《 DolphinQuest 》街机三国战甲洗练技巧玩有没有什么特殊技巧?求地址?

万象城娱乐为促癌物,还会增强甲状腺癌细胞的迁移能力,促进甲状腺癌转移。此外,肥胖会使体内的胰岛素水平较高,过多的胰岛素会刺激甲状腺细胞增殖、转化,促进甲状腺癌的发病。  患甲状腺疾
  &小洛洛&晒出一大波各式花草后如是说:&冬天将尽,万物复苏,蛰虫惊而出走矣&,虫虫都出来浪了,我们为什么还要宅在家里呢?  &幼师玲玲&rdqu
发布: 21:09:40
People doing early-morning taichi in Shanghai. Photograph: Eugene Hoshiko/AP上海,清晨,人们在练习太极拳。照片:Eugene Hoshiko/美联社When I moved to Beijing in August 2003, I believed I had the best job in the world: working for my favourite newspaper in the biggest nation at arguably the most dramatic phase of transformation in its history. In the past decade, it has given me a front-row seat to watch 200-odd years of industrial development playing at fast forward on a continent-wide screen with a cast of more than a billion.当我在2003年8月搬到中国时,我觉得我拥有了世界上最好的工作:作为我最喜爱的报纸的工作人员,来到一个可以说处于它历史上最激动人心的转型时刻的最大国家。在过去的十年间,我得以坐在前排,看着200多年工业发展进程在中国大地这块宽广的大荧幕上以快进模式上演,演员正是它的十几亿人口。That said, I am glad my daughters were young and easy to please back then or we might well have taken the first plane out of the country. As we drove from the airport to our apartment, I tried to maintain an upbeat chatter. "Look at all the kites," I said as we passed Chaoyang park, even though my heart sank at the tatty buildings, endless construction sites and stultifying haze. In my head, I asked myself: "Have I done the right thing for them?"虽说这样,我还是很欣慰当时我的两个女儿都小,比较容易哄骗,不然我们那时可能马上就乘第一班飞机离开中国了。在从机场开车到住所的路上,我竭力保持着快乐的状态喋喋不休地说着。“看,好多风筝啊,”当路过朝阳公园时我愉快地说——虽然当看到那些破旧的建筑、无数的工地沉闷地笼罩在阴霾之中的景象时,我的心早已一沉到底了。我在心里默默地问自己:“我为家庭做得抉择正确吗?”We had come from Japan – a democratic, comfortable, polite, hygiene-obsessed, orderly, first-world nation – to the grim-looking capital of a developing, nominally communist country that looked and sounded like a giant building site. For all enthusiasm, my family must have felt we were taking a step backwards in lifestyle.我们从上一站日本——一个民主的、舒适的、讲礼貌的、极其讲究卫生的、有秩序的第一世界国家——到了一个发展中的,所谓的共产主义国家的首都,这里看着冷漠又缺乏活力,看景象、听声音都像是一个巨大的建筑工地。It required an adjustment of preconceptions. Like many newcomers, I delighted at discoveries of Chinese literature and Daoist philosophy, Beijing parks, the edgy eccentricity of Dashanzi and the glorious mix of classicism and obscenity in the Chinese language, though I never managed to master it. The mix of communist politics and capitalist economics appeared to have created a system designed to exploit people and the environment like never before. It was so unequal that Japan appeared far more socialist by comparison. And it was changing fast. As swaths of the capital were being demolished and rebuilt for the Olympics, there was an exhilarating (and sometimes disorientating) sense of mutability. Everything seemed possible.这种先入为主的观念需要一个调整期。很快,像许多刚来这里的人一样,我愉快地踏上一场发现之旅,领略着中国文学、道家哲学,北京的那许多公园和古怪的大蒲扇,还有那使古典与低俗相映成趣的中国语言,虽然我最终也没能学会它。共产主义政治和资本主义经济形式的结合创造了一种特殊的体制,这种体制能充分地调动人民的力量和环境资源。这种体制是不平等的,以至于与中国相比,日本看起来倒更像社会主义国家。当时中国的发展很快。随着奥运到来,首都北京大片区域拆毁重建,这突如其来的变化使一种兴奋的感觉(有时也会无所适从)随之而来。看来一切皆有可能。Looking back over the stories that followed, it is hard to believe so much could be compressed into such a short span of time – the outbreaks of Sars and bird flu, the attempted assassination of the president of Taiwan, deadly unrest in Tibet, the devastating earthquake in Sichuan, murderous ethnic violence in Xinjiang, as well as the huge regional stories: two tsunamis – in 2004 in the Indian Ocean and last year in the Pacific, a multiple nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, and the protracted rattling of nuclear sabres on the Korean peninsula.回看那之后发生的一切,依旧很难相信,这么短的时间内竟然浓缩了如此之多的大事件——非典和禽流感的暴发,台湾领导人遇刺(未果),西藏动乱,四川发生毁灭性地震,新疆动乱。与此同时,区域性灾难也接连而至:两次海啸的发生——2004年印度洋海啸和去年的太平洋海啸,日本福岛核电站大规模的核泄漏和由来已久的朝鲜半岛核问题。One of my first tasks in 2003 was to chose a Chinese name. I opted for "Hua Zhong", partly because it sounds a little like "Watts, Jon", but mainly because the characters mean "Sincere to China" – something I was determined to be as a reporter. Nine years later, that sentiment has not faded. But at various times, I have been called a communist sympathiser, supporter of Taiwan, a stooge of the Dalai Lama.2003年刚到中国时,我首先得为自己取一个中文名。