求助,temptation 2的坑爹游戏2攻略攻略

Gem Temptation is relax, challengin
Gem Temptation is relax, challenging and additive puzzle game. The goal of the game is to help the pretty girl to push gem ball of the specify color to the gem block of the same color. The girl will give you additional incentives.MSN:Follow us /colormegamesFind us /colormegameUse the sliders to move the gem ball to the matched gem block. The mission completes when all gem balls in the right gem blocks and bright. Every level has fixed number of move, if you finished in the fixed number, you get the ACE title.How to Play:?Click on the sliders to move the gem ball onto the targets in as f Sliders can also be used to push the gem ball.
?The gem ball colors have to match target colors.
All targets must be filled, but not every gem ball needs to be on a targets.?Blockers can’t be moved and nothing c Rotators twist all nearby the gem ball in one direction.
?There is an undo button if you get stuck, and you can return to the menu at any time to try a different level. ?Try moving the gem ball onto another row, shifting the sliders around then moving it back.Features:?5 difficult levels ranging from New to Expert..?100 levels in total for you to enjoy.?Challenges ACE: if you finished in the fixed number, you get the ACE title.?Pause the game at any time and resume where you left off.?Detailed instructions and game tips.?Enjoy the good and relax game music.More levels coming in the next version.For support, help, or suggestions please contact support.handcn@
or to our website
Gem Temptation
订阅后可及时接受活动,礼包,开测和开放下载的提醒!第1页:Quest0:Tutorial第2页:QuestRelship:She(he)WILL be mine第3页:Quest1:Moving in,Moving on第4页:Quest2:Hands to Work第5页:Quest3:What's cooking?第6页:Quest4:Turning a new leaf第7页:Quest5:To the bar!第8页:Quest6:Mike Davis第9页:Quest7:Party Time!
【Quest7:Party Time!】传奇最经典网页版,多人团战跨服竞技玩法冰火战场,十年最经典游戏,英雄合击,3D特效绚丽,赶紧注册试玩一下,
&&==&&Quest7-1:Buy a disco ball, a few sets of party lights and a couple of concert
speakers.购买一个迪士可球(大、中、小,任何一个即可)、一对舞会灯(大或小任一对即可)和一对喇叭(大或小任一对即可)。Quest7-2:You'll need your microphone, amplifier and guitar and a piano for
Mike.Quest4和Quest6所买的东西(包括吉他)只要都有保留,这个条件就会自动完成。Quest7-3:Set up the living room with these items.将Quest4、Quest6和Quest7购买的所有东西(包括一开始的吉他)摆放在客厅。Quest7-4:Invite guests. Make sure that all your friends are there.邀请玩家电话通讯簿中的所有朋友来到公寓。必须先完成条件7-5。Quest7-5:You've got to become acquainted with more people to invite them.至少要在酒吧中认识三个朋友。要认识新朋友只要让该NPC的友谊值达到些许水平即可。成为朋友之后,玩家电话的通讯簿中就会出现该NPC的头像。Quest7-6:Start the party by performing your music.条件7-3和7-4完成后,选择吉他或麦克风就可以和Mike一同演奏音乐,最后再选择挚爱-当然是Anna(Josh)啰。即完成所有任务!性福人生2三重烦恼通关攻略(上):性福人生2三重烦恼通关攻略(下):性福人生2三重烦恼作弊秘籍大全:


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