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&[ 36 posts ]&
&Thu Nov 20,
Big Dumb Guy
Location: UK
RMVXA-GLRPG Maker VX Ace OpenGLThis is a re-approach to my last attempt with using GLSL shaders in RMVXA.The GLSL project had a number of flaws, most of it coming from that it was produced when I had little experience with desktop GL and I had very little experience with Ruby and I was more interested in hacking the Game runtime than creating a usable API.If you are unfamiliar with
this project is a 3D rendering API so you can call OpenGL rendering commands and write the result to an RPG Maker bitmap.This also supports loading an RPG Maker bitmap into an OpenGL texture, so you can load bitmaps from RPG Maker and render them in 3D.In theory this will work with XP and VX, but VXA is what I am developing this on so it's the primary target for now.System RequirementsRead this!OpenGL 2.1 support is currently untested. It works with OpenGL 3.1 on NVidia, Intel and AMD GPUs, but 2.1 support is untested (However, it is implemented as best as I could without a 2.1 GPU).These are the minimum supported GPUs:AMD Radeon HD 6350 or laterATI Radeon HD 2350 or laterNVidia GeForce 6100 or laterFirst-generation Intel Core graphics or laterFrame buffer object extension is required.Screen-shotsSuper Simple Bur!Gameboy Pixelation and Palette!3 colours per component + 1.5x zoom!Refraction shader!Spinning cube!This is more of a try-for-your-self thing, so download the demo and have a walk around.Demo runs slow!The post-processing effect is choked by the snap_to_bitmap method, which is slow and is not intended for real-time (This method is usually called once for static image processing such as opening a menu or similar, this demo calls it every frame).The character on the left will advise you to turn off &reduce screen flickering& (Basically turn of the runtime's vsync), doing that for me gives me a solid 60 FPS on my 2011 gaming PC, with it turned on gives me a solid 59 FPS. My 2012 mid-range laptop gets 15 to 45 FPS in this demo.The actual 3D re all GPU memory is allocated/destroyed at initialise/terminate so the slowest part of the rendering is uploading and downloading the texture to and from the GPU, which I actually performance tested against on-GPU memory and had very little performance difference.TLDR: RPG Maker's snap_to_bitmap is slow, someone make me a new map rendering class so I can directly grab the bitmap as it is rendered (Or better yet, a map rendering class that renders directly to OpenGL!).So what is this?This will be an API for rendering 3D polygons within RPG Maker, it comes with my DLL which deals with all the OpenGL stuff and I am writing an API for using it.It's intended for scripters who want to write 3D graphics, so if you don't script then this isn't for you.What does this actually mean?This API set will hopefully let us do cool stuff in RPG M3D battle animations3D maps3D battlers and enemies3D battle-scenes (Like Playstation Final Fantasy titles)Even faster, even cooler &Mode 7& (3D maps, again)Screen-space shaders (Like in this post-processing demo)Map special effects (Per-pixel lighting, bump mapping, water refraction)Weather effects (Pixel shader rain, snow, heat-waves)3D menu systems (Even stuff like 3D rotating weapon icons)Awesome battle transitions (FFX or FFXIII style)The possibilities are limited only by your system requirements, so any graphical effect you can imagine is now possible.Demo is cool, now what?Open up the shaders folder, open the &fragment.fsh& file in a text editor like Notepad++ and perhaps modify the pixel shader to make some new post-processing effects.To enable the debug console (Which will log your shader compile errors) uncomment line 408 in RMVXA-GL (#Lib.Console_Show) to enable the console when testing your game.There is a crash if you output too much stuff to the console, I am working on this.Give me feedback please.
&Thu Nov 20,
Party Mascot
Location: France
I tried even if I knew it wouldn't work, make sure you don't call a null function. (Make a GL Version test before launching OpenGL because some people will probably redistribute this without saying it won't work with Intel Chipset x))
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing]
RMVXA-GL.dll!() Unknown
RMVXA-GL.dll!() Unknown
rpcrt4.dll!FreeWrapper(void *)
rpcrt4.dll!LRPC_BASE_BINDING_HANDLE::FreeCallToCache(enum _LrpcCachedCallTypes,class LRPC_BASE_CCALL *) Unknown
ole32.dll!InternalVerifyStackAvailable(unsigned long Size) Line 317 C
Expand to see the code.
&Thu Nov 20,
Big Dumb Guy
Location: UK
Nuri Yuri wrote:I tried even if I knew it wouldn't work, make sure you don't call a null function. (Make a GL Version test before launching OpenGL because some people will probably redistribute this without saying it won't work with Intel Chipset x))
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing]
RMVXA-GL.dll!() Unknown
RMVXA-GL.dll!() Unknown
rpcrt4.dll!FreeWrapper(void *)
rpcrt4.dll!LRPC_BASE_BINDING_HANDLE::FreeCallToCache(enum _LrpcCachedCallTypes,class LRPC_BASE_CCALL *) Unknown
ole32.dll!InternalVerifyStackAvailable(unsigned long Size) Line 317 C
Expand to see the code.
