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【大翻伤身】 有人玩过三国志系列吗?
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GTR&& Celestia. December 30 . Posts 33028 Profile Blog #
So yeh, I recently downloaded the Chinese version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI and I'm
totally in love with it, with the PUK (Power-up Kit) of course. I also got some English Patch
which translated most of the dialogs and menus, which is pretty cool.
Basically, this series was made by KOEI (famous for Dynasty Warriors and such) way back in 1988
I think. XI will be the second last one, while XII will be the last (it hasn't been announced
yet but it has been announced it will be the last of 'this' series).
I guess ROTK XI draws away from its RPG elements of VII, VIII and X and concentrates more on
the tactical aspect of the game (managing cities, conquering territories) more than being an
officer yourself. It did implement a lot of cool features though from previous games, which is
To be honest, ROTK XI is probably the ROTK game that has kept me hooked on the most. I've been
declining BW games with Pressure just to play this.
I'm currently playing the fictional 'all-characters alive' scenario, set in 252 (I think). My
guy (fictional ruler dude I made) and his associates (pre-ROTK era unlocked characters) have
pretty much dominated all of the north. I'm struggling to kill off Liu Bei who has all of the
Jingzhou region (which is a fucking tough cookie to crack open), Sun Ce (I executed Jian, yey)
who is lurking in the right corner, and Liu Yan in the Si region who's territories are just
impossible to get in unless you get shitloads of food and troops.
Anyway, I guess we can make this the official ROTK discussion thread too, so discuss the book,
the upcoming Red Cliffs movie, the TV Show (which I finally have!) and other ROTK related
games.Last edit:
haduken &&Australia. December 30 . Posts 6153 Profile Blog #&&
Sun Ce? he is the bro of Sun Quan right? SQ is the proper ruler in the Rotk. hmm, this is
pretty weird basis for discussion since the characters names are spelled differently in
different countries.
Just for discussion i don't think Liu's camp is as blood-tight as the book make it.&&
GTR& &Celestia. December 30 . Posts 33028 Profile Blog #&&
Since its the fictional scenario, it goes Jian & Ce & Quan (just like history).
&&geod&& Vietnam. December 30 . Posts 352 Profile #&&
Sun Jian is the father. Ce is the older and Quan is the younger brother. Anyway which level are
you playing? Hardest? It a little bit disappoints me with the way AI is implemented because
with higher difficulty level, the com just cheat more resources to fight.
&&haduken& &Australia. December 30 . Posts 6153 Profile Blog #&&
the only way to play this (mind you i maybe wrong because i used to play a really old version
of this game) is to kill all the good generals that won't defect to your camp then it becomes
really easy lol.&&
DragoonPK& &Bahrain. December 30 . Posts 2687 Profile Blog #&&
Hey man, could you plz send me the link. I am huge fan of ROTK. been in love with the series 4
years now and gonna read the book soon.
b_unnies& &December 30 . Posts 3194 Profile Blog #&&
if anyone is interested in reading &Romance of the Three Kingdoms&, here is an online version
where u can read it for free
poor newb&& United States. December 31 . Posts 1399 Profile #&&
what difficulty are you playing?
give your guy the &capture& skill, its absolutely imbalanced for a ruler
GrandInquisitor& &&&New York City. December 31 . Posts 7778 Profile Blog #&&
god i remember loving ROTK2&&
nolan66617&& Canada. December 31 . Posts 1 Profile #&&
does anyone have an mdf and mds file or a english patch which require no cd? if yes plz send it
to me by pm... tnx
GTR& &Celestia. December 31 . Posts 33028 Profile Blog #&&
Eh, you can actually Jail good generals now, so what I do when I take over a city is try
Recruiting them all first (doesn't hurt to try), then Jail the ones with a stat over 80+
(because their the only useful ones), then release the crappies, and then execute the rest.
There is a risk of jailing though, they can break out.
