unity3d如何导入fbxgfx unity3d

  ( 19:41:57)
1.一般来说,unity3d中导入3ds max的模型以fbx格式为宜。不过即使3ds max导出.fbx文件时勾选了内嵌媒体,通常也无法在fbx模型导入unity时出现贴图。不过此时一般会生成fbx模型对应的materials文件夹(也即模型对应的材质球),无法出现贴图时,材质球是空的。此时可以把相关材质贴图图片放入unity后,将materials中的材质球赋予对应的材质贴图图片,此时模型即可得到贴图。需要注意的是,材质贴图图片可以为tga,但不可以是dds的,因为unity不能解析,dds文件可以用装了dds相关插件后的ps进行格式转换为tga。
2.轴向不统一问题的一种解决方法&&& 当模型预期的正向位置与引擎坐标轴Z轴位置不相同时要做处理。通常可以设置一个父级(cube和空GO都可以),然后让模型成为子物体。之后再保持父级旋转度不变的情况下改变模型旋转度等参数以正规化。之后脚本就附在父级上控制移动等。&&& 注意父级要手动添加rigidbody组件。模型默认没有collider,要手动添加。不过有时经常不添加模型collider,通过缩放父级的collider(缩放外表形态会改变模型大小,因此应该改collider),使父级collider能包裹住模型外表。
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为什么我的fbx导入 unity后 有些面显示黑色
但是在unity里面关掉 direction light 就正常了
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In the profiler I keep getting information on something called GFX.WaitForPresent. Its eating up 66% and its so annoying! Can anyone explain to me what this is, and what I can do to stop it?
Best Answer
This is absolutely not a bug. As CHPedersen is trying to explain to you, this is Vsync. If you do not know what Vsync is please look it up. In short Vsync is the vertical sync to switch the Render Target with the back buffer. This way you do not get screen Tearing as CHPedersen had said previously. This is not in fact a CPU bottleneck. This is merely to keep your game at 60fps even though it can go higher. If you go to Edit-&Project Settings-&Quality, in the Inspector window you will see VSync Count. You can switch between No Vsync, Vsync, and Every other Vsync.
This resource actually has to do with rendering the shadow buffer. By turning off real-time shadows, you can eliminate it. Be sure to use lightmaps whenever possible (Window -& Lightmapping).
Unity has the Beast Lightmapper built-in, it's very powerful and produces excellent lighting results. If you are using light-mapped-only lights, you can add light probes (pro only) to get nice lighting on real-time objects. Or, if you are using indie, baking lights with shadows then turning the shadows off will give a nice mix, as long as the lightmapping mode is set to &Auto&. By setting a light to &not important& it will be rendered as a vertex light which is good if you need many real-time lights in your scene for this purpose. Always try to reduce the number of real-time lights wherever possible, this will improve performance greatly.
If you can't use lightmaps, for example, in a procedurally-generated world, limiting the number of shadow casters on screen is the way to go. Also, using as few lights set to &important& is an excellent step, and some lights can be set to &not important& which will enforce vertex-only lighting for that light. This is good for lights that cover a large area in polygon-dense places, but not smaller lights. Vertex lighting is unrealistic but very fast and even vertex lights are a good addition when used correctly.
If you are on this answers page, it is likely you already know that good lighting improves scene quality greatly, and using all the tools available to achieve it is key to successfully implementing an eye-popping scene while keeping framerate consumption to a minimum.
It's much simpler then any of these other answers. You're looking in CPU stats. It's simply saying the CPU is waiting for the GPU. Look at your GPU stats and you'll see exactly what's taking so much time. =)
Problem exists even in blank 3D/2D projects with absolutely minimum quality settings.
I found this also showed up when setting the Player Settings to Multi-Threaded rendering on an Android device. I believe the device could not do this, so it was waiting for another thread all the time, which it didn't find.
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