Lol you scared me! I see you tried on a GL version below 3.3 (So it would have called a null function)Testing for GL version is exactly what I'm going to do and then reporting upward to RGSS that the device I don't want to introduce checks everywhere so I'm going to do a check at context creation and report with a visible error, from there it's up to the scripter to avoid calling any of the API rather than up to the API.There's no error checking at all right now :LEDIT: I quickly updated the demo, DL link has been replaced in first post with demo 3Now errors and closes when unsupported GL version found (Thanks for the heads up Nuri)RM Bitmaps are now copied by the int32, rather than int8, this means a theoretical 4x faster texture copying on the GPU (But you won't notice any speed improvements, that snap_to_bitmap is still the #1 killer)Activated the SceneManager finalization modification, so the GL context will now be cleaned up properly
&Sat Nov 22,
Party Mascot
Location: France
The demo 3 doesn't seem to detect I'm using a old OpenGL version :/Probably you should test if the library exists and if the function exists (in the context initialization).(Or it came from the RGSS that continued to load the other functions but didn't display me anything ^^')
&Sun Nov 23,
Big Dumb Guy
Location: UK
Nuri Yuri wrote:The demo 3 doesn't seem to detect I'm using a old OpenGL version :/Probably you should test if the library exists and if the function exists (in the context initialization).(Or it came from the RGSS that continued to load the other functions but didn't display me anything ^^')The way GL works on windows is you have to make an old 1.4 context before making a new context, when it is 1.4 I grab the major/minor version numbers.I tested on an old Intel and by requesting versions that don't exist yet, it was all fine this end.I'll test if the functions I use to get version number is a nullptr too, perhaps you're on a really old GL version that doesn't even support querying the hardware??Edit: yeah I am an idiot, the version check is gl30+! I'll change to the string test
&Sun Nov 23,
Party Mascot
Location: France
I'm on the Intel OpenGL 2.1 but Intel is making a lot of shit with that so it has a lot of problem ^^'I'll test the next demo if you want :3 (The verification step :d)
&Tue Dec 16,
Wow, dude, your work is marvellous. Please don't stop it. Always wanted to link OpenGL to RM window but I never knew how.I'll try to play with what you've released here... since my gpu can handle it very well.
&Tue Dec 16,
Big Dumb Guy
Location: UK
My job is a bit crazy right now as I am releasing an app this week and spending 2 weeks doing R&D, so I can only work on this during weekends (of which I've had very few free).So progress will be slow.The next things I'll be doing:Setting shader uniforms &- easyUploading meshes to GPU &- need to think about how to do a Ruby class for this, I don't want to limit the functionalityDrawing meshes to bitmap &- easyOnce that is done I will pull in my matrix research that I am doing for my job right now so we can transform meshes, which at that point this little project is feature complete for what I had planned, it would be then working on GL2.1 compatibility and adding bells and whistles.EDIT: Because uniforms were easy I made a new demo that uses uniforms to animateSame requirements as before, needs OpenGL 3.3 for now.
&Thu Dec 18,
Big Dumb Guy
Location: UK
Please give this a test if you have a spare few minutes. If it worksThe system requireAMD Radeon HD 6350 or laterATI Radeon HD 2350 or laterNVidia GeForce 6100 or laterFirst-generation Intel Core graphics or laterOpenGL 2.1 is the minimum supported version! I do not have an OpenGL 2.1 GPU on hand right now, I only have a 3.1 GPU so 3.1 is the recommended OpenGL version if you don't want anything crashing.Your GPU must support the Frame Buffer Objects extension.Update to your latest GPU driver, on some 2.1 systems the FBO extension will run in software mode, you will get a significant performance drop if this is the case!This Demo uses snap_to_bitmap every-frame, this function performs horribly and requires a powerful PC if you want to maintain 60 FPS with this function!If you want to see how this performs without snap_to_bitmap (It performs very well!) then implement the Hello Triangle tutorial below.snap_to_bitmap is definitely the current bottleneck in this, the actual 3D rendering is blazing fast.The ScriptThis script requires RMVXA-GL.dll which you can get from the demo download above.
#==============================================================================# ** GL#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
Graphics API interface.# All functions here should be used to deal with 3D rendering.# By Felix &Xilefian& Jones [Version a.1]#==============================================================================module GL
DEBUG_CONSOLE = 0 # Set to 1 to show console when debugging
# ** Texture
GPU texture class.
