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Remember my Login InfoLoginOur CustomersWe serve about 2,500 clients around the global, including local blue chips and Fortune 500 companies, international banks and financial institutions, as well as the governments of the Peoples Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Some of them are:& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& & & &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& & & &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&and...Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Limited LimitedCable TVChina Mobile Hong Kong Company LimitedCathay Pacific Airways LimitedGlaxoSmithKline LimitedHong Kong Film ArchiveHong Kong Tourism BoardSociete GeneraleSamsung Electronics Hong Kong Company LimitedSony Corporation of Hong Kong LimitedStandard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) LimitedThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityThe Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels LimitedTestimonials 刘之杰& 东风日产沟通传播部业务担当""慧科系统监测到的负面信息结果全面、严谨,帮助我们更好地采取措施去解决负面争议,辅助提高危机管理能力。" 东风日产沟通传播部业务担当 & 刘之杰更全面、更准确的舆情信息 早在2011年左右,东风日产就开始与媒体监测公司合作传统媒体(报纸、杂志、电视、广播等)领域的监测。但在过程中,他们发现当时合作的媒体监测公司对电台、电视的监测能力比较弱,并没有一个自动化系统和强有力的技术来帮助东风日产对全媒体进行监测分析。为了能获取更全面、准确的舆情信息和相关数据,东风日产对媒体监测公司的技术能力和媒体数据库的完善性提出了更高的要求。. 建立完善的全媒体监测体系2015年,为了建立更完善的监测体系,东风日产沟通传播部决定更换供应商并启动招标流程。竞标过程中,慧科的技术能力和完善的媒体数据库得到了东风日产的高度认可,最后慧科以较高的技术得分中标,向其提供全媒体监测洞察解决方案。&无论是传统媒体还是网络监测,慧科系统和平台都拥有完善的媒体数据库,24x7全天候提供最及时丶相关和全面的信息。在传统媒体,特别是电台、电视这一块,慧科有一套自动化系统,可以帮助我们通过自动监测全媒体,即时发掘重要商业资讯和情报,做出明智的决策。另外,慧科提供监测的现有平台非常吸引我们,收录很全面,技术能力也是得到我们认可的。& 东风日产沟通传播部业务担当刘之杰说。危机管理更及时有效由于以往合作的供应商的媒体数据库不太全面、覆盖不是很广的原因,东风日产对全媒体的负面监测,并非很全面,没有形成一套完善的体系,特别是电台、电视这一块的信息颇有缺失。&从慧科系统监测到的负面数据很全面,大范围的媒体负面报道都能筛选出来。慧科甚至会将英文版的报纸负面都帮我们归整出来,让我们更全面地了解当下的舆论环境。& 刘之杰说道。 &我们需要根据慧科系统监测的结果看下一步怎么处理,然后采取相应的措施。如果慧科的数据有遗漏或者是错误的话,对我们都会有一定的影响。但一直以来,慧科系统和平台监测到的负面信息的结果都比较全面和严谨,很令我们满意,帮助我们更好地采取措施去解决负面争议,辅助提高危机管理能力。&刘之杰续述。细致、严谨、专业慧科准确而且准时的交付令东风日产非常满意。在东风日产,负责产品和品牌公关传播的25位员工从慧科获取数据和报告,以数据为主,洞察、分析、审核、负面监测。东风日产沟通传播部业务担当刘之杰对慧科的感受是细致、细心、全面、严谨、专业。 &慧科服务人员非常细致,有责任感,处理数据相当细心。曾经在做一个负面专题监测的时候,需要将慧科的数据和另一家公司的数据进行整合。慧科不但帮我们把另外一家公司的数据进行整合审查,并将重复的数据或出错的地方帮我们挑出来,当时慧科人员的细心真的是让我非常满意。合作的过程,有什么问题和情况我们都及时沟通,并及时将问题解决。&刘之杰如是说。 & 东风日产东风日产乘用车公司(以下简称&东风日产&)于日成立,是东风汽车有限公司旗下重要的乘用车板块,从事乘用车研发、采购、制造、销售、服务业务,是国内为数不多的具备全价值链的汽车生产企业。东风日产乘用车公司由花都工厂、襄阳工厂、郑州工厂、大连工厂,以及发动机分公司和研发中心组成,有员工近19,000人。" vivo 维沃移动通信有限公司& 品牌战略部品牌研究经理"vivo是一家国际性的智能终端设备公司,在中国东莞、深圳、南京、重庆、和印度分别设立了研发中心和制造基地。公司致力于有绳电话、无绳电话、智能手机等各类通信产品的研发、制造和销售,业务覆盖中国、印度和东南亚等广大市场。据2016年第二季度的全球智能手机统计数据,vivo的出货量国内排名是前三,全球是前五。vivo借助全媒体量化数据,拟定明智决策需求随着业务发展改变过往,vivo一直着重采用以线下为主的推广和销售模式,借助于传统实体店和硬性广告的投入,让vivo的品牌热度不断提升,一跃成为国内智能手机品牌的佼佼者。在智能手机市场瞬息万变的大环境下,vivo的推广模式也随着转变。vivo品牌战略部品牌研究经理表示:&在与慧科合作之前,我们主要对硬性广告的投入包括电视、户外、网络等做监测,对软性广告、口碑以及全媒体新闻或者品牌公关等关注较少。随着业务发展,我们意识到需要时刻关注品牌、产品或营销活动在网络上的声音和消费者的口碑,然而,当时合作的供应商缺乏这方面的服务。&如何对品牌监测得更及时、准确和全面,如何更好地把握营销活动的效果成为一大挑战。全媒体监测辅助快速反应作为国内新兴的智能手机品牌,vivo需要时刻掌握公司新闻、最新行业资讯和市场动向以快速应对市场转变、拟定策略。