《 Bridezilla 》街机3d玩法技巧巧

中文翻译英文新娘哥斯拉 bridezilla
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中文翻译英文新娘哥斯拉 bridezilla
  Weddings can be stressful occasions. The closer the big day approaches, the more wound-up everyone involved gets - the bride-to-be throws tantrums if every small detail of the preparations isn' the bride's father wants to take over the whole affair and run it himself, without consult the bridegroom's mother, losing her son to a woman who doesn't come up to her own high standards, interferes at every turn.  婚礼一般都会给人带来压力。婚礼的日子越近,参与的人们就会变得越混乱&&准新娘会因为某个小细节不完美而发飙;新娘的父亲可能没有征得新人同意就要接管一切婚礼事务;而新郎的母亲则可能会因为要把儿子交给一个没有达到自己高标准的女人而趁机搅局。
  The English language now has words for all three of them: the pushy father is a 'dadzilla', the possessive mother a 'mumzilla', and any obnoxious bride-to-be is a 'bridezilla'.  英语里对这三类人都有了称呼:强势的父亲叫做&爸爸哥斯拉&,不想对儿子放手的妈妈叫做&妈妈哥斯拉&,而吹毛求疵惹人厌的准新娘就叫做&新娘哥斯拉&。
  This last was the coinage that started the trend, in the USA in the mid 1990s, and it can cover the whole range of bridely imperfections, from spitefulness to bridesmaids to wedding-present greed. It can be applied to bridegrooms too.  &新娘哥斯拉&是这一系列称呼的开创者,在20世纪90年代中期最先在美国出现,这个称呼可以涵盖准新娘的各种劣行,从对伴娘不友善到贪图婚礼礼物均在其中。同时,这一称呼也可用语新郎。
Copyright & 2007 - 2008
All Rights ReservedBridezillas – WE tv
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帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
因为是新贴,所以为表示诚意先贴一组照片吧:这组是施华洛家的免费体验,是之前的一个活动,因为在此之前和他们负责人有谈过了,所以非常顺利就预约到了免费的名额。拍照当天是穿的他家水晶最新一系列的5代,这系列一共5款,礼服还是不错滴。然后整个化妆拍照过程确实没花一分钱,服务态度也非常好,表扬一下!当然我不是他们家托儿哈,也有一些小小不满意的,比如只给6张原片,比如免费拍照的摄影师水平比较有限,后来私下和他们经理聊天室和也有提过,其实既然是做免费推广活动何不力度更强一点,至少是派出真正有实力的摄影师才能体现商家实力嘛……这点因为对摄影师水平的怀疑也最终导致我没选他们家……SORRY了……当然施华洛还是非常有特色的,他们家衣服绝对是很好的,最好的衣服在三层啦,一二层的相对就比较差一些,三层除了他们家狂做广告的水晶5代和苏菲礼服之外,其实真正比较好的是西班牙进口的婚纱LA SPOSA和PRONOVIAS,还有那个It's my party系列的礼服,是够档次走红地毯的衣服,而不是现在很多很俗的那些礼服,看过的MM估计都知道。Anyway,原片实在是没法发了,发几张我自己PS玩的吧,估计最后这套婚纱就不会用了,但是作为婚纱照的热身还是一次很好的体验:)[hide] 630 ? '630px' : 'auto'); overflow:" />[/hide][ 本帖最后由 豆妮儿 于
13:26 编辑 ]
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
[hide] 630 ? '630px' : 'auto'); overflow:" />[/hide][ 本帖最后由 豆妮儿 于
18:23 编辑 ]
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
630 ? '630px' : 'auto'); overflow:" />[/hide][ 本帖最后由 豆妮儿 于
13:26 编辑 ]
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
630 ? '630px' : 'auto'); overflow:" />[/hide][ 本帖最后由 豆妮儿 于
18:25 编辑 ]
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
[hide] 630 ? '630px' : 'auto'); overflow:" />[/hide][ 本帖最后由 豆妮儿 于
06:01 编辑 ]
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
[hide] 630 ? '630px' : 'auto'); overflow:" />[/hide][ 本帖最后由 豆妮儿 于
11:10 编辑 ]
帖子:幸福币:2945 XFB来自:北京
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帖子:幸福币:11 XFB来自:北京
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
原帖由 曼罗兰 于
08:54 发表 很有气质,不过照片太模糊了 多谢,昨儿半夜改的大小,论坛限制附件400KB内,所以质量就变差了,晚点我从新改一下上传
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
原帖由 幸福树 于
09:38 发表 欢迎怪兽新娘 啦啦,多谢
帖子:幸福币:3888 XFB来自:北京
帖子:幸福币:3032 XFB来自:北京
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
原帖由 熊猫大美女 于
14:05 发表 哇,光看名字就很酷了!而且人也很亮呢~~~ 多谢熊猫大美女!