class Texture
attr_reader :name, :width, :height
# * Colour components
# * Allocates a texture with a given component count
def self.Alloc( components, width, height )
Console::Print( &Allocating texture [#{width}, #{height}]& )
tex = new( OpenGL::GenTexture( components, width, height, 0 ) )
tex.send( :SetSize, width, height )
return tex
# * Allocates a texture with a given bitmap
def self.AllocWithBitmap( bitmap )
width = bitmap.width
height = bitmap.height
handle = bitmap.__id__
Console::Print( &Allocating texture from Bitmap [#{width}, #{height}]& )
tex = new( OpenGL::GenTexture( 0, 0, 0, handle ) )
tex.send( :SetSize, width, height )
return tex
# * Destroys the texture
def Dealloc
if @name != 0
Console::Print( &Deallocating texture& )
OpenGL::DestroyTex( @name )
@width = 0
@height = 0
# * Copies a bitmap into glTexture
def LoadBitmap( bitmap )
OpenGL::TexSubBitmap( @name, bitmap.__id__ )
# * Sets texture to GPU unit
def BindToUnit( unit )
OpenGL::BindTextureToUnit( @name, unit )
# * Sets the texture size (!PRIVATE!)
def SetSize( width, height )
@width = width
@height = height
private :SetSize
# * Initialize (!PRIVATE!)
private_class_method :new
def initialize( name )
@name = name
@width = 0
@height = 0
# ** Shader
Class for compiling shaders.
class Shader
attr_reader :name, :type
# * Shader types
# * Creates vertex shader
def self.CreateVertex( src )
Console::Print( &Creating Vertex shader& )
shader = new( OpenGL::CreateShader( VERTEX ), VERTEX )
status = shader.send( :Compile, src )
if status != 0
return nil
return shader
# * Creates geometry shader
def self.CreateGeometry( src )
Console::Print( &Creating Geometry shader& )
shader = new( OpenGL::CreateShader( GEOMETRY ), GEOMETRY )
status = shader.send( :Compile, src )
if status != 0
return nil
return shader
# * Creates fragment shader
def self.CreateFragment( src )
Console::Print( &Creating Fragment shader& )
shader = new( OpenGL::CreateShader( FRAGMENT ), FRAGMENT )
status = shader.send( :Compile, src )
if status != 0
return nil
return shader
# * Deletes shader
def Dealloc
Console::Print( &Deallocating shader& )
OpenGL::DestroyShader( @name )
# * Compiles the shader source (!PRIVATE!)
def Compile( src )
return OpenGL::ShaderCompile( @name, src )
private :Compile
# * Initialize (!PRIVATE!)
private_class_method :new
def initialize( name, type )
@name = name
@type = type
# ** ShaderMaterial
Class for managing shader programs.
class ShaderMaterial
@@current_shader = nil
# * Current bound shader handle
def self.GetCurrentShader
return @@current_shader
# * Current bound shader handle
def self.SetCurrentShader( shader )
@@current_shader = shader
# * Creates a shader program
def self.Create( vertex, fragment )
Console::Print( &Creating vertex/fragment program& )
material = new( OpenGL::CreateProgam() )
material.send( :AttachShaders, vertex, fragment, nil )
return material
# * Creates a shader program with a geometry shader
def self.CreateWithGeometry( vertex, geometry, fragment )
Console::Print( &Creating vertex/geometry/fragment program& )
material = new( OpenGL::CreateProgam() )
material.send( :AttachShaders, vertex, fragment, geometry )
return material
# * Attach Shaders
def AttachShaders( vsh, fsh, gsh )
@vsh = vsh
@fsh = fsh
@gsh = gsh
# * Destroys this program
def Dealloc
Console::Print( &Deallocating program& )
OpenGL::DestroyProg( @name )
@vsh = nil
@gsh = nil
@fsh = nil
@uniformMap = nil
@uniLocationMap = nil
# * Activates this shader for rendering
def UseProgram
ShaderMaterial.SetCurrentShader( self )
if @isLinked == false
status = self.send( :Link )
if status != 0
@isLinked = true
# Use program
OpenGL::UseProgram( @name )
# Update uniforms
# * Uploads Uniforms to current shader
def UploadUniforms
@uniformMap.each do |uniformName, value|
case value
when Float
OpenGL::SetUniform1f( uniformName, [value] )
when Integer
OpenGL::SetUniform1i( uniformName, value )
when Array
# Check first value of array, assume that is what we are uploading
case value.count
case value[0]
when Float
OpenGL::SetUniform1f( uniformName, value )
when Integer
OpenGL::SetUniform1i( uniformName, value )
case value[0]
when Float
OpenGL::SetUniform2f( uniformName, value )
when Integer
OpenGL::SetUniform2i( uniformName, value )
