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游戏公司:Game Cognition
更新时间: 14:36
《穆岛Island Of Mu》算是一个会让人眼前一亮的游戏。在《穆岛Island Of Mu》中,核心部分是动物保育,通过训练土、空气、火、水、光、暗六种不同属性的宝宝,一旦达到一定等级后,就能让它们参与到寻找新物种或者战斗等活动中。而养成动物需要的饲料可以通过种植获取,玩家可以在岛上开辟农田,不断种植能够提高动物经验的各类食物。
版本:v1.0.11大小:157.2 MB系统:需要 iOS 6.0 或更高版本更新日期:日
1.安卓手机请选择安卓APK文件下载,苹果手机请选择APP stroe或者IPA越狱文件下载。
4.如果找不到你想要的游戏下载资源,请加游戏堡手游QQ群: 可以帮助您解决手游相关问题。
中国综合游戏门户之一,游戏堡网提供(,网络游戏,网页游戏,手机游戏等)资讯,攻略,下载,补丁 是您找游戏内容的最好选择。
All Rights Reserved 湘ICP备号-2 湘公网安备18 苏网文〔-015号
游戏堡网温馨提示:抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏,注意自我保护,谨防受骗上当,适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身,合理安排时间,享受健康生活!T-Aiko! is a Rhythm Game inspired by famous games and based on the gameplay and huge song library of osu! Import your favourite pop and anime beatmaps and drum to tunes hand-designed to match the melody including many famous songs and charts from other music game titles in a music game designed for competitiveness.Challenge yourself locally or against global high scores and become a part of the development that is T-Aiko! to prove yourself the world-wide drum master.You can download thousands of user-created songs linked through the app provided by unaffiliated websites ranging from pop, indie through to anime songs and play by importing your own osu! beatmaps through iTunes---To add beatmaps, connect your device to iTunes and add .osz beatmap files to the T-Aiko! app's 'Documents' on your device.Check here for how to add your own beatmaps: /en-ap/HT201301Additionally, T-Aiko! can handle links to online beatmaps, simply paste taiko://downloadmap:www.your_beatmap_here.osz into your browser, edit it to where your beatmap is located and visit for it to open in T-Aiko!Visit http://taiko.low.moe for beatmaps!---Compete online with tens of thousands of other players with competitive scoreboards!Like us on FaceBook /pages/T-Aiko/008
甜蜜又刺激的烤蛋糕遊戲iOS遊戲上市!不只烤蛋糕,還考你的IQ 與反應力!遊戲特色1.玩法直覺簡單,動動手指即可烘焙出可愛蛋糕2.《Cake5》宇宙大冒險,百大關卡等你來挑戰3.活動獎不完,週週都有新活動讓你玩4.轉盤抽獎歡樂不斷,蛋糕咖啡等你來拿5.透過送禮,向好友情人傳達暖暖的心意遊戲說明■簡單玩法將烤好的蛋糕娃娃置入盒子中,即可完成。別忘了將三個蛋糕娃娃連成一線,就可以產生翅膀蛋糕,合成愈多的翅膀分數愈高喔!■可愛動畫不同造型烤爐配合不同場景,每關都有不同的可愛動畫,CC、GBM、Taro、Brownie、Rainbow 也會給你特別的道具,幫助你快點過關喔!■排名模式想看看自己烤蛋糕的技術如何,可透過排名模式與Facebook的好友們競賽互動,一較高下喔!當分數超越好友時,玩家可以發出一則Facebook訊息,通知好友你的名次已經超越他囉!■任務模式每一個關卡都有不同的挑戰任務,用心及用點策略,快跟隨CC他們去闖過每一關吧!每次任務達成時都有滿滿的獎勵喔!■音樂關卡高手玩家可享受「魔鬼加速版」及「音樂打擊版」,快跟你的朋友挑戰反應力,並可獲得獎勵道具及金幣喔!■生日送禮結合Facebook生日功能,即時送禮給Facebook生日好友,你可以將你得到的兌換券或實體可愛小物送給你的好友,並留言祝福他(她)。■社群互動結合Facebook社群功能,隨時邀請好友一同遊戲,也可在沒有「愛心」的時候,緊急向好友求救,或使用「ask」功能向你的朋友要道具唷! ■加分小秘訣1) 快速合成翅膀,累積愈多翅膀等級,分數會愈高2) 先包裝同花色蛋糕,可促進其他花色蛋糕形成翅膀的機會3) 太空關卡,可召喚飛碟,所有蛋糕都會升等變成翅膀等級喔背景故事在銀河彼端,有個甜蜜星球,人們過著幸福快樂的日子,就這樣渡過了很長很長的一段時間。有一天,天地變色,蜜糖星球頓時失去了以往的甜蜜味覺與歡樂,人們苦不堪言。國王與皇后也為此憂心忡忡,此時大臣想起古代文獻中記載,祖先們曾經前往銀河彼端旅行,並且在一個叫做地球的地方與當地文明交好,並傳授了製作甜點的技術。不過記載前往地球路線的文獻已經損毀,但博士心想,或許能從其中找出讓消失的甜蜜味覺,於是為了讓甜蜜星球恢復從前的榮景,找來五位志願前往地球遠征的勇士。他們分別就是CC、GBM、Taro、Brownie、Rainbow,而前往地球的路途才正要開始…路上不知道會發生什麼事情呢?
