饥荒里的swimming pond饥荒海难火山怎么进去去

&&==&&strawhat(草帽)flowerhat(花环)beefalohat(牛毛帽)featherhat(羽毛帽)footballhat(猪皮帽)tophat(高礼帽)earmuffshat(兔耳罩)winterhat(冬帽)minerhat(矿工帽)spiderhat(蜘蛛帽)beehat(蜂帽)walrushat(海象帽)slurtlehat(蜗牛帽子)bushhat(丛林帽)ruinshat(远古王冠)rainhat(防雨帽)icehat(冰帽)watermelonhat(西瓜帽)catcoonhat(浣熊帽)wathgrithrhat(瓦丝格雷斯帽)armorwood(木盔甲)armorgrass(草盔甲)armormarble(大理石盔甲)armor_sanity(夜魔盔甲)armorsnurtleshell(蜗牛龟盔甲)armorruins(远古盔甲)sweatervest(小巧背心)trunkvest_summer(夏日背心)trunkvest_winter(寒冬背心)armorslurper(饥饿腰带)raincoat(雨衣)webberskull(韦伯头骨)molehat(鼹鼠帽)armordragonfly(蜻蜓盔甲)beargervest(熊背心)eyebrellahat(眼睛帽)reflectivevest(反射背心)hawaiianshirt(夏威夷衬衫)4.建筑:campfire(营火)firepit(石头营火)coldfire(冷火)coldfirepit(石头冷火)cookpot(锅)icebox(冰箱)winterometer(寒冰温度计)rainometer(雨量计)slow_farmplot(一般农田)fast_farmplot(高级农田)siestahut(午睡小屋)tent(帐篷)homesign(路牌)birdcage(鸟笼)meatrack(晾肉架)lightning_rod(避雷针)pottedfern(盆栽)nightlight(暗夜照明灯)nightmarelight(影灯)researchlab(科学机器)researchlab2(炼金术引擎)researchlab3(阴影操纵者)researchlab4(灵子分解器)treasurechest(木箱)skullchest(骷髅箱)pandoraschest(华丽的箱子)minotaurchest(大华丽的箱子)wall_hay_item(草墙)wall_wood_item(木墙)wall_stone_item(石墙)wall_ruins_item(铥墙)wall_hay(地上的草墙)wall_wood(地上的木墙)wall_stone(地上的石墙)wall_ruins(地上的铥墙)pighouse(猪房)rabbithole(兔房)mermhouse(鱼人房)resurrectionstatue(肉块雕像)resurrectionstone(重生石)ancient_altar (远古祭坛)ancient_altar_broken (损坏的远古祭坛)telebase(传送核心)gemsocket(宝石看台)eyeturret(固定在地上的眼睛炮塔)eyeturret_item(可带走的眼睛炮塔)cave_exit(洞穴出口)turf_woodfloor(木地板)turf_carpetfloor(地毯地板)turf_checkerfloor(棋盘地板)adventure_portal(冒险之门)rock_light(火山坑)gravestone(墓碑)mound(坟墓土堆)skeleton(人骨)houndbone(狗骨头)animal_track(动物足迹)dirtpile(可疑的土堆)pond(池塘)pond_cave(洞穴池塘)pighead(猪头棍)mermhead(鱼头棍)pigtorch(猪火炬)rabbithole(兔子洞)beebox(蜂箱)beehive(野生蜂窝)wasphive(杀人蜂窝)spiderhole(洞穴蜘蛛洞)walrus_camp(海象窝)tallbirdnest(高鸟窝)houndmound(猎犬丘)slurtlehole(蜗牛窝)batcave(蝙蝠洞)monkeybarrel(猴子桶)spiderden(蜘蛛巢穴)molehill(鼹鼠丘)catcoonden(浣熊洞)rock1(带硝石的岩石)rock2(带黄金的岩石)rock_flintless(只有石头的岩石)stalagmite_full(大圆洞穴石头)stalagmite_med(中圆洞穴石头)stalagmite_low(小圆洞穴石头)stalagmite_tall_full(大高洞穴石头)stalagmite_tall_med(中高洞穴石头)stalagmite_tall_low(小高洞穴石头)rock_ice(冰石)ruins_statue_head(远古头像)ruins_statue_mage(远古法师雕像)marblepillar(大理石柱子)marbletree(大理石树)statueharp(竖琴雕像)basalt(玄武岩)basalt_pillar(高玄武岩)insanityrock(猪王矮柱石)sanityrock(猪王高柱石)ruins_chair(远古椅子)ruins_vase(远古花瓶)ruins_table(远古桌子)statuemaxwell(麦斯威尔雕像)statueglommer(格罗门雕像)relic(废墟)ruins_rubble(损毁的废墟)bishop_nightmare(损坏的雕像)rook_nightmare(损坏的战车)knight_nightmare(损坏的骑士)chessjunk1(损坏的机械1)chessjunk2(损坏的机械2)chessjunk3(损坏的机械3)teleportato_ring(环状传送机零件)teleportato_box(盒状传送机零件)teleportato_crank(曲柄状传送机零件)teleportato_potato(球状传送机零件)teleportato_base(传送机零件底座)teleportato_checkmate(传送机零件底座)wormhole(虫洞)wormhole_limited_1(被限制的虫洞)stafflight(小星星)treasurechest_trap(箱子陷阱)icepack(冰包)dragonflychest(蜻蜓箱子)
扫描二维码How to Make a Swimming Pond | eHow
Making a natural swimming pond is a cost effective, creative and greener alternative to concrete, chlorinated outdoor pools. Learn how to make a swimming pond and transform your backyard into a place of adventure and relaxation.
