gta5 1.0877.1.877就是1.36吗

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3Q& && && && && && && &
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UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分2金钱18 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间4 小时评议0
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UID主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分6金钱51 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间13 小时评议0
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Thanks for sharing mate!
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UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分3金钱20 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间2 小时评议0
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UID4097409主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间889 小时评议0
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帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
再下载一个内置的1.0.8771线下版本刷车器 就可以F4刷离线的车子了???
是不是要通关以后才能刷车 不然会影响游戏主线剧情么???????????
UID1277720主题阅读权限100帖子精华5积分5387金钱28640 荣誉168 人气779 在线时间9299 小时评议9
帖子精华5积分5387金钱28640 荣誉168 人气779 评议9
【侠盗联盟组】★【视频教程】《零贰のMOD课堂》-暨GTA5 MOD的安装与使用教程汇总贴。
总评分:&金钱 + 15&
UID4097409主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间889 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 218, 距离下一级还需 282 积分
帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
<font color="#735219 发表于
【侠盗联盟组】★【视频教程】《零贰のMOD课堂》-暨GTA ...
就是一个问题 1.36升级挡包不包含 那狂野飙车3个DLC车包??
UID主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3395金钱40214 荣誉226 人气420 在线时间13420 小时评议4
帖子精华0积分3395金钱40214 荣誉226 人气420 评议4
zychf0331 发表于
就是一个问题 1.36升级挡包不包含 那狂野飙车3个DLC车包??
UID4097409主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间889 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 218, 距离下一级还需 282 积分
帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
vickyyang1982 发表于
UID主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3395金钱40214 荣誉226 人气420 在线时间13420 小时评议4
帖子精华0积分3395金钱40214 荣誉226 人气420 评议4
本帖最后由 vickyyang1982 于
16:45 编辑
zychf0331 发表于
【侠盗联盟组】★【分享】【解压即玩,一步到位GTA5最新1.0.877.1版+R组1.36破解补丁+100%存档简体中文 ...
UID4097409主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间889 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 218, 距离下一级还需 282 积分
帖子精华0积分218金钱2117 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
vickyyang1982 发表于
具体的对应版本号请参考此贴》 ...
包含DLC车包了 懂了。。。也就是说1.08771 DLC文件夹是29个 对吧。。。貌似昨天又更新了 1个多G&&、、、、、、、、、
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UID6635879主题阅读权限70帖子精华0积分16923金钱91778 荣誉67 人气2145 在线时间18278 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分16923金钱91778 荣誉67 人气2145 评议0
2.安装本升级档更新说明:机翻:[10/11/16]新内容 - PS4,Xbox One&PCGTA在线添加了两辆新车:
第七个可购买的物业槽已添加到GTA Online新内容 - PS4,Xbox One和PC俱乐部房产已添加到GTA Online。玩家可以在完成或跳过GTA在线教程后通过新的foreclosures.网站购买分会。在购买俱乐部会员后,玩家将获得摩托车俱乐部(MC)总裁的头衔,允许他们在MC中拥有多达7名玩家,并获得独家访问新俱乐部工作,俱乐部挑战,会员挑战,俱乐部合同,企业和更多。玩家还可以通过添加壁纸,风格,俱乐部徽章,枪械锁和定制自行车店来定制俱乐部。
商家资源已添加到GTA Online。玩家可以通过新的开放路网站在笔记本电脑的俱乐部购买商业。企业包括:杂草,伪造,仿造现金,Meth和可卡因。可以通过选择安全,人员或设备升级来升级企业,以提高生产率,降低警察突袭和敌人潜在攻击的风险。玩家必须设置,补充和保护他们的业务,以利用他们的最大潜在利润。
俱乐部工作已添加到GTA Online。这些包括:
Wheelie Rider(2-8球员)
Rippin'It Up(2-8位玩家)(Enforcer能力)
已在GTA Online中添加了新的对手模式,该模式在第1级解锁:
Shitzu Defiler
LCC Avarus
Maibatsu Manchez
Pegassi Faggio Mod
Pegassi Faggio体育
新功能/更新 - PS4,Xbox One和PC玩家现在可以在坐在摩托车上时进行近战攻击。这可以在装备单手武器的情况下进行。
对与Cunning Stunts一起添加的Freemode触发器进行了更改。
Rockstar Creator Fixes - PS4,Xbox One和PC修复了一个问题,导致任何创建的特技比赛的起始网格需要放置在地面上,而不是能够放置在一个凸起的平台上。
修复了导致“创作者”中不再显示“Lobby Radio”选项的问题。
修正了一个问题,导致播放器被发送到加载屏幕后循环通过Actor Relationships菜单。
修复了Bullpup Shotgun&Hammer不能在创作者中作为强制武器工作的问题。
修复了一个问题,意味着在Stunt Race Creator中加载已发布的作品会导致Race Details&“Race Title”更改为“无翻译”,而不是预期的Race名称。
修复了MTL Dune的问题,导致在创建者测试期间没有应用肝脏。一般/其他 - PS4,Xbox One和PC修正已实施,以提高游戏稳定性,匹配和网络性能的GTA在线。
修复了一个问题,导致玩家无法在车库内交易在Unit 124 Popular St.