丛林猎人战斗传奇精英热火挑战LITE - 多人重装上阵版! Jungle Hunter Battle of Legends Elite Heat Challenge LITE - Multiplayer Reloaded Edition!
- 游戏玩法很简单,变得更具挑战性,因为你避免动物
- 点击屏幕左侧跃过动物
- 点击屏幕右侧动物解雇你的武器
- 收集黄金戒指解锁更多的猎人
- 你玩的时间越长,游戏的动作更快。每次你丛林猎人传奇闪电战,它改变,所以你永远玩同样的游戏两次
- 挑战你的朋友打你的分数!
业余稻草人总喷气包混沌巨人农场征服战役死亡 - 免费万圣节僵尸游戏 Amateur Scarecrow Total Jet Pack Chaos and Giant Farm Conquest Battles of Death - FREE Halloween Zombie Game
- 游戏玩法很简单,变得更具挑战性,因为你疯狂僵尸农民和秃鹰
- 按下屏幕上的启动喷气背包。发行停用向下漂移。
- 收集金币来解锁更多的稻草人,与更多的生命!
- 你玩的时间越长,游戏的动作更快。每一次你玩业余稻草人总喷气包混沌巨农场征服战斗死亡,它改变了,所以你永远玩同样的游戏两次
- 挑战你的朋友打你的分数!
不可能果冻鱼岛海滩航程和金币飞溅的战斗冒险PRO - 免费游戏的诅咒! The Curse of the Impossible Jelly Fish Island Beach Voyage and the Gold Coin Splash Battle Adventure PRO - FREE Game!
Pro版本 - 现在与多个生命多个世界,和拍摄的水母! 这些果冻生物坐车,刚开。收集金币来解锁更多的果冻鱼友游弋果冻岛海滩。 解锁更多的果冻哥们,比去年更多的生命,让你的有史以来最高得分的最佳机会。 他们能跳非常高,而且他们需要,如果他们想摆脱船,鸟,和TE尼斯湖水怪。----------------以下是本场比赛是如何工作的: - 游戏玩法很简单,变得更具挑战性,因为你避免尼斯湖水怪的怪物,海盗船,帆船,和鸟类 - 点击屏幕左侧越过障碍
- 点击右侧的画面拍摄 - 收集金币来解锁更多的果冻生物
- 收集沙滩球,获得了一阵速度,让你立于不败之地 - 你玩的时间越长,游戏的动作更快。每次玩果冻岛海滩航程不可能的诅咒 - 金币飞溅战役的,它改变,所以你永远玩同样的游戏两次 -
GameCenter的排行榜让你怎么看你的分数与其他球员相比,你多久能够生存和收集金币和沙滩球 - 挑战你的朋友打你的分数!免责声明KIDS模式在App购买功能儿童模式是在应用程序内购买功能,在游戏中,允许用户有无限的健康。另外,此功能禁用字符收集游戏币和游戏内的障碍物的能力击落的能力。此功能的目的是为了让用户和/或为此事的孩子能够玩游戏,在较长的一段时间内没有被击中任何在游戏障碍。用户也可以选择关闭KIDS模式关以及。----------------
A Modern Dogfight Combat - Jet Fighter Plane Game HD Pro
Holiday Special: o Free to download for a limited time only! Pro Version:o NEW UAV *MQ-9 - Reaper* Take control of the sky with modern combat aircrafts! ____________________________________________ Arcade style air combat with real-life HD graphics! ____________________________________________ You can destroy or dodge enemy missiles and fighter jets as you earn stars to unlock jets. Gameplay becomes more and more challenging as enemy approach you faster and faster. Challenge a friend to see who can earn the most points. ____________________________________________ 4 different fighter jets to choose from: o F-15 – Strike Eagle o F-35 – Lightning II o F-22 – Raptoro MQ-9 - Reaper (only in Pro version)
321鱼乐趣! - 与朋友免费
*****水下多人赛车乐趣! *****
o真棒的多人动作 - 在屏幕上看到你的朋友实时
所以很容易控制 - 点选游泳,挖掘火,简单
对你的朋友玩,现在...... 321鱼乐趣!
瓶盖爆炸极限 - 一个有趣的跳跃游戏!
- 倾斜你的iPhone或iPad向左或向右移动左,右,避免冰块。
- 保持在气泡和收集金币解锁更多的瓶盖有多种颜色。
- 你玩的时间越长,游戏的动作更快。每一次你玩瓶盖高炉极端,它改变,所以你永远玩同样的游戏两次
- 挑战你的朋友打你的分数!
Unreal Speed 3D: Miami Heat Asphalt Racing
Welcome to the rising Sin City, where racing for pinks is the normal thing.Think you have what it takes? Dare you.