when Matrix
case value[1]
value[0].UploadMatrix2( uniformName )
value[0].UploadMatrix3( uniformName )
value[0].UploadMatrix4( uniformName )
case value[0]
when Float
OpenGL::SetUniform3f( uniformName, value )
when Integer
OpenGL::SetUniform3i( uniformName, value )
case value[0]
when Float
OpenGL::SetUniform4f( uniformName, value )
when Integer
OpenGL::SetUniform4i( uniformName, value )
# * Sets a program uniform to a value
def SetUniform( uniformName, value )
if @isLinked == false
status = self.send( :Link )
if status != 0
@isLinked = true
if @uniLocationMap[uniformName] == nil
intVal = OpenGL::GetUniformLocation( @name, uniformName )
Console::Print( &Found uniform #{uniformName} == #{intVal}& )
@uniLocationMap[uniformName] = intVal
intVal = @uniLocationMap[uniformName]
@uniformMap[intVal] = value
if ShaderMaterial.GetCurrentShader() == self
# * Sets a program uniform to a mat2
def SetUniformMatrix2( uniformName, matrix )
if @uniLocationMap[uniformName] == nil
intVal = OpenGL::GetUniformLocation( @name, uniformName )
@uniLocationMap[uniformName] = intVal
intVal = @uniLocationMap[uniformName]
@uniformMap[intVal] = [matrix, 2]
if ShaderMaterial.GetCurrentShader() == self
# * Sets a program uniform to a mat3
def SetUniformMatrix3( uniformName, matrix )
if @uniLocationMap[uniformName] == nil
intVal = OpenGL::GetUniformLocation( @name, uniformName )
@uniLocationMap[uniformName] = intVal
intVal = @uniLocationMap[uniformName]
@uniformMap[intVal] = [matrix, 3]
if ShaderMaterial.GetCurrentShader() == self
# * Sets a program uniform to a mat4
def SetUniformMatrix4( uniformName, matrix )
if @uniLocationMap[uniformName] == nil
intVal = OpenGL::GetUniformLocation( @name, uniformName )
@uniLocationMap[uniformName] = intVal
intVal = @uniLocationMap[uniformName]
@uniformMap[intVal] = [matrix, 4]
if ShaderMaterial.GetCurrentShader() == self
# * Sets a program attribute to an index
def SetAttributeIndex( attribStr, index )
if @isLinked == true
Console::Print( &ERROR - Tried to set attribute location of linked shader!& )
Console::Print( &- Call .SetAttributeIndex BEFORE linking program!& )
Console::Print( &Setting attribute #{attribStr} to #{index}& )
OpenGL::BindAttribLocation( @name, index, attribStr )
# * Links shaders to this program (!PRIVATE!)
return OpenGL::ProgLink( @name, @vsh.name, @gsh.name, @fsh.name )
return OpenGL::ProgLink( @name, @vsh.name, 0, @fsh.name )
private :Link
private :AttachShaders
# * Initialize (!PRIVATE!)
private_class_method :new
def initialize( name )
@name = name
@vsh = nil
@gsh = nil
@fsh = nil
@isLinked = false
@uniformMap = Hash.new
@uniLocationMap = Hash.new
# ** VertexBuffer
Class for uploading vertex data to the GPU.
class VertexBuffer
# * Draw Modes
DRAW_POINTS = 1 # Point cloud
DRAW_LINES = 2 # Pairs of verts = line
DRAW_LINE_STRIP = 3 # Verts = line path
DRAW_LINE_LOOP = 4 # Verts = line path, ending back at first
DRAW_TRIANGLES = 5 # 3 verts = triangle
DRAW_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 6 # Each new vert makes a triangle from the last two
DRAW_TRIANGLE_FAN = 7 # Each new vert makes a traingle from last + first
# * Creates the GPU VBO
def self.Alloc
Console::Print( &Allocating VertexBuffer& )
return new
# * Deletes the GPU handles for this VBO
def Dealloc
Console::Print( &Deallocating VertexBuffer& )
OpenGL::DestroyVBO( @name )
# * Updates this VBO and then renders it
def DrawArrays( drawMode )
OpenGL::BindVBO( @name )
if @vertexArray
OpenGL::VBOData( @vertexArray );
@vertexArray = nil
offset = 0
@description.each do |arg|
OpenGL::VBOAttrib( index, arg, @stride, offset )
offset += arg
index += 1
OpenGL::DrawVBO( drawMode, @vertexCount )
# * Sets how the buffer should be read
# * eg: vbo.DescribeBuffer( 3, [3, 2, 4] ) # 3 verts = vec3, vec2, vec4
def DescribeBuffer( vertexCount, args )
@stride = 0
args.each { |a| @stride += a }
@vertexCount = vertexCount
@description = args
# * Uploads a given vertex array to this buffer object
def UploadVertexArray( vertexArray )
@vertexArray = vertexArray.flatten
# * Initialize (!PRIVATE!)
private_class_method :new
def initialize
@name = OpenGL::GenVBO()
@stride = 0
@vertexCount = 0
@vertexArray = nil
@description = nil
# ** FrameBuffer
Class for creating frame buffers to render to.