修正了一个问题,导致所有玩家无法起飞在Buzzard在车辆死亡 - Buzz杀死。
修复了一个问题,导致玩家在车辆死亡开始时产生 - Buzz杀死没有肉食。
修正了特技赛 - 对手的一个问题,玩家可以通过检查点,而不收集它在Annis RE-7B。
修正了特技赛 - 暴跌的问题,玩家将无法看到下一个检查点,如果他们已经重新生成,就像他们已经达到了前一个。
修正了特技赛 - 暴跌中的一个问题,当15个玩家和观众开始比赛时,没有比赛UI。
修复了一个问题,导致玩家在接受邀请到特技竞赛 - 城市空气,同时寻找快速作业&特技系列在天空中卡住。
修正了一个问题,意味着Declasse漂移坦帕是可选的特技竞赛 - 城市空气。
修正了Declasse Drift坦帕的问题,船员会徽将暂时消失,直到玩家离开会话或进入mod商店。
修正了一个问题,如果他们的产卵位置设置为Eclipse Towers Apt,尝试加入GTA Online后,导致玩家被卡住。 3车库。
修复了在线教程期间尝试进入Los Santos海关时玩家被卡住的问题。
修复了GTA Online中的几个地图转义。
修正了Heist人道实验室的一个问题 - 关键代码,当试图提供公文包时,玩家将被显示警报“你不能访问一个公寓,而你有一个任务目标”。
修正了一个问题,导致Annis RE-7B股票扰流器被列为“无”在mod商店,而不是“股票”。
修复了Annis RE-7B的制动卡钳在使用自定义轮辋修改时导致剪切的问题。
修复了Annis RE-7B的轮胎在车辆脏时以低分辨率纹理渲染轮胎的问题。
固定的问题发生在对手模式 - Entourage的目标的再生圈没有遵循目标垫的观众玩家。
修正了一个问题,导致玩家无法观看对手模式 - Entourage的玩家。
修复了导致在对手模式 - Entourage中的交互菜单中缺少SecuroServ选项的问题。
修正了特技比赛 - 东海岸的问题,特技相机在执行特技跳跃时不会启动。
修复了阻止Obey Omnis被Cargobob直升机接起的问题。
修复了玩家的自定义Annis RE-7B,Emperor ETR1和Obey Omnis上的扰乱者的问题。
修复了一个问题,导致球员遇到帧速率下降后调用在Turreted Limo两次,当一艘游艇位于LSIA。
修复了当排队等待有效的Premium竞赛时,暂停菜单中的作业显示3x RP图标的问题。
修正了Imponte Dukes的轮轴稍微偏离底盘的问题。
修复了Emperor ETR1的默认扰流器导致其在崩溃车辆时分离的问题。
修正了一个问题,导致球员无法在完成监狱休息 - 结束后从沙发上站起来。
修正了特技种族 - 沟渠的一个问题,检查点太接近一个跳跃,导致玩家飞越它反复。
修复了在自由模式挑战 - 最高速度的过程中,在d-pad下排行榜中,玩家的速度与RP图标一起出现的问题。
修正了特技赛 - 一个问题,其中某些警报将不会在第二圈时播放。
固定剪辑问题时佩戴某些帽子里面Lampadati Tropos拉力赛。
一般/其他 - 仅限PC修复了当玩家在尝试创建新的个人资料时退出社交俱乐部后发生的崩溃。
修复了在更改窗口模式设置时重置武器轮位置的问题,或在全屏模式下使用Alt + Tab重置武器轮位置的问题。
修复了一个问题,导致黑色JC头盔(作为黑色的Jock Cranley套装奖励服装的一部分)在交互菜单中不可用。
修复了当运行Nvidia Surround / Eyefinity时,导致游戏显示器屏幕上显示的图像模仿用户显示屏上的屏幕设置的问题。原文:[10/11/16] New Content – PS4, Xbox One & PCTwo new vehicles have been added to GTA Online:
Daemon Custom
A sixth purchasable property slot has been added to GTA OnlineNew Content – PS4, Xbox One & PC OnlyClubhouse Properties have been added to GTA Online. Players can buy a Clubhouse via the new foreclosures. website after completing or skipping the GTA Online tutorial. Upon purchasing a Clubhouse, players will be given the title of Motorcycle Club (MC) President which allows them to have up to 7 players in their MC and gain exclusive access to new Club Work, Club Challenges, Member Challenges, Clubhouse Contracts, Businesses and more. Players can also customize their Clubhouse with additions such as Murals, Styles, Club Emblems, a Gun Locker and a Custom Bike Shop.
