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Collabora Online Office – Nextcloud
Collabora Online is a powerful LibreOffice-based online office suite with collaborative editing, which supports all major document, spreadsheet and presentation file formats and works in all modern browsers.View and edit documents directly in your NextcloudCollabora Online supports editing your documents in real time with multiple other editors, showing high fidelity, WYSIWYG rendering and preserving the layout and formatting of your documents.Users can insert and reply to comments and invite others without a Nextcloud account for anonymous editing of files with a public link shared folder.Collabora Online supports dozens of document formats including DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX + ODF, Import/View Visio, Publisher and many more...
Under your controlMost people use online services for storing their data, communication and editing documents, often giving up control over their files in exchange for the convenience of online collaboration. With Nextcloud and Collabora Online, this is no longer a trade-off.Collabora Online is Open Source, self-hosted and secure! Enterprise users who need a more reliable and scalable solution with long term support, guaranteed response times and security updates can take advantage of our
for Collabora Online. We are able to provide a solution for Online Office for the entire Nextcloud community through our
in an easy to use
for home users.
Getting started in 3 stepsWe'll describe how to get Collabora Online running on your server and how to integrate it into your Nextcloud using the docker image Nextcloud and Collabora built.RequirementsTo install it the following dependencies are required:A host that can run a Docker containerA subdomain or a second domain that the Collabora Online server can run onAn Apache server with some enabled modules ()A valid SSL certificate for the domain that Collabora Online should run onA valid SSL certificate for your NextcloudNote: This guide does NOT cover self-signed certificates. If you use a self-signed certificate then you're-)1. Install the Collabora Online serverThe following steps will download the Collabora Online docker, make sure to replace "" with the host that your own Nextcloud runs on. Also make sure to escape all dots with double backslashes (\), since this string will be evaluated as a regular expression (and your bash 'eats' the first backslash.) If you want to use the docker container with more than one Nextcloud, you'll need to use 'domain=cloud\\.nextcloud\\.com\|second\\.nexcloud\\.com' instead. (All hosts are separated by \|.)docker pull collabora/code
docker run -t -d -p -e 'domain=cloud\\.nextcloud\\.com' --restart always --cap-add MKNOD collabora/code
That will be enough. Once you have done that the server will listen on "localhost:9980". Now we just need to configure the locally installed Apache reverse proxy.2. Install the Apache reverse proxyOn a recent Ubuntu or Debian this should be possible using:apt-get install apache2a2enmod proxya2enmod proxy_wstunnela2enmod proxy_httpa2enmod sslAfterward, configure one VirtualHost properly to proxy the traffic. For security reason we recommend to use a subdomain such as
instead of running on the same domain. An example config can be found below:&VirtualHost *:443&
ServerName :443
# SSL configuration, you may want to take the easy route instead and use Lets Encrypt!
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/signed_certificate
SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/intermediate_certificate
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/private/key
all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
# Encoded slashes need to be allowed
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
# Container uses a unique non-signed certificate
SSLProxyEngine On
SSLProxyVerify None
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN Off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName Off
# keep the host
ProxyPreserveHost On
# static html, js, images, etc. served from loolwsd
# loleaflet is the client part of LibreOffice Online
/loleaflet retry=0
# WOPI discovery URL
/hosting/discovery retry=0
# Main websocket
ProxyPassMatch "/lool/(.*)/ws$" wss://$1/ws nocanon
# Admin Console websocket
/lool/adminws wss://
# Download as, Fullscreen presentation and Image upload operations
After configuring these do restart your apache using /etc/init.d/apache2 restart.3. Configure the app in NextcloudGo to the Apps section and choose "Office & text"Install the "Collabora Online app"Admin -& Collabora Online -& Specify the server you have setup before (e.g. "")Congratulations, your Nextcloud has Collabora Online Office integrated!Occasionally, new versions of this docker image are released with security and feature updates. We will of course let you know when that happens! This is how you upgrade to a new version:grab new docker image:
docker pull collabora/codeList docker images:
docker ps from the output you can glean the Container ID of your Collabora Online docker image.stop and remove the Collabora Online docker image:
docker stop CONTAINER_ID docker rm CONTAINER_IDstart the new image:
docker run -t -d -p -e 'domain=cloud\\.nextcloud\\.com' --restart always --cap-add MKNOD collabora/codeEnjoy!Some common issues:Issue: Can't configure the URL in the Admin panel. This is most likely caused by the Documents app being enabled. Disable it and you can set the URL.Issue: I get connection errors when trying to open documents Be sure to check the error log from docker (docker logs id-of-your-instance). If the logs note something like: No acceptable WOPI hosts found matching the target host [YOUR NEXTCLOUD DOMAIN] in config. Unauthorized WOPI host. Please try again later and report to your administrator if the issue persists. you might have started the docker container with the wrong URL. Be sure to triplecheck that you start it with the URL of your Nextcloud server, not the server where Collabora Online runs on.Issue: Connection is not allowed errors. It is possible your firewall is blocking connections. Try to start docker after you started the firewall, it makes changes to your iptables to enable Collabora Online to function.Issue: We are sorry, this is an unexpected connection error. Please try again. error. The Collabora Online app doesn't work at the moment, if you enable it only for certain groups. Remove the group filter in the App section.Issue: Collabora Online doesn't handle my 100 users. This docker image is designed for home usage with a limited numbers of users and open documents. If you need a more scalable solution, consider
for a reliable, business-ready online office experience.Issue: Collabora Online doesn't work with Encryption. Yes, this is currently unsupported.Find more questions and answers in the
if you have unanswered questions!Let us know what you think in the forums!


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