class FrameBuffer
attr_reader :name, :width, :height
# * Clear Modes
# * Creates the GPU FB with no attachments
def self.Alloc( width, height )
Console::Print( &Allocating FrameBuffer [#{width}, #{height}]& )
return new( width, height )
# * Deletes the GPU handles for this FBO
def Dealloc
Console::Print( &Deallocating FrameBuffer& )
OpenGL::DestroyFBO( @name )
@width = 0
@height = 0
@colourAttachment0 = nil
# * Copies a frame buffer contents into bitmap
def ToBitmap( bitmap )
OpenGL::GetTexImage( @name, bitmap.__id__ )
# * Attaches a texture to this FBO
def AttachTexture( texture )
if texture.width != @width || texture.height != @height
message = &Expected size [#{@width}, #{@height}] & &&
&given size [#{texture.width}, #{texture.height}]&
Console::Print( &FrameBuffer attach failure!& )
Console::Print( message )
oldAttachment = @colourAttachment0
@colourAttachment0 = texture
Console::Print( &Attaching Texture to FrameBuffer& )
OpenGL::FBOTexure( @name, texture.name )
if oldAttachment != nil
return oldAttachment
# * Test method for rendering to FBO
def DrawShader( shader )
OpenGL::DrawToFBO( @name )
# * Makes this FBO the render target
def Bind( willClear = 0 )
OpenGL::BindFBO( @name )
if willClear == 1
# * Initialize (!PRIVATE!)
private_class_method :new
def initialize( width, height )
@width = width
@height = height
@colourAttachment0 = nil
@name = OpenGL::GenFBO()
# ** OpenGL
OpenGL management.
# Object life-time for 3D elements managed here.
class OpenGL
# * Starts up the Graphics interface
def initialize
initStatus = Lib.XGL_Init
case initStatus
SceneManager.exit_error( &Unsupported GL version\nOpenGL 2.1 Required& )
SceneManager.exit_error( &Missing extension FrameBufferObject& )
# * Clears current buffer
def self.Clear
# * Create a glTexImage
def self.DestroyTex( texName )
Lib.Graphics_DestroyTex( texName )
# * Create a glTexImage
def self.GenTexture( components, width, height, bmpHandle )
return Lib.Graphics_GenTexture( components, width, height, bmpHandle )
# * Loads a bitmap into a glTexImage
def self.TexSubBitmap( texName, bmpHandle )
return Lib.Graphics_TexSubBitmap( texName, bmpHandle )
# * Dumps a glTexImage into a bitmap
def self.GetTexImage( texName, bmpHandle )
return Lib.Graphics_GetTexImage( texName, bmpHandle )
# * Creates a new FBO
def self.GenFBO
return Lib.Graphics_GenFBO
# * Creates a new FBO
def self.DestroyFBO( fboName )
Lib.Graphics_DestroyFBO( fboName )
# * Attaches texture to FBO
def self.FBOTexure( fboName, texName )
Lib.Graphics_FBOTexure( fboName, texName )
# * Creates a new shader of given type
def self.CreateShader( shaderType )
return Lib.Graphics_CreateShader( shaderType )
# * Deletes glShader
def self.DestroyShader( shaderName )
Lib.Graphics_DestroyShader( shaderName )
# * Compiles shader source and returns the result
def self.ShaderCompile( shaderName, src )
return Lib.Graphics_ShaderCompile( shaderName, src )
# * Creates a shader program
def self.CreateProgam
return Lib.Graphics_CreateProgam
# * Links shaders to this program
def self.ProgLink( progName, vsh, gsh, fsh )
return Lib.Graphics_ProgLink( progName, vsh, gsh, fsh )
# * Deletes a shader program
def self.DestroyProg( progName )
return Lib.Graphics_DestroyProg( progName )
# * Deletes a shader program
def self.GetUniformLocation( progName, uniString )
return Lib.Graphics_UniformLocation( progName,
uniString )
# * Draws texName to fboName using progName
def self.DrawToFBO( fboName )
Lib.Graphics_DrawToFBO( fboName )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform1f( name, args )
larr = args.pack(&f&).unpack(&l&)
Lib.Graphics_Uniform1f( name, larr[0] )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform2f( name, args )
larr = args.pack( &ff& ).unpack( &ll& )
Lib.Graphics_Uniform2f( name, larr[0], larr[1] )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform3f( name, args )
larr = args.pack( &fff& ).unpack( &lll& )
Lib.Graphics_Uniform3f( name, larr[0], larr[1], larr[2] )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform4f( name, args )
larr = args.pack( &ffff& ).unpack( &llll& )
Lib.Graphics_Uniform4f( name, larr [0], larr [1], larr[2], larr[3] )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform1i( name, args )
Lib.Graphics_Uniform1i( name, args )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform2i( name, args )
Lib.Graphics_Uniform2i( name, args[0], args[1] )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform3i( name, args )
Lib.Graphics_Uniform3i( name, args[0], args[1], args[2] )
# * Sets program uniform value at location
def self.SetUniform4i( name, args )
Lib.Graphics_Uniform4i( name, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])
# * Activates a shader program for usage (And modifying)
def self.UseProgram( shaderName )
Lib.Graphics_UseProgram( shaderName )
# * Binds (and activates) a texture to a given unit
def self.BindTextureToUnit( textureName, unitIndex )
Lib.Graphics_BindTexUnit( textureName, unitIndex )