GTR& &Celestia. December 31 . Posts 33028 Profile Blog #&&
Well, I managed to finish my game in less then ten years, yay.
haduken& &Australia. December 31 . Posts 6153 Profile Blog #&&
yeah they can break out, and all the really good guys all break out.&&
GTR&& Celestia. December 31 . Posts 33028 Profile Blog #&&
Well, actually, I figured this out, this
Jail if you want to try and recruit them, or you think you can conquer the ruler fast enough so
you get them for free.
It's pretty weird because as soon as you just run over someone, they are really easy to get.
For example, I had Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Lu Meng etc prisoner and they initially refused to serve
me, I managed to capture all of Wu's cities then bam, they joined me.
Jailing is also good if you don't want them to wreck havoc, but you still want to recruit them
later. I tend to use Jailing because I simply don't like executing useful generals.
zulu_nation8& &China. January 01 . Posts 15658 Profile Blog #&&
just finished all the tutorials, took like 3 hours, gotta admit i expected to be more fun
&&GTR& &Celestia. January 01 . Posts 33028 Profile Blog #&&
3 hours to do the fucking tutorials? wow.
zulu_nation8& &China. January 01 . Posts 15658 Profile Blog #&&
is that long or short
&&GTR& &Celestia. January 01 . Posts 33028 Profile Blog #&&
pretty long....
but i must admit since i couldn't barely understand the english translation (wtf is a daren) i
had to refer to a faq from gamefaqs for the ps2 version to finish it quickly (i only did them
to get the pre-sanguo generals).
edit: although, i have no idea how to do the upgrade tutorial and that other one (technology i
think?)Last edit:
zulu_nation8& &China. January 03 . Posts 15658 Profile Blog #&&
i played the game for at least 5 hours a today and I conquered 2 cities out of like 30, since
there's no way to &win& the game unless you achieve chinese domination I'm beginning to find it
extremely frustrating. The game engine is basically a dumbed down Civ 4 with lots of key
feature removed that are essential to these type of turn based games for example like roads
omfg i gotta wait 10 turns everytime for troops to arrive wtf is this games problem, or like
building improvements then combining them, takes a total of like 30 turns to get three lv3
markets with a coinary in the middle then i gotta build barracks and shit fuck man Im so mad i
played it for that long and got absolutely nowhere
haduken& &Australia. January 03 . Posts 6153 Profile Blog #&&
hmm, let's discuss more about the novel. How do you guys see Liu Bei? i was very surprised that
alot of really hardcore RoTK fans see him as a hypocrite. He was always a guy that is really no
good at anything except being really nice to others and in turn others serve him in gratitude
or something.
cao cao is an asshole but i guess he's really a typical Chinese ruler, cold, calculating and
resourceful. -_-
Sun Quan is street smart and used the conflict between the other two to stay alive.
it's really a fascniating saga.&&
tonytongji&& Canada. January 03 . Posts 67 Profile #&&
hey GTR-2-Go can u tell me where to get the english patch? i think i have the ROTK XI power kit in chinese but i need a patch so my other friends (who doesnt speak chinese) can play it
p.s. did u know that most of the good generals have their own &personal trait& ? creatively combine these traits together in a battle group can be EXTREMELY cheap and powerful :D
p.p.s here i will tell u a combination in which i call &invincible&, it is Zhuge Liang + Pang Tong + any general with &Bai Chu& (literally translation: 100 cast, meaning all strat. only cost 1 moral point) ability. :D now add in a bit of sc strat have some1 assit that team u can block any choke point even if the enermy's army out numbers u by say 20-40 times
LetMeBeWithYou& &Canada. January 03 . Posts 4242 Profile #&&
Can't stand the game's AI, theyre fucking retarded.
zulu_nation8& &China. January 03 . Posts 15664 Profile Blog #&&
do you guys all get 3 lv3 farms? because of that it takes me like 20 turns to develop each city with nothing to do but build worthless crap
kw31&& Hong Kong. January 03 . Posts 162 Profile #&&
Been a fan since the first of the series came out
I remember playing the Japanese version that KOEI made
I had to play it in DOS and use the NUMpad to navigate the armies around
Overall the gameplay and story is one of the best around!