Beat the Melody
Music geeks from land of Chopin introduce simple game that can teach anyone how to enjoy music more!Fun for all the family... and future tenors, divas & rock stars!1. Accessible and innovative gameplay,2. No music skill needed to enjoy,3. Proven scientific method,4. From the land of Chopin,5. Over 200 famous melodies,6. Learn to recognize both pitch & tone,7. Next time you hum in the shower, it might be in tune.Many of our team grew up with very little formal music education, but now many of us have kids, and we were looking for a way to help them (and us) learn about & love music.We approached the smartest music geeks in the land of Chopin (academics from the Wroclaw Music Academy, Poland) to get an in-depth understanding on the science behind learning to play an instrument or sing a song in tune.Our team were surprised to learn that there are proven methods that can significantly improve pitch & tone recognition (a vital first step to becoming a maestro) for anyone... whether a 4 year old just becoming interested in music all the way to their grandparents.We have taken that fundamental science, and turned it into a fun game that we are sure you will enjoy.Don't forget to tell your family and friends!
You are the Cha-Ching Band Manager and they need YOUR help to take them to new heights of stardom. Get ready for a musical journey from the small stage to the bright lights of the arena and help the Cha-Ching band become global mega-stars! Create your own songs in the studio and perform them for your adoring fans in different venues across town in addition to all the band’s songs that have already made them famous. Perform other bands’ songs and see how you compare. As the band becomes better they’ll be able to unlock bigger and better venues. You will need to manage the band’s earnings in the bank and help improve their performances by purchasing better instruments from the Music Store and Power-Ups in the Training Facility and Sweet Shop. Share your music with other bands and increase your popularity. Do you have what it takes to help the band to Earn, Save, Spend and Perform their way to rock world supremacy?Prudential Corporation Asia is a business unit of Prudential plc of the United Kingdom. Neither Prudential Corporation Asia nor Prudential plc are affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc., a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America. In Japan, Taiwan and Korea, Prudential Corporation Asia trades under the PCA name for its insurance business. Its asset management business in Asia operates under the name Eastspring Investments.