我最后选择了“华忠”,一是因为它读起来有一点像我的名字“Watts Jon”,但最主要是因为这两个字有“忠于中国”的意思——这正是身为记者的我决心要做到的。九年后,这种热忱依旧没有褪色。但是在不同阶段,我既曾被认作共产主义支持者,也曾被冠以台独的支持者、达赖喇嘛的好伙伴的名号。However, my focus has been on development and its impact on individuals and the environment. In 2003, China had the world's sixth-biggest GDP. It passed France in 2004, Britain in 2006, Germany in 2009, and Japan in 2011. On current course, it will replace the US as No 1 within the next 15 years. It has already top in terms of internet population, energy consumption and the size of its car market.然而,我所关注的一直是中国的发展,以及它对个体和环境带来的影响。2003年,中国的GDP排名达到世界第六,并在2004年超过法国,2006年超过英国,2009年超过德国,2011年超过日本。照现在的速度,中国GDP将在15年内超过美国、跃居世界第一。目前中国已经创造了几个世界第一:网民数量、能源消耗以及它广阔的汽车市场。A decade of dominance独领风骚的十年The primary driver for change has been the movement of people. Over the past nine years 120 million Chinese people – almost twice the population of the UK – have moved from the countryside to the city. This mind-boggling shift has its problems, as I found in Chongqing, but for the most part, China appears to have avoided the worst of the poverty, crime and ghettoes seen in other rapidly urbanising countries.促成这十年间改变的主要动力来自于中国人口的迁移。在过去的9年中,1.2亿中国人口——相当于英国总人口的将近两倍——从乡村搬到了城市。规模如此令人惊讶的迁移肯定会造成一些问题,我之前在重庆的发现便是佐证,但是总的来说,中国并没有出现在其他迅速城市化国家中常见的严重贫穷、犯罪横行的贫民区。Yet it also seems more brittle, perhaps because of the other big economic engine: infrastructure investment. In this period, China has been re-wired and re-plumbed. There has been an extraordinary expansion of power, transport and communication networks that have linked the nation like never before: west-east gas pipelines, south-north water diversion, hundreds of airports and a massive new electricity grid linking wind and solar power plants in the deserts to power-hungry consumers in cities and industrial plants.然而提到另一个重要的经济引擎——基础设施投资,人口迁移的因素就显得不那么主要了。在这段时期里,中国的电线和管道被拆了又铺、铺了又拆。中国在电力、交通、和信息网络上都有了巨大飞跃,使全国更好地联系在了一起。西气东输管线、南水北调工程、上百个新建机场。一张崭新的巨大电网将西部沙漠地区发出的风能、太阳能传送到电力短缺的东部城市,送入各家各户和企业工厂。This has been a decade of cement and steel, a time when economic development has pushed into the most remote corners of China with a series of prestige projects: the world's highest railway, the biggest dam, the longest bridge, putting a man into space, the most ambitious hydroengineering project in human history and, of course, hosting – and dominating – the Olympics for the first time.这是中国高速建设的十年,就是在这十年,中国经济发展的脚步迈进了最边远的角落,带去一系列辉煌的工程:他们建设了世界海拔最高的铁路、最大的堤坝、最长的桥梁,他们将航天员送上太空,创造了人类历史上最宏大的水利工程,当然还有,首次举办奥运会并且取得骄人的成绩。It has been a privilege to watch this redistribution of wealth and power from the developed to the developing world. On a global level, such a shift will require nothing less than a grand accommodation – or a violent conflict. Beijing appears to be preparing for both. Other news during this period showed a hardening of China's military muscle: a breakthrough satellite-killing missile test, the launch of a first aircraft carrier, the development of a new stealth fighter and a steady increase in military spending.我很荣幸有机会看到财富和权力的实现了从发达国家到这个发展中国家的流转。在全球层面,要完成这样的转变,这个国家起码要有非常健全的基础设施——或者发动一场暴力战争。中国似乎在做着双方面的准备。这段时期,在其他新闻中我们看到了中国军事羽翼的日渐丰满:尖端反卫星导弹的试射,首艘航空母舰的下海,隐形战斗机的新发展,伴随着军费开支的稳步上涨。Criticism has rarely been appreciated. All too often, there have been flare-ups of anti-foreign media hostility. Some of my colleagues in other media organisations have received death threats. I never expected China to be an easy place to work as a journalist. For political and cultural reasons, there is a huge difference in expectations of the media. For historical and geo-strategic reasons, there is a lingering distrust of foreign reporters.正面的评论总是受到欢迎,而批评的声音则很少受到赞赏。反对外媒的人一直对我们充满敌意,并曾几度爆发。甚至,我在其他媒体的同事曾收到过死亡恐吓。作为一个记者,我也从来没有奢求在中国工作是一件很简单的事。出于政治原因和文化差异,中国对媒体的认识与我们存在巨大差异;出于历史原因和地缘因素,中国对外国记者的不信任感也一直存在。