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10:09:55 上传
片名:Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales译名:加勒比海盗5:死无对证(内地) / 加勒比海盗:恶灵启航(港) / 加勒比海盗 神鬼奇航:死无对证(台)导演: Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg(艾斯彭·山德伯格 / 乔阿吉姆·罗恩尼)编剧: Terry Rossio(特里·鲁西奥) / Ted Elliott(泰德·艾略特) / Stuart Beattie(斯图尔特·贝亚蒂耶) / Jeff Nathanson(杰夫·内桑森) / Jay Wolpert(杰伊·沃伯特)主演: Johnny Depp(约翰尼·德普) / Javier Bardem(哈维尔·巴登) / Geoffrey Rush(杰弗里·拉什) / Brenton Thwaites(布伦顿·思韦茨) / Kaya Scodelario(卡雅·斯考达里奥) ...Genres: Action | Adventure | FantasyCountry: USA, AustraliaLanguage: EnglishRelease Date: (台湾) / (中国大陆/美国/香港/英国)Runtime: 129 min級別:IIB 級
10:09:50 上传
Captain Jack Sparrow finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea...including him. Captain Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas.
10:09:59 上传
Johnny Depp returns to the big screen as the iconic, swashbuckling anti-hero Jack Sparrow in the all-new &Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.& The rip-roaring adventure finds down-on-his-luck Captain Jack feeling the winds of ill-fortune blowing strongly his way when deadly ghost sailors, led by the terrifying Captain Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle bent on killing every pirate at sea - notably Jack. Jack's only hope of survival lies in the legendary Trident of Poseidon, but to find it he must forge an uneasy alliance with Carina Smyth, a brilliant and beautiful astronomer, and Henry, a headstrong young sailor in the Royal Navy. At the helm of the Dying Gull, his pitifully small and shabby ship, Captain Jack seeks not only to reverse his recent spate of ill fortune, but to save his very life from the most formidable and malicious foe he has never faced.
10:10:00 上传
Thrust into an all-new adventure, a down-on-his-luck Captain Jack Sparrow finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea... including him. Captain Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas.
10:10:01 上传
When deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar escape from the Devil's Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea, Captain Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas.
10:10:01 上传
積克船長(尊尼特普 飾演)最懼怕的敵人—索萊莎 (積維爾巴頓 飾演),竟然成功逃出魔鬼三角海域!為了復仇,索萊莎率領一班幽靈船員,誓要殺盡所有海盜,而頭號目標正是積克!自此,積克就頭頭碰著黑,更遇上重重殺機!要死裡逃生,積克船長唯一希望是找到傳說中的「海神戰戟」,並借助神器的強大能量擊敗索萊莎。因此,他被逼同固執的皇家海軍亨利(布蘭頓思懷茲 飾演)以及時計學者冼嘉蓮(卡雅史葛拉迪奧 飾演)結成聯盟,展開海盜生涯最凶險的終極一戰!
10:10:00 上传
10:10:00 上传
故事发生在《加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头》沉船湾之战20年后。令人闻风丧胆的“海上屠夫”萨拉查船长 (哈维尔·巴登 饰)竟率领着一众夺命亡灵水手逃出了百慕大三角区。他们扬言要杀尽世上所有的海盗,头号目标就是杰克船长(约翰尼·德普 饰)。要想改写命运,杰克船长唯一的希望就是找到传说中海神波塞冬的三叉戟,拥有它就能拥有统治整个海洋的力量!为了寻获这件神器,杰克船长和聪明美丽的天文学家卡琳娜·史密斯(卡雅·斯考达里奥 饰)以及固执的年轻皇家海军亨利(布兰顿·思怀兹 饰)联手出击。航行着他那破破烂烂的“死海鸥号”,杰克船长不但决心要改变自己的厄运,同时也力求能从史上最狠毒可怕的敌人那里捡回一条命。
10:10:01 上传
10:09:59 上传
加勒比海盗5·豆瓣评分:“我很伤心我不能参加第四部电影,我真的很想念和他们一起工作,如果他们说希望我回来,我肯定点头应许。”Jack is back! On this fifth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Jack's luck has run out. Captain Salazar has released the most deadly ghost pirates of the sea from the devil's Triangle. Captain Salazar is the oldest villain of Jack Sparrow. The ghost pirates hunt on every single pirate on sea, including Jack Sparrow. The only hope to survive this adventure is to collect the legendary Trident of Poseidon. This weapon is the most powerful weapon and the owner gets control of all seas. Is Jack going to collect this powerful weapon and can he insure he is not going to get killed by Captain Salazar and his pirate ghosts?
10:09:58 上传
这次加勒比海盗5:死无对证,為了戰勝幽靈船長,積克將會聯同兩位全新盟友,尋找傳說中威力無窮的「海神戰戟」! 他們分別是由布蘭頓思懷茲飾演的皇家海軍亨利(Henry)及卡雅史葛拉迪奧飾演的時計學者冼嘉蓮(Carina Smyth),三人首度合作已擦出強勁火花,新鮮感十足!劇組更採用頂尖的CG技術,打造出一幕幕驚濤駭浪的凶險場面,誓必為觀眾帶來猶如親歷其境的官能刺激!这原来是喜剧/极力推荐/就是那种居然不套路但好像又有点套路,可他的套路和我想的套路还不太一样的感觉/我想这个系列最有魅力的就是关于大航海时代的畅想以及杰克船长的那些小聪明/友情提示:结尾以及字幕结束有彩蛋/另:我爱卡司。
10:09:56 上传
#加勒比海盗5#一部视听经典竟然骗走我一颗鳄鱼的眼泪。献给老而弥坚的澳洲影帝杰弗里-拉什。 重工业产品却温情默默,软硬兼施,相得益彰。 二十亿起了。
<font color="#日上瘾 发表于
片名:Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell N ...上映了吗?居然就有资源了。。。
《加勒比海盗5》“如果你要勾搭一个妹子,就别被她的姐妹吸引,如果已经被她的姐妹吸引了,就干掉她的兄弟”全片最佳的是杰克和他的断头台的圆周运动啊真是笑死。 还有还有“我是一个钟表学家” “做婊没什么不好意思的…” …… “我到底是你的什么?”巴伯撒的那句“Treasure”真是一个爆哭
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