world war 2怎么读1怎么念?

WORLD WAR II 应该怎么读?还有查里一世,路易十六?怎么读?
world war twoCharles the firstLouis the sixteen
II就读Twe.其它一样.查理一世,CharlesⅠ,路易十六(Louis Χ Ⅵ,),
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37 Cards in this Set
When did world war 1 start
What was morally diplomacy
Wilson's way of dealing with the world. He wanted to step up an example for the rest of the world about how we treated others and our citizens
What were we worried about when the leadership changed in mexico?
That the dictator would seize our American businesses
What did America do to help Mexico when they had a bad leader? And did it work?
Wilson tried sending troops but it didn't work
After the ABC powers stepped in, why were the Mexicans still mad?
They still didn't like the new leaders
When the Mexicans got mad about the ABC plan, what did they do
Poncho Villa led a raid to protest
Why was poncho Villa never captured
After a long search wilson just couldn't find him
What did wilson do to to show the other countries we were watching them?
Bought the Virgin islands
What were the 4 factors That contributed to WW1
Nationalism, imperilism, militarism, alliances
A weapons race and the glorification of war
Strong pride in one's country
The building of empires
Secret treaties between countries
Which countries were in the triple entente
Russia Britain France
Which countries were in the triple alliance
Germany Italy Austria-Hungary
When was the last time England was invaded
Where was the Ottoman empire
Istanbul turkey
What did the US try to do during the war
Keep neutrality
Why didn't neutrality work
Too many immigrants living in the US still had ties to the European countries
What was the Zimmerman telegram?
A British newspaper that said they were going to fight with the US with Mexico
When did the US declared war
When was the Russian revolution
Which was the treaty that gave up the land from Russia to Germany
The brest-livovsk
Which country did all the allies call "the hun"
Who was Lafayette
A french general who lead the colonist to fight Europe
What was the nickname for America soldiers
What was the fuel administration
Increase in coal and oil
What was The railroad admission
Controlled railroads as a single system
What was the alien and sedition act
An act that prevented spying and resistance
What was the loyalty league
Groups formed by citizens to turn in people who were suspected of being disloyal to the idea of war
What new weapons were introduced in WW1
Airplanes, machine guns, poison gas,
When did Germany sign an armistice
11-11-18 veterans day
Who tried to end the war by capturing Paris but us allies stooped them
What was shell shock
It was like ptsd
What were some of the most horrific battles of WW1
Verdun, somme,
How long did Verdun last for
Hoe many people died in the 10 month Verdun battle
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