Business properties have been added to GTA Online. Players can purchase Businesses via the new Open Road website on the laptop in their Clubhouse. Businesses include: Weed, Forgeries, Counterfeit Cash, Meth and Cocaine. Businesses can be upgraded with a choice of Security, Staff or Equipment upgrades to increase their production rate and reduce the risk of potential attacks from police raids and enemies. Players will have to set up, resupply and defend their Businesses to capitalize on their maximum potential profit.
MCs also have access to exclusive features and benefits such as:
MC Presidents and their Road Captain can use the “Riding Formation” feature in the Interaction Menu. This creates a radius around the player who has set the formation which members can enter on their motorcycles and receive accelerated player and vehicle health regeneration.
The MC President can choose between two different riding styles, normal and relaxed, in the Manage MC section of the Interaction Menu, which applies to all gang members.
MC Presidents can assign each member of their MC players can be made either a Prospect, an Enforcer, a Sergeant at Arms, a Road Captain or a Vice President. Each role possesses its own abilities that can help both you and your team.
Presidents can choose from a selection of Biker outfit styles for their whole MC.
MC members can choose their own outfit from the style the President sets.
MCs have access to newly added Club Work, Club Challenges and Member Challenges.
Club Work has been added to GTA Online. These include:
Deathmatch (2-16 players)
Invite Only. Challenge a rival MC or Organization in session to a Deathmatch.
Joust (2-16 players)
Challenge a rival MC in session to a Deathmatch on motorcycles.
Caged In (2+ players)
Open to all. Head to an area on a motorcycle and follow the route to the end to win. Use Biker melee to take out the other bikers on route.
Stand Your Ground (2+ players)
Open to all. Head to a nearby area and defend it from other players in session. Rivals win by capturing the area.
Club Challenges have been added to GTA Online. These include:
Search and Destroy (2-8 players)
Compete against your MC in a Race to search an area of the map and hunt down a target.
Wheelie Rider (2-8 Players)
Players in the MC compete to achieve the longest wheelie in the time limit.
Criminal Mischief (2-8 Players)
Players compete to melee the most cars whilst riding their motorcycles.
Member Challenges have been added to GTA Online. These include:
Rippin’ It Up (2-8 players) (Enforcer ability)
MC Members have to cause the most damage whilst driving their motorcycles.
Hit and Ride (2-8 players) (Vice President ability)
Compete against your MC to drive-by kill the most enemy targets across the map within the time limit.
On the Run (2-8 players) (Sergeant at Arms ability)
All players in the MC are given a 5 star wanted rating. Last to survive wins.
Race to Point (2-8 players) (Road Captain ability)
Compete against your MC in a motorcycle Race to the Clubhouse or a random destination on the map.
Clubhouse Contracts have been added to GTA Online. These include:
Ambush a weapons deal and deliver the weapon cases to the drop-off.
Rescue a contact from a secure location and get them to safety.
Guns for Hire
Defend a convoy as it travels from one location to another.
By The Pound
Complete a deal for some product and deliver it to the buyer.
Weapon of Choice
Assassinate targets using a specific method of execution.
Nine Tenths of the Law
Steal motorcycles from a secure location and deliver them the drop-off.
Attack a gang hideout and steal cash from their safe.
Hijack a prison bus full of prisoners and get them to the escape vehicles.