帖子:幸福币:1795 XFB来自:北京
原帖由 三妹儿 于
14:19 发表 支持一下美丽的新娘子1 谢谢三妹儿,ID名字看着像四川或湖南的妹子?:)
帖子:幸福币:6667 XFB来自:北京
帖子:幸福币:6667 XFB来自:北京
原帖由 豆妮儿 于
05:53 发表 因为是新贴,所以为表示诚意先贴一组照片吧:这组是施华洛家的免费体验,是之前的一个活动,因为在此之前和他们负责人有谈过了,所以非常顺利就预约到了免费的名额。拍照当天是穿的他家水晶最新一系列的5代,这系 ... 看着很美哟。。
帖子:幸福币:6667 XFB来自:北京
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单次最多能上传10张.......Series Description
Bridezillas is a 60 minute
series on WE TV about brides gone wild! Ok! We all know that the wedding is all about the bride. We all know that it can be a very stressful experience. So we all try to have a little tolerance for what a bride might be going through but these brides are just plain nuts! Every little detail must be exactly to their specifications and then they still complain! No expense is too great to give them the royal attention that they so deserve! And if they don't get what they want, when they want it ... well, there's hell to pay. Get real ladies! With your demanding personalities you're lucky to find anyone who wants to speak to you, much less marry you!
Bridezillas Cast
Mindy Burbano ........................ Narrator
Bridezillas Trivia
This is the WE network's highest rated original program. It achieved that distinction in its second season.
Before appearing on the WE network, episodes that inspired this series appeared on MetroTV for two seasons and a one hour special compiled from the first season appeared on FOX.
It's pretty obvious but we'll mention anyway that the title, "Bridezillas" is a combining of the words "Bride" and "Godzilla". Godzilla is the huge monster that originated in a 1954 Japanese movie and then became very popular in the U.S. The monster simply does whatever it wants to do and destroys anything that gets in its way.
The first season of Bridezillas concentrated on the typical young, caucasion, rich bride who all happened to be from New York. Starting in the second season middle income brides were added in addition to African-American and older couples from various parts of the U.S.
In the third season a male bride was eventually featured and referred to a a "Gayzilla".
Initially the title of this series was going to be "Manhattan Brides". Soon the producers noticed that the scenes that were getting the best response from those who viewed the footage were the ones where the brides were raising hell with everyone. It was then decided to edit the already shot footage to highlight those scenes and the title was changed to Bridezillas.
One of the brides from the second season, "Julia Swinton-Williamson" claimed that the producers had not explained to her that the footage would highlight her worst moments as a "Bridezilla". She sued them for defamation of character but in 2008 her lawsuit was finally dismissed.