poor newb&& United States. January 05 . Posts 1399 Profile #&&
not really worth it imo, having many cities with lv1 farms is better than having 1 city with lv3 farmsLast edit:
Excalibur_Z& &United States. January 05 . Posts 8455 Profile #&&
How does RTK XI compare to RTK IV (which is the only one I've played)? I tried VII but couldn't get past the language barrier, plus it seems the interface and playstyle had changed dramatically from IV. Although, if you're saying that RTK XI drops the &RPGish& aspects of the more recent RTKs, does that mean it's returned to its roots of games like RTK IV? If so I may be very interested.
&&GTR& &Celestia. January 05 . Posts 33052 Profile Blog #&&
Newer ROTK's are way different than old ROTK's.
One thing from the top of my head is that you don't 'directly' invade cities, you actually have to travel an army to invade a city. Travelling = boring, but this gives the defending city an opportunity to send out troops to hold the invasion.
Also, you don't invest gold and stuff directly into the technologies etc, you have to build buildings in certain spots, i.e you have to build a barracks to draft troops, build farms to get food, markets to get money etc.
oneofthem& &January 05 . Posts 6349 Profile Blog #&&
liu bei is like the tragic pansy ruler with exaggerated positive traits, especially sensitivity. but his position of course puts him at odds with these, as he both wants to wage war and hates the bad stuffs. can't eat your cake and have it too.
SpiritoftheTunA& &United States. January 05 . Posts 5673 Profile Blog #&&
i want VIII and IX
closest released to each other but like msot different
and both were really really good iirc
NeO)MasCoT& &United States. January 05 . Posts 209 Profile #&&
Dynasty Warriors is based off of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I got into KottK way back in 1999.
The Three Kingdoms is referring to Wei, Wu, and Shu dynasties.
Shu's Leader: Liu Bei
Shu Officers consist of: Sha Moke, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong, Jiang Wei, Wei Yan, Yue Ying, Pang Tong, Guan Ping, and Liu Chan.
Wu's Leader: Sun Ce and then Sun Ce (Realted to Sun Tzu, yes).
Wu's Officers: Zhu Ran, Taishi Ci, Lu Xun, Zhou Yu, Sun Shang Xiang, Sun Quan, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Huang Gai, Qiao sisters, Ling Tong, and Zhou Tai.
Wei's Leader: Cao Cao then Cao Pi
Wei's Officers: Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Cao Ren, Cao Wei, Cao Lu, Cao Teng, Cao Song, Zhang Liao, Sima Yi, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Pang De, and Zhen Ji.
Notable officers and or leaders during the &3 Dynasty Era& in China: Yuan Shao, He Jin, Dong Zhou, Lu Bu, and Meng Huo.
In my opinion, the story of Ma Teng, Ma Chao, Ma Dai, Pang De, and Han Sui is very entertaining. It happens in the Xi Liang province in NW China. I recommend any related readings. I know Kong-Ming.net is popular for RottK.
Pressure& &January 05 . Posts 7320 Profile Blog #&&
ive spent 3 days downloading this.the hell
&&GTR& &Celestia. January 05 . Posts 33052 Profile Blog #&&
think if you assign a higher political officer to upgrade, the time taken is much shorter.
did you put a silo next to the farms as well?
FragKrag& &United States. January 05 . Posts 10556 Profile Blog #&&
Zhang Fei & Zhao Yun are by far the fucking best characters.
mindspike&& Canada. January 05 . Posts 1765 Profile Blog #&&
A movie based on part of the RoTK saga is coming out from John Woo (Face/Off) called Red Cliff.