Electronic Song Maker - Magic EDM Loopmachine & Beatmaker
Make cool electro, eletronic, house & dance music with your iOS Device that will captivate your audience! The Electronic Song Maker puts the hottest song construction kits, samples and drum kits at your fingertips. Produce impressive results in no time even without any prior knowledge. Just by tapping the sample blocks you can develop your own hit songs/beats that will make your friends dance. Electronic Song Maker is a fun & creative sample machine and music sequencer. Play cool & hot drumbeats, cool kicks, cymbals, smashing power snares, phrases, melodies, stabs, chords, powerful synths and other sound effects. Create your own hit songs. Jam directly on your iOS device. Plug in your headphones and enjoy the sounds & music. 12 Samplekits (336 Samples) to choose from and an easy-to-use high-tech interface makes this app real fun for everyone. Don't miss it.Use the easy-to-use, but powerful pattern sequencer to record, edit and save your Sessions. * 12 Sample-Kits * Pattern-Sequencer * Record your Tracks * Save/Load your Beats * Adjust the tempo in realtime * MetronomeThe most creative music tool for your iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch.
Dubstep Song Construction Kit
Make music with your iOS Device that will captivate your audience! The Dubstep Construction Kit puts the hottest dubstep drum kits and samples at your fingertips.Produce impressive results in no time even without any prior knowledge. Just by tapping the sample blocks you can develop your own hit songs/beats that will make your friends dance. Dubstep Construction Kit is a fun & creative sample machine. Play cool & hot drumbeats, cool kicks, cymbals, smashing power snares, phrases, melodies, stabs, chords, powerful synths and other sound effects. Create your own hit beats. Jam directly on your iOS device. Plug in your headphones and enjoy the sounds & music. 26 Samplekits (672 Samples) to choose from and an easy-to-use design makes this app real fun for everyone. Use the easy-to-use, but powerful pattern sequencer to record, edit and save your Sessions. * 24 Sample-Kits* Pattern-Sequencer* Record your Tracks* Save/Load your Beats* Adjust the tempo in realtime* Metronome
史上最好玩的音乐节奏类游戏~非常校园好评出炉啦!!!!!让我们一起回到最甜蜜的儿童时代,尽情的玩耍吧!!!!!想成为非常校园的跨栏达人?那就横扫所有的对手,勇敢的向前冲吧!想成为武术达人?OK!集中精力劈砖块!看看屏幕上有什么异常?哇~~全新物理对对碰游戏好玩到爆!你要做的就是跟随音乐节奏在屏幕任意位置向正确的方向(上下左右)滑动手指。剩下的就是享受这个精彩的游戏过程了!★ ★
游戏特色 ★ ★
★ ★ 完美的卡通风格,适合所有玩家,和你最爱的人一起游戏吧! ★ 锻炼自己的节奏感,随音乐的节奏上下左右滑动手指、控制角色跳跃或击打。成为节奏达人吧!★ 游戏太难?有道具帮你~对手脑子有点乱~趁机超越吧!★ 多套服装音、多首音乐、多种模式、慢慢收集吧!★ 细节满点的表情及动作,你的角色会对你的技术进行最详细的动作反馈!★ ★
模式简介★ ★
肖邦 音乐游戏
肖邦,音乐的复兴! 千禧年来临之际,世间的音乐被划分为几类主要形式.没有灵魂的音乐生产线正蓬勃发展.仅有少数的艺术家设法在这种主流音乐的边缘生存.看起来音乐史正在迎来不可避免的毁灭.但在欧洲中部某处,一件神秘的事情已开启了一项危险的计划.一项会颠覆一切的计划.音乐大师回来了,还带着他的音乐和他一起回归.现代音乐家对他来说毫无挑战,在地球上他们无处可藏,正如同整个世界都在他的音乐前颤抖一般.肖邦会发现他为什么会重生吗?他将旅行至何处又会和谁决斗?他的音乐在21世纪还能大放异彩吗?这一切只能由你自己见证!9场极具挑战性的音乐决斗!9首肖邦经典作品重新编曲。一个小时的雷德里克的救赎,梦幻般的剧情,漫画式的图片动画。音乐将会改变...直到永远!
