
15中世纪2全面战争完整修改 全面战争中世纪2
Feudal Knights(建筑文件对应出的名)dictionary
Feