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An out-of-control spacecraft will come crashing down to Earth sometime in January or February 2018, a new calculation predicts.&
China announced it had lost control of the Tiangong-1 space station in September 2016 and initially thought the spacecraft would fall back to Earth in “late 2017.” Since then, refined estimates have put the date of re-entry at some point between December 2017 and March 2018.
Now, The Aerospace Corporation, a California-based nonprofit that provides assistance to the government’s national security space programs, has announced that the date of re-entry will be late January or February of next year. The corporation made this prediction using data up through September 13, 2017.
Tiangong 1 re-entry prediction by The Aerospace Corporation. The Aerospace Corporation.
Tiangong-1 will meet a fiery death upon its re-entry, mostly burning up in the atmosphere. Because of the spacecraft's size—34 feet by 11 feet, and 18,740 pounds—The Aerospace Corporation says some material may survive. Any material that does reach the planet may be highly toxic and corrosive. "For your safety, do not touch any debris you may find on the ground nor inhale vapors it may emit," The Aerospace Corporation warned.&
However, with two thirds of the planet covered in water and huge areas of land uninhabited, any surviving debris are highly unlikely to land in places where they could cause any major damage.&
Whether anyone will see Tiangong-1's final descent depends on where and when it enters the atmosphere. The location should be known a few days before the event. “Visibly incandescent objects from this re-entry will likely last tens of seconds (up to a minute or more) in contrast with the vast majority of natural meteors, which last mere seconds,” the corporation said in a statement.
“Depending on the time of day and cloud visibility, the re-entry may appear as multiple bright streaks moving across the sky in the same direction.”
Tiangong-1 was launched in 2011 as China’s first space station. It was unmanned but had a habitable experimental module so astronauts could stay there. Two manned missions took place over its five-year operational period and were noted for including the nation’s first female astronauts, Liu Yang and Wang Yaping.
The space station officially ended its service in March 2016. A few months later, it was widely reported that China was no longer in control of the spacecraft. In September 2016, the space agency confirmed the news in a press conference. The plan for a controlled re-entry, in which the spacecraft’s descent could be managed with a thruster burn, was no longer possible.
Instead, the spacecraft has been on a decaying orbit, and its altitude will continue slowly decreasing until reaches the upper atmosphere. When that happens, Tiangong-1 will make its uncontrolled re-entry.
In a note sent to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs in May, China’s space agency said the orbit has been under close surveillance since control was lost, and that the spacecraft is currently descending at a rate of about 520 feet per day. “China attaches great importance to the re-entry of Tiangong-1,” the agency said. “China will make strict arrangements to track and closely monitor Tiangong-1 in its orbital development and will publish a timely forecast of its re-entry.”
翻译:haixiang623 转载请注明出处论坛地址:/bbs/thread--1.html
Let's all hope and pray it hits Pyongyang or Tehran
Too bad, everything that made in China comes with only a thirty warranty. Beyond that you're on your own luck.
Like everything else that's "Made in China".
China quality... so prepare to die.
中国质量... 还是准备去死吧。
Maestro Nice Guy
Not like the High Quality made in the USA Destroyers which crash into merchant ships.
One is a accident the other is a cheap Chinese product
Space Shuttle Columbia burned in pieces & 7 rednecks died. Warren is so proud of the USA quality.
lol, american quality, tons of astronauts killed by its shuttles.
Didn't the Chinese cargo ships destroy the US navy ships last week?
People has trashing China quality doesn't know anything. Recently San Francisco bay bridge delay is due to a bolt quality from US not from China. The rest of the party that made in china is meet expectation. You know many hi tech system and product is made by machine that has lots of parts made in China. Believe or not, China quality has improved a lot. Just like Japan and Korea in the early days. US quality and services is the one going the other way. Look at the airline industry for instance. United airline used to be one iof the best airline. Now, you need to pay me to fly on it, Specially oversea flight.
Made in China.
I'm very proud of what our space agency has accomplished over the years. Having said that, I'm amazed at all the smug and hateful comments pertaining to China's poor quality and making fun of people's names. Anyone remember Skylab? A window shutter fell off and they had to put a tarp over it. It was made from scrap Apollo parts because Nixon cut the NASA budget. When Skylab came crashing to earth in 1979 China was just emerging onto the world stage. Now you are typing on a computer or smartphone that was made in China using components made in China. You are more than likely wearing clothes made in China and driving cars and using appliances whose components were largely made in China. We rely upon Russian rockets to send astronauts to the INTERNATIONAL Space Station because the USA has NO manned space fligth capability and none on the horizon since the space shuttle came to an end. In 20 years (unless we are willing to finance manned space exploration) we will be begging China for a spot on their space station because the ISS program will be over and done with by 2028 at the very latest. Anyone seen any plans for a US replacement?
What you said is so true, it's hard most Americans to accept that facts. Space Shuttle Columbia burned in pieces & 7 died & Americans pretend not to remember.
Actually SpaceX is going to launch a manned capsule Dragon 2 on a test flight next year, and Boeing's Starliner is going to fly soon after, there are other private companies that will send astronauts to the ISS.
For poor uneducated American's they really have nothing to pride themselves in other than the fact that they are Americans. Something that is not earned so at least they can elevate themselves from being on the bottom of the social food chain. The product of all that? Resentment and hate that they've been left behind. And China launching space stations is simply unfathomable.&
Sorry that might have been a bit harsh but there's a lot of truth to that.
It was supposed to enter the atmosphere in 2013. Educate yourselves:&
China's first prototype space station,[7] serving as both a manned laboratory and an experimental testbed to demonstrate orbital rendezvous and docking capabilities.[8] Launched unmanned aboard a Long March 2F/G rocket[1] on 29 September 2011,[9] it is the first operational component of the Tiangong program, which aims to place a larger, modular station into orbit by ] Tiangong-1 was initially projected to be deorbited in 2013,[11] to be replaced over the following decade by the larger Tiangong-2 and Tiangong-3 modules,[12] but as of June 2016 it was still aloft, though in a decaying orbit.
typical chinese junk - works for a short while then dies. How much money did they waste to put a couple of people up there for a very short period of time.
典型的中国垃圾 - 用不了多久就报废了。他们就为了在很短的时间内把两个人放在空间站里而浪费了多少钱
Shut up, stupid. Junky 'Murican Skylab did the exact same thing.
remember apollo 1, 3 astronauts got kill, what kind american junk is that.you idiot
hahaha Chinese trolls W and Wo.......that was 40-50 years ago. hahahaha. china is only 1/2 century behind and steals our plans.....and still can't do it correct. hahahahahahahhahaha. china so angry!!!!
Polish American
I think it was only a test platform, not a long term station
Polish American had it right, Anon. Tiangong 1 was a test module, proving rendezvous and docking procedures before the Chinese eventually launch their own space station. And the US only flew three missions to Skylab back in the 1970's, then we let it fall back to Earth. The Soviets did the same thing with their Salyut stations.
Americancheater10 hours ago
As long as America continue producing idiots like you, China will continue propsering
It was purchased at Wal-Mart.
Let's all pray it lands on North Korea...preferably on fat boy's head!
So, China's stolen technology didn't work for them this time.
The Chinese have a female astronaut named Wang Yaping?
Shxit,,,, After all the natural disasters, now we have to worry about the Chinese JUNK falling out of the sky????
Everyone making fun of China forgets history. It's not a big deal. Tiangong-1's mission was over. It was only designed to be active for 5 years. This station de-orbiting is no different than when Skylab de-orbited.
well...i remembered all that and i STILL make fun of china.
I do not think Americans in general really care one way or the other about it, but will respond when Chinese trolls and nationalists try to invoke such pride in things we have already done, with or without errors.