Run-ins with the police, local authorities or thugs are depressingly common. I have been detained five times, turned back six times at roadblocks (including during several efforts to visit Tibetan areas) and physically manhandled on a couple of occasions. Members of state security have sometimes followed interviewees and invited my assistants "out for tea", to question them on who I was meeting and where I planned to visit. Censors have shut down a partner website that translated Guardian articles into Mandarin. Police have twice seized my journalist credentials, most recently on this year's World Press Freedom Day after I tried to interview the blind human-rights activist Chen Guangcheng in hospital. When that happened, I debated with another British newspaper reporter who was in the same position about whether to report on the confiscation. He argued that it was against his principles for journalists to become part of the story. I used to believe the same, but after nine years in China, I have seen how coverage is influenced by a lack of access, intimidation of sources and official harassment. I now believe reporters are doing a disservice to their readers if they fail to reveal these limitations on their ability to gather information.我曾多次与警察、地方当局和流氓暴徒发生争执,竟成了一件稀松平常的事,这让我很失望。我曾被拘留五次,在试图通过路障(包括几次想去西藏的企图)时被拦回六次,并且多次遭遇身体上的粗暴对待。接受我采访的人多次被国安局的人跟踪,我的几位助理也曾被邀请与他们“喝茶聊天”,他们想通过审问我的助理知道我都跟谁见过面,接下来想去哪里。一个将《卫报》翻译为中文的网站也曾经受到封禁。我的记者证先后两次被警察扣留,最近一次是在世界新闻自由日,在我试图去医院采访盲人人权活动家陈光诚(未果)时被扣留。事情发生后,就是否应该要报道这次记者证被扣事件,我曾与另一家英国报纸的记者(同样被扣了记者证)发生争论。他说,记者本人成为报道的一部分,这种做法有违他的原则。我曾经也有这种信仰,但是在中国呆了九年之后我已不再坚持,因为我亲眼所见一篇新闻报道可以受到怎样的外界干预:他们减少记者的渠道,恐吓消息持有者,再加上来自当局的骚扰。我现在认为,记者如果不能突破这些阻挡他们获得信息的障碍,就等同于损害了读者的权益。Yes, there is often negative coverage and yes, many of the positive developments in China are underemphasised. But I don't think it does the country's international image any favours to clumsily choke access to what is happening on the ground.是的,外国媒体的确经常有关于中国的消极报道,是的,外国媒体对中国发展的正面报道力度不够。但是我认为,如果中国总是遮遮掩掩,不让大家知道这里发生了什么,这对中国的国际形象不会有任何好处。Treated like a spy, I have sometimes had to behave like one. At various times, I've concealed myself under blankets in a car, hidden in a toilet, waited until dark in a safe house and met sources in the middle of the night to avoid detection.作为外国记者,我不仅经常被当做间谍对待,时不时的,我还真得弄得像个间谍一样。有几次,我曾把自己用毯子卷着藏在汽车里,有一次藏在厕所里,还有一次呆在一个安全的房间里直到天黑才敢离开,为了避免被发现,我不得不在半夜约见为我提供新闻线索的人。At other times, it is Chinese journalists and officials who pull the screen of secrecy aside. Take the foot-and-mouth outbreak on the outskirts of Beijing in 2005. I was first alerted to this by a Chinese reporter, who was frustrated that the propaganda department had ordered the domestic media not to run the story.然而也有几次是中国记者和官员最先向我们揭露的真相。举一例为证,2005年北京郊区爆发口蹄疫,当时宣传部下令,中国国内媒体不可以报道此事。一位中国记者对不能报道深感遗憾,于是将消息告诉了我,我才得知此事。Foreign ministry officials often tell me China is becoming more open and, indeed, there have been steps in that direction. But restrictions create fertile ground for rumour-mongering. One of the biggest changes in this period has been the spread of ideas through mobile phones and social networks. The 513 million netizens in China (up from 68 million in 2003) have incomparably greater access to information than any previous generation and huge numbers now speak out in ways that might have got them threatened or detained in 2003. Microblogs are perhaps nowhere more influential than in China because there is so little trust of the communist-controlled official media.外交部的官员总是跟我说,中国正在变得越来越开放,的确,我们能看到中国正在这个方向迈开脚步。但是限制往往是滋生谣言的肥沃土壤。这十年,最大的改变之一是手机和互联网的广泛应用扩展了信息传播的渠道。中国的5.13亿网民(2003年的数字是六千八百万)在获取信息的渠道上比起从前的时代有无可比拟的优势,现在很多人敢于开口说话了,而回到2003年,这些话可能会招致威胁甚至拘留。微博现今在中国比在任何其他地方都有影响力,因为共产党控制下的官方媒体已经失去了人们的信任。