Management Reduces Power Consumption
  – Internal LDO Regulator to Reduce Internal Digital Operating Voltage to VL/2
  – Step-down Charge Pump Provides Low Headphone/Line Out Supply Voltage
  – Inverting Charge Pump Accommodates Low System Voltage by Providing Negative Rail for HP and Line Amp
  ??Flexible Speakerphone Amplifier Powering
  – 3.00 V to 5.25 V Range
  – Independent Cycling
  ??Power Down Management
  – Individual Controls for ADCs, Dig. MIC Interface, MIC Bias Generators, Serial Ports,and Output Amplifiers & Associated DACs
  ??Programmable Thermal Overload Notification
  ??High-speed I2C? Control Port (400 kHz)
  Stereo Analog to Digital Features
  ??91 dB Dynamic Range (A-wtd)
  ??-85 dB THD+N
  ??Independent ADC Channel Control
  ??2:1 Stereo Analog Input MUX
  ??Stereo Line Input
  – Shared Pseudo-differential Reference Input
  ??Dual Analog MIC Inputs
  – Pseudo-diff. or Single-ended
  – Two, Independent, Programmable, Lownoise, MIC Bias Outputs
  – MIC Short Detect to Support Headset Button
  ??Analog Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) (+12 to -6 dB in 0.5 dB steps)
  ??+10 dB or +20 dB Analog MIC Boost in Addition to PGA Gain Settings
  ??Programmable Automatic Level Control (ALC)
  – Noise Gate for Noise Suppression
  – Progr. Threshold & Attack/Release Rates
  Dual Digital Microphone Interface
  ??Programable Clock Rate Integer Divide by 2 or 4 of Internal MCLK
  Stereo DAC to Headphone Amplifier
  ??94 dB Dynamic Range (A-wtd)
  ??-81 dB THD+N into 32 ?
  ??Integrated Step-down/Inverting Charge Pump Class H Amplifier - Automatic Supply Adj.
  – High Efficiency
  – Low EMI
  ??Pseudo-differential Ground-centered Outputs
  ??High HP Power Output at -70/-81 dB THD+N
  – 2 x 17/8.5 mW into 16/32 ??@ 1.8 V
  ??Pop and Click Suppression
  ??Analog Vol. Ctl. (+12 to -50 dB in 1 dB to -76 dB in 2 dB steps) with Zero-cross Trans.
  ??Digital Vol. Ctl. (+12 to -102 dB in 0.5 dB steps) with Soft-ramp Transitions
  ??Programmable Peak-detect and Limiter
  Stereo DAC to Line Outputs
  ??97 dB Dynamic Range (A-wtd)
  ??-86 dB THD+N
  ??Class-H Amplifier
  ??Pseudo-differential Ground-centered Outputs
  ??1 VRMS Line Output @ 1.8 V
  ??Pop and Click Suppression
  ??Analog Vol. Ctl. (+12 to -50 dB in 1 dB to -76 dB in 2 dB steps) with Zero-cross Trans.
  ??Digital Vol. Ctl. (+12 to -102 dB in 0.5 dB steps) with Soft-ramp Transitions
  ??Programmable Peak-detect and Limiter
  Mono DAC to Ear Speaker Amplifier
  ??High Power Output at -70 dB (0.032%) THD+N – 45 mW into 16 ??@ 1.8 V
  ??Pop and Click Suppression
  ??Digital Vol. Ctl. (+12 to -102 dB in 0.5 dB steps) with Soft-ramp Transitions
  ??Programmable Peak-detect and Limiter
  Mono DAC to Speakerphone Amplifier
  ??High Output Power at ≤?1% THD+N
  –1.18/0.84/0.66 W into 8 @ 5.0/4.2/3.7 V
  ??Direct Battery-powered Operation
  ??Pop and Click Suppression
  ??Digital Vol. Ctl. (+12 to -102 dB in 0.5 dB steps) with Soft-ramp Transitions
  ??Programmable Peak-detect and Limiter
  Mono DAC to Speakerph. Line Output
  ??84 dB Dynamic Range (A-wtd)
  ??-75 dB THD+N
  ??High Voltage (1.53 VRMS @ VA = 1.8 V, VP =3.7 V) Line Output to Ensure Maximum Output from a Wide Variety of External Amplifiers
  ??Pop and Click Suppression
  ??Digital Vol. Ctl. (+12 to -102 dB in 0.5 dB steps) with Soft-ramp Transitions
  ??Programmable Peak-detect and Limiter
  Serial Ports
  ??Three Independent Serial Ports: Auxiliary, Audio, and Voice
  ??8.00, 11.025, 12.00, 16.00, 22.05, 24.00, 32.00, 44.10, and 48.00 kHz Sample Rates
  ??All Ports Support Master or Slave Operation with I2S Interface
  ??Auxiliary and Voice Ports Support Slave Operation with PCM Interface
  ??Auxiliary and Audio Ports are Stereo- Input/Stereo-Output to/from Digital Mixer
  ??Voice Port is Mono-Input/Stereo-Output to/from Digital Mixer
  ??Integrated Asynch. Sample Rate Converters
  ??Smart Phones, UMPCs, and MIDs
  图1. CS42L73方框图
  图2. CS42L73典型应用电路图
  Evaluation Board for the CS42L73
  The CDB42L73 board is a dedicated platform for testing and evaluating the CS42L73, an ultralow power mobile audio and telephony CODEC.
  To allow comprehensive testing of CS42L73 features and performance, extensive hardware and software configurable options are available on the CDB42L73.
  Hardware options, such as power-supply settings, are configured via jumpers on the stake headers. Software options, such as registry settings for the CS42L73, are configured with the FlexGUI software, which communicates with the CDB42L73 via USB from a Windows? compatible computer. In addition, digital I/O headers on the CDB42L73 allow external control signals (for example, an external DSP or microcontroller) to configure and interface with the CS42L73 and other devices directly without the use of FlexGUI.
  The CDB42L73 also serves as a good component and layout reference for the CS42L73.
  ? Analog Inputs
  – Line-level In via 2x mono RCA jacks
  – Microphone In via 2x mono 1/8” jacks
  ? Analog outputs
  – Headphone out via 1x stereo 1/8” jack
  – Line-level out via 2x mono RCA jacks
  – Earphone out via terminal block
  – Speakerphone out via terminal blocks
  ? S/PDIF interface via RCA/optical jacks
  – Input: CS8416 digital audio receiver
  – Output: CS8406 digital audio transmitter
  ? External digital I/O via stake headers
  – Digital mic in
  – Serial audio port I/O
  – External I2C? control port I/O
  ? Flexible power-supply configuration
  – USB, external power supply, or battery
  ? FlexGUI software control
  – Windows? compatible
  – Predefined and user-configurable scripts
  图4.评估板CDB42L73电路图: CS42L73
  图10.评估板CDB42L73 PCB布局图(层1)


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