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& 91y游戏是怎样上下分的
91y游戏是怎样上下分的+6538867The God of wealth shop sell silver recovery of dense / Today fishing Master converted into cash games both in the mobile phone terminal or PC terminal are very popular, believe love playing the game friends know, want to hit more fish is a skill, and these tips are what we don't care when playing the game, so I have every fish obtained scores are basic is not what money. Today Xiaobian in this paper summarizes some catch small fish relatively simple method (the last paragraph secret ultimate skill), everyone in the course of the game paid more attention then, so have a certain score will no longer be a dream.Fishing Master skills: a target, do not pay. From the turret left suddenly out of the big shark. If you usually like to use three stage play, then saw the shark, a hair first with three shells, then suddenly raise a level, after shooting 3, turret position to achieve a 45 degree angle, and then go to the shooting shark fins continuous several times before and after, if did not fix, the don't waste or stop emitting gold.Fishing Master skill two: laser cannons have delayed the need for early sighting, when trough full of energy into the system, will put laser batteries out of tune, laser line of attack is straight, the hit rate of 100%, so when the laser gun to hit the high reward fish that to play your laser gun ah, when the screen is provided with a plurality of a high fish, they are in the same line, then the laser emission gun you are the most efficient, but laser cannon is a gathering energy process, the point of emission after 2 seconds to hit the target, so please game player prediction of fish swimming direction, do a good job of launching preparation.Fishing Master skill three: don't attack nearby fish: TV picture can appear in reality the Oh, we shot near the fish, ninety percent catches no, because the surrounding fish is most likely to eat very much gold fish. So playing this kind of fish is a bottomless pit.Fishing Master ultimate techniques: these techniques are for you on the Internet has seen at least ten times, but really effective. The ultimate skill called is not here to watch these skills Raiders, or go to the game to find their own experience, the thing of others it is not their own, only to understand their actual operation process
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