It has been fun watching netizens create an ingenious new language to evade restrictions. In this anti-authoritarian world, the heroes are the "grass mud horses" (which, in Chinese, sounds the same as a core banned phrase: "Fuck your mother!") while the villains are the river crabs (which is pronounced like "harmony" – the favourite excuse of the authorities when they crack down on dissent). But ultimately, a journalist wants to see things for him or herself. I will never forget the epic road trips – across the Tibetan plateau, along the silk road, through the Three Gorges and most memorably from Shangri-la to Xanadu. Along the way, I met remarkable people with extraordinary stories. True to the oft-heard criticism of the foreign media, many were from the "dark side": a young man in Shaoguan who confessed – as the shadows lengthened on the building site where we had our interview – to killing Uighur co-workers at his toy factory because of a rumour they had raped H a gynaecologist in Yunnan who argued with great conviction that it had once been necessary to tie pregnant women up to the young boy who found the body of his dead grandmother who killed herself a year after his father – an illegal migrant – phoned her to say he was about to drown in what became known as the Morecambe Bay disaster.很有意思的是,为了规避限制,网民们自创了一种奇特的语言。在这个反专制的世界,真正的英雄是“草泥马”(这个词语在中文里听起来很像一个严禁的短语:“(此处省去三个字)!”)打击罪犯则称河蟹(此词发音很像“和谐”——官方制裁反动言论时时常搬出的借口)。网络终究是虚幻的,最终,作为记者还是希望亲眼去看,亲身去体验。我永远也不会忘记自己那史诗般的行走之旅——穿过青藏高原,沿着丝绸之路,越过三峡来到世外桃源香格里拉。在路上,我遇到许多不寻常的人,听到许多不寻常的事。外媒一直受到批判是有原因的,的确我们的报道许多都是“阴暗面”的:有一天日暮时分,我在一个建筑工地和一位韶关年轻男子见面时,他承认他在自己的玩具工厂杀害了一位维吾尔族的同事,因为有传闻这些人强奸了一位汉族女性;我还采访过一位云南的妇科医生,他理直气壮地强调,以前在为孕妇实施流产时,将其绑起来是很必要的;还有一次,一个小男孩发现了他奶奶的尸体,原来是他的父亲——一位非法移民——之前曾打电话给他的母亲,告诉她自己马上要淹死了,这件事正是之后我们所称的“莫克姆湾惨剧”。Other stories literally turned up on my doorstep – such as the petitioner who arrived at my office a few weeks before I left. We had never met, but it was easy to identify Yang Zhong, who stood out a mile with his country boots, green overalls and bags crammed full of injustice. The look was all too familiar. I have lost count of the number of petitioners who have asked the Guardian to investigate land thefts, corruption cases, industrial accidents, rapes, murders and other alleged abuses of power.除了行走之中获得的故事,也有一些报道则是主动找上门的——比如在我离开中国一周前,那个到我办公室请求我的杨先生。我们以前从没见过面,但是杨忠非常好认,他穿着一双乡村土靴,一身绿衣服,背着一个包,里边装满了对不公的控诉。这样的打扮对我来说太熟悉了。我已经数不清有多少这样的人来请求《卫报》为他们调查强征土地,腐败案件,工业事故,强奸,谋杀以及其他对滥用职权的控诉。Yang had come from Jinshantun village in the far northern province of Heilongjiang to accuse a local forestry chief – Wang Liguan – of illegal logging in one of China's last great protected forests and for having him locked up and beaten when he dared to complain. Typically, his story, minutely recorded in reams of papers and even on a DVD, was anything but black and white.杨先生来自边远的东北的黑龙江金山屯,他要控诉一位当地林业部门的负责人——王力冠(音)——在中国最大的保护林之一进行非法开采,并且在他站出来表示反对后将他关起来暴打。不管怎么看,他所讲述的事情是非常黑白分明的。Weak laws and strong censorship make it difficult for such people to have their cases heard in the domestic system so they turn to foreign news bureaus. There were so many grim accounts it was impossible to give them all the time and attention they deserved.法律的薄弱和审查机制的强大使这些人很难在国内找到渠道将遭遇公之于众,于是他们选择了国外新闻机构。但这种不愉快的事情太多了,最终不是所有人都能得到他们需要的时间和注意力。Heroism and brutality英雄精神和粗暴野蛮But there were also stories of success, heroism and inspiration as a nation embraced new wealth and battled for new ideas: the business empires built by enlightened philanthropists such as Yin Mingshan of Lifan auto, the internet fortunes accrued by entrepreneurs such as Jack Ma of Alibaba and Robin Li of Baidu.但是随着中国拥抱新财富和创造新理念的脚步,也有很多关于成功、英雄精神的鼓舞人心的报道:包括有远见卓识的慈善家尹明善创立的商业帝国——力帆汽车;以及以阿里巴巴马云、百度李彦宏为首的领导者创造的互联网财富传奇。Compared with nine years ago, people in China have more freedom to shop, to travel and to express their views on the internet. The Communist party tolerates a degree of criticism,but step over the invisible line of what is acceptable and the consequences are brutal. In my first years in China, I interviewed several outspoken opponents – Liu Xiaobo, Gao Zhisheng, Hu Jia and Teng Biao. I was impressed back then that they were at liberty to speak out. It seemed like the act of a confident government. But all of them have subsequently been locked up and, in at least two cases, tortured.与九年前相比,中国人民已经能更自由地购物、旅行和在网上发表自己的观点。共产党在一定程度上可以接受批评的声音,但是一旦超过那条隐形的界限,后果将是严重的。