Fragile Goods
Destroy Lost MC vans driving around Los Santos and Blaine County.
Collect contacts one by one on a motorcycle and transport them to safety.
Go to gang members’ warehouses and burn their munition crates.
A new Adversary Mode has been added to GTA Online which unlocks at Rank 1:
A Race where teams of riders have to stick together to hit checkpoints, slipstreaming each other to get speed boosts. The first team across the finish line wins. This Mode is for 4-16 players.
13 new vehicles have been added to GTA online:
Western Nightblade
Shitzu Defiler
LCC Avarus
Western Zombie Bobber
Wester Zombie Chopper
Shitzu Hakuchou Drag
Nagasaki Chimera
Western Rat Bike
Nagasaki Street Blazer
Maibatsu Manchez
Pegassi Faggio Mod
Pegassi Faggio Sport
Western Wolfsbane
One existing vehicle has been added for purchase:
Western Bagger
Seven new weapons have been added to GTA Online:
Pipe Wrench
Battle Axe
Compact Grenade Launcher
Sweeper Shotgun
Over 50 tattoos have been added to GTA Online.
Over 275 male and female clothing items have been added to GTA Online.
New Features / Updates – PS4, Xbox One and PC OnlyPlayers can now melee attack while seated on a motorcycle. This can be performed while having a one-handed weapon equipped.
New Crew Emblem pieces have been added to the Social Club Emblem Creator.
The “Non-Contact” option can now be used in Stunt Races.
Players are now able to copy the Rank of their existing character into the second character slot when creating a new character. The Rank has been capped at 120.
Icons have been added next to players’ platform names on the D-Pad down players list to indicate whether a player is a CEO, VIP or an MC President.
The Rank requirement for applying a Crew Emblem to your clothing has been removed.
New Adversary Series triggers have been added to GTA Online Freemode.
Changes have been made to the Freemode triggers that were added with Cunning Stunts.
Stunt Series triggers have been reduced to 8 locations.
Adversary Mode triggers have been reduced to 3 locations.
Destroyed and impounded vehicles are now available in Races.
The “Fast Zoom” option is now available in all Creators.
The wait timer in Stunt Series lobbies has been changed to 10 seconds when the lobby is full.
Players are now able to sell free vehicles. Players will not receive any money for the vehicle itself but will be given 50% of the value of any mods applied.
New driver idle and fidget animations have been added for motorcycles and will play when the vehicle is stationary.
Rockstar Creator Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC OnlyFixed an issue that resulted in the starting grid for any created Stunt Race needing to be placed on the ground as opposed to being able to be placed on a raised platform.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the option “Lobby Radio” no longer being present in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that caused different colored props to flicker when placed inside each other.
Fixed an issue that allowed 150 fireworks to be placed near each other which impacted players’ frame rates.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the “drop” functionality in the Creator not working as intended.
Fixed a crash that had a chance to occur when testing a multi-route Race in the Stunt Race Creator.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in the sky after exiting a Heist Mission, entering the Creator, creating a Mission then leaving the Creator.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting their camera stuck after spamming the use of triggered snapping and zooming in.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being warped to the city upon attempting to place a Stunt tube prop that was intersecting with the ground.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Cycle Items” option to not work when Stunt Props from the dynamic menu were selected at the time.
Fixed syncing issues with the Bowling Pin and Bowling Ball props in Stunt Races.
Fixed an issue with the Slow Down Prop in Stunt Races that caused vehicles to remain slowed when no longer in contact with the prop.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to place any further props with the error “Maximum (15) speed boost tubes placed”.
Fixed an issue that caused the GTA and Rally Race option to not be present for all eligible Race types (Land, Sea, Air) in the Race Creator.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen after attempting to test a Stunt Race or a Capture in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to change their created Race type.
Fixed an issue that caused players to be sent into a loading screen after cycling through the Actor Relationships menu.
Fixed an issue that caused the Bullpup Shotgun & Hammer to not work as Forced Weapons in Creator.
Fixed an issue that caused Capture objects to no longer be highlighted red & blue.
Fixed an issue that caused snapping to stop working correctly if the player rotates the prop with a different rotation type.
Fixed an issue that caused UI to flicker when snapping some gate props in certain positions.
Fixed an issue that caused the button prompt to delete an object to remain despite choosing to lock it from deletion.
Fixed an issue that caused the camera to stop moving if the player placed snapping props down together quickly.
