evening starter存档这个游戏有good end么

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导读:崩坏学园2的Mei+Bad Endind活动做完上已经开启了,相信很多玩家都想知道怎么选择,崩坏学园2Mei+Bad Endind与Good Endind奖励能同时拥有么?为什么我都达成了怎么只给了水...
崩坏学园2的Mei+Bad Endind活动做完上已经开启了,相信很多玩家都想知道怎么选择,崩坏学园2Mei+Bad Endind与Good Endind奖励能同时拥有么?为什么我都达成了怎么只给了水晶那个、没给三基老。下面小编就给大家分析一下。热门攻略:崩坏学园2Mei+所有Bad Endind选择答案崩坏学园2Mei+Good Endind所有达成答案汇总:先选牙医,去咖啡馆,无视板鸭,给牙医喝咖啡,去内衣店,选丁字裤,冲进更衣室,转移话题,最后选择kiss&good ending达成。崩坏学园2Mei+Bad Endind与Good Endind奖励能同时拥有么?当然是可以的。为什么我都达成了怎么只给了水晶那个、没给三基老?要把所有be的选项都点一遍。
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Starter Unit 1 Good morning!
Starter Unit 1 Good morning! Teaching aims and demands:Knowledge goals: letters Aa C Hh; expressions: Good morning(afternoon, evening). How are you? Fine, thank you. Ability goals: greet people Teaching tools: tape recorder Period 1Step 1 Greeting Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning.Step 2 Lead-in T: Do you still remember my English name?
Can you spell it?If someone gets the answer, give him/her a piece of chewing gun as a prize.Step 3 Ask and answer Ask Ss what their English names are, help them to spell them out. Write their names on the Bb, read them out and spell them. Step 4 PresentationPresent letters Aa―Hh one by one and do activity 2a.Step 5 Listening and writing Get the Ss to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the book. Have the Ss watch the teacher writing the letters in the Bb, then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercise books. Step 6 Read and guess Ask Ss to look at the pictures in Activity 3. Have the Ss read them out and guess their meaning. And have them to say more abbreviations they know. Step 7 Listening Ask Ss to listen to the conversation in 4a. Then circle the names you hear. Have Ss look at the pictures in 4b. Get them to listen again and number the pictures. Step 8 Pair work Get Ss to work in pairs. Practice the conversation with their partners. Help them when they practice the conversation. Encourage Ss to present their conversations to the class. Homework:Copy the letters Aa―Hh and sentences.
Period 2Step 1 Duty report Ask the student on duty to show his/her name card and tell the class his/her favorite sentences. Step 2 Listen and practice Play the tape (Section B 1) and ask the Ss to listen to it carefully and then act it out with the partner. Step 3 Listening
Ask Ss to look at the picture in 3a. Play the tape and ask them to listen and draw lines between the letters. Then let them guess what it is.Get Ss to look at the picture and have them match the big letters with the small letters. Make sure they can match them all. Step 5 Activity 4 Present some groups of words such as: face, grade, name / bag, back, fat on the Bb. Ask Ss to find the same English vowel they contain. Ask Ss to give more words. Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and repeat. Step 6 Listen and sing the song First read the song to the class. Then play the tape for the Ss and ask them to listen. Then play it again and ask Ss to read. At the end practice the song for several times. Step 7 Self check 1 and 2 Ask Ss to check the letters and the letters they know. Then write five new words in their Vocab-builder. Ask several Ss to write their new words on the Bb and share their words with the class. Step 8 Self check 3 Ask Ss to look at the faces. Put their names in the correct alphabetical order. Step 9 Self check 4 Have Ss read the letters and words in column A. Then try to read the new words in column B. Correct the pronunciation. Step 10 Just for fun HomeworkPractice writing letters I―R.Write down the target language in activity 1a, 2b and just for fun down in the exercise books.
全国热门资讯【游戏资源】Evening Starter 只看楼主 收藏 回复小小彰泪7寂静 4资源出自国外跟ss自购的资源没半点关系(因为那时候正好编...
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日&-&Evening Starter 概览 角色 制作人员 吐槽 评论 讨论版游戏类型: 3DダンジョンRPG游戏引擎: RPGツクールVXAce游玩人数: 1发行日期: 售价: 1...
日&-&美女游戏_美女图片_日本动漫_AGREE美少女游戏论坛 >> 资源求助区 >> 悬赏200 求Evening Starter存档!返回列表 回复 发帖 dragon3419国主帖子 689 ...
日&-&[游戏]【15/04/16新作】 [RPG] [男爵領] Evening Starter 好榜样, 密码看到D吧/p/ 有人讨论有这么一段: 不知道是男...
日&-&【求助帖】Evening Starter这个游戏有good end么…表示没打出来 只看楼主收藏回复 粘乳指只下不玩 4 rt这个游戏有good end么……表示没打出来过首先...
最佳答案: 游戏《evening starter》更多关于evening starter 游戏的问题&&
最佳答案: 如果是从硬盘安装,一定要向3楼说的一样拷贝到c盘根目录下安装,先安装step7再按装starter,win7能不能装真不知道,xp是没问题的。更多关于evening starter 游戏的问题&&
[Japanese] [150416][男爵領]Evening Starter Ver 1.008
【汉化水】关于Evening Starter 只看楼主收藏回复 qgwldr杜拉罕 9 曾经有人这么跟我说,这游戏有大量事件都被TES加密了,没法汉化。。。然而今天我因为心血来...
Evening Starter求助 只看楼主 收藏 回复織工妖喵 11首先女主角还是处女之身,修女妹子就被上了这么多次……还有武器店的妹...
【攻略图】Evening Starter 迷宫探索型RPG 全地图 只看楼主收藏回复 不动城阙人鱼 6 游戏比较耐玩,抽空玩了一段时间一周目建...
最佳答案: 如果是从硬盘安装,一定要向3楼说的一样拷贝到c盘根目录下安装,先安装step7再按装starter,win7能不能装真不知道,xp是没问题的。更多关于evening starter 游戏的问题&&
日&-&Evening Starter 旧唐馆综合病院 进去需要什么条件啊 只看楼主收藏回复 ...话说前段时间我还在汉化这个游戏来着本来已经汉化到可以放出来着,但是因为...
当时男爵的Evening Starter这游戏的文本解包困难是在前几天就有人说了,然而@不动城阙把游戏对话汉化贴了出来,后来才知道是改图...
日&-&游戏猪脚是一只不知道什么生物听说是库玛。并且有很多重口味。Evening Starter 喜欢克苏鲁就推荐不喜欢就不...
日&-&露奈的药店 画风绝对实用,游戏短小精悍收起回复 举报|来自Android客户端6楼2016...Evening Starter 克鲁苏的奈亚子你知道吧 那个也是克鲁苏收起回...
游戏日志三次元排行榜 三次元标签 三次元日志 日剧 欧美剧人物虚构人物 现实...Evening Starter / 3DダンジョンRPG最大的...
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