我最初来到中国时,曾经采访过一些敢于直言的反对声音——刘晓波,高智晟,胡佳和滕彪。那时候他们竟敢自由地表达自己的观点,这给我留下了深刻印象。他们似乎对政府很自信,但是之后却都曾受到关押,其中至少两人曾遭到虐待。The blame for that surely lies with the authorities. But I have sometimes felt pangs of guilt. I first interviewed Ai Weiwei in the summer of 2007 for an Olympic preview. He was one of the creators of the "bird's nest" stadium and I was expecting him to tell me how proud he would be when it was unveiled at the opening ceremony. Instead, he told me he would not attend in protest at the "disgusting" political conditions in the one-party state and then launched into a withering assault on propaganda. It was the first time he had expressed such views to the foreign media – a great scoop, but also one fraught with risk. At the end of the interview, I cautioned the artist: "Are you sure you want to say this? It could get you into a great deal of trouble with the authorities."出现这样的事情只能说是当局的责任,但是我却时常感到愧疚不已。我第一次采访艾未未是在2007年奥运会预演时。他是“鸟巢”体育馆的创始人之一,我本以为他会对我说他多么期待将来在开幕式看到自己的作品揭幕,到时候他会多么的骄傲。但他却告诉我他不会去参加开幕式,他对中国这个一党当政的国家的政治状况感到厌恶,随后又对共产党利用奥运会进行政治宣传发起猛烈攻击。那是他第一次向外国媒体阐述这些观点——对我是条吸引人的独家新闻,但对他却不无风险。在采访快结束时,我提醒这为艺术家:“你确定你真想说这些话吗?这可能给你和当局的关系造成很大麻烦。”"Absolutely," he replied. "I only wish I could say it more clearly."“完全确定,”他回答我。“我只怕说得还不够明白。”Despite that confirmation and the similarly critical comments he subsequently made to other media organisations, I felt partly responsible when Ai was detained last year.虽然我得到了肯定的回答,而且他向其他媒体也做过类似的批评言论,我还是觉得艾未未去年被拘留与我有很大责任。Whether the repression is getting better or worse has been a constant question with few clear answers. My feeling is that China has become a less tolerant country since 2008.到底这种压制是在减轻还是在越来越重,人们一直在疑问,却很少得到回答。我个人感觉2008年以来,中国的容忍性越来越低了。That was a coming of age of sorts, when China stopped seeming like a work in progress and started looking and behaving like a superpower. On the Beijing skyline, the scaffolding and cranes had been replaced by stunning architectural wonders. The ever-present sentiments of victim-hood and nationalism found powerful outlets in the Tibetan uprising, torch relay protests and the Sichuan earthquake. Meanwhile, those who had supported moves towards a more open, liberal, internationalist China saw the value of their political stock plunge almost as fast as the Dow Jones index in the global financial crisis. With the western model apparently shattered, many in China understandably felt less inclined than ever to listen to outside advice.这是个风云变幻、错综复杂的时代,如今中国看起来不再像个发展中国家,无论是给人的外在感觉还是它所摆出的姿态都开始有了超级大国的样子。在北京的地平线上,我们看到在脚手架、起重机忙碌的地方,已经崛起一处处壮美的建筑奇迹。中国人身上所一直带有的牺牲精神和民族主义情怀在西藏起义、火炬传递抗议活动、四川地震等事件中喷涌而出。而与此同时,那些主张更开放,自由,对中国发展持国际主义化态度的人,如今却看到他们所持的这支政治股票跌得像全球财务危机时的道琼斯指数一样快。随着西方模式在中国的瓦解,不难理解,许多中国人都不再愿意听从来自外部的建议。In the four years since, China has become a more modern and connected nation, but – despite the official hubris – it also seems more anxious that the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa may spread. The government now spends more on internal security than defence of its borders – a sign that it is more frightened of its own people than any external threat.2008年以来,中国已经变为一个更现代,联系更紧密的国家。但是,尽管官方态度依然自大,也不免十分紧张中东和北非的暴动的态势扩展到本国。现今,政府在内部安全上的花费比对外防御还要多——这说明,比起外部威胁,它更害怕本国人民的反抗。Little wonder. This has been an era of protest in China. The government stopped releasing figures a few years ago, but academics with access to internal documents say there are tens of thousands of demonstrations each year. The reasons are manifold – land grabs, ethnic unrest, factory layoffs, corruption cases and territorial disputes. But I have come to believe the fundamental cause is ecological stress: foul air, filthy water, growing pressure on the soil and an ever more desperate quest for resources that is pushing development into remote mountains, deserts and forests that were a last hold-out for bio and ethnic diversity.也难怪。如今的中国正处在一个反抗的时代。虽然几年前官方已经停止发布数据,但据可以接触到内部文件的学者称,中国每年都有数千例示威游行。游行原因涉及很多方面——强征土地,民族动乱,工厂裁员,腐败案件以及土地纠纷。但是我倒是认为根本原因在于生态压力:空气污染,水源污浊,土地负担日益加重,对资源的需求与日俱增,致使如今开发深入了边远山区、沙漠和森林——这些生态多样性和民族多样性硕果仅存的地区。