慧科全媒体监测洞察解决方案全面覆盖微博、微信、论坛、博客、视频、网站、APP、问答、电视、广播、报刊,以及海外媒体,满足vivo的各类需求,包括危机预警追踪、舆情风险评估、专题事件追踪分析、投放传播价值评估、品牌声量口碑、竞品对比分析、社交媒体洞察等。为了透过各种渠道监测和获取消费者的反馈和评论,vivo从2015年底开始选择慧科全媒体监测洞察解决方案,除了用于新闻监测外,进一步分析消费者在线上媒体和社交媒体对vivo的相关讨论,和掌握竞品的状态。慧科的服务帮助vivo了解其媒体曝光量、评论以及社交媒体上针对产品的交流,并借此更具体地知道每一次营销活动的行为和效果。vivo品牌研究经理举例说:&前段时间我们在社交平台上发布了一个营销活动,一个看似蛮好的活动,但收到网民的讨论比较多。我们立马通过慧科产品进行全媒体监测分析,搜集消费者在线上媒体和社交媒体对这次活动的反馈,快速地做出反应。&她续说:&以后每推一个重大的营销活动,我们会通过慧科产品做舆情监测和分析,更具体地针对营销活动做一个效果的判断,以得到进一步的改善。慧科提供的全媒体量化数据,让我们可以在短时间内收到消费者的反馈,及时地做出反应,同时也让我们的决策更有把握。&全面、时效的数据提升效率vivo品牌战略部会通过慧科系统对每个品牌的新闻进行归类,再以邮件分享给相关同事作进一步分析。慧科数据的全面性和时效性正符合vivo的需求。vivo品牌研究经理述说:&过去我们是通过人工的方式翻看互联网各大门户网站的消息以及论坛、博客、微博等主流媒体上的舆情信息,还要人工将一些重复的内容过滤掉,再进行分析形成报告,每天需要耗费大量的时间及精力。使用慧科解决方案后不仅帮我们提高了效率,而且监测范围更广更全面。以前无法关注到的内容现在都一目了然。&智能方案令危机管理更高效除了工作效率提高之外,vivo对于突发事情的应变能力和危机管理能力也得到进一步的改善。vivo品牌研究经理忆述:&之前我们新投放了一个广告,有部分消费者对广告存在争议。我们通过慧科系统实时全面地了解了消费者的声音,采取了相应的措施解决争议,避免事态进一步升级。&vivo品牌研究经理对慧科的感受是智能、多维度、省心,她表示:&慧科提供的全媒体量化数据让我们在短时间内收到消费者的真实反馈,令决策更及时、更有把握。&" Rachel Lee& Corporate Communications HKTV"Hong Kong Television Network LimitedHong Kong Television Network Limited (HKTV) is a Hong Kong Listed company. Established in 1992, the group possesses extensive and successful experience in telecom market liberalization, popularizing advanced technology and applications. The Group currently engages in the development of Hong Kong's largest 24-hour online shopping mall, HKTVmall, providing a "one-stop shop" platform to people in Hong Kong , including entertainment, online shopping, and delivery service.ChallengesThe retail industry is highly competitive and dynamic, how to grasp comprehensive and timely information is a big challenge. As an emerging online shopping platform, HKTV needs to stay abreast of corporate news, industry trends and market dynamics to respond quickly to changes and devise insightful strategies.Ms. Rachel Lee from HKTV Corporate Communications Department, explains the challenge faced by the group, &the traditional way of news clipping is time-consuming, manual, yet easy to miss out key information. Back in 2003, we realized that we needed a smarter way to stay close to corporate and industry news, and at the same time, to save personnel time and effort.& Apart from easy access to accurate, relevant and comprehensive information, cost and functionality are also HKTV&s key concerns in selecting a platform.React Quickly & Wisely with Real-Time IntelligenceWisers, equipped with the world&s largest Chinese media database, became their most reliable solutions provider. More than a decade since then, Wisers is still their trustworthy firsthand information source. Searching company and market news from Wisers platform became a daily habit of Corporate Communications staffs. &The company news, industry updates and market trends provided by Wisers sharpened our strategies and facilitated our staffs to encounter this ever changing market with firsthand news.