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→ 坦克世界9.5官方爆料FV215b183将会平衡
世界9.5官方爆料中表示183将会进行平衡,9.5还将会实装11辆英国车,有2个5级车,谢尔曼3(MT)和弓箭手(TD),以及2辆6级车萤火虫(MT)和阿基里斯(TD),下面来看详细内容。- Q: “Noone needs FV4005 when it will oneshot everything!” A: “How terrible!”4005能秒一切东西,没人想要这货! SerB:爱玩玩不玩滚!- apparently, in 9.5 (with the introduction of FV4005), FV215b (183) will be rebalanced (SS: according to hints, made slower and more armored)话说啊,9,5除了加入新版183,FV4005之外,183也要进行重新平衡(大概就是加装甲,砍机动之类的)- for now, it’s not sure whether FV4005 will have a fully rotating turret你问4005的炮塔能不能全向转动,嘛,这个我也不清楚- right now, modellers are working on HD models for cca 150 tanks嘛,我们的美工正在制作大概150辆车子的HD模型- HD maps are also being worked onHD地图也在制作中- British MT/TD branch will have a tier 10, it will be the FV4005 Stage 2 (183mm without an autoloader). Yes, there will be two “oneshots” on tier 10, they will be divided by gameplay C one will be slow and armored (FV215b), the other relatively mobile and unarmored (FV4005, the turret is 14mm thick all around)英国TD2线10级车真的是FVMM,不是弹夹)么。是的,10级车将有2辆能秒人的车,风格不同,一辆装甲厚实不过速度感人(183),另一辆速度相对快点,不过防护感人(4005)- there will be NO existing tank reworked into HD models in 9.5, there will only be new vehicles: 11 British vehicles and several new tanks for supertesters9.5不会进行HD模型重制,只有11辆新英国车,和其他几辆新车而已。- Havok? “I can’t say anything. We are working mainly on performance and optimization now.”啥时有Havok效果?我什么都不能说,现在基本东西都做好了,剩下的就是优化了。- the British tanks in 9.5 are 11, because there will be two tier 5 (SS: Sherman III and Archer) and tier 6 (SS: Firefly and Achilles) tanks9.5会实装11辆英国车,因为有2个5级车,谢尔曼3(MT)和弓箭手(TD),以及2辆6级车萤火虫(MT)和阿基里斯(TD)- FV4202 switch ETA? “Noone knows”, won’t be in 9.5啥时候换4202?谁知道呢?反正不是9.5- Action X and Chieftain were not balanced yet百夫长ActionX和酋长还没平衡好- FV4005 Stage 1 was not implemented because “there are enough waffentragers for now”之所以不采用FV4005S1,是因为“游戏里有足够多WT系列的车子了”- Sixth Sense rework will not come in 9.5, but “much later”9.5不重做灯泡。
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  - damage, &eaten& by detracked shells that didn&t however penetrate will count towards &damage blocked by armor& it seems, but ONLY if the trajectory of the shell would otherwise intersect with the hull, were the tracks not there
  - two vehicles will have their engines changed in the 9.1 test & Hellcat and Jackson
  - it is possible to balance tanks based on their winrate, compared to the average winrate of various accounts (SS: the &new method&)
  - +/-1 MM spread will not be implemented
  - there are no plans to return 8.11 graphics and make the HD optional via settings
  - there will not be a patch 8.11 rollback either
  - there are no plans to make a special server without x2/x5 events
  - there will be measures taken to bring back 8.11 game performance, client will be optimized
  - developers will think about (consider) nerfing the FV215b (183) oneshot capability
  - in new motion physics, large tanks will still not be able to &run over& small tanks, crushing them
  - developers will make the historical battles tanks more closer to their historical capabilities (SS: by adding special set of characteristics for them)
  - there might be a possibility to use lower quality models (not old 8.11 pre-HD models, but HD models with lower resolution)
  - there will not be two separate (HD and not HD) clients
  - apparently, WT E-100 will be &reworked& (SS: as in nerfed)
  WT E-100会被&重制&(SS:就是被砍)
  - Storm confirms that British hightier HT/MT will be &fixed/replaced& & how exactly will be told when the change becomes actual
  - the &shell fires outside of client aim circle& bug cannot be fixed. It is caused by desynchronization between client and server, can be influenced by connection quality. Some players claim that this started happening a lot after 8.11, Storm said he cannot confirm that information.
  - Veider explains that situation, where an arty is on top of the team, is allowed & developers took measures to reduce this, but they never said it would disappear completely or that it&s a MM bug
  更多精彩推荐:FV215B 和FV215b 183,有什么区别-坦克世界-多玩游戏论坛 -
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