现在是什么纪元还是没有用于纪元1404 V1.3和威尼斯V2.1的修改器吗

你可能喜欢纪元1404发布更新补丁!原版到1.3,威尼斯到2.1(更新下载地址) - 3DMGAME论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
标题: 纪元1404发布更新补丁!原版到1.3,威尼斯到2.1(更新下载地址)
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
标题: 纪元1404发布更新补丁!原版到1.3,威尼斯到2.1(更新下载地址) 本帖最后由 yjwoo 于
20:14 编辑
ANNO 1404 - Patch Notes 1.3
The most important changes in overview:
- A bug in the save routine could prevent games from being saved correctly on some systems or system configurations. Related Designs would like to thank the community at this pointfor their outstanding support, without which we could never have repaired this error. In particular, we would like to thank &Matt McCorman& for his active support, as well as all the users from the community who voluntarily contributed both their PC's and their time. We were finally able to localize and correct the error. As a result, no more faulty saves should be generated.
- A warning is generated when the physical memory (RAM) has reached a critical fill or defragmentation status. The instructions in the text message should be followed. If the message appears frequently, lowering the texture and object quality in the game options can often lead to a significant improvement.
Further changes:
- Until now, players were able to avoid having to pay for the extension of the Corsair Pact by proposing fraternization. This option was removed, so now the player must now either pay, or deal with the consequences.
- The probability of receiving the items &Excellent Hanseatic League Master Builder& or &Imperial Cathedral Master Builder& has been increased.
- If a hidden mission is not detected, no messages stating that the mission failed will be generated.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the launch of user-scenario savegames on other computers.
- Selecting a portrait exclusive to the ANNO 1404 - Venice AddOn could lead to errors when playing ANNO 1404. This bug has been corrected.
- The &The disloyal Assistant III& quest didn't spawn any blockade ships. This prevented completion of the quest chain, preventing players from attaining the &Everything has it's price& achievement. This bug has been corrected.
- Hekata was not offering the &The fourth sister (I-III)& quest chain. This prevented completion of the quest chain, preventing players from attaining the &The might of the three& achievement. This bug has been corrected.
- Marie d'Artois was not offering the &Journey into the past (I-IV)& quest chain. This prevented completion of the quest chain, preventing players from attaining the &You all owe me a favor& achievement. This bug has been corrected.
Download Link:
ANNO 1404 - Venice - Patch Notes 2.1
The most important changes in overview:
- A bug in the save routine could prevent games from being saved correctly on some systems or system configurations. Related Designs would like to thank the community at this pointfor their outstanding support, without which we could never have repaired this error. In particular, we would like to thank &Matt McCorman& for his active support, as well as all the users from the community who voluntarily contributed both their PC's and their time. We were finally able to localize and correct the error. As a result, no more faulty saves should be generated.
- A warning is generated when the physical memory (RAM) has reached a critical fill or defragmentation status. The instructions in the text message should be followed. If the message appears frequently, lowering the texture and object quality in the game options can often lead to a significant improvement.
Further changes:
- Until now, players were able to avoid having to pay for the extension of the Corsair Pact by proposing fraternization. This option was removed, so now the player must now either pay, or deal with the consequences.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the launch of user-scenario savegames on other computers.
- Selecting a portrait exclusive to the ANNO 1404 - Venice AddOn could lead to errors when playing ANNO 1404. This bug has been corrected.
- Effective immediately, Lord Richard Northburgh now offers more suitable items once all human players have achieved the highest level of prestige in the orient.
- The probability of receiving the items &Excellent Hanseatic League Master Builder& or &Imperial Cathedral Master Builder& has been increased.
- The &Shouldn't we be going to war soon& achievement is now correctly unlocked once players have played 10 hours of a multi-player game.
- The &Actions speak louder than words& achievement is now correctly unlocked once players have played 3 hours of a multi-player game without chatting. This makes it possible to attain the &A shut mouth catches no flies& achievement.
- The &I work best under pressure& achievement is now correctly unlocked as soon as the &Incognito& scenario is completed with a travel time of 30 minutes (or more).
- The &I could turn myself in& achievement is now correctly unlocked as soon as the player has achieved a bounty of 80,000 gold coins (or more) in the &Scourge of the Seas& scenario. This makes it possible to attain the &Like a proper Corsair& and &I'm the best& achievements.
- The &Master detective& achievement is now correctly unlocked as soon as the player has completed the &In the trap& and &Unknown cargo& quests. This makes it possible to also attain the &I'm the best& achievement.