& Said Rachel. Sharing Insights with Enhanced EfficiencyWisers platform provides HKTV a quick and efficient way to manage information, the real-time insights can also be shared across relevant teams in the company with a few clicks. Rachel describes Wisers in 3 words: CONVENIENT, FAST, ACCURATE.&Previously we needed to manually search through newspapers, magazines and websites to find relevant news, produce and store clippings, it was a lot of time-consuming work. With Wisers, we can now access all information including historical data in one place, quickly pinpoint, download and share useful information, saving us tedious hours of scrubbing through piles of clippings and reviewing irrelevant items,& says Rachel.&The Wisers team has always been very helpful. There was an occasion that we couldn&t find a particular news column and called Wisers for help. Not only did the Wisers team respond instantly to solve the problem, they also investigated the issue thoroughly. We are really impressed with Wisers& swift response and service throughout the years,& says Rachel.el." Tsui Wah Group& Corporate Communication Tsui Wah Group"In the old days, if they want to collect company news and market information, somebody had to go through every single newspaper of the day, browse hundreds or even thousands of webpage for those news and information, and then consolidate all these information to compile such a report. All these works were painful and inefficient.
Later on, the group started using Wisers& solution - WiseEnterprise in 2013. From that day, every news related to the group, the market and their competitors will be listed in the WiseEnterprise portal in every morning. They can instantly download, share or even distribute the news to the staffs across different departments. In case of any critical incident, they can easily share the information to everybody in the group to work out the remedy quickly. Share of information became much easier With Wisers platform, Tsui Wah group can collect, share, and archive information more systematically. It eased the information flow and enhanced the communication efficiency. Also, since everything is saved in Wisers& portal, they no longer need to worry about storage or missing any information. Wisers solutions helped Tsui Wah Group to stay on top of the company and market news. It geared up the information flow of the group, and enabled quick and flexible decision." Mr Buddy Lam & Vice President
Corporate Public Relations Galaxy Entertainment Group"Wisers provides Galaxy Entertainment with comprehensive news platform and analysis reports, helping the team to grasp the latest market intelligence, plan and devise marketing strategies more effectively." Professor Sam Chu & Faculty of Education The University of Hong Kong"WiseNews is a practical and helpful information resource beneficial to student learning. In my inquiry-based learning research conducted at a local school, before WiseNews is brought in for the primary four students, they mainly use individual local educational sources for their group project learning. With WiseNews, students were able to tap into a much greater variety of sorted news sources both locally as well as from other places like the mainland, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore. Students commented that the database was useful for their projects and they also obtained a much higher grade for their group projects when compared to students in the previous year. As a lecturer and researcher in knowledge management and inquiry based learning, I recommend the utilization of WiseNews not only in business, but also in educational setting." Anita Mau & Public Relations Affairs Department Hospital Authority"On behalf of Hospital Authority (HA), I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation to the professional service provided by Wisers Information Limited in the past few years that offers a great support to our daily work. The fast, accurate and comprehensive WiseSearch database and information engine serve us well in obtaining medical, social and economic news reports so that we can action proactively, effectively and timely in this rapidly changing social environment. A lot of HA staff use the tailored made "HA Internal News Center" made possibly by Wisers everyday." Yuwu Song& Ph.D., Chinese Studies LibrarianAsian Division The Library of Congress"WiseSearch is a Chinese and English language database dedicated for published information from Greater China. As a useful tool,
it provides readers and librarians with a one-stop shopping database for news from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and other parts of the world. WiseSearch has filled a gap in our Chinese collection at the Library of Congress." Derek Fung & Head of Corporate Communications Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd."WiseNews provides us with timely and comprehensive information on media coverage on the company in Hong Kong and mainland China. The customized folders allow us to efficiently monitor relevant news information across the variety of the media from time to time. We count on WiseSearch for searching archive news in previous years when we need to do specific news topics or research. It is no doubt that WiseNews is a useful tool for us to keep a close tap on the public profile of the company." Kathy Chi-Chu Chiang & Vice President Transmission Books & Microinfo Co. Ltd."WiseNews provides very up-to-date and comprehensive information about Mainland China and Hong Kong. With its efficient indexing system, it is very easy for users to locate interested information. The other important feature is the growing glossary of terms used across the Taiwan Strait. WiseNews is a very powerful tool to grasp the trend of the Greater China area." Professor Kam-Fai Wong& Associate Dean of Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong"Thanks to WiseSearch - with its incredibly comprehensive and up-to-date database - we can keep our eyes on various intelligence from a wide spectrum of diverse sources. Their simple, user-friendly and cleverly - designed interface allows us to locate all Chinese & English news articles from the most influential sources in Greater China market with ease. Together with the breadth and depth information provided, WiseSearch contributes tremendously towards our work on preparing academic reports and research projects." & Corporate Communications Department Unilever China"Having cooperated with Wisers for many years, we are still impressed about their timely monitoring and efficient client service." 陈刚& 东航党委宣传部高级副经理"中国东方航空股份有限公司是我国三大国有骨干航空运输集团之一--中国东方航空集团公司核心成员。总部位于上海,1997年成为首家在纽约、香港、上海三地上市的中国航企。作为天合联盟成员,东航年旅客运输量超过1亿人次,位列全球第七;航线网络通达全球177个国家、1062个目的地。客户至上,持续提升服务品质一直以来,凭借优质的服务口碑,航空公司在消费者中树立了良好的形象,航空服务成为各行业模仿和赶超的对象。作为行业标兵,东航不断了解和满足旅客的期待,不断挖掘和延展服务价值,通过&精准、精细、精致&的品质服务,为旅客带来精彩的旅游体验。年,随着微博等新媒体的兴起,越来越多的旅客喜欢借助微博表达诉求,分享快乐,甚至宣泄不满。这一现象很快引起东航的关注和重视,如何实时了解客户需求并且尽快制定解决方案成为东航战略规划之一。 .高明远见,洞悉新媒体传播效能微博等新媒体的兴起,不仅拓展了信息传播的渠道,也让信息传播范围更快,更广。尤其是一些评论功能的开放,大V的转发,让本来一件很小的事情可以无限放大,处理不好甚者破坏公司的品牌形象,影响客户体验。此种形式,让一向重视消费者口碑的东航更加坚定发展舆情服务的决心。及时洞察掌握社交媒体动态,通过相关信息分析整理, 了解客户需求及反馈, 为公司战略规划提供参考依据是东航的核心诉求。&当时公司也在内部想了一些应对的策略,但是毕竟和专业的公司有差距,而且需要投入较大成本,所以最终还是决定找专业的舆情监测服务商来合作&,东航党委宣传部高级副经理陈刚先生讲述了当时的发展历程。精挑细选,锁定优质合作伙伴&众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。&用这句诗形容东航与慧科的缘分最恰当不过。在慧科之前,东航的舆情服务商曾是公关公司,公关公司因为业务板块较多,专业性不够,最后公司还是决定更换为专业的合作伙伴。作为较早接触舆情的公司之一,东航在寻找新伙伴的路上体现了&老司机&的缜密。&当时我们一共找了7家供应商,各自都提供了相应的解决方案&陈经理表示。&慧科服务的专业和国际化资源是最吸引我们的地方。慧科专注于舆情领域多年,解决方案和服务确实比较专业。 另外,慧科总部在香港,不仅可以监测到国内的媒体,也可以监测一些国外媒体。 东航作为一家国际化的公司,希望能了解国外客户对于公司、航线的一些评价和反馈,为公司国际化战略提供一些参考意见。慧科在国外媒体监测上的优势,刚好能匹配到东航的需求。& 而更有趣的是,东航之前合作舆情服务的公关公司使用的也是慧科的产品,加之上海机场也对慧科礼赞有加,所有的天时、地利、人和促成了东航与慧科的合作。邂逅专业服务,助力东航梦想飞扬 最好的合作就在不断磨合与思索中诞生。从最初的媒体信息监测、危机处理,到现在市场活动跟踪、市场信息采集分析,慧科与东航携手并进,共同成长。东航借助慧科的服务,全面及时掌握媒体及市场动态,成功处理突发公关事件。同时,慧科专业的分析及总结能力,能够协助东航提取有效信息,为市场规划、客户管理等策略提供支持。 对于慧科服务团队的专业和敬业,陈经理感激地评价:&还有一点,慧科的服务人员是非常敬业的,对于航空服务行业,全天二十四小时都有可能出现状况,很多时候都是很晚了去找慧科服务人员,他们态度都非常好。& 无论是精准、精致、精细的服务的理念,还是认真、严谨、创新的工作作风,每一步,每一程,都是东航梦想飞扬!相信未来,东航在国际化进程中,定会勾画出更美的弧线!&&"Sign up here for FREE trial of Wisers products.The free trial service is available for business users with
registered company in Hong Kong / China / overseas only. &舆情监测找哪家公司?
慧科讯业成立于1998年,总部位于香港,在两岸四地共设有9个办事处,聘有超过1,100 名员工 (包含合约分析师)。
& 在言论自由且舆情传播速度飞快的互联网年代,网民舆情从来都不容轻视,任何一个负面的舆情言论都有可能成为破坏企业正面形象的引爆点,企业舆情监测工作不容小觑!
& 那么企业应该如何做好互联网舆情监测呢?国内领先的全媒体大数据智能方案专家为您支招!
& 1、选择一家有实力的舆情监测公司提供相关的服务及舆情监测系统。
& 推荐舆情监测公司:慧科讯业
& 推荐理由:慧科讯业设有9个办事处,聘请逾1000名员工。至今为止已经成功服务过包括阿里巴巴、中移动、兴业银行、三星在内的超过2500家企业均为慧科的客户,除了可提供舆情监测系统以外,还有相关的定制服务。
& 在每天清晨,即可将客户指定的相关舆情资料整理为每日简报发送至客户邮箱,让舆情监测变得更加轻松,数据更加可视化。
& 此外,在负面舆情出现的时间,能够迅速抓取并通过多种方式反馈给客户,让客户有充足的时间进行处理,全面遏制负面舆情爆发,维护企业良好口碑!
& 2、要有专门舆情监测工作队伍;&
& 舆情无小事,因此,除了选择一家提供有效情报的舆情监测公司之外,企业还需要成立一个专门的舆情监测工作队伍,这样才能更好的进行舆情监测工作!
& 3、要有完善的舆情监测制度;&
& 在不同的行业不同的部门不同的岗位都有其具体的做事准则,目的都是使各项工作按计划按要求达到预计目标。舆情监测不仅仅是要监测,且还要在负面舆情发现的时候进行有效而完善的处理,因此,完善的制度能够帮助工作人员更好的控制负面舆情的发展,化解负面舆情危机。TEL:
(格式:区号-号码(分机) 如 010-8))
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