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Title: Dota 2
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Release Date: Jul 9, 2013
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January 26
Special Event With Daily BonusesJanuary 26 - February 6, 2017Band together in this free event to help defend Selemene's temple against the advancing Dark Moon Horde and reap the rewards of the Goddess' favor, including the chance to receive an implausibly indescribably-rare Immortal Dark Moon Baby Roshan courier of peerless origin.Available to play through Monday, February 6, join the Dark Moon queue and work together with your team to defend against waves of loathsome shades creeping towards the temple. Survive the evolving assaults to earn special event points, then redeem your points for increasing Dark Moon Rewards. With a Daily Bonus and multiplier available to boost your score, the only limit to earning additional rewards is your devotion to the cause.For millennia, the warriors of the Nightsilver Woods have stood vigilant against vile forces intent on the advent of a Dark Moon, earning both title and divine charge in sacred defense of the Goddess Selemene. But now, as the night of the new moon falls, Selemene's chosen lie helpless behind her temple walls, victims of an arcane slumber that has left the temple grounds undefended.With Selemene's influence at its weakest, and twisted shades of the familiar creeping across her domain, the Moon Goddess beckons five new protectors to stand in the stead of her champions against the corruption of the Dark Moon Horde. Will you be one to answer the hallowed call?
January 20
Today's update focuses on improvements to the in-game interface with various modifications to the Shop layout and Hero Control Console. For a full list of changes, read our .
Shop Interface The in-game Shop interface has been reworked to restore the item grid to the right-side orientation with hero guides extending to the left, and popular items are now highlighted directly in the item grid. Popular items are dynamically created and updated based on the top items purchased by players with an MMR of 5,000 and higher. Additionally, all players have a row of global customizable pinned items under the grid that can be set to match personal item preferences for quicker access. Hero Control Console We've made adjustments to the Hero Control Console layout to accommodate several changes, including making hero attributes always visible and showing both the base and bonus values for damage, armor, and attributes by default. We've also increased the size of HP/Mana bars, increased the area for multi-unit selection, and introduced multi-unit icons that scale dynamically based on the initial number of units selected. Hotkey Support We've restored the option to activate the Learn Ability mode with a hotkey. In addition, hotkey support is now available for opening the Hero Talent Tree to select the left or right Talent branch.
“Dota 2 is possibly the only competitive free-to-play game that is totally uncompromised by its business model.”90/100 – “Once you start to learn its secrets, there’s a wild and exciting variety of play here that’s unmatched, even by its peers.”9.4/10 –
Just Updated
Special Event With Daily BonusesJanuary 26 - February 6, 2017
The New Journey
About This Game
Dota is a competitive game of action and strategy, played both professionally and casually by millions of passionate fans worldwide. Players pick from a pool of over a hundred heroes, forming two teams of five players. Radiant heroes then battle their Dire counterparts to control a gorgeous fantasy landscape, waging campaigns of cunning, stealth, and outright warfare.
Irresistibly colorful on the surface, Dota is a game of infinite depth and complexity. Every hero has an array of skills and abilities that combine with the skills of their allies in unexpected ways, to ensure that no game is ever remotely alike. This is one of the reasons that the Dota phenomenon has continued to grow. Originating as a fan-made Warcraft 3 modification, Dota was an instant underground hit. After coming to Valve, the original community developers have bridged the gap to a more inclusive audience, so that the rest of the world can experience the same core gameplay, but with the level of polish that only Valve can provide.
Get a taste of the game that has enthralled millions.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
Minimum:OS: Windows 7 or newerProcessor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: nVidia GeForce GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HDDirectX: Version 9.0cNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 15 GB available spaceSound Card: DirectX Compatible
Minimum:OS: OS X Mavericks 10.9 or newerProcessor: Dual core from IntelMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: nVidia 320M or higher, or Radeon HD 2400 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higherNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 15 GB available space
Minimum:OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or newerProcessor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: nVidia Geforce GT (Driver v331), AMD HD 2xxx-4xxx (Driver mesa 10.5.9), AMD HD 5xxx+ (Driver mesa 10.5.9 or Catalyst 15.7), Intel HD 3000 (Driver mesa 10.6)Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 15 GB available spaceSound Card: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
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13:19 | 责任编辑:Keel | 内容来源:全球电竞网 |
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输入 -console 点击确定
  切换控制台打开/关闭状态默认按键是 ~或\,
在框框里输入 dota_start_ai_game 1
  如果需要设置AI难度,有两种方法(默认的AI难度很低)第一种在map xxx 这一步骤之前先输入
dota_bot_practice_difficulty 【0-3的一个数字】  第二种进去后输入sv_cheats
1,然后输入dota_bot_set_difficulty 【0-3的一个数字】  就能设置难度了,数字越大越难 。都设置完毕后:
在框框里输入 map【空格】
  地图分别是  dota 默认的地图  dota_autumn 秋季地图,也就是万圣节的地图  dota_diretide_12 万圣节特殊地图
 dota_winter 冬季地图  tutorial_m1 新出的教程关,需要设置几个参数可进,这里就不列出了选择一个回车,然后等待载入后
 在没网络登陆STEAM时,STEAM会自动提示。这时候选择“以离线模式启动”即可。  登陆完成后,点击执行DOTA2,会发现DOTA2卡在LOADING处,一直提示“正在连接至DOTA2网络”不过这显然是不可能连接上的了,不过没关系,我们仍然可以看到控制台:


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