Episodes List With Original Air Dates
Thuy, Adrianna, and Jada (6/7/2004)
Adrianna, Jada, and Antonella (6/14/2004)
Jada, Antonella, and Gretchen (6/21/2004)
Gretchen, Antonella, and Patricia (6/28/2004)
Antonella, Patricia, and Magdalena (7/5/2004)
Antonella, Magdalena, and Korliss (7/12/2004)
Magdalena, Korliss, and Noelle (7/19/2004)
Korliss and Noelle (7/26/2004)
Vanessa, Karen, Julia, and Cynthia (6/12/2005)
Miho, Julia, Karen, and Amy (6/19/2005)
Brooke, Miho, Julia, and Amy (6/26/2005)
Tricia, Karen, Miho, and Cynthia (7/3/2005)
Miho, Amy, Karen, and Cynthia (7/10/2005)
Michelle, Karen, Julia, and Amy (7/17/2005)
Kathleen, Cynthia, Karen, and Julia (7/24/2005)
Julia, Cynthia, and Karen (7/31/2005)
Marsha and Nikki (6/11/2006)
Marsha and Yoshie (6/18/2006)
Marsha and Regina (6/25/2006)
Regina and Lydee (7/2/2006)
Regina and Angela (7/9/2006)
Angela and Shelayna (7/16/2006)
Shelayna and Ladessia (7/23/2006)
Shelayna and Milena (7/30/2006)
Milena (8/6/2006)
Kristina and Calisse (8/13/2006)
Calisse and Malia (8/20/2006)
Rhyan and Malia (8/27/2006)
Malia and Dana (9/3/2006)
Dana and Melody (9/10/2006)
Melody and Karyn (9/17/2006)
Karyn and Jon (9/24/2006)
Charlene and Jon (10/1/2006)
Bessa and Jon (10/8/2006)
Anita / Andrea (6/17/2007)
Anita / Alicia (6/24/2007)
Kaileema / Alicia (7/1/2007)
Alicia / Sharon (7/8/2007)
Sharon / Maria (7/15/2007)
Maria / Monica (7/22/2007)
Monica / Tasha (7/29/2007)
Tasha / Denise (8/5/2007)
Tasha / Stephanie (8/12/2007)
Stephani / Danika (8/19/2007)
Stephani/Melisha (8/26/2007)
Melisha / Suzanne (9/2/2007)
Melisha / Gina (9/9/2007)
Gina / Chris (9/16/2007)
Chris / Candice (9/23/2007)
Candice / Michelle (9/30/2007)
Michelle / Athena (10/7/2007)
Athena / Phebie (10/14/2007)
Ayesha and Jennifer (6/1/2008)
Jennifer and Kenya (6/8/2008)
Kenya and Katrina (6/15/2008)
Katrina and Janelle (6/22/2008)
Katrina and Lisa (6/29/2008)
Lisa and Youmika (7/6/2008)
Monica and Lisa (7/13/2008)
Dawn and Monica (7/20/2008)
Brandi and Dawn (7/27/2008)
Brandi and Kristen (8/3/2008)
Kristen and Tanesha (8/10/2008)
Tanesha and Megan (8/17/2008)
Megan and Celinda (8/24/2008)
Megan and Misty (8/31/2008)
Misty and Jennifer (9/7/2008)
Jennifer and Vanessa (9/14/2008)
Vanessa and Dona (9/21/2008)
Dona and Shanteca (9/28/2008)
Shanteca and Amanda (10/5/2008)
Amanda and DeShawn (10/12/2008)
DeShawn and Cari (10/19/2008)
Cari and Rebecca (10/26/2008)
Courtney and Valerie (6/7/2009)
Valerie and Christina (6/14/2009)
Levitriss and Valerie (6/21/2009)
Levitriss and Angela (6/28/2009)
Bernadette and Angela (7/5/2009)
Bernadette and Josaine (7/12/2009)
Karee and Josaine (7/19/2009)
Karee and Melissa C. (7/26/2009)
Melissa C. and Valique (8/2/2009)
Valique and Melissa G. (8/9/2009)
Melissa G. and Jessica (8/16/2009)
Jessica and Melissa B. (8/23/2009)
Melissa B. and Adrienne (8/30/2009)
Adrienne and Debra (9/6/2009)
Debra and Nicole (9/13/2009)
Nicole and Kirsten (9/20/2009)
Kirsten and LaJune (9/27/2009)
LaJune and Lacey (10/4/2009)
Lacey and LaDrienna (10/11/2009)
Karen and Ladrienna (10/18/2009)
Karen and Natasha (10/25/2009)
Kelli and Karen (11/1/2009)
Andrea and Ivy (6/6/2010)
Ivy and Shandra (6/13/2010)
Shandra and Sara (6/20/2010)
Sara and Natalie (6/27/2010)
Natalie and Martina (7/4/2010)
Martina and Michelle (7/11/2010)
Michelle and Mia (7/18/2010)
Mia and Maria (7/25/2010)
Maria and Regina (8/1/2010)
Regina and Kendall (8/8/2010)
