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[杂谈] MacOS10.12升级吐槽
完全对比之家的这篇文章:此次的 10.12 &失望至极啊 &没啥变化感觉1、买不起AppleWatch &自动解锁功能没用2、剪切板同步还需要开启蓝牙,买不起watch的人谁没事手机老开蓝牙浪费电啊3、对于一个AppleID 同时使用手机平板和电脑的,小气的苹果5G免费容量根本不够用,所以自动同步桌面和文稿的功能完全不敢开,感觉苹果应该针对设备,你有一个设备就给你5个G的容量,你有3个设备应该给你15G才对呀。不然iphone备份一下,ipad备份一下(甚至是已经备份不下),完全没有多余的空间了。如果用户分开使用账号又失去了很多关联的联动体验4、siri测试了下,只能算是有趣,但真正使用起来,谁特么会跟个二傻子似得在办公室对着自己的电脑大吼一句“帮我打开xxxx”5、对于被iMessage垃圾消息堆怕了的人,在Mac上使用消息应用的概率少之又少了,更何况在我朝,更多的应该是使用企鹅和微信了吧?6、针对于其他内置应用的优化,使用频率很低,没啥特别的感觉啊。7、什么视频画中画,像我们这样使用Chrome的用户 完全无感8、算了吧,AppStore中iTunes更新了N次都以失败告终,最后还是直接下载官方包直接安装的。还有iTunes,除了同步一下ios设备以外,没觉得好用,听歌还是更习惯网易云音乐、QQ音乐、虾米音乐等国产的在线音乐播放器了最后可能是我记错了还是什么的,传闻中自带“F.lux特效”的功能也没有出现在Mac上,毕竟ios设备在ios9就已经有Night Shift了,为什么Mac没有!!还有,系统日历也被垃圾广告给沦陷了,每天日历里面全是广告,禁都禁不掉。不说了,浪费了上午半天时间下载更新安装,结果没有任何惊喜,已哭瞎了。以上只是个人的吐槽与之家无关,没有任何恶意。
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苹果公司终于推送了macOS Sierra的正式版,对于用了两个多月测试版的用户来说,终于等到了macOS Sierra 正式版发布!此前在测试版中遇到的问题也在正式版中得到了解决,系统稳定性得到增强,并且一些在测试版中尚未开放或稳定的功能,在正式版都得到了很好的体验。
macOS Sierra特色功能
Siri 首次现身 Mac 之上,带来了众多专为电脑桌面设计的新功能。你的 Mac 能与 iCloud 和你的其他 Apple 设备灵活配合。众多智能功能,则让你在使用照片、音乐、信息时更乐在其中。
让 Siri 帮你做事,这位智能助理现在来到了 Mac 上。
& 尽享你在 iOS 上经常使用的功能,并体验它针对 Mac 优化的新功能。
& 一边工作,一边发送信息、创建备忘录、搜索网页等等。
& 可将 Siri 搜索结果直接拖放或拷贝粘贴到你的文档中。
& 可将 Siri 搜索结果固定在通知中心以便随后使用。
& 吩咐 Siri 帮你查找文件、调整设置以及获得系统信息。
& 从一部设备的一款 app 中拷贝引言、图像或视频,然后将其粘贴到另一部设备的 app 中。
& 当你戴着 Apple Watch 时,无需输入密码,即可自动登录你的 Mac。
通过 iCloud 桌面和文稿功能,可用你的 iPhone 访问 Mac 桌面上的文件。
& 你桌面和文稿文件夹中的文件可自动存储到 iCloud 中,并能以你的各种 Apple 设备来访问。
& 在你的其他 Mac 上保留同样的桌面和文稿文件夹。
通过优化存储功能,轻松腾出 Mac 上的空间。
& 将不常用的文件自动存储到 iCloud,需要时再调取。
& 有专门工具帮你清除不再需要的文件,省出更多空间。
通过 App 中的标签页功能来管理桌面窗口
& 在地图、Pages、Keynote、Numbers 等 app 中使用标签页来管理多个窗口。
& 标签页功能也适用于你喜欢的第三方 app,无需开发者采用。
& 可一边工作,一边在桌面上悬浮一个 Safari 或 iTunes 视频窗口。
& 画中画窗口可以放在屏幕任何角落,即使你切换空间或者全屏工作,它也不受影响。
& 通过&回忆&功能,将那些遗忘的、你所钟爱的回忆一一呈现。
& 可根据照片中的人物查看你的照片。照片 app 采用先进的面部识别技术,可自动将同一个人的照片归为一组。
& 得益于能识别物体和场景的智能搜索技术,你可以根据照片内容,如海滩、爱犬或音乐会,来搜索照片。
& 在互动式世界地图上,来追随你的照片旅程
在 iTunes 中享受设计一新的 Apple Music。
& 经过重新设计的 Apple Music,可让你轻松浏览自己的资料库。
& 资深音乐人士为你精选新鲜好歌,先进的机器学习功能为你量身推荐动听曲目。
& 可在对话中查看网页内容预览,观看网页视频。
& 可使用快捷、方便的 Tapback 回复信息。
& 可发送 3 倍大的表情符号。
& 可查看朋友们从 iOS 设备发送的贴纸、Digital Touch、隐形墨水和手写信息。
某些功能仅适用于部分地区或语言。某些功能有硬件要求。某些功能要求使用 iCloud 存储方案。
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Our Verdict
macOS Sierra enters the fray as a solid, dependable operating system just like the final two versions of OS X. It offers clear benefits when used in conjunction with iPhones and Apple Watches, while the addition of Siri and iCloud Drive are a boon for working with files and retrieving information on the desktop.
Siri feels at home on the Mac
iCloud Drive can now challenge third-party offerings
Tabs make working in full screen viable
Ties users further into Apple's ecosystem
Requires iOS devices for full benefit
Still not very customizable
By the time you read this, the latest version of Mac OS X & sorry & macOS, will be available to download from the App Store. macOS 10.12 Sierra, to give it its full title, finally sees Apple move away from the OS X nomenclature given to every version of its desktop operating system since 2001.You might be thinking, "Why macOS?" Well, the answer is simple: the new naming convention brings it in line with Apple's other operating systems: ,