In the early third century, the land of Wu is invaded by the warlord Cao Cao and his million soldiers. The ruler of Wu, Sun Quan, calls on the rival warlord Liu Bei for help, but their two armies are still badly outnumbered. However, the Wu strategist Zhou Yu sees that Cao Cao's army is unused to battling on the sea, which may just give them a chance if they can exploit this weakness properly.
haduken& &Australia. January 05 . Posts 6155 Profile Blog #&&
Liu Bei is suppose to be the a descedent of the Han Dynasty's ruling Liu family (it's very very doubtful tho) since the lineage of Han is very broken, even the two major phase East Han and West Han are ruled by leaders that are not directly related to eachother but all bear the name of Liu.
I haven't read anywhere that Sun Quan's clan is related to Sun Tzu or any other notables. They were basically a group of nobles and local clanmens that control the rich and prosperous Wu region which encompass the modern day Nanjing, Shanghai etc (i might be off a slight bit but their captain is in Nanjing, called JianKang then).
Cao Cao is a masterful conquerer and political mastermind and if it wasn't for the phenomonon abilities of Liu and Sun's camps, he would have ruled China. Too bad all of his work went to shits after he died.
Zhou Yu is a interesting character, he is extremely envious of Zhu ge liang's intellect. But his role in Red Cliff effectively delayed Cao Cao's efforts for many many years.&&
haduken&& Australia. January 05 . Posts 6155 Profile Blog #&&
mindspike, i thought the battle was to occur over the long river and not the sea. the idea is that Cao Cao's camp commands over a vast army that outnumbers the other two but could not bring forth their might because the river is too vast to cross together.&&
zulu_nation8& &China. January 06 . Posts 15664 Profile Blog #&&
what's red cliff's chinese translation? And I hope john woo can focus on the genius and eccentric personalities of many of its famous characters than just all action and killing like the impression I get mostly from john woo.
话说red cliff的中文翻译是什么?我希望吴宇森能着重发掘那些明星演员的个性和才华,而不是像他以前的电影那样只会打打杀杀。
Growing up I've always had this bias that the Shu were the &good& side just from the way they were portrayed and the fact I lived like less than a block away from the tao yuan san jie yi, the place where Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu took their brothers oath, in fact I think they made it into a historical attraction now, it used to be just a park with a stone that said that was the place. But for people that have read the whole book, which side did you like best and why. And is Shu portrayed as more &good& than the other nations or is that just communist mantra fed to me emphasizing camaraderie, etc, all that good stuff.
haduken& &Australia. January 06 . Posts 6155 Profile Blog #&&
Shu was portrayed favorably because of Liu's decendency from the Han throne and the fact that so many kickarse characters came from this camp. Cao's camp is suppose to be bad guy but it was really unfair when you see Cao's ingenius manipulation and how he manage to control the entire Chinese proper even after all the big setbacks he suffered. I don't think it has to do with anything with the communist but rather how the classical historian originally wrote the story and they all so how favored Liu even tho he was probably the worst leader. it probably has to do with the whole caste system and how the righteous should rule because that's how the feudal system works and rebels like caocao therefore got the badlight.
Sun i really have no comment. they could've done better if they weren't so short sighted.
btw red cliff's chinese name is chi bi 赤壁 literally red cliff -_-.
