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&&﹒Told the financial times website reported on May 25, "Disney really shouldn't to mainland China," wang jianlin May 22 on CCTV in China, said: "we (wanda) will make the Disney in the next 10 to 20 years in China are unable to profit." He revealed to surpass 2020 Disney ambitions to become the world's largest tourism enterprises.
&&﹒Xiao-hua Chen pointed out that the G20 should promote agricultural development mode change, to build innovation, dynamic, interactive, inclusive provide a basic guarantee of the world economy. China was the G20 will always uphold inclusive, open, transparent, working principle, listen to all sides, pooling agreement, agricultural development proiect, so as to promote the G20 and world food security and agricultural sustainable development.
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&&﹒According to report of xinhua 24, in henan province higher people's court of the appellant Zhang Genlin, Xue Yunfang, zhai factories, guo ling 8 people illegally manufacturing such as explosives, dangerous goods accident, a case a second trial the counterfeiting of registered trademarks. A second trial is upheld, and approved in accordance with the law of the defendant Zhang Genlin suspended death sentence.
&&﹒"Beijing's air pollution control process: " evaluation project dominated by UNEP, hire domestic and international expert team took more than two years to complete. The project of Beijing from 1998 to 2013, generalizes the atmospheric pollution control measures, focusing on energy structure adjustment and coal source pollution control, motor vehicle emission control, early warning and emergency air quality monitoring capacity building, air pollution in the areas of work were evaluated.
&&﹒In 2001, Zhu Mingguo from hainan provincial party committee member, politics and law committee secretary, vice governor to work in chongqing, first President of chongqing municipal committee, the public security bureau chief, then President of the standing committee of the municipal party committee, secretary of the politics and law committee, the public security bureau chief, worked in chongqing for five years.
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&&﹒Since 2014, on the one hand, the Internet is all kinds of car service began to emerge, on the other hand to stop fighting voice also has not been interrupted.
&&﹒After the "roots"
&&﹒Golden sheep eye reporter Huang Zhouhui, Zheng Xun, correspondent reported easy western soldiers, xie Ming: guangzhou city has important archaeological finds. On the evening of May 24, the reporter learned from the guangzhou institute of cultural relics that yuexiu guangzhou north road found song dynasty city wall ruins of the northeast, mesa, song dynasty excavated in yuexiu north road and 2002 wall correction with the literature of song dynasty, west of guangzhou city east east bound on fangcao street, has a very important historical geographical coordinates significance and research value.


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