# * Creats a new VBO (Must be destroyed!)
def self.GenVBO
return Lib.Graphics_GenVBO
# * Destroys a VBO
def self.DestroyVBO( vboName )
Lib.Graphics_DestroyVBO( vboName )
# * Binds a VBO (Making it current)
def self.BindVBO( vboName )
Lib.Graphics_BindVBO( vboName )
# * Uploads the vertex data for current VBO
def self.VBOData( floatArray )
stringPacker = &f& * floatArray.length
floatString = floatArray.pack( stringPacker )
Lib.Graphics_VBOData( floatString, floatArray.length )
# * Applies the attribute data for current VBO
def self.VBOAttrib( index, components, stride, offset )
Lib.Graphics_VBOAttrib( index, components, stride, offset )
# * Draws the current VBO
def self.DrawVBO( mode, count )
Lib.Graphics_DrawVBO( mode, count )
# * Draws the current VBO
def self.BindAttribLocation( shaderName, index, attribStr )
Lib.Graphics_BindAttribLocation( shaderName, index, attribStr )
# * Binds a FBO (Target render buffer)
def self.BindFBO( fboName )
Lib.Graphics_BindFBO( fboName )
# ** Matrix
Manipulates and uploads matrices
class Matrix
# * Wrapper for Matrix.new
def self.Alloc
matrix = new()
return matrix
# * Pushes an identity matrix to the top
Lib.Matrix_Push( @name )
# * Removes the top matrix
Lib.Matrix_Pop( @name )
# * Uploads the top matrix to the current shader's mat2 at location
def UploadMatrix2( location )
Lib.Matrix_UploadMatrix2( @name, location )
# * Uploads the top matrix to the current shader's mat3 at location
def UploadMatrix3( location )
Lib.Matrix_UploadMatrix3( @name, location )
# * Uploads the top matrix to the current shader's mat4 at location
def UploadMatrix4( location )
Lib.Matrix_UploadMatrix4( @name, location )
# * Translates the matrix
def Translate( x, y, z )
larr = [x, y, z].pack(&fff&).unpack(&lll&)
Lib.Matrix_Translate( @name, larr[0], larr[1], larr[2] )
# * Scales the matrix
def Scale( x, y, z )
larr = [x, y, z].pack(&fff&).unpack(&lll&)
Lib.Matrix_Scale( @name, larr[0], larr[1], larr[2] )
# * Rotates the matrix in the X axis by radian
def RotateX( radian )
larr = [radian].pack(&f&).unpack(&l&)
Lib.Matrix_RotateX( @name, larr[0] )
# * Rotates the matrix in the Y axis by radian
def RotateY( radian )
larr = [radian].pack(&f&).unpack(&l&)
Lib.Matrix_RotateY( @name, larr[0] )
# * Rotates the matrix in the Z axis by radian
def RotateZ( radian )
larr = [radian].pack(&f&).unpack(&l&)
Lib.Matrix_RotateZ( @name, larr[0] )
# * Destroys the matrix
def Dealloc
Lib.Matrix_Destroy( @name )
# * Creates the matrix handle
private_class_method :new
def initialize
@name = Lib.Matrix_Create()
# ** Console
Debug console, feel free to ignore.
class Console
# * When in test mode this will show the console
def initialize
# * Prints debug text
def self.Print( str )
return Lib.Console_Print( &[RMVXA-GL] #{str}& )
DLL library interface here.
# This should generally be considered private.
module Lib
# * Library API methods
def self.XGL_Init( *args );return @@XGL_Init.call( *args );end
def self.XGL_Terminate( *args );return @@XGL_Terminate.call( *args );end
def self.Console_Show( *args );return @@Console_Show.call( *args );end
def self.Console_Hide( *args );return @@Console_Hide.call( *args );end
def self.Console_Print( *args );return @@Console_Print.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Clear( *args );return @@Graphics_Clear.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_GenTexture( *args );return @@Graphics_GenTexture.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_TexSubBitmap( *args );return @@Graphics_TexSubBitmap.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_DestroyTex( *args );return @@Graphics_DestroyTex.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_BindTexUnit( *args );return @@Graphics_BindTexUnit.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_GenFBO( *args );return @@Graphics_GenFBO.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_FBOTexure( *args );return @@Graphics_FBOTexure.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_GetTexImage( *args );return @@Graphics_GetTexImage.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_DestroyFBO( *args );return @@Graphics_DestroyFBO.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_BindFBO( *args );return @@Graphics_BindFBO.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_CreateShader( *args );return @@Graphics_CreateShader.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_DestroyShader( *args );return @@Graphics_DestroyShader.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_ShaderCompile( *args );return @@Graphics_ShaderCompile.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_CreateProgam( *args );return @@Graphics_CreateProgam.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_ProgLink( *args );return @@Graphics_ProgLink.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_DestroyProg( *args );return @@Graphics_DestroyProg.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_UniformLocation( *args );return @@Graphics_UniformLocation.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform1f( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform1f.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform2f( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform2f.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform3f( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform3f.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform4f( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform4f.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform1i( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform1i.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform2i( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform2i.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform3i( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform3i.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform4i( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform4i.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform1ui( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform1ui.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform2ui( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform2ui.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform3ui( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform3ui.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_Uniform4ui( *args );return @@Graphics_Uniform4ui.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_UseProgram( *args );return @@Graphics_UseProgram.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_BindAttribLocation( *args );return @@Graphics_BindAttribLocation.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_GenVBO( *args );return @@Graphics_GenVBO.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_DestroyVBO( *args );return @@Graphics_DestroyVBO.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_BindVBO( *args );return @@Graphics_BindVBO.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_VBOData( *args );return @@Graphics_VBOData.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_VBOAttrib( *args );return @@Graphics_VBOAttrib.call( *args );end
def self.Graphics_DrawVBO( *args );return @@Graphics_DrawVBO.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Create( *args );return @@Matrix_Create.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Destroy( *args );return @@Matrix_Destroy.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Pop( *args );return @@Matrix_Pop.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Push( *args );return @@Matrix_Push.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Size( *args );return @@Matrix_Size.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_UploadMatrix2( *args );return @@Matrix_UploadMatrix2.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_UploadMatrix3( *args );return @@Matrix_UploadMatrix3.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_UploadMatrix4( *args );return @@Matrix_UploadMatrix4.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_LoadMatrix4( *args );return @@Matrix_LoadMatrix4.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_MultiplyMatrix4( *args );return @@Matrix_MultiplyMatrix4.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_MultiplyMatrixStack( *args );return @@Matrix_MultiplyMatrixStack.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Rotate( *args );return @@Matrix_Rotate.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_RotateX( *args );return @@Matrix_RotateX.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_RotateY( *args );return @@Matrix_RotateY.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_RotateZ( *args );return @@Matrix_RotateZ.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Scale( *args );return @@Matrix_Scale.call( *args );end
