
【1】生活是一次伟大的失眠,我们都处在清澈的半醒状态之中。&【2】有一种隐忍其实是蕴藏着的一种力量,有一种静默其实是惊天的告白。&【3】孤独,是给你思考自己的时间。&【4】那么多事情,跟青春绑在一起就是美好,离开青春,就是傻冒。&【5】我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。&【6】对明天最好的准备就是今天做到最好。&【7】要走好明天的路,必须记住昨天走过的路,思索今天正在走着的路。&【8】每个人都希望真理站在自己一边,却没有想要站在真理的一边。&【9】一段简单的旋律,总会勾起一份不简单的回忆。&【10】生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。&【11】不争,也有属于你的世界。&【12】别人的光芒,不应只拿来仰望。对于月亮来说,太阳存在的意义就是让它也想去发光。&【13】缘分这东西就是定数,来无形去无影。缘分来了无以阻挡,散了落花流水。有缘且珍惜,无缘莫停留。不强求是境界,慈悲是修为。—— 雪小禅&【14】我们总会在某些时刻一再提醒自己要珍惜当下、珍惜所有,事过境迁之后却又往往忘记了珍惜。到底是珍惜太难,抑或是遗忘太容易?—— 张小娴&【15】我们要有最朴素的生活,与最遥远的梦想 。 即使明日天寒地冻,路远马亡。&【16】人生就像在爬高,你要看得远,你必须格局高;你要看到更美的风景,你就需要占上有利的位置。其实,最重要的是有谁陪伴,和每时每刻看风景的心情。&【17】如果没有那么多的感动,那么多的痛苦,在狂喜和绝望的两极来来回回,活着还有什么意思呢?&【18】人们总以为最美丽的风景在后面,所以总是匆匆地赶路,不肯停下脚步,殊不知,也许你轻易错过的就是最美的风景。&【19】世界上最富有的人,是跌倒最多的人。世界上最勇敢的人,是每次跌倒都能爬起来的人。&【20】我们一路的凝望,只为遇见最美的时光。&
TA的最新馆藏令人沮丧的 2. 背诵.记忆——精英家教网——
令人沮丧的 2. 背诵.记忆 【】
  When I was eleven years old, God gave me a gift of happiness.One day, on my way home from school, a truck ran over me and cut off my   1  .As I lay there bleeding, I realized that I might have to live the rest of my life   2   legs.How depressing(令人沮丧的)!   3   then I realized that depression won't get my legs back.So I decided not to   4   my life feeling depressed.When my parents arrived at the   5  , they were shocked and sad.I told them, “I’ve already   6   the fact.Now you also have to get used to this.”
  Ever since then, I often see my friends getting   7   about little things:
they get a bad grade on a test.But I just   8   life.
  I was lucky to realize that it is a waste of energy to focus on what you have   9  , and that the key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have.Sounds simple, doesn't it? So   10   are many people unhappy?
  People often think happiness is based on what you   11  .“My whole life would improve if I had a new car.” But when you get the   12   and what happens? For a whole week you are walking on air.Then you go right back to being   13  .
  Happines it's a state of   14  .You can have whatever there is in the world and still be uncomfortable.Or you can have relatively   15   and feel full of joy.Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating and consciously taking pleasure in what you already have.
I have a happy family. There    46 
four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and  47  . My father is a    48  , and he works in a factory(工厂). He thinks it’s a boring(令人厌倦的) job. He wants   49 
a policeman. My mother is a teacher. She works  50 
a school. She thinks   51 
job is very interesting. She works hard and often comes back home late. In her   52 
time, she likes reading books. My sister is   53  . She is about one year old. I am a student. I   54  in a school. I like singing. I want to be a   55 
when I grow up(长大).