Fixed an issue that occurred when players placed a prop close to another prop and turned on snapping (with chain snapping). The prop would then connect to the other side of the placed prop.
Fixed an issue that occurred when players used triggered snapping for two props which would then snap those two props together, instead of snapping to the already placed prop.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the chain snapping camera moving in the opposite direction to where the prop is being placed.
Fixed an issue that caused template color / tint to change after testing a Race.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Use Stunt Camera Trigger” option in Creator to have no effect on published Jobs.
Fixed an issue that caused props to snap to the wrong angle.
Fixed frame rate issues that occurred when using wall ride props.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Stunt Props rotating erratically after turning Prop Snapping on and off.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ cameras becoming stuck on props when using the map warp.
Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to start the alarm preview for the Public Address System.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the wrong Race categories remaining locked in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the button prompt for “Snap (Hold)” being missing.
Fixed an issue that meant loading a published creation in Stunt Race Creator resulted in Race Details & “Race Title” to change to “No translation.” rather than the expected Race name.
Fixed an issue that caused various props to have the incorrect color in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that caused pedestrian vehicles to stop at a certain distance from speed boost props, leading to blocked roads.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the ticker feed message for the Hatchet being blank.
Fixed an issue that caused override rotation to reset the X and Y values to 0.
Fixed an issue with the MTL Dune that resulted in no liveries being applied during Creator tests.General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One & PC OnlyFixes have been implemented to improve game stability, matchmaking and network performance for GTA Online.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players experiencing frame drops when cycling through items in the accessories section of the Interaction Menu.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to trade in the garage at Unit 124 Popular St.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to see graphics on their T-shirts after a Heist.
Fixed an issue that caused some Stunt Race motorcycle behaviors to persist after returning to Freemode.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players dying too easily upon impact when landing a jump in a created Stunt Race.
Fixed an issue that caused players’ spawn location to change to their new Office despite the player having not bought the accommodation option.
Fixed an issue that resulted in all players being unable to take off in the Buzzard during the Vehicle Deathmatch – Buzz Kill.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being spawned at the start of the Vehicle Deathmatch - Buzz Kill without Buzzards.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being placed into an assisted aim session in a free aim state after joining then leaving a free aim session.
Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck on a black loading screen after their CEO disconnects from session and they’ve been chosen to pilot their CEO’s helicopter.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to start Special Cargo Missions from their Warehouse laptop.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players from different Organizations that owned different Warehouses to end up in the same Warehouse upon completing a Buy Special Cargo Mission.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no drop-offs after getting into the second Cuban plane during Sell Special Cargo Missions.
Fixed an issue that caused pedestrians to spawn without props during Buy Special Cargo Missions that involved assassinations.
Fixed an issue that caused players to not receive a call from their PA saying that a Special Cargo Item is available if the player is active on a Buy Special Cargo Mission.
Fixed an issue in Buy Special Cargo Missions where players were unable to pick up crates.
Fixed an issue in Buy Special Cargo Missions where CEOs wouldn’t retain their wanted level after dying and respawning.
Fixed an issue in the Stunt Race – Plummet where players were able to pass through a checkpoint without collecting it in the Annis RE-7B.
Fixed an issue in the Stunt Race – Plummet where players would be unable to see the next checkpoint if they had respawned just as they had reached the previous one.
Fixed an issue in the Stunt Race - Plummet where no Race UI would be present when starting a Race with 15 players and a spectator.
Fixed an issue that caused players to display as “**invalid**” when they replied to other players’ in-game text messages.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ scores to decrement after being killed during an impromptu Vehicle Deathmatch.
Fixed an issue that caused the accessories, cash and ammo sections of the Interaction Menu to become inaccessible after buying a large amount of accessories.
Fixed an issue that caused players to not be offered to widen matchmaking for any Job type if they had previously been On-Call for Stunt Series.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no Quick Job functionality after creating a new Character.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing the Rollercoaster UI after riding it.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in the sky after accepting an invite to the Stunt Race - City Air while looking for Quick Job & Stunt Series.
Fixed an issue that meant the Declasse Drift Tampa was selectable in the Stunt Race - City Air.
Fixed an issue with the Declasse Drift Tampa where the Crew Emblem would temporarily disappear until the player either left session or entered the mod shop.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Crew Emblems not being applied to the Declasse Drift Tampa.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players experiencing a prolonged wait time when using Quick Job & Stunt Series.
Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after attempting to join GTA Online if their spawn location is set to Eclipse Towers Apt. 3 Garage.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Stunt Series lobbies not automatically launching when the countdown timer expires.
Fixed an issue that caused players to be incorrectly placed into a solo session after entering a Stunt Series trigger.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck looking at a Race trigger after being kicked from a lobby that was joined via the Quick Job & On Call option.
Fixed an issue that caused players’ motorcycles to be stuck floating in mid-air.
Fixed an issue that caused players to be invisible after joining a Stunt Series Race via the On-Call option.
Fixed an issue that caused queuing to be instantly cancelled when attempting to go On Call to a Stunt Series via the Freemode trigger while in an Invite-Only session.
Fixed issues with trading in Offices.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when attempting to enter Los Santos Customs during the Online Tutorial.
Fixed several map escapes in GTA Online.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to get into any Job in GTA Online.
Fixed an issue in the Heist Humane Labs – Key Codes where players would be shown the alert “You can't access an apartment whilst you have a Mission objective” when trying to deliver the briefcase.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being shown 2 crates in their Warehouse after having only delivered 1.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Annis RE-7B stock spoiler being listed as “None” in the mod shop instead of “Stock”.
Fixed an issue with the brake calipers of the Annis RE-7B that caused clipping when using custom wheel rim modifications.
Fixed an issue with the tires of the Annis RE-7B that rendered them with a low-resolution texture when the vehicle was dirty.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players experiencing constant frame rate drops when going On-Call for Stunt Races.
Fixed an issue with the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website that resulted in the “Sort by Price” option working incorrectly.
Fixed an issue with the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website where motorcycles from Cunning Stunts were not showing up in the “Motorcycles” category filter.
Fixed transaction issues when purchasing a tracker for vehicles.
Fixed an issue in Team GTA Races where players were unable to enter their teammates’ vehicles if their teammate left during a Race.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ saved racing outfits’ helmets to be overridden by the bike helmet option in the Interaction Menu.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ outfits in Stunt Races to be changed to their Freemode outfit on the celebration screen.
Fixed an issue that caused betting to be suppressed in Jobs with multiple rounds.
Fixed an issue that caused players in the highest DNF position to receive less RP than players who had finished after them in Premium Races.
Fixed issue that occurred in the Adversary Mode - Entourage where the target’s regeneration circle did not follow the target pad for spectating player.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to spectate players in the Adversary Mode - Entourage.
Fixed an issue that caused SecuroServ options to be missing from the Interaction Menu in the Adversary Mode - Entourage.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to join an existing lobby with spaces after they had created their own solo instance.
Fixed an issue in the Stunt Race - East Coast where the Stunt camera wouldn’t initiate when performing the Stunt jump.
Fixed some issues with the Stunt Race camera being difficult to control when driving through tube props or performing flips.
Fixed an issue that caused some dashboard dials in the Buckingham Luxor to not display accurate information.
Fixed an issue with the Obey Omnis that would cause the rev lights to be overly bright making it difficult to tell when they light up when accelerating.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no spoiler on their Obey Omnis despite having it chosen after quickly scrolling through the menu in the mod shop.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Obey Omnis from being picked up by the Cargobob helicopter.
Fixed an issue with spoilers on players’ custom Annis RE-7B, Emperor ETR1 and Obey Omnis.
Fixed an issue that meant if a player had gone over the RP cap on their last Stunt, the RP would then be removed from the player during their next Stunt.
Fixed issues where players would not receive the correct amount of RP bonus when performing Stunts during Stunt Races.
Fixed an issue that resulted in open face helmets changing to a different type when players removed them.
Fixed an issue where the accuracy of distant player blips would be incorrect and cause visual issues on the radar.
Fixed an issue that could cause the radar to render incorrectly during Stunt Races.
Fixed an issue that resulted in a news feed article for Valentine's Day incorrectly appearing when joining Freemode from a Stunt Race.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the message “Your Rank is too low” after going On Call and quitting from a Premium Race lobby.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players experiencing frame rate drops after calling in the Turreted Limo twice while onboard a Yacht located at LSIA.
Fixed an issue that caused the flag on the Galaxy Super Yacht to disappear when viewed at certain angles.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Crew best lap times being overwritten with personal lap times, even when the score doesn't beat the Crew best.
Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to use their personal vehicle in Premium Races.