def self.Matrix_Translate( *args );return @@Matrix_Translate.call( *args );end
# * Library name, read as LIB_NAME.dll
# * Win32API function pointer bindings
@@XGL_Init = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &XGL_Init&, &v&, &i& )
@@XGL_Terminate = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &XGL_Terminate&, &v&, &v& )
@@Console_Show = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Console_Show&, &v&, &v& )
@@Console_Hide = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Console_Hide&, &v&, &v& )
@@Console_Print = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Console_Print&, &p&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Clear = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Clear&, &v&, &v& )
@@Graphics_GenTexture = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_GenTexture&, &iiip&, &i& )
@@Graphics_TexSubBitmap = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_TexSubBitmap&, &ip&, &v& )
@@Graphics_DestroyTex = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_DestroyTex&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_BindTexUnit = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_BindTexUnit&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_GenFBO = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_GenFBO&, &v&, &i& )
@@Graphics_FBOTexure = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_FBOTexure&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_GetTexImage = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_GetTexImage&, &ip&, &v& )
@@Graphics_DestroyFBO = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_DestroyFBO&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_BindFBO = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_BindFBO&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_CreateShader = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_CreateShader&, &i&, &i& )
@@Graphics_DestroyShader = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_DestroyShader&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_ShaderCompile = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_ShaderCompile&, &ip&, &i& )
@@Graphics_CreateProgam = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_CreateProgam&, &v&, &i& )
@@Graphics_ProgLink = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_ProgLink&, &iiii&, &i& )
@@Graphics_DestroyProg = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_DestroyProg&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_UniformLocation = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_UniformLocation&, &ip&, &i& )
@@Graphics_Uniform1f = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform1f&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Uniform2f = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform2f&, &iii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Uniform3f = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform3f&, &iiii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Uniform4f = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform4f&, &iiiii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Uniform1i = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform1i&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Uniform2i = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform2i&, &iii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Uniform3i = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform3i&, &iiii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_Uniform4i = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_Uniform4i&, &iiiii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_UseProgram = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_UseProgram&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_BindAttribLocation = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_BindAttribLocation&, &iip&, &v& )
@@Graphics_GenVBO = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_GenVBO&, &v&, &i& )
@@Graphics_DestroyVBO = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_DestroyVBO&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_BindVBO = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_BindVBO&, &i&, &v& )
@@Graphics_VBOData = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_VBOData&, &pi&, &v& )
@@Graphics_VBOAttrib = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_VBOAttrib&, &iiii&, &v& )
@@Graphics_DrawVBO = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Graphics_DrawVBO&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Create = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Create&, &v&, &i& )
@@Matrix_Destroy = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Destroy&, &i&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Pop = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Pop&, &i&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Push = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Push&, &i&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Size = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Size&, &i&, &i& )
@@Matrix_Pop = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Pop&, &i&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Push = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Push&, &i&, &v& )
@@Matrix_UploadMatrix2 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_UploadMatrix2&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_UploadMatrix3 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_UploadMatrix3&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_UploadMatrix4 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_UploadMatrix4&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_LoadMatrix4 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_LoadMatrix4&, &ip&, &v& )
@@Matrix_MultiplyMatrix4 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_MultiplyMatrix4&, &ip&, &v& )
@@Matrix_MultiplyMatrixStack = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_MultiplyMatrixStack&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Rotate = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Rotate&, &iiiii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_RotateX = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_RotateX&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_RotateY = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_RotateY&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_RotateZ = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_RotateZ&, &ii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Scale = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Scale&, &iiii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_Translate = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_Translate&, &iiii&, &v& )
@@Matrix_DownloadMatrix2 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_DownloadMatrix2&, &i&, &p& )
@@Matrix_DownloadMatrix3 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_DownloadMatrix3&, &i&, &p& )
@@Matrix_DownloadMatrix4 = Win32API.new( LIB_NAME, &Matrix_DownloadMatrix4&, &i&, &p& )
endend#==============================================================================# ** SceneManager#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
Adds a finalisation stage to SceneManager.# Used by XGL to cleanup the OpenGL context.#==============================================================================module SceneManager
@@error = nil
# * Override SceneManager
class && self
alias super_exit exit
alias super_run run
if @@error != nil
messageBox = Win32API.new( &User32&, &MessageBox&, &lppl&, &l& )
messageBox.call( 0, @@error, &SceneManager Error&, 0 )
# * Pre-Termination Processing
# * Sets the scene manager to exit with an error message
def self.exit_error( str )
@@error = str
Expand to see the code.