Kendall and Stephanie (8/15/2010)
Stephanie and Alex (8/22/2010)
Alex and Melissa (8/29/2010)
Melissa and Ayanna (9/5/2010)
Ayanna and Jenny (9/12/2010)
Jenny and Gloria (9/19/2010)
Gloria and Katie (9/26/2010)
Katie and Carley (10/3/2010)
Carley and Erica (10/10/2010)
Erica and Delilah (10/17/2010)
Delilah and Tasha (10/24/2010)
Tasha and Molly (10/31/2010)
Molly, Tasanna and Angel (11/7/2010)
Erica and Krystal (6/12/2011)
Krystal and Gabrielle (6/19/2011)
Gabrielle and Kym (6/26/2011)
Kym and Porsha (7/3/2011)
Porsha and Gloria (7/10/2011)
Gloria and Tricia (7/17/2011)
Tricia and Danyelle (7/24/2011)
Tricia and Danni (7/31/2011)
Danni and Suzy (8/7/2011)
Suzy and Nicole (8/14/2011)
Suzy and Brittany (8/21/2011)
Brittany and Kim (8/28/2011)
Kim and Danielle (9/4/2011)
Kim and Frankie (9/11/2011)
Frankie and Marissa (9/18/2011)
Frankie and Ruby (9/25/2011)
Ruby and Kim (10/2/2011)
Kim and Kera (10/9/2011)
Kera and Tifani (10/16/2011)
Tifani and Johanne (10/23/2011)
Johanne and Daphne (10/30/2011)
Johanne and Cristal (11/6/2011)
Shederyl and Marlene (6/10/2012)
Marlene and Jeanine (6/17/2012)
Jeanine and Callie (6/24/2012)
Jeanine and Rochelle (7/1/2012)
Rochelle and Ashanti (7/8/2012)
Ashanti and Liza (7/15/2012)
Liza and Brittany (7/22/2012)
Brittany and Michelle (7/29/2012)
Michelle and Tasha (8/5/2012)
Tasha and Tracy (8/12/2012)
Tasha and Remy (8/19/2012)
Remy and Blanca (8/26/2012)
Jennifer and Blanca (9/2/2012)
Jennifer and Lance (9/9/2012)
Christine and Minyon (9/16/2012)
Tabby and Christine (9/23/2012)
Davina and Tabby (9/30/2012)
Cristal and Davina (10/7/2012)
Janelle and James (10/14/2012)
Natalie and Cristal (10/21/2012)
Natalie and Danielle (10/28/2012)
Natalie and Raquel (11/4/2012)
Haley and Ariel (5/31/2013)
Dezjuan and Ariel (6/7/2013)
Dezjuan and Amanda (6/14/2013)
Amanda and Dekeydra (6/21/2013)
Dekeydra and Joraine (6/28/2013)
Joraine and Amanda (7/5/2013)
Amanda and Miyesha (7/12/2013)
Miyesha and Stephanie (7/19/2013)
Stephanie and Krystal (8/9/2013)
Stephanie and Taneema (8/2/2013)
Krystal and Evelina (8/16/2013)
Evelina and Yovanna (8/23/2013)
Yovanna and Aleshia (8/23/2013)
Aleshia and Sophia (8/30/2013)
Sophia and Ashley (8/30/2013)
Ashley and Ariane (9/6/2013)
Ariane and Roxy (9/6/2013)
Roxy and Mai-Lee (9/13/2013)
Mai-Lee and Angela (9/20/2013)
Angela and Adrianne (9/27/2013)
Adrianne & Wilaura (10/4/2013)
Wilaura & Megan (10/11/2013)
TV Specials
Best of Bridezillas (6/4/2006)
Best of Bridezillas (10/15/2006)
Best of Bridezillas (6/1/2008)
Top 10 Bridezilla Moments (6/7/2009)
Where Are They Now? (6/6/2010)
Where Are They Now? (6/12/2011)
Attack of the Momzillas (10/30/2011)
Biggest Bridezilla Meltdowns (11/6/2011)
Where Are They Now? 3.0 (6/10/2012)
The Boot Camp Couples (5/30/2013)
Thank you for visiting our Bridezillas page!
Copyright &#169; 1997-All rights reservedInformal. a soon-to-be bride who is overly involved with the details of her wedding and becomes extremely self-centered, demanding, or otherwise difficult to tolerate.
First recorded in 1990-95; 1 +
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2017.
Contemporary definitions for
a bride-to-be who focuses so much on the event that she
becomes difficult and obnoxious
Word Origin
1995; blend of bride + Godzilla
Usage Note
's 21st Century LexiconCopyright (C) 2003-, LLC
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