玩电脑算indoor game 有哪些吗

Xiangqi is played on a board that is nine lines wide and ten
lines long. In a manner similar to the game Go (W&iq& 圍棋), the
pieces are played on the intersections, which are known as points.
The vertical lines are known as files, while the horizontal lines
are known as ranks.
Centered at the first through third and eighth through tenth
ranks of the board are two square zones. The three point by three
point zone is demarcated by two diagonal lines connecting opposite
corners and intersecting at the center point. Each of these areas
is known as 宮 &gōng, a "palace" or
Dividing the two opposing sides, between the fifth and sixth
ranks, is 河 h&, the "river". The river is often marked with the
phrases 楚河 &chǔ h&, meaning "Chu River", and 漢界
(in Traditional Chinese), &h&n ji&, meaning "Han
border", a reference to the Chu-Han War. Although the river
provides a visual division between the two sides, only two pieces
are affected by its presence: soldier pieces have an enhanced move
after crossing the river, while elephant pieces cannot cross. The
starting points of the soldiers and cannons are usually, but not
always, marked with small crosses.
The pieces start in the position shown in the diagram above.
Which player moves first has varied throughout history and from one
part of China to another. Different xiangqi books advise either
that the black or red side moves first.[citation needed] Some books
refer to the two side which direction
corresponds to which color also varies from source to source.
Generally, Red moves first in most modern tournaments.[1]
Each player in turn moves one piece from the point it occupies
to another point. Pieces are generally not permitted to move
through a point occupied by another piece. A piece can be moved
onto a point occupied by an enemy piece, in which case the enemy
piece is captured and removed from the board. A player cannot
capture one of his own pieces. Pieces are never promoted (converted
into other pieces), although the soldier is able to move sideways
after it crosses the river. Almost all pieces capture using their
normal moves, while the cannon has a special capture move described
An instance of checkmate that assumes the cannon is safe and
Black cannot block the check. The horse is not needed for this
The game ends when one player captures the other's general.
When the general is in danger of being captured by the enemy player
on his next move, the enemy player has "delivered a check"
(simplified Chinese: 照将/将军; traditional Chinese: 照將/將軍, abbreviated
(simplified Chinese: 将; traditional Chinese: 將; pinyin: jiāng
jiāng)), and the general is "in check". A check should be
announced. If the general's player can make no move to prevent the
general's capture, the situation is called "checkmate" (simplified
Chinese: 将死; traditional Chinese: 將死). Unlike chess, in which a
stalemate is a draw, in xiangqi, a player with no legal moves left
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。Indoor Games
Do you play any indoor games?
Yes, but not too often. Whenever the weather gets rough, I prefer staying at home.
If I have someone to play with, I prefer table tennis, it is enjoyable, at the same time, it is a good cardiovascularexercise. Plus, it keeps me active.
WhenI am not in the mood for fast-paced activities, I like playing board gamesor card games, I enjoy these more if I have some friends over.
The weather gets tough 天气变得糟糕
a good cardiovascular exercise 有氧运动
keep me active 让我活跃起来
fast-paced activities 快节奏活动
board games 纸牌游戏
Weekly Post
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月雅思口语Part1范文:Indoor game
15:19:47 来源:新东方在线
game。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。  &&&更多请点击:  1.Do you play any indoor games?  I like to play badminton, which is usually played indoors.  2.Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?  I actually prefer outdoor games, as I love to be in the fresh air, but the
weather is not always appropriate for playing outside, so I do quite a few
indoor activities, such as badminton and I go to a gym.  3.What indoor games did you play when you were a child?  When I was a child, I liked to play basketball, I was not very good, but I
used to enjoy playing with my friends  4.Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a
child)?  Yes, I liked basketball, and table tennis. We had a table in our house, and
my brother and I liked to play together.  5.What sorts of indoor games do children play now?  Nowadays, children do not play as much sport as in the past, and many like
to sit at home and play computer games.
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雅思公开课雅思36D神卡 | 游乐人生 Indoor Game/Choose Gift/Toys
雅思36D神卡 | 游乐人生 Indoor Game/Choose Gift/Toys
各位超龄儿童,还在怀念旧日时光吗?你们从小到大最渴望的玩具是什么?有没有一直喜欢的游戏?曾经送过礼物给心爱的人吗。。。?今天雅思36D的Chloe老师给大家带来雅思口语Part1的玩具类+礼物类话题,以及Part2的挑选礼物+室内游戏类话题,共4套神卡。同学们记得好好收藏!Describe an indoor game that you played in your childhood描述一个你玩的室内游戏。室内游戏其实有很多种,最简单的包括拼拼图,玩乐高积木,玩模型,大富翁等等。。。很多卡牌游戏也可以算。注意这个题目的考点其实是时态,要用simple past tenseDescribe a gift that you took a long time to choose for描述一个你花了很长时间来挑选的礼物。其实这个题目有一个隐藏关键词,就是收到你礼物的人,the receiver。同学们必须花时间来描述那个人到底是谁?他如何特别,为什么值得你花时间来给他挑礼物。最后,给大家带来关于玩具以及礼物的经典Part1类话题。除了玩具toy这个题目之外,还有一个相关的题目gift也是很多同学都会遇到的,接下来我们一起来看:好啦~今天雅思36D的Chloe老师就给大家说到这里啦~欢迎各位宝宝们订阅我哦我们明天见~Bye~
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简介: 我是雅思36D的Chloe老师~带你高分带你飞~


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