and . After previously naming versions of OS X after big cats of some description, the company turned to locations in California for recent releases.Apple tends to release new versions of macOS with a "tick, tock" cadence. Back in 2009 it followed up OS X 10.5 Leopard, which introduced hundreds of new features and improvements, with Snow Leopard & a performance-focused update. It repeated the trick with Sierra's predecessor, , which was basically a much faster version of
with a few new multi-tasking features baked in for good measure.Instead of using the new name as an opportunity to overhaul OS X, Apple has made Sierra another iterative release in the vein of its recent predecessors.However, it makes a clear attempt at swinging the focus back to new functionality and features, rather than performance. Sierra places a firm focus on usability while allowing you to be more productive on the desktop - especially so if you use your Mac in conjunction with Apple's mobile devices.Whether you're clasping a shiny new
in your hand, Apple wants you to make you feel like your investments are more than the sum of their parts. Clearly this is something of a double-edged sword, as Mac owners that don't own them are bound to feel like they're missing out. Not prepared to buy more Apple products? Then the message is clear: you're not getting the full experience.It almost feels churlish to moan, however, as Sierra continues tradition by leaping from the App Store onto your machine for the princely sum of nothing & just like every version of macOS has been since . A word of warning, though: be sure to check out Sierra's
before you hit the download button, as they are more taxing than what has gone before.Supported MacsHere are the Mac models that are compatible with macOS Sierra:MacBook (Late 2009 and later)iMac (Late 2009 and later)MacBook Air (2010 and later)MacBook Pro (2010 and later)Mac mini (2010 and later)Mac Pro (2010 and later)Latest newsFour months following the release of macOS Sierra, Apple&s new operating system continues to serve as a highlighted selling point for prospective Mac buyers. Unfortunately, the latest macOS release isn&t enough to rescue Apple from a .In lighter news, late 2016 MacBook Pro users can now install an update Apple claims will rectify a specific battery life concern, leading to a changed tune from Consumer Reports regarding the laptop. However, if that patch doesn&t do the trick, the Cupertino company advises simply .&Meanwhile, cyber security detectives at
have discovered &Fruitfly&, an aging piece of malware dating back to 2014 at the latest, within macOS. The malicious files are designed to take screenshots of a user&s system in order to collect personal information. Fortunately, Apple has already taken measures to combat &the first Mac malware of 2017& using background updates.Siri lands on the MacWith Siri's arrival on the Mac, owners of Apple's computers no longer have to look at iPhone, iPad and
owners with envy. Apple's personal assistant is arguably even more useful on the Mac than it is on the company's mobile platforms as you can drag and drop Siri's search results from the Notifications pane and into other apps for sharing or accessing on a later date.Those results include images pulled from the web, which appear as thumbnails along the right-hand edge. Siri can also retrieve other information as part of searches, including maps results, location data and user reviews courtesy of Yelp.As far as its basic operation goes, Siri works just the same on