This is not primarily China's fault. It is a historical, global trend. China is merely roaring along the same unsustainable path set by the developed world, but on a bigger scale, a faster speed and at a period in human history when there is much less ecological room for manoeuvre. The wealthy portion of the world has been exporting environmental stress for centuries. Outsourcing energy-intensive industries and resource extraction have put many problems out of sight and out of mind for western consumers. But they cannot be ignored in China.这并不仅仅是中国的错误,这是历史趋势、全球趋势。中国只是在沿着发达国家铺下的不可持续发展道路向前飞奔,只不过它涉及的范围更大、速度更快,而且处于一个的可利用的生态空间已经越来越少的人类历史阶段。几个世纪以来,世界上的发达国家不断向发展中国家转嫁环境压力,将能源集约型工业和资源开采外包,这已经使西方消费者将很多环境问题抛到了九霄云外,但是在中国,这些问题不容忽视。The worst problems are found in the countryside: "cancer villages", toxic spills, pitched battles to block a toxic chemical factory, health hazards from air pollution and water and the rapid depletion of aquifers under the north China plain – the country's bread-basket.问题最糟糕的地方在农村:“癌症村”,有毒物质污染,为关闭有毒化学工厂引发的激烈对峙,以及中国粮仓——华北平原的地下水的过度消耗。The implications are global. China has become the biggest greenhouse-gas emitter on the planet. This year, it will probably account for half the coal burned in the world. The number of cars on China's roads has increased fourfold since 2003, driving up demand for oil. Meanwhile, there is less and less space and respect for other species. For me, the most profound story of this period was the demise of the baiji – a Yangtze river dolphin that had been on earth for 20m years but was declared extinct in 2006 as a result of river traffic, pollution, reckless fishing and massive damming.它带来的影响是全球性的。中国已经成为全球最大的温室气体排放国。今年,中国消耗的煤大概要占到全世界的一半。如今,中国的汽车拥有量已经比2003年增长四倍,对汽油的需求量不断上升。同时,人类留给其他种群的空间和尊重越来越少。这期间对我震撼最大的事件就是白鳍豚的灭绝,这是一种长江流域特有的豚,已经存世两亿年,最终却因水路交通、污染、无休止捕鱼和大规模筑坝等原因最终在2006年被宣布已经绝迹。I switched my focus to environment reporting. It was not just the charismatic megafauna and the smog, though the concern about air quality never went away. It is really not funny to send your children off to school on days of high pollution with a cheery "Try not to breathe too much", knowing they will probably be kept in at break-times because the air outside is hazardous.于是我将重点转移到了环境问题的报道。并不仅仅出于那些魅力十足的巨型动物或者污浊的空气,虽然我对空气质量的担忧也从未消失过。设想这样一种情景,假设有一天空气污染严重到这种程度——家长送孩子去上学的时候还得叮嘱孩子“试着别呼吸太多空气”。而事实上他们可能都没机会出去呼吸空气,因为课间休息时孩子可能会被关在教室内——因为外边的空气太危险了。这真的一点都不好笑。As I have noted at greater length elsewhere, I had come to fear that China may be where the 200-odd-year-old carbon-fuelled capital-driven model of economic development runs into an ecological wall. Britain, where it started, and China may be bookends on a period of global expansion that has never been seen before and may never be repeated again.正如我之前在别的文章中曾长篇论述过的,我开始担心中国两百多年的高碳的资本驱动的经济发展模式会撞到生态这堵南墙。英国,是工业开始的地方;而中国,可能成为这个全球扩张的时代的终结——史无前例,绝无仅有。Developed nations have been outsourcing their environmental stress to other countries and future generations for more than two centuries. China is trying to do the same as it looks overseas for food, fuel and minerals to satisfy the rising demand of its cities and factories. This has been extremely good news for economies in Africa, Mongolia, Australia and South AmericaI sympathise with China. It is doing what imperial, dominant powers have done for more than two centuries, but it is harder for China because the planet is running short of land and time.发达国家向其他国家和子孙后代转嫁环境压力已经长达两个多世纪。现如今中国在向海外寻找食物、能源和矿产的同时,也正在试图做同样地事。其实这样的贸易对非洲、孟加拉、澳大利亚和南美洲许多国家来说是好事,在这一点上我是支持中国的。其实两个世纪以来具有统治地位的帝国都在做着同样地事,只不过到中国这里就陷入了为难的境地,因为地球的土地和时间都快消耗殆尽了。