Hello Triangle Tutorial
Tutorial for scripters
This little tutorial will modifying Spriteset_Map to draw a colourful triangle on the field.Underneath the RMVXA-GL add a script section and call it &Hello Triangle&.Copy in this framework for overloading the default Spriteset_Map class:
class Spriteset_Map
include GL
alias super_update update
alias super_dispose dispose
def initialize
def dispose
def update
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Notice the include GL, this is so we can use the RMVXA-GL classes without needing GL:: infront of everything.First we want to load in some shaders to render out our triangle, so add in these two methods:
def create_shader end def destroy_shader end
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We will have 3 instance variables for the vertex shader, the fragment shader and the shader program.(The OpenGL shader system was inspired by C/C++ the shader is made up of vertex and fragment objects that are linked into the final program)To create the vertex and fragment shaders we need to write some shader code.Here'
vertex_source = &#version 120
attribute vec2
attribute vec3
varying vec3
void main() {
fragment_colour = vertex_
gl_Position = vec4( vertex_position, 0.0, 1.0 );
Expand to see the code.
And here'
fragment_source = &#version 120
varying vec3
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4( fragment_colour, 1.0 );
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You can copy those into the create_shader method as we can use these sources directly.To create each shader we use the Shader.Create* methods wi
@vertex_shader = Shader.CreateVertex( vertex_source )@fragment_shader = Shader.CreateVertex( vertex_source )
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These can then be linked into the final program and the vertex a
@shader_program = ShaderMaterial.Create( @vertex_shader, @fragment_shader )@shader_program.SetAttributeIndex( &vertex_position&, 0 )@shader_program.SetAttributeIndex( &vertex_colour&, 1 )
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The vertex_position attribute is the first attribute in our vertex shader, so we set the index to 0 (Like an array)The vertex_colour attribute is the second attribute in our vertex shader, so we set that index to 1The shader program is not yet linked, RMVXA-GL will link the program when it is next bound (When setting uniforms or when activating the program itself).To clean-up the shader memory (On both the GPU memory and CPU memory) call the D
@shader_program.Dealloc @fragment_shader.Dealloc@vertex_shader.Dealloc
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That can go into the destroy_shader method.Next is the setting up the frame buffer for rendering. This is a page in GPU memory that OpenGL will draw to.Let's make some RGSS
def create_display_buffer
@display_sprite = Sprite.new( @viewport3 )
@display_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new( 544, 416 )
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RGSS bitmaps require cleaning up, so add that i
def destroy_display_buffer
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There are 2 parGPU TargetGPU TexturesThe target is the point where all the textures are collected, the textures are the actual bytes where we will render our image.To create our texture in GPU memory we use the Texure.Alloc method and parse in the details of our texture.We want a texture that has red, blue, green and alpha components that is 544x416.Alpha is needed if we want to see the map underneath our image and the 544x416 is to match the size of the game screen.So after creating our RGSS bitmap, allocate the GPU memory for our texture, allocate the frame-buffer's target size (This is the size that all frame-buffer textures need to be) and then attach the texture to our frame buffer.
@render_texture = Texture.Alloc( Texture::RGBA, 544, 416 ) @frame_buffer = FrameBuffer.Alloc( 544, 416 )@frame_buffer.AttachTexture( @render_texture )
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The cleanup is once again D
def destroy_display_buffer
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The final piece is the triangle that we want to draw.We want to draw a 2D triangle with each point being a red, green or blue colour.For this we need: x, y, r, g, b information for each point.A float array can describe this for us:
def create_vertex_buffer
triangle_mesh = [ [
0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] ]
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The vertices need to be allocated memory on the GPU and uploaded, we also need to describe our triangle to OpenGL.
@vertex_buffer = VertexBuffer.Alloc # Allocate GPU space for vertices@vertex_buffer.DescribeBuffer( 3, [2, 3] ) # Describe that we


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