factorio mod怎么玩,刚下的,如何让传送带里的矿物送到石炉,传送带送不进去

包括 38 项 Steam 成就
名称: Factorio
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&时光荏苒,我们开发团队已经在Factorio上奋战了四年。 为了能确保游戏能够长时间稳定地运行超大规模的工厂,我们为游戏做了深度优化,如今游戏已经十分稳定。 在过去的四年里,我们已经在我们的网站上卖出了超过 11 万份游戏。现在,我们决定把Factorio分享给更广大的玩家群体。&
&我们会不断发布新的游戏版本来更新补充新的功能和内容,同时采用这种方式逐步推进游戏开发的进度。 当我们觉得游戏开发可以告一段落了,就会发布完整版本游戏,目前初步估计这还需要 8 ~ 12 个月。&
&现在游戏的内容已经非常充实了,包含了大量丰富有趣的设备和特色。 有大量玩家与我们分享称,在单人游戏中耗费了数百个小时之后,他们仍能在游戏中获得乐趣。除此之外,异星工厂支持多人游戏,官方论坛建立了专用的模组讨论区,游戏还有更多更新颖更有趣的玩法等待着你去探索开发!&
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We have had some reports of users experiencing an issue with the game graphics after updating to the GeForce Driver 378.49 with a GeForce 10 series video card.To workaround this issue, open the Factorio properties in steam, and set the launch options to:--max-texture-size=16384We hope Nvidia will be able to address this issue shortly, if not we will release an update to limit the texture size by default.
Hello, a wave of illness has afflicted the team these last few weeks, but things are starting to pick up again. With the collective health of the office back to normal, progress is advancing well on the features for 0.15.Mod guiWe offer a lot of freedom to the modders of Factorio, this freedom has been of huge advantage to everyone involved, allowing interesting and fresh mechanics to be implemented with simple Lua script and our API.With freedoms comes the fact that we can't control everything the modders want to do. In terms of visual design we have our own GUI elements under lock down, but mods can put things together in any way they like, and with no style guides or templates, we can end up with situations like this:The player will understand that it isn't really our 'fault' that the buttons are not in a uniform style, but still it's an issue I wanted to try to address.Typically a mod Gui will be created something like this:function create_gui(player)
type = &sprite-button&,
name = &My_mod_button&,
sprite = &item/my-mod-item&,
style = &My-mod-button-style&
type = &frame&,
name = &My_mod_frame&,
caption = &My mod frame&,
style = &My-mod-frame-style&
endThis is very simple, and easy enough to understand, but will require each mod to define their own style, or use the LuaStyle script interface to set their style during the game. The issue of odd styling comes from perhaps there being no built in simple and effective styling mods can use. Another problem is that with multiple mods installed, there is no overall control about how and where the Gui elements interact and 'fight' with one another for space.So to begin to help this, I've implemented an optional Lua script that modders can use, which should help unify things, as well as being simple to use for anybody new. require(&mod-gui&)
function create_gui(player)
type = &sprite-button&,
name = &My_mod_button&,
sprite = &item/my-mod-item&,
style = mod_gui.button_style
type = &frame&,
name = &My_mod_frame&,
caption = &My mod frame&,
style = mod_gui.frame_style
endWhich can look something like this:While this is definitely optional, it really helps to tie together the style of the buttons.The separation of the button and frame flows will help to stop Gui fighting in the main 'left' gui. I'd also be interested in expanding the functionality of the mod-gui utility, so input and feedback from modders will be very helpful.Stations colorAs Vaclav was finishing up the High-res train stop and signal fixes, he enlisted the help of Rseding to add the same color selection for stations as we have for the locomotives.This minor addition really allows for much greater visual distinction between your different stations, and allow matching up your locomotives to their respective stations. There is also support to copy and paste the color from the train stop to the locomotive and vice-versa, so that you will always have a perfect match.As always, if you have any comments or otherwise, please let us know on .
在讨论版中为这款游戏汇报 BUG,并留下反馈
「异星工厂」Factorio 是一款建造工业生产流水线并保持其高效运转的游戏。 在游戏中,你可以抠矿、搞科研、盖工厂、建设自动生产流水线,同时还要与异星虫子们互相伤害。你将从一无所有艰辛起步。挥斧砍树,抡镐抠矿,手搓机械臂和传送带,然而像这样一直搞下去并没有什么卵用。因此,你需要高效的大规模发电厂,庞大的石油化工体系,壮观的全自动化产业链,以及替你东奔西走的机器人大队,让你成为物资储备丰盈工业帝国的真正操控者! 然而,总有一群刁民想害你。这个星球上的土著虫群对你在自家后院里瞎折腾的行为很不爽,总有一天这群刁民会联合起来找你麻烦。因此,你要制造武器、建立防御、准备镇压,让它们知道谁才是真正的主宰者。 你可以在多人游戏中加入不同的阵营,在大触们的带领下与朋友们分工协作, 一起建设恢弘无比的工业园区。 Factorio的模组支持吸引了全世界的设计师参与到对游戏的革新和完善中来,从优化调整到游戏辅助,甚至对游戏的彻底翻新,日新月异的模组将为你不断提供新的乐趣。 除了游戏的核心自由模式和沙盒模式之外,任务包提供了更多不同形式的游戏挑战,这已经作为一个免费的DLC提供给玩家了。 对随机生成的地图不满意?不满足于原生游戏任务?这都不是事儿。通过内置的地图编辑器,你可以任意修改地图,配置地形、建筑、敌人等各种元素。如果你是大触,还可以添加自定义脚本,让你的游戏更具独创性、更加阴吹思婷!
从未有过任何一款游戏在物流管理的模拟方面做得如此出色。 - Reddit
当我闭上眼睛满脑子都是传送带, 我可能沉浸在Factorio中无法自拔了。 - Notch, Mojang
在我使用传送带来欺负虫子的时候我感觉Factorio棒极了! - Zisteau, Youtube
SteamOS + Linux
最低配置:操作系统: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP. (64 Bit)处理器: Dual core 1.5Ghz内存: 2 GB RAM图形: 512MB Video Memory存储空间: 需要 512 MB 可用空间
推荐配置:操作系统: Windows 10, 8, 7 (64 Bit)处理器: Quad core 2.5Ghz内存: 4 GB RAM图形: 2GB Video memory存储空间: 需要 512 MB 可用空间
最低配置:操作系统: macOS Sierra, OSX El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion处理器: Dual core 1.5Ghz内存: 2 GB RAM图形: 512MB Video Memory存储空间: 需要 512 MB 可用空间
推荐配置:操作系统: macOS Sierra, OSX El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion处理器: Quad core 2.5Ghz内存: 4 GB RAM图形: 2GB Video memory存储空间: 需要 512 MB 可用空间
最低配置:操作系统: Linux (tarball installation)处理器: Dual core 1.5Ghz内存: 2 GB RAM图形: 512MB Video Memory存储空间: 需要 512 MB 可用空间
推荐配置:操作系统: Linux (tarball installation)处理器: Quad core 2.5Ghz内存: 4 GB RAM图形: 2GB Video memory存储空间: 需要 512 MB 可用空间
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