Fixed an issue in Stunt Races that would cause the radio station to change upon respawning.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not spawning in their chosen location when entering GTA Online.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase the Crew Emblem mod for the Vapid Contender.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Crew Emblems not being removed from clothing after changing Crew.
Fixed an issue that caused Crew Emblem Tattoos to not be cleared from players after they switched Crews.
Fixed an issue that resulted in large t-shirt Crew Emblems being removed after entering the character selector and returning back to Freemode.
Fixed an issue that caused Crew colors and Emblems on players’ Principe Nemesis motorcycles to not persist into a new session.
Fixed an issue that caused decals to appear corrupt on Stunt Suits when a player had a Crew Emblem equipped and entered a Stunt Race.
Fixed an issue that caused the Two Tone Tank Top to display Crew Emblems incorrectly.
Fixed an issue that caused the Diamond Back Stomach Tattoo to overlap with clothing items and Crew Emblems.
Fixed an issue that caused Crew Emblems to be removed inconsistently on players’ outfits after changing their Crew.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the 3x RP Icon appearing for Jobs in the pause menu when queuing for an active Premium Race.
Fixed an issue that caused remote players on motorcycles that were throwing projectile weapons to become out of sync.
Fixed some collision issues with the environment when riding the Western Company Gargoyle Motorcycle.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being spawned under the map after dying on their Western Gargoyle motorcycle.
Fixed an issue with the wheel axles of the Imponte Dukes being slightly off-center from the chassis.
Fixed an issue with the default spoiler of the Emperor ETR1 that caused it to detach when crashing the vehicle.
Fixed an issue that caused the exit / entry animation for Benny’s mod shop to not correctly play.
Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in the sky after joining a Friend from the pause menu.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players becoming invisible after passing out from drinking on the Yacht.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to stand up from the sofa after completing Prison Break – Finale.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players experiencing a constant &Transaction Pending& spinner after transferring a character.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving no audio for the Benny's Original Motorworks Mod shop Tutorial.
Fixed an issue on the Stunt Race - Trench where the checkpoint was too close to a jump resulting in players flying over it repeatedly.
Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck on a black screen when trying to play Flight School.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the &Friends in session& ticker feed message flashing between black and red.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck loading into the Learn the Ropes Tutorial Mission after exiting the game, rebooting then re-joining Online.
Fixed an issue that caused players’ gamertags to be misaligned at the top of the Interaction Menu.
Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect player names to display on the leaderboard during Playlists containing Stunt Races.
Fixed an issue that caused players’ speed to appear with an RP icon after it in the d-pad down leaderboard during the Freemode Challenge – Highest Speed.
Fixed an issue that resulted in an overlap on the Stunt Race leaderboard when players left then re-joined the Race.
Fixed an issue in the Stunt Race – Splits where certain alarms wouldn’t play during the second lap.
Fixed an issue that caused the Bike Helmet option to get changed to “None” after changing the option, adjusting the visor option then closing the Interaction Menu.
Fixed an issue that caused players’ visor option to not retain their up / down choice.
Fixed clipping issues when wearing certain hats inside the Lampadati Tropos Rallye.
Fixed an issue with players’ helmets spinning when being equipped after changing visor.
Fixed an issue that caused the Stunt Race flag filter to appear in other lobbies.
Fixed an issue that resulted in spectators experiencing overlapping UI during vehicle selection screens.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Bike Helmet option in the Interaction Menu being randomly set to “None”.
Fixed an issue that caused players’ characters to equip a helmet despite all helmet and headgear related options being set to “None”.
General / Miscellaneous – PC OnlyFixed a crash that occurred after players signed out of Social Club when attempting to make a new profile.
Fixed an issue that caused Social Club UI to close straight away when being opened by a controller.
Fixed an issue that reset weapon wheel positions when changing the window mode setting, or using Alt + Tab while in full screen mode.
Fixed an issue that resulted in The Black JC Helmet (given as part of the Black Jock Cranley Suit reward outfit) to not be available in the Interaction Menu.
Fixed an issue that resulted in an incorrect button prompt displaying when switching between controller and keyboard at the Office computer.
Fixed an issue that caused the displayed image on in-game monitor screens to mimic the screen setting on the users’ display when running Nvidia Surround / Eyefinity.
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UID1406318主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分21金钱277 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间62 小时评议0
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ame monitor screens to mimic the screen setti
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