With their engineering backgrounds, President Hu Jintao (a trained hydro-engineer) and premier Wen Jiabao (one of China's leading experts on rare earth minerals) are probably better aware than most global leaders about the challenge this poses. While there has been almost no political reform during their terms of office, there have been several ambitious steps forward in terms of environmental policy: anti-deser an environmen adopti eco-s lower eco the 12th Five-Year P debate and increased monitoring of PM2.5 [fine particulate matter] and huge investments in eco-cities, "clean car" manufacturing, public transport, energy-saving devices and renewable technology. The far western deserts of China have been filled with wind farms and solar panels.作为有工程师背景的中国国家领导人——胡锦涛主席(水利工程师出身)和温家宝总理(中国稀土矿方面的一流专家)应该可以比其他国家的领导人更好地明白这其中的挑战。他们任期内并没有重大的政治改革,但是在环境政策方面却有几项宏伟的战略:防治土地沙漠化,植树造林,出台环境透明法案,实施碳排放量标准、生态效益补偿规定、生态管理会计制度,保护水资源,放低经济增长目标,实施十二五计划,关于PM2.5(细微颗粒物)的广泛讨论和紧密监控以及投资建设生态城市,制造“环保汽车”,发展公共交通,研究节能设施和可持续科技。目前,中国的西部荒漠地区已经建起了许多风能农场和太阳能生态城。That is the most hopeful story of this grey era. If China could emerge from the smog with a low-carbon economy, it would be a boon for the world. But talk of the world's first green superpower remains as premature as the image of the "red menace" is outdated.在这个灰色的时代,这无疑是鼓舞人心的。如果中国可以从烟雾笼罩走向低碳经济,对世界来说无疑是一个福祉。但是“红色警告”不会在短期内消除,现在就期盼中国成为世界首个绿色超级大国还为时尚早。When my predecessor, John Gittings, left China after 25 years, he presciently foresaw how the the old cold war stereotypes would be shattered by the country's speed of development. But that is just the start of realignment. In the future, I believe the most important political division will not be between left and right, but between conservers and consumers. The old battle of "equality versus competition" in the allocation of the resource pie will become secondary to maintaining the pie itself.当我的前任约翰·吉廷斯在中国呆了25年后离开时,他很有远见地预知了冷战的格局会如何被这个国家的飞速发展粉碎。但是这只是一个新的联盟的开始。未来,我认为最重要的政治界限不会是东西阵营,而是主张保护的一方和主张消耗的一方。以前对于资源这块大蛋糕,问题主要集中在分配的“平等与竞争”上,而以后恐怕更重要的是如何先保住这个蛋糕。But the transition has some way to go. In the next 10 years, China is likely to build more dams than the US managed in its entire history and, despite the Fukushima disaster, it plans to construct more about 20 new nuclear power stations. But even with this huge expansion of non-fossil-fuel-based energy, if the economy continues to grow at its current pace China will require about 50% more coal than it currently burns.I expect there will be a slowdown before then as overseas markets contract and domestic investment suffers from the law of diminishing returns. Long-hidden environmental costs – over-depletion of key resources and under-regulation of waste – will force their way onto corporate balance books and national budgets in the form of turbulent commodity prices and higher clean-up expenses. China may well look back on the Hu and Wen era as a golden age of growth and perhaps a missed opportunity to put in place the reforms needs to adjust to leaner times.但是能源的转变仍然有很长的路要走。在未来十年,中国即将修建的水坝可能比美国整个历史上修的还要多。虽然有福岛核电站核泄漏的教训,中国仍然计划修建二十多个核电站。但是,即便非化石能源有如此大规模发展,如果中国经济按现在的速度发展,未来对煤的需求仍将达到现在的1.5倍。我预计在那之前,中国的经济发展速度会因为海外市场和国内投资的收益减少而相应放缓。长期隐藏的环境成本——主要能源的过度消耗以及监管不足造成的浪费——这些费用最终要由企业财务以及财政预算进行支出,企业将产生高昂的清洁费用,商品价格也将随之波动。到那时候,如果回首过去,也许胡锦涛和温家宝时代仍将被视为一个发展的黄金时代,但也可能被看做一个错失改革契机、未能为适应萧条时期提供有效过渡的时代。Respect, sympathy – and pessimism尊重, 同情——和悲观主义Meanwhile a new leadership – almost certainly to be headed by Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang – will take the helm at this autumn's party congress. They will have their work cut out. While the Hu-Wen era was one of construction, Xi and Li will have to put more effort into maintenance. This will require more than the creation of wealth a it will require a system with greater flexibility, efficiency and a new set of values. I expect that transition will be more turbulent than anything seen in the past 10 years. But success or failure, I believe it will remain the most important story in the world.在今年秋天的党代会上,一个新的领导集体——几乎可以确定是由习近平和李克强领导——将成为中国新的掌舵者。他们要很长的路要走。胡-温时代是建设的时代,习-李必将更多的精力放在维护上。这个时代需要的不仅仅是大量建设所创造的财富的和工作机会;它需要的是一个更宽松,更高效的体系和一整套新的价值观。我预料这个改变将造成过去十年中从未有过的社会动荡。但是不管成功或者失败,它都将是历史上重要的一笔。