the Mac as it does on other devices. You click the purple icon in the top right-hand corner, instead of holding a button, before speaking into your Mac's microphone. You're given a five second window before Siri gives you what can only be described as a digital nudge and reminds you of what phrases you can ask.You can also retrieve a list of actions that Siri can perform by simply asking, "What can you do?". Some are basic, such as asking Siri to open a folder on the Mac or launch an app. It's also possible to start a FaceTime call, set up a meeting using the macOS Calendar, or find photos from a particular date. If you're a social media addict, the ability to post updates to Twitter and Facebook could prove a big time-saver.So, how well does it work? Very, in fact: Siri's voice recognition engine is near-flawless. Even in my strong regional accent, it picked up what I was saying almost every time. Siri only struggled with words that sound the same but are spelled differently. For example, she repeatedly failed to distinguish the difference between questions based around the country Wales, and ones about whales.Siri commands to tryThings that you can ask Siri include:Tell me what movies are playing todayRead my latest emailText John 'See you soon smiley exclamation point'Find a table for four tonightCall Dad at workFind me books by C.S. LewisHow's the weather in London on Saturday?Did Manchester United win?Keeping tabsIt's now possible to use tabs in any almost application, whereas El Capitan restricted them to OS-specific apps such as Safari, and Finder. Apple's apps that support tabs from the off include Mail, Maps, TextEdit and the three iWork apps - Pages, Numbers and Keynote. Apple says that you can open tabs in any app without the need for extra coding from developers, but that depends. That is the case where the app can open multiple windows, but you aren't suddenly going to be flicking through tabs in ones like Spotify, Ulysses or Evernote, which already have their own sidebar-based navigation systems.Apps that currently support tabs let you activate tabs using the View menu. The obvious benefit here is that you don't have to open as many new windows to multi-task, which comes in especially useful in split screen mode. For example, somebody writing up an essay could position Safari (or any other browser) on the left and Pages on the right. Previously it would have only been possible to view one website at a time in full screen mode, whereas tabs allow multiple webpages to be opened.This can be particularly useful when used in conjunction with note-taking services such as Evernote. Suddenly it's possible to flick between multiple notes open in various tabs for retrieving information while maximizing the amount of information that can be displayed on the other half of the screen. It's especially useful for owners of Apple's Macs that don't offer much real estate - including both sizes of its MacBook Air and even the 12-inch MacBook.First reviewed: September 2016Gabe Carey has also contributed to this review
Current page:
Siri, Tabs and iCloud Drive
Kane has been fascinated by the endless possibilities of computers since first getting his hands on an Amiga 500+ back in 1991. These days he mostly lives in realm of VR, where he's working his way into the world Paddleball rankings in Rec Room.


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