@John a The general attitude is unfortunate. As an engineer part of the NASA family, we all realize that most scientists and engineers around the world would happily work together for the betterment of mankind. It's our politicians that usually prevent that. Like it or not, China is making contributions to science and engineering.
So many morons in this country. "The space station officially ended its service in March 2016" It exceeded original plan!! Who cares where it falls! Hopefully right over your head!
有太多的傻逼在这个国家。"空间站在2016年3月正式结束了它的服役" 它已经超出了原先的计划!!谁在乎它落在哪里!希望立刻砸在傻逼的头上!
It's a good thing they filmed Gravity when they did or Sandra Bullock never would have survived.
cheenks can't make baby formula without killing people....
what do u expect....
Let's send it to N. Korea ...
This is what happenning to a country that steals other countries technologies to build spacecrafts. They have trashed earth and now they pollute space with their junks. Red commie never fails to amaze people with their idiocy and hipocrisy.
hate to tell you bozos this but the computer you are using, the phone you have the tv and any radios, microwaves and anything else you have bought since the 1980s was probably made in china. all things considered, they seems pretty reliable.
Apparently, China stole Skylab plans, but couldn't make any improvements.
Last Man of Reason
If I find any pieces, they will be up on eBay THAT NIGHT!
China's "space program". That's laughable. Most of the stuff they bought off the Russians and the rest they stole from the US.
This was expected. It was always a temporary station to them. That's how they described it back when they launched it. Do the research, yahoo.
After reading all the hateful comments about China, I am glad the White American Corporate Executives moved (due to GREED) their factories to China thus leaving the mostly WHITE Americans without those LOW SKILL HIGH PAYING jobs that their Unions extorted from American companies.
首页 > 网帖翻译 > 美国
yuanjia7-09-21 11:37:23
美国的乡巴佬还真不少, 失控坠落?一个超期服役而且没有太空加油技术的一号本来就是要进大气层烧毁。如果这些白痴真是美国的,我华夏复兴有望。
天宫一号太空站中国在2011 年发射的太空站“天宫一号”,于去年在轨道上失控,将会在一年内坠落地球。非营利组织航太公司表示:“天宫一号失去了控制,而且在坠落地球前将无法重新获得控制。”Space则指出,天宫一号在2016 年3 月16 日停止运作,现在注定要坠落地球。坠落地点与时间天宫一号于2011 年4 月升空,预计寿命为两年,现已运作了五年,中国载人航天工程办公室副主任武平去年指“表现已算是理想”。虽然中国对天宫一号定期实施维护,以维持轨道正常运行,不过目前天宫一号已经失去控制,它的轨道每天以大约160 米的高度逐渐下降,目前距离地面大约350 到400 公里。以这样的速度,迟早会坠落地球,目前待解决的是,希望能准确预测坠落时间和坠落地点。根据联合国外太空事务办公室的说法,天宫一号大约会在2017 年10 月到2018 年4 月间的某个时点坠落地球,目前最佳的预测是1 月份。至于坠落地点,天宫一号应该会坠落在北纬42 度和南纬43 度之间,也就是最北到意大利,最南到新西兰的范围。根据武平的说法,天宫一号重新进入大气层后,绝大部分应该会被燃烧殆尽,不会产生碎片,因此人被碎片击中的机会很小。不过这些碎片可能含有称为联氨的剧毒与腐蚀性物质,如不幸掉落到地面,将有可能对地面上的人构成危险。前苏联的和平号太空站在2001 年坠落地球,是有史以来最大的人造物体重新进入大气层事故。这个太空站重达12 万公斤,当时在地球上能看见一些燃烧的碎片坠落。相较之下,天宫一号比较小,只有8500 公斤。不过也许可能有几分钟的时间,能在空中看见燃烧的碎片。中国将在接下来的几个月内持续监测天宫一号,以尽可能获得更好的控制。但它迟早都会坠毁地球,而且时间几乎肯定会是在明年。如果坠毁地球的时间是晚上,很多人应该都能看见这种奇观。
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