R'n'B and Hip Hop Song Maker - Free Magic Music Track Construction Kit
Make music with your iOS Device that will captivate your audience! Produce impressive results in no time even without any prior knowledge. Just by tapping the sample blocks you can develop your own hit songs that will make your friends dance. This app will give you six construction kits with the hottest beats, bass lines and perfectly composed melodies and synth chords ranging from RnB, Soul, Pop & HipHop. Start now and create your own hit record.
Techno Kitten Adventure
* NYAN IS BACK! IOS EXCLUSIVE LEVEL AVAILABLE NOW!* Awezome news! Get all 4 original TKA packs for the price of 1!* If you bought Dream Pack before the update, you already own the Mega Pack! Just re-download & you won't be charged again!Navigate a kitten by jetpack, fueled by hopes and dreams, through a fantastical world of techno music."Techno Kitten Adventure will be the next runaway hit. Mark our words." - G4TVU Can Has:* DREAM PACKFrisco - Sea of Love (Hixxy Remix)StarringJetpack Kitteh - Byarf Kitteh - Butterfly Kitteh - Dream Kitteh - Mermaid Kitteh* MEAT PACKR-KADE - Taste of HeavinStarringSteak Kitteh - Bacon Kitteh - Sausage Kitteh - Burger Kitteh* CLOUD PACKRe-Con - Like A RainbowStarringLove Kitteh - Angel Kitteh - Baby Kitteh - Death Kitteh* LAVA PACKStyles & Breeze - You're ShiningStarringBat Kitteh - Fire Kitteh - Rock Kitteh - Dragon Kitteh* POPAGANDA PACKR-KADE - Intergalactical HighStarringAlien Kitteh - Grin Kitteh - MC Supersize Kitteh* NYAN PACKR-KADE - My RainbowStarringNyan Cat - Gameboy Cat - Tac Nayn
蜡笔钢琴是一款不错的音乐小游戏,画面很有蜡笔画的感觉,分为左边低声部和右边高声部分 另外左右都可以开自动,没事的时候就弹上一曲吧!
一款画面简洁,节奏很快的休闲小游,很考验你的反应速度,你需要根据屏幕提示来完成相应的点击操作,蓝色的是要点击圆点的,橘色的要点击非圆点,点对了加分,点错了减分,点出了范围也会减分。游戏支持Game Center,你可以跟世界各地的朋友一决高下!
Si te gusta el Simón dice y la música te encantará BeatboxmaniaCon 4 modos de juego Beatboxmania es el Simón más divertido☆☆ COMO SE JUEGA ☆☆De forma aleatoria se van iluminando los botones de colores y a la vez que se iluminan emiten un sonido propio. Después de esperar, debes introducir la misma secuencia en el orden correcto. Si consigues introducir la secuencia correctamente, el juego responderá con un secuencia mas larga, y así sucesivamente. Si fallas el juego empezará de nuevo.Pon a conocer tus dotes como DJ con Beatboxmania en el modo "freestyle".☆☆ CARACTERISTICAS DEL JUEGO ☆☆- 3 modos de juego:- Fácil: 4 botones- Medio: 6 botones- Difícil: 8 botones- Modo freestyle: Sé tu propio Dj.- "GameCenter"- Publica en Twitter tu puntuación.
M.A.S.H. Lite
M.A.S.H. Lite contains three of the best FREE MASH games in one. You get MASH Dating, MASH Wedding, and the classic MASH game. MASH Dating will let you know who you'll go out with this Saturday night and how the night will unfold.MASH Wedding will tell the story of your special day.MASH Classic will let you know who you will marry, where you will live, and whether you will find yourself living in a Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House (MASH)!Hours of fun and FREE to play!! Read or share your stories with your besties!When you are ready to upgrade the full version contains all the same fun, but with tons of more questions so you can make longer stories.
销售最佳的基于音乐的平台游戏已到来 - 它很有可能是世界上最难的游戏! 游戏控制只有一个,触按屏幕跳跃,引导你的橙色方块跳过三角形并跳到方块上以到达关卡终点。任何失误都会导致立刻死亡并重新回到关卡开头开始。游戏搭配了一首动感的音乐,你会很快上瘾的! 游戏还包含了一个练习模式,使你可以一路放置检查点。尝试在游戏中解锁奖章,包括不使用旗帜完成游戏。查看统计页可了解你玩到关卡哪个位置了!
