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lily white的用法例句
1. and a flower of hue more beautiful than the Tyrian sprang up, resembling the lily, save that this is purple and that silvery white.但是此愿既不能遂,我将奏曲颂你,长歌述你,你将化为一株鲜花,花瓣上载刻着我的悔恨。”2. A windy lake is Dian yet never any dust is seen /The newly green isle Ding in the far horizon lies/Beauty one enjoys here as in land south of the Yangtse River/A vast ripply lake in spring with distant foam lily white.“滇海风多不起沙/汀洲新绿遍天涯/采芳亦有江南意/十里春波远泛花。”3. Influences of dietary fiber (DF) from white trumpet lily and tiger lily on natural mice and alloxan-induced hyperglycemia mice was discussed.探讨了卷丹和麝香百合膳食纤维对正常小鼠和四氧嘧啶所致高血糖小鼠的影响。4. "avalanche lily:a western North american corm-producing plant (Erythronium grandiflorum) in the lily family, having white or golden-yellow flowers with red anthers."山赤莲:一种北美西部由球茎繁殖的百合花科植物(大花猪牙花),有白色或金黄色花,红色花药。5. Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, Rose, Asiatic Pennywort Herb, White lily, Butyrospermum Parkii.主要成份:红石榴素、蔷薇、积雪草、白百合、乳木果油。6. Spend lily of the valley greatly especially, extend from leaf of a pair of bottle green in the meeting between April those who curve grace is peduncular, broaden flower of faint scent lily-white.非凡是大花铃兰,在四月间会从一对深绿色叶子上伸出弯曲优雅的花梗,绽开清香纯白的花朵。7. A southern African bulbous plant(Ornithogalum thyrsoides) in the lily family, whose fragrant cluster of showy white blossoms is popular as a cut flower.白花虎眼万年青产于南部非洲的一种百合科的球茎植物(白花虎眼万年青),其香气浓郁,引人注目的白色花簇是一种普遍的插花8. Particularly contemptible was the Jim Crow attitude of the southern white churches, which evidently looked forward to a "lily white" heaven.特别可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔离黑人的态度,这些白人教堂显然希望进入一个“纯白”的天堂。9. Particularly contemptible was the Jim Crow attitude of the southern white churches,which evidently looked forward to a "lily white" heaven.特别可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔离黑人的态度,这些白人教堂显然希望进入一个“纯白”的天堂。10. Particularly contemptible was the Jim Crow attitude of the southern white churches, which evidently looked forward to a “lily white” heaven.特别可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔离黑人的态度,这些白人教堂显然希望进入一个“纯白”的天堂。11. All in one with ordinary、especial、tradition、open、vogue 、simplicity、 gumption 、eremitic etc, deeply understood world but who is keeping a lily-white heart.平凡、特别、传统、开放、时尚、朴素、进取、退舍等集于一身,深知世故却保持一颗纯真的心。12. Pink metope, lily-white sofa and tea table, bowls a purple is small are placed on the edge, concolorous floret matchs a greenery, very beautiful.粉红的墙面,纯白的沙发和茶几,边上摆一只紫色小碗,同色的小花配一片绿叶,很美吧。13. Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Clintonia in the lily family, native to North America and eastern Asia and having broad basal leaves, white, greenish-yellow, or purplish flowers, and blue or black berries.七筋菇属植物一种百合科七筋菇属的多年生草本植物,原产于北美和东亚,长有宽的基生叶,开白色、绿黄色或浅紫色花,结蓝色或黑色的浆果14. any of various perennial herbs of the genus Clintonia in the lily family,native to North America and eastern Asia and having broad basal leaves,white,greenish-yellow,or purplish flowers,and blue or black berries七筋菇属,植物一种百合科七筋菇属的多年生草本植物,原产于北美和东亚,长有宽的基生叶,开白色、绿黄色或浅紫色花,结蓝色或黑色的浆果15. Any of certain perennial herbs of the genus Aletris in the lily family, especially A.farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.绞痛根一种百合科粉条儿菜属多年生草本植物,特别是北美粉条儿菜,产于北美东部,长有白色小花的总状花序,根茎最初用于药中治疗疝痛视频地址复制
Lily White是哦、由东条希(CV:楠田亚衣奈),园田海未 (CV:三森铃子),星空凛 (CV:饭田里穗)组成的小队
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