- The &Urgent business II& quest is no longer withdrawn as soon as it's posted. This allows the quest chain to be completed properly, making it possible to attain the &Masquerade&, &New challenges& and &Well done& achievements.
- The &The disloyal Assistant III& quest didn't spawn any blockade ships. This prevented completion of the quest chain, preventing players from attaining the &Everything has it's price& achievement. This bug has been corrected.
- Hekata was not offering the &The fourth sister (I-III)& quest chain. This prevented completion of the quest chain, preventing players from attaining the &The might of the three& achievement. This bug has been corrected.
- Marie d'Artois was not offering the &Journey into the past (I-IV)& quest chain. This prevented completion of the quest chain, preventing players from attaining the &You all owe me a favor& achievement. This bug has been corrected.
Download Link:
冷不丁还冒出来个纪元1404 黄金版(国王版),我也顺带转载下,最底下有些youtube的截图,如果我没眼花,我想我看到了纪元1503
ANNO 1404 K?nigsedition
Download Link:
20-09-37-17.jpg (198.87 KB, 下载次数: 4)
20:11 上传
20-09-43-05.jpg (155.36 KB, 下载次数: 1)
20:12 上传
20-09-46-01.jpg (158.85 KB, 下载次数: 2)
20:12 上传
作者: duan1988420& & 时间:
作者: shinya1982& & 时间:
作者: shinya1982& & 时间:
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
作者: 流浪的鸽子& & 时间:
作者: duan1988420& & 时间:
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
作者: 流浪的鸽子& & 时间:
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
& & - =迅雷普通用户表示泪流满面啊,,,看到100%的离线资源不能下到。。。qq旋风的离线下载又不给立
作者: 流浪的鸽子& & 时间:
我也是普通迅雷用户,迅雷普通用户可以申请3天的免费离线下载试用,我就是这样载下来的 ,给一个地址吧,还有一天就到期,不过不知道能不能下载
Venice V2.1 patch
再次鄙视那些已经用广告污染了我们的眼睛,却还整天无耻地想掠夺我们血汗钱的 天 朝 软件商
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
& & 我在qq离线里硬试了N次,总算搞下来了 ,哎,硬盘版怎么安装,怎么破解,汉化咋办。。。哭 。。。
作者: 流浪的鸽子& & 时间:
作者: A3971054& & 时间:
作者: A3971054& & 时间:
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
- - 我右键以管理员身份运行,,他不鸟我啊。。。悲剧。。。说么有找到任何版本的anno1404
作者: 流浪的鸽子& & 时间:
& & 硬盘版的在安装时候没有写入注册表文件,所以补丁的安装文件找不到路径,又不可以手动指定安装,以前的硬盘版覆盖升级补丁都是这游戏热门的时候一些高手提取的,现在这游戏都没人了,所以提取也没什么希望了,我一直以来都是用光盘原版的,比硬盘版来得稳定
作者: duan1988420& & 时间:
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
& & 能否请教你当时下的是哪个光盘版,是3dm的吗,还有破解是用的哪个,大不了我继续用离线下载折腾
作者: 流浪的鸽子& & 时间:
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
& & 借了朋友的迅雷vip开始下载,一切都很给力!
作者: mmll888& & 时间:
作者: wwwbn& & 时间:
硬盘版无法升级& &那位大大能吧补丁提取出来
作者: A3971054& & 时间:
作者: A3971054& & 时间:
我的是WIN 7
作者: myfalcom& & 时间:
作者: A3971054& & 时间:
& & 上面就有下载了。
作者: arsen_bayern& & 时间:
作者: hua4100121& & 时间:
AONO1404光盘版 威尼斯 光盘版
还是用光盘版 放心。。。硬盘版容易崩溃的说。
作者: & & 时间:
作者: 机枪兵01& & 时间:
用谷歌浏览器下载速度没慢于3位数的泪流满面…… 不知道我的威尼斯2.0版能不能玩……
P.S. 这游戏快两年了还有补丁啊……育碧你丫还算敬业的说……
作者: liuyun821024& & 时间:
作者: jarry2009& & 时间:
纪元1404 黄金版(国王版)这个补丁这么大有什么东西?会出现威尼斯破解无效吗?有破解吗?
作者: liuyun821024& & 时间:
作者: 机枪兵01& & 时间:
作者: mjzdh& & 时间:
玩了很久了 我也来顶一下 增加点人气
作者: yjwoo& & 时间:
作者: zjhzjh2& & 时间:
这游戏 特纠结!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
作者: & & 时间:
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