Perception Neuron基本版怎么样 Perception Neuron unity3d中文版怎么用

Perception Neuron
Perception Neuron is the world's smallest, most adaptive, versatile and affordable motion capture system.
The first tool of its kind to deliver small, adaptive, versatile and affordable motion capture technology. The modular system is based on the Neuron, an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) composed of a gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer. The strength of the system lies in Perception Neuron's proprietary Embedded Data Fusion, Human Body Dynamics and Physical Engine algorithms which deliver smooth and true motion with minimal latency.
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Adaptable and Versatile
Perception Neuron is designed to be adaptable and versatile by allowing you to place the sensors "you need, where you need them". This permits multiple working mode combinations from 3 to 32 sensors, allowing the user to capture anything from simple arm motion to full body and finger data.
Neuron sensor specification
Size: 12.5mm X 13.1mm X 4.3mm
Dynamic range: 360 degrees
Accelerometer range: ±16g
Gyroscope range: ±2000 dps
Resolution: 0.02 degrees
Max output rate: 60fps w/ 32 Neurons, 120fps w/ 18 Neurons
External USB battery operated 5V/2AMP
Neuron Hub Specifications
Size: 59mm x 41mm x 23mm
Min. connected sensors: 3
Max. connected sensors: 32
Output: USB 2.0, Wi-Fi or Onboard Micro-SD Card Recording
Max Output rate: 60 fps with 32 Neurons, 120 fps with 18 Neurons
Power: USB External BatteryPerception Neuron系统,让动作捕捉技术不再高冷
作者:office 来源:
动作捕捉技术的出现,大大丰富了动画、游戏等的视觉效果。特别是在《阿凡达》等众多电影中的应用,更是带来了酷炫的视觉狂潮。无论是细微的面部表情,还是复杂的肢体动作,都能表现的淋漓尽致。不过,尽管有这些震撼效果的诱惑,但面对每套设备动辄上百万的费用,大多的开发者也只能望而兴叹。但现在,在动作捕捉领域具有国际竞争力的国内公司诺亦腾,推出了一款名为Perception Neuron动作捕捉系统,旨在让捕捉技术变得更加便捷和便宜。Perception Neuron的用途很广泛,可用于各种不同应用中的视觉效果(VFX)领域,包括游戏互动、虚拟现实、动作分析、医药学分析和实时的舞台表演等。这套系统内设有小巧的模拟神经元网络Neuron,你可以将它们放在任何你想放的位置,无论是手上、身体上,亦或是其他物体。也正因为它的轻便,你可以做各种想做的动作。同时,它还可以通过USB端口或WiFi将动作数据同步输入到电脑中去。这样,系统就能够精准的捕捉到每一个部位的动作,来获得最为实时的仿真效果。&目前,Perception Neuron已在Kickstarter网站上进行众筹,预计明年2月上市,并会以极低的价格追逐最高的性能。效果演示:
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