古树旋律 Deemo
Avicii | Gravity
Play GRAVITY and experience Avicii’s music in a whole new way. Your performance will dynamically change how his hit songs are played for you, in a capturing ride through endless, artistic environments – also inspired by Avicii’s music. Upgrade your ships and use a wide range of powers to further enhance your performance.Together with the highly anticipated debut studio album “True” by Avicii, comes the game GRAVITY. In addition to a compelling game experience, GRAVITY also includes an opportunity for true fans and players to earn a game-exclusive Avicii mix.Earn points by keeping your wits about you and collecting a variety of pickups – in a certain order.
Successfully “chaining” a long order of pickups will grant greater rewards. You may also spend in-game currency (earned or bought) to unlock permanent collectables and limited consumables.Avicii songs you buy through the app will not only become available in your iTunes Library, but also in the form of an optional soundtrack in the spectacular Level X. That way you can customize your experience while unlocking new content and competing against players and Avicii fans all over the world.
The Real DJ - Rhythm game
"好東西! - 我無法理解為什麼會有低於四顆星的評論出現"
by 冷凍座頭鯨★★★ ★终身免费节奏动作游戏★★★★
★★★★使用在我的iPhone上储存的音乐★★★★★★★在Float32 Inc上雄心勃勃地准备的The Real Series的第一个作品The Real DJ终于上市了. ★★★ ◆ The Real DJ与现有的节奏动作游戏不同,选择在我的iPhone中储存的歌曲尽情地享受.◆ 每天能够免费玩10个游戏.?◆ 游戏太有趣了,想玩更多的游戏吗?◆ 那么,请购买[PREMIUM PACK]. ★★★注意事项★★★◆ iPhone 3GS以上进行运行.?◆ 不能用DRM保护的音源玩.?? ★★★购买Premium Pack的各位★★★?◆ 终身可无限玩. 终身免费~~~◆ 去除了歌曲选择画面的广告. 讨厌损害设计的广告!!?◆ 能够设定只属于我的背景画面. ex) 喜欢的明星照片,恋人照片,家人照片,宠物照片,孩子照片??★★★怎么使用iPhone 音乐? ★★★?◆ The Real DJ分析选择的iPhone音乐数据,自动生成音符.?◆ 因此,无论什么音乐都能玩. 当然,根据歌曲可能会有小的误差.?◆ 这些不足的部分预计将不断地更新解决. 尽请期待 :)???????★★★ 游戏方法 ★★★??◆ 执行程序,向Select Music 画面移动.◆在 Select Music画面上出现与我的iPod同时化的音乐.??◆ 如果选择您想要的歌曲,音乐则被自动分析并向游戏画面转换. ??◆ 如果分析只执行一次,那么从下次开始可不用分析,直接进入游戏.??◆ 瞄准从上面下来的音符,按下下端的按键即可.◆ 带有箭头模样的音符,请向箭头方向滑动.??◆ 提供简单,直观的用户界面,因此只要执行一次即可马上变得熟练.??★★★FAQ★★★??◆ Q. 是免费的,但是却进行了结算.◆ A. 上述情况大部分是在苹果中为了检查信用卡的有效性而进行了假设的结算.并不是要求实际金额,因此请您放心.??◆ Q. 购买了Premium Pack,但是却进行了2次结算.◆ A. 上述情况大部分是在苹果中为了检查信用卡的有效性,在实际结算之前进行了一次假设的结算。并不是要求实际金额,因此请您放心.??◆ Q. 删除了程序,重新安全时Premium Pack消失了.◆ A. 已经购买Premium Pack的各位即时重新购买也不用付费,因此不用担心,请重新购买。但是,必须要使用第一次购买的ID进行购买.
周一至周五 09:30 - 22:00
周六、周日 10:00 - 19:00
健康游戏忠告:抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活