So why am I leaving? Well, over the years, I have come to feel increasing respect, sympathy and affection for China, but also more pessimism. Journalists here are worn down like brake pads on a speeding juggernaut. Such cynicism is not healthy. I hope a change of scene will allow me to see China – and the world – afresh. Regardless of Beijing's choking smog, traffic and politics, it will be hard to match living and working in China. I shall miss hikes along wild stretches of the Great Wall, swimming under remote waterfalls, wandering through vibrant hutongs, incredible food and some of the smartest company I have encountered anywhere in the world.所以为什么我要离开中国呢?在过去的许多年,我越来越感到对中国的尊重,同情和深深的感情,但也越来越悲观。在中国呆久了,记者的心智会像大卡车上的刹车闸片一点点被磨损。这样的犬儒主义是不健康的。我希望换一个环境能让我看到不一样的中国、不一样的世界。虽然北京的空气、交通和政治情况让人烦扰,但是在中国的工作和生活带给我的感受仍是其他地方难以比拟的。我会想念在绵延的长城上徒步行走,我会想念在边远地区瀑布下快乐地游泳,我会想念在那充满生机活力的胡同漫步,我会想念这里的食物,以及我的几位朋友——他们是我在全世界认识的所有人中最优秀的人。In the past few weeks, I have said goodbyes to places, friends, long-suffering assistants and sources, some of whom have become global names as their country has risen in prominence over the past nine years: the environmentalist Ma Jun (winner of this year's Goldman Prize), the lawyer Teng Biao, journalist Li Datong, the rights activists Hu Jia (winner of the Sakharov human-rights prize), and Zeng J the social network guru Isaac Mao, the public intellectual Wang Xiaoshan and the artist Ai Weiwei (recently named "the most powerful artist on earth").在过去的几周中,我已经对很多地方和人说了再见——我呆过的地方、交到的朋友和久受煎熬的助理们和给我提供新闻线索的人们。随着过去九年中国在国际上地位越来越高,他们当中很多人已经被国际所知晓:环保人士马军(今年戈德曼环保奖得主),律师滕彪,记者李大同,人权活动家胡佳(萨哈罗夫人权奖得主)及其妻子曾金燕,社交网络的领袖Isaac Mao,公共知识分子王小山,艺术家艾未未(最近得名“全球最强大的艺术家”)。On my final weekend in China, I went to Weiwei's grey-walled home in the Caochangdi art district. He was with his wife, two aides, a film crew and two lawyers, but as gregarious and mischievous as ever.在中国的最后一周,我去了艾未未在草场地艺术区的住所。他当时和他的妻子、两位助手、一个电影摄制组和两位律师在一起。虽然气氛肃穆,但他还是谈笑风生,轻松玩笑,一如以往。"It's hot. Let's take our clothes off," said Weiwei, who proceeded to strip to the waist. I was too shy to follow suit. So was everyone else. The lawyers simply proceeded with their brief about the next stage in his tax case.“太热啦,我们把衣服脱了吧,”未未说着就把背心一把脱了下来。我太腼腆没好意思跟着做,其他人也是。旁边,两位律师继续对他陈述着他的税务案件的简要介绍。I couldn't stay. The China story was moving on again. News had just come in that the Chen Guangcheng was at Beijing airport, about to board a plane to the US. After six years of house arrest and prison, he was finally flying to freedom. I said my goodbyes and wandered home to write up what felt like an uplifting article to finish on. I knew though, that it was not really the end. For all the hardship Chen endured, I guessed he would miss China. I certainly will. This is a peak and perhaps one for mankind.&无论如何我是无法留在中国了,但中国的故事将在别人的笔下继续。前几天得到消息,说陈光诚正在北京国际机场等待登上前往美国的飞机。在经历了六年的软禁和监狱生涯后,他终于飞向自由了。我对他道了再见,然后漫步回家,怀着激动的心情为我的中国生活写下完结篇。但是我知道,这并不会是真正的结束。在经历了那么多苦难后,我猜想陈光诚一定会想念中国的,我也会的。这是中国的巅峰时期,或许也是人类史上的一个巅峰时代。o Jonathan Watts will be based in Rio de Janeiro as Latin America correspondent from July*本文作者乔纳森·沃茨将从7月份改驻里约热内卢,作为《卫报》记者在拉丁美洲工作。
发表于: 03:47:27
发表于: 04:27:20
in the biggest nation at arguably the most dramatic phase of transformation in its history: 来到一个毋庸置疑处于其最重要的历史转型阶段的大国 =& 来到一个可以说是处于其历史上最激动人心的转型阶段的最大国家(arguably不是“毋庸置疑”,the biggest nation应译出来)。
发表于: 04:32:04
on a continent-wide screen:不是“在亚洲大地这块大荧幕上”,而是指中国本身这块荧幕,面积像一个大洲这么宽大。
发表于: 09:31:33
发表于: 11:35:04
发表于: 12:36:22
发表于: 12:38:49
发表于: 12:56:35
发表于: 14:26:26
发表于: 15:48:04
发表于: 21:02:35
@hudson river:“限制往往是滋生谣言的肥沃土壤”,说的对。这篇会被河蟹吗?
发表于: 22:02:09
meihelen:in the biggest nation at arguably the most dramatic phase of transformation in its history: 来到一个毋庸置疑处于其最重要的历史转型阶段的大国 =& 来到一个可以说是处于其历史上最激动人心的转型阶段的最大国家(arguably不是“毋庸置疑”,the biggest nation应译出来)。
发表于: 22:02:25
meihelen:on a continent-wide screen:不是“在亚洲大地这块大荧幕上”,而是指中国本身这块荧幕,面积像一个大洲这么宽大。
发表于: 03:42:42
发表于: 14:40:41
发表于: 14:48:51
没看明白 想表达什么
发表于: 17:52:47
发表于: 18:02:47
发表于: 18:03:15
发表于: 18:04:07
发表于: 20:59:03
发表于: 21:23:34
发表于: 21:38:56
发表于: 10:25:44
发表于: 19:14:08
发表于: 08:49:34
发表于: 15:49:59
发表于: 00:33:55


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