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中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
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游戏精英, 积分 3804, 距离下一级还需 5196 积分
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游戏达人, 积分 2001, 距离下一级还需 1499 积分
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高级玩家, 积分 306, 距离下一级还需 294 积分
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中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
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游戏达人, 积分 2401, 距离下一级还需 1099 积分
原来是这样 我62级了& &兄弟会也是一直循环这2个任务&&都做了30多次了
中级玩家, 积分 180, 距离下一级还需 70 积分
中级玩家, 积分 180, 距离下一级还需 70 积分
中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
Powered by朋友加兄弟:克钦与那加
有那加网民评论,&I don't know whether our Naga
people remember or not. As we recognized the brotherhood relation
in between Kachins and Nagas and the love and their sacrifices for
their Nagas. We should also must know how to help them in the time
of needs in cry, pain, struggles. But we had mistake to help them
in the year , continually three years struggled on war in
between Burma and Kachin . The people of Kachin was desperately in
need of refugee help .But it was really regrateful that none of our
Naga people had extended their freewill donation towards our
brothers on their tragedy, whereas others ethnic nations had
donated sufficiently. So, we Nagas need to apologise for being
neglected or mistaken.不知道我们那加曾否记得,克钦帮助过我们,但在最近几年的克缅战争中,我们却袖手旁观,没有给他们一点帮助,我们那加人需要对此感觉羞愧,为此道歉。
Relations between the Kachins and Nagas:
In 1968, I was sent to China as President's special envoy for
diplomatic mission. we marched from Nagalim to to China via kachin
Land. It was a challenging and a tiring command. We had to go
without food for nearly a month as we were chased everywhere by the
Burmese Army. Many Kachin soldiers laid down their lives for us
while escorting our party. We will never forget those KIA who had
sacrificed their lives for the nagas...........
The Chinese authorities warmly welcomed us. I was honored to
talk to the then Premier of of China on situation in Nagalim. He
assured us stating, "When the right time comes we will be the first
country to recognize your state, because you (the Nagas) have every
right to be free."
Source: From the Autobiography of the President.( Yariwo) Eno
Issac Chisi Swu
The Kachin Independence Army is the military wing of the
Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO), a political group composed
of ethnic Kachins in northern Myanmar (Burma). The Kachins are a
coalition of six tribes whose homeland encompasses territory in
Yunnan, China and Northeast India, in addition to Kachin State in
In May 2012, the rebel group had approximately 8,000
troops.[2] In October 2010 KIA commanders stated that they had
"10,000 regular troops and 10,000 reservists". In 2009 Thomas
Fuller of the New York Times estimated their numbers at about 4,000
active soldiers.[4] The soldiers are divided into five brigades,
plus one mobile brigade. Most are stationed in bases close to the
Chinese border, in KIO-held strips of territory. One brigade is
stationed in northern Shan state, protecting a large Kachin
The KIA is funded by the KIO, which raises revenue through
taxes (in their area) and trade in jade, timber and gold. Although
well equipped for jungle warfare, the KIA has little modern
weaponry.[citation needed] Their rifles are a mixture of AK-47s,
home-made rifles such as KA-07, and some artillery. KIA
headquarters are located outside the town of Laiza, in southern
Kachin state near the Chinese border.[5]
The KIA was formed on 5 February 1961 in response to a
military coup in Burma led by General Ne Win, who attempted to
consolidate Burmese control over regions on the periphery of the
state which were home to various ethnic groups. From 1961 through
1994, the KIA fought a gruelling and inconclusive war against the
Burmese junta. The KIA initially fought for independence, but
changed to seek autonomy within a federal union of Burma.
Chinese Military Divisions 3 and 5 settled in Northern
Thailand and often operated in Burma. They were fought by KIA and
CBP. So they could operate in Lwe Say, Man Palaung, Man Kyaung, Sut
Yet and Wun Sinn regions, KIA cooperated with Kuminton.
They cooperated with SURA (Moe Hein), Koe Kant insurgents (Law
Sit Han), Lwe Maw insurgents (Khun Sar) and Pa Laung without
co-operation with SSA who supported CBP. In the western region KIA
supported local, Naga and Rakhine insurgent.
Nagas and Kachins:
In order to avoid arrest, Phizo Naga took refuge in the Naga
mountain region in Khann Tee Division in 1963. KIA assisted Phizo
Naga to flee through Kachin territory.
The Naga insurgency began with the founding of the Naga Club
in Kohima in 1918. They submitted a memorandum to the Simon
Commission to exclude the Nagas from any constitutional framework
of India. With the coming of Angami Zapu Phizo, popularly called
Phizo, the Naga Movement gained momentum in the late 1940s.
Under Phizo's leadership NNC declared the Independence of
Nagaland on 14 August 1947. However, Phizo was arrested in 1948 by
the Indian Government on charges of rebellion. On his release,
Phizo was made NNC President in 1950.
In 1953, a meeting was organised between Indian Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru and Burmese Prime Minister U Nu, to establish
formal borders between India and Burma. Separatist leaders
described the meeting as the process of dividing Naga territory
between the two countries. Nehru and U Nu visited Naga areas in
both countries. When they visited Kohima on 30 March 1953, the
district deputy commissioner prevented the NNC delegation from
meeting Nehru, apparently without Nehru's knowledge. Consequently,
NNC boycotted Nehru's public meeting.
Nagas inhabit the states of Nagaland, Manipur, Assam and
Arunachal Pradesh in the present North-Eastern State of India and
in Burma's Sagaing Division and Kachin State. In Burma, Naga
territory is marked by Kabo valley in the south bordering Chin
state, Kachin on the north and the Burmese on the east. The
townships are: Homalin, Lahe with Tanbakwe sub-township, Layshi
with Mowailut sub-township and Somra sub-township, Khamti, Khanpat,
Namyun with Pangsau sub-township, Tamu of Sagaing Division and
Tanai of Kachin state.&
Till the present times the Kachins maintain a fraternal and co
operative relationship with the Nagas.
Compiled from various sources


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