Swimming ponds take us back to childhood memories of exploring creeks and swinging on ropes into the murky waters of the lake. The difference is that swimming ponds are clean, clear and unlike outdoor chlorinated pools have no chemicals. They function through a balanced, self cleaning eco-system and are better for the environment and your family.
Use this article to make a swimming pond which will bring years of entertainment and joy to your family and awe and inspiration to visitors, friends and family.
45 M Liner
Submersible Pump
Plant Material
LOCATE THE SPACE FOR YOUR SWIMMING POND - You will need a clear space larger than your intended swimming pond. Some recommend at least 20ft diameter of unused space for your swimming pond.
ENVISION THE FINISHED PROJECT - Before starting any digging or contracting it is essential that you and your family draw up your ideal swimming pond. Perhaps you want a deck going out on your swimming pond, a waterfall, or giant rocks to sunbathe on. Have a family meeting and discuss your ideal swimming pond. Consider sketching it out together (including foliage). During this time consider the depth and size of your swimming pond and where the filter should go. You will need to make a separate swimming area and similarly sized bog area for your filtering to work appropriately. Done correctly, swimming ponds are much cleaner than chlorinated pools and are even considered drinkable quality!
START DIGGING - Once you have the area and the plan, it is time to start digging. Typically swimming ponds will be shallow around the edges sloping in to a deeper area in the middle. These shallow areas are great for resting or for younger swimmers to play. Make sure to dig out a bog area almost as big as the swimming area for filtration purposes.
LINE THE HOLE - Once you have the hole dug out, it is time to pad and line it. Types of padding to use could be old carpeting, layers of newspapers and of course it is highly recommended that you buy an official underlayment. Lining can be 45ml liner, butyl rubber or EPDM. Line the pool and about 3 feet out from the top.
PREPARE THE FILTRATION SYSTEM - Swimming ponds include a biological filter system which is balanced and self maintained. To create this area, build a wall separating the swimming area from the filtering area. This can be built out of lumber.
*Make sure the top of the wall will be under the water surface, as it is vital that water flow over it.
POUR IN THE GRAVEL - After building your wall, you will pour as much gravel as can fit on the filtration side of the wall. You will also need to install a filter and submersible pump to keep the water circulating.
VEGETATE AND LANDSCAPE - The next step includes filling and surrounding your pond with realistic vegetation. Large rocks and gravel can cover the liner. Buy submerged vegetation and bog plants to cover the top of the filtration part of the pond. These are essential for a balanced and pure water system.
ENJOY YOUR SWIMMING POND - Swimming ponds will bring you joy and relaxation for many years. Enjoy swimming, playing, relaxing, and showing it off for years to come. You have made a positive investment in your future.
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《饥荒》彩蛋大全 有哪些彩蛋
12:00:23 来源:饥荒游戏吧 作者:求生专家小林 编辑:Shy夏夏 
1、洞穴营地(Cave Camp)
  具体结构:它是由2个改善后的农场(Improved Farms),或者称高级农场;1个干草叉(Pitchfork),1个箱子(Chest),1个冰箱(Ice Box),1个科学机器(Science Machine),1个池塘(Pond),1个帐篷(Tent),几棵常青树(Evergreens),几棵草(Grass),一些树苗(Saplings)和一个老前辈骨架(Skeleton),当然了骨架旁边可能有一顶草帽(这里是指可能,也就是说,可能有也可能没有)。
友情提示:支持键盘左右键“← →”翻页
第1页:1、洞穴营地(Cave Camp)
游戏制作:Klei Entertainment
游戏发行:Klei Entertainment
游戏平台:PC/PS4/PS Vita
《饥荒》的开发商Klei工作室在12月6日举行的PSX 2015发布会上宣布旗下的付费多人游戏扩展包《饥荒多人版》正式登陆PS4平台,并放出了一款新预告
《饥荒》巨人版将于本月8月26日登陆Xbox One,而在其即将上架Xbox One游戏商店之前,官方发布了一个新的预告宣传视频以示庆祝。
Klei Entertainment宣布其生存游戏《饥荒》将迎来一个新的单人游戏扩展DLC“海难(Shipwrecked)”。


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