zombie kill of the week reborn怎么三国kill联机刷成就

Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn
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And problems with the updated serversSo, as some of you already noticed, no-one was able to play the multiplayer for the last couple of days.This was actually caused by me. I just updated the servers to a new version, and I kind of sort of maybe forgot to validate the new version number.So, how about the goodies?Servers are now validated, and in working condition, plus! if everything else goes according to plans, we should now have gotten rid of so called &ghost& players on the server. This basically means, that I won't have to restart the servers twice every week, but hopefully just once a month (for an example) should do the trick.We'll see how this goes on the long run, but it's looking good so far (if you forgive me for breaking the entire multiplayer mode for the past few days)
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28 August, 2016
What's up? What's new?-I've overhauled the way the players are leveling up. It's now made slightly harder for everyone to level up (instead of shooting once, and gaining the first level the first time you play..) and for players who have OverKilled their profile, the process is even tougher after each OverKill Perk.-No more handless folks on your avatar, nor on multiplayer! -Upgraded BGv23 can now be reloaded again (yay!)And that's about it. Have fun ya all!
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10 August, 2016
NEW WEAPONS!Protect your freedom, with THIS!Put on a suit, and go on a rampage!Zombies? #BOOM# What zombies?Is it a brainfart? Is it a pistol? No. It's. The MurphyPickup your cowboy boots, 'n other cowboy stuff. And go on a hunt!IMPROVED CLOUD SAVING!-It's all faster, and better now! But WARNING! Please keep in mind that the cloud saves from 1.4 version WILL FAIL TO WORK on older versions! (And you will probably even get an error if you try to do that) Other way around everything works as supposed though!EVERY SINGLE WEAPON HAS BEEN TWEAKED!-Some weapons aren't so wimpy anymore, other weapons aren't so OP anymore. Explosions have been buffed up a-lot as well. Go ahead, give the weapons a go now!NEW WEAPON SPAWNS!-The weapon pickup system has been changed. Now, instead of 1 weapon on every spawn point, there is 3 weapons on almost every spawn point through the map! We have also added few spawns here and there, and added new weapons from the fridge to be picked up!-After you purchase a weapon, new weapon will spawn there when the next round starts!EVEN MORE BLOOD!-Because of my amazingly awesome intelligense, I was able to change one number in the game that now allows ZKW to be EVEN BLOODIER THAN EVER! There's no such thing as &too much blood& (If you think it's possible. I'm not very sure why you're looking at ZKW's store page. Go on now. Shoo)NEW CROSSHAIR-People with dual monitors! Don't be afraid! You won't be loosing your crosshair in the middle of a battle anymore! Yepee!BUGS!-And quite the opposite of that. I have succesfully fixed some bugs in the game, optimized the code even more, and done other under-the-hood improvements! It goes without saying, that, with these improvements, there WILL be new bugs around. If (or should I say, when) you see any new bugs, please report them in to the bug-reports section right here:Oh I'm sure I forgot something-It's been a rough week for me, doing 10+ hour days at the construction site, and it's almost midnight here. So my writing might not be purrfect and all. Ok so, I guess that's all. Maybe go pewpew som zomzom? Yes? Good.
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6 August, 2016
New weapons!!-First time, in the history of ZKW-Reborn, NEW WEAPONS will be added!5 new weapons to be exact!Yadayada. What are they?Protect your freedom, with THIS!Put on a suit, and go on a rampage!Zombies? #BOOM# What zombies?Is it a brainfart? Is it a pistol? No. It's. The MurphyPickup your cowboy boots, 'n other cowboy stuff. And go on a hunt!What else?Oh, so much more! Every single weapon has been tweaked, explosions have been improved, new crosshair has been added, bots AI has been slightly tweaked, under the hood improvements, falloff-damage to weapons, 5 new weapons, new weapon pickup system (will be explained later), and ofcourse.. EVEN MORE BLOOD!When are we going to get these awesome things?Next wednesday. That's 10th of this month!Cool. Why has this taken so long?I'm not too comfortable talking about money, but I've been short on it lately. This has forced me to do some &real& work, which has left me really exhausted. But don't worry! As soon as this little &situation& is over, I'll be working full time on ZKW again!Let me help?You can actually help soon enough. We're going to bring the old maps from the 2013 version to Reborn! 4 maps in total.This will be a buyable DLC, and the price will range anywhere from 1-2USDAs soon as this weaponry update is released, we'll focus on the old maps.Thank you all for your amazing support so far guys!I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!Keep your heads up, or well.. Keep yer heads, and slay some zombies for me!
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18 May, 2016
Here's a picture of a doge.Now that I have your attention, let me ask you something.ZKW, and campaign mode.Yay, or nay?Let me explain a bit further.I'm sure all of you already know, that after the first few hundred rounds, ZKW tends to get boring. I've tried to come up with multiple ideas that would make the game more interesting, even on the later rounds, but nothing seems to be working for long.So, this one particular idea has been in my head for a few years already, but I never haven't had enough time, or interest to make it happen.So, this campaign mode. The gameplay wouldn't be changed too much. You could still play as long as you wanted, BUT with a little twist. Once you've gotten to round X, a door would open. Or any other kind of transition thing (train, car, plane.. Hole?) in which you could enter, and you would then go to another area of the map. So, let's say you're in Abandoned Hospital. The door opens, and you go in there. Boom, you're now in another section, as big as the first one, of the hospital.Each level would have 3-5 sections in total, and once you've finished them all, you win. Yes, sounds weird? Winning in ZKW? Well, yes. You would win, survive another day. But you could still just stay, in any of these sections, and make your last stand, just like now.So, any ideas? What does this make you feel?
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Zombie Kill Of The Week
戳一下,我给你跳舞!5 of 9 people (56%) found this review helpful2 people found this review funny
Guys get this game! it is a hell of alot of fun! mad crazy gamerz bought the 4 pack and after a little while our other friends wanted to play we here up to 6 people hahahah and smashed out so many hours of gameplay straight away. became a little bit addictive hahahah check out our gameplay video if you want to have a look at us having fun with this game!MCG
Guys get this game! it is a hell of alot of fun! mad crazy gamerz bought the 4 pack and after a little while our other friends wanted to play we here up to 6 people hahahah and smashed out so many hours of gameplay straight away. became a little bit addictive hahahah check out our gameplay video if you want to have a look at us having fun with this game!
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