顺带一提,red cliff的中文是赤壁。
zulu aren't you from shanghai? how is it possible that the 3 bros took oath there? shanghai was a small fishing village then or probably didn't even exist.&&
haduken&& Australia. January 06 . Posts 6155 Profile Blog #&&
and the movie is stalled atm, because all the big name actors (andy lau etc) want to play the characters they want and won't play another LOL. i guess they are all rotk fan in heart.&&
haduken& &Australia. January 06 . Posts 6155 Profile Blog #&&
the movie is going to suck ass i predict. it will be one of those blockbusters that will be hypered then bagged. just like the curse of the golden flower god that movie suck ass.&&
haduken&& Australia. January 06 . Posts 6155 Profile Blog #&&
zhu ge liang is a fucking hyprocrite as well. he basically ran the Shu state but blamed all the failures on Liu's son. -_-. Ppl give him credit for being a master stragetigist (hmm is that a word?) but he is really just a show pony who rely on tricks rather than really out smart his opponent. Shu state has a natural barrier that blocks it from the rest of China and the plains of modern Sichuan and Hunan is incredily fertile. how the fuck did he think it was wise to attack Cao out of that. if he could've just build up and absorb the tribes to the west, he would've own Cao in 20 years. in the end i think his opponent just got used to him. its like nada or boxer with their all in and s. his opponent just say fuck that, imma gonna contain you then hes fucked lol.&&
zulu_nation8&& China. January 06 . Posts 15664 Profile Blog #&&
I lived in 涿县, a small town near beijing when i was little for a couple years, it was there the oath took place
red cliff then is the battle where they have sun jian chain up all his wooden boats then the shu fired flame arrows at them causing them all to light up right, and he had to wait for the right wind too.
So you don't think zhuge liang is the best planner/strategist in san guo? I don't know the story well enough but he pulled off a lot of brilliant tactics, the people I know who have read the books say his fault is that he won't give up control and is too bossy, but otherwise hes the smartest person in san guo.&&
&&haduken& &Australia. January 06 . Posts 6155 Profile Blog #&&
yeah i regard him as a exceptional in terms of tactics and he was very influencial in Liu's early phase by making Liu a small contender into a real contender but his later decisions are shocking and i think Liu's camp is not as blood-tight as most ppl think. the fiction version of sanguo portray them as a group of comrades that are flawed by human emotions while not giving enough credit for cao's genius work, cao pretty much took care of all the powerful groups to start the san guo stand off.
he should have either took over Shu or help Liu's son better. either way he shouldn't outright attack Cao Cao. Most ppl give him too much credit because of his 出师表
GTR& &Celestia. January 06 . Posts 33052 Profile Blog #&&
Liu Shan was pretty much a dumb shit, but Kongming was that dumb too, not to take over his control or something.
Diude& &Canada. January 06 . Posts 124 Profile #&&
I used to play the japanese version years ago (Sangokushi 7-9) its just awesome
oneofthem& &January 06 . Posts 6349 Profile Blog #&&
it is not the communist mantra, it is the traditional dynastic mantra of legitimate hereditary rule. the bloodline ruler that is supposedly favored by heaven is liu bei, and he has some typical traits associated witht eh idealistic emperor guy. etc etc. the whole thing reads like heroic irony, if such a thing exists.&&
GTR&& Celestia. January 07 . Posts 33052 Profile Blog #&&
Does anyone know the formula for collecting AP?
TheHelloGram&& Singapore. January 07 . Posts 16 Profile #&&
I tried searching online for ROTK XI but i cant find it . Anyone know where i can download a free version of it? It sounds intrestomg and i wanna get my hands on it .&&
秽亡梦 发表于
本帖最后由 cym887 于
16:53 编辑 龙腾网
trytrytry 发表于
那是个正太啊 你这baga龙腾网
那个right wind。是不是说正确的风向或者是合适的风向?右风......
大航海时代有段时间很迷 心爱的李华梅啊~~
@worinima131 白木行久&
。。 那个追随她的日本人叫什么名字来着????
newhby 发表于
大航海时代4和4加强都不错,不过缺点是吧核心的资金部分搞 ...
说起来当初为了记下所有的补给点和宝物 ,特意买了地图和小本
trytrytry 发表于
说起来当初为了记下所有的补给点和宝物 ,特意买了地图和小本龙腾网
啊 翻译这篇可不只是谈游戏的说
哦 应该是 果然高手&
本帖最后由 浪漫的破布 于
18:28 编辑
玩的时候马谡企图拐走诸葛 结果诸葛说 对不起我已经有刘备大人了
看见讨论刘备的 作为正史刘备粉有一种说不清的感觉 话说三国志(陈寿)有没有英文版
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