( )46.A. be         B. is           C. am          D. are ( )47. A. I         B. my          C. mine         D. you ( )48.A. teacher     B. doctor        C. worker           D. driver ( )49. A. be        B. is           C. being        D. to be ( )50. A. in         B. on           C. to              D. of ( )51. A. she        B. he           C. her           D. his ( )52. A. busy       B. free          C. happy        D. working ( )53. A. old        B. young        C. tall          D. big ( )54. A. study      B. teach         C. play         D. work ( )55. A. singer      B. swimmer      C. nurse        D. doctor
根据短文内容,从方框内选择合适的单词填空,使短文完整、连贯。  best,cause, either, everything, friendship, plenty, take, true, though, with  Intoday's world many people seem to be hungry for money. Money does have its goodeffect on the poor. But even if a person has already got (1.) of money, itdoesn't mean he has got (2.)   Ifmoney were everything, all millionaires (百万富翁) would have real love, true 3., good health and a long life.However, this is not always 4..  Noother three words are more pleasant (令人愉快的) than &I love you&. But can love be bought? I'm afraidnot. Love means to give, not to (5.. To each person, health and a long life areprobably the 6.things. Well, can health and a long life be bought 7.money? Ofcourse not. True friendship can't be bought, 8..  As wesee around, if money is cared for too much, it can 9.brothers to quarrel,lovers to hate and marriage to end. Even 10.you have much money, it is still notenough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with, no one tocry for.&
When I was eleven years old, God gave me a gift of happiness. One day, on my way home from school, a truck ran over me and cut off my &&&&&1&&&. As I lay there bleeding, I realized that I might have to live the rest of my life&&&&&2&&&&legs. How depressing(令人沮丧的)! &&&&&3&&&&&then I realized that depression won’t get my legs back. So I decided not to &&&&&4&&&&my life feeling depressed. When my parents arrived at the&&&&&5&&, they were shocked and sad. I told them, “I’ve already &&&6&&&&&the fact. Now you also have to get used to this.”Ever since then, I often see my friends getting &&&&7&&&&&about little things:
they get a bad grade on a test. But I just&&&8&&&&life.I was lucky to realize that it is a waste of energy to focus on what you have&&&&&9&&&, and that the key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? So &&&&&10 are many people unhappy?People often think happiness is based on what you&&&&&11&&. “My whole life would improve if I had a new car.” But when you get the&&&&12&&&&and what happens? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being &&&&13&&&.Happines it’s a state of&&&& 14&&. You can have whatever there is in the world& and& still& be& uncomfortable.& Or& you& can& have& relatively&&&&&15&&&and& feel& full& of& joy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating and consciously taking pleasure in what you already have.【小题1】A.armsB.legsC.feetD.fingers【小题2】A.withoutB.byC.onD.with【小题3】A.SoB.OrC.ButD.Once【小题4】A.spareB.devoteC.influenceD.waste【小题5】A.hotelB.hospitalC.stationD.school【小题6】A.believedB.acceptedC.refusedD.received【小题7】A.worriedB.guiltyC.excitedD.curious【小题8】A.hateB.enjoyC.saveD.dislike【小题9】A.struggledB.supportedC.lostD.completed【小题10】A.howB.whyC.whenD.whether【小题11】A.achieveB.promiseC.donateD.admire【小题12】A.carB.lifeC.jobD.grade【小题13】A.wiseB.sillyC.friendlyD.unhappy【小题14】A.painB.appearanceC.angerD.mind【小题15】A.muchB.manyC.littleD.all
中国人失掉自信力了吗鲁迅  ①从公开的文字上看起来:两年以前,我们总自夸着“地大物博”,是事实;不久就不再自夸了,只希望着国联,也是事实;现在是既不夸自己,也不信国联,改为一味求神拜佛,怀古伤今了——却也是事实。②于是有人慨叹曰:中国人失掉自信力了。③如果单据这一点现象而论,自信其实是早就失掉了的。先前信“地”,信“物”,后来信“国联”,都没有相信过“自己”。假使这也算一种“信”,那也只能说中国人曾经有过“他信力”,自从对国联失望之后,便把这他信力都失掉了。④失掉了他信力,就会疑,一个转身,也许能够只相信了自己,倒是一条新生路,但不幸的是逐渐玄虚起来了。信“地”和“物”,还是切实的东西,国联就渺茫,不过这还可以令人不久就省悟到依赖它的不可靠。一到求神拜佛,可就玄虚之至了,有益或是有害,一时就找不出分明的结果来,它可以令人更长久的麻醉着自己。⑤中国人现在是在发展着“自欺力”。⑥“自欺”也并非现在的新东西,现在只不过日见其明显,笼罩了一切罢了。然而,在这笼罩之下,我们有并不失掉自信力的中国人在。⑦我们从古以来,就有埋头苦干的人,有拚命硬干的人,有为民请命的人,有舍身求法的人,……虽是等于为帝王将相作家谱的所谓“正史”,也往往掩不住他们的光耀,这就是中国的脊梁。⑧这一类的人们,就是现在也何尝少呢?他们有确信,不自欺;他们在前仆后继的战斗,不过一面总在被摧残,被抹杀,消灭于黑暗中,不能为大家所知道罢了。说中国人失掉了自信力,用以指一部分人则可,倘若加于全体,那简直是诬蔑。⑨要论中国人,必须不被搽在表面的自欺欺人的脂粉所诓骗,却看看他的筋骨和脊梁。自信力的有无,状元宰相的文章是不足为据的,要自己去看地底下。                             九月二十五日。【小题1】.作者批驳的观点是什么?确立的观点又是什么?(4分)【小题2】.文章由直接反驳转到间接反驳起过渡作用的是第几段?它在内容上是怎样承上启下的?请结合原文作答。(5分)【小题3】.联系全文,对“埋头苦干的人”、“拼命硬干的人”、“为民请命的人”、“舍身求法的人”的共同特征概括错误的一项是(  )(2分)A.他们都是中国的脊梁。B.他们有确信,不自欺。C.他们前仆后继的战斗。D.他们总不为大家所知道。【小题4】.文章⑦—⑨段反复强调“中国的脊梁”,表达出作者怎样的思想感情?(4分)【小题5】.今天的中国正在各个领域展现出国民的自信力,请依照例句按要求续写。(5分)例句:杨利伟,用自信的挥手代表了中国航天科技的高度;续写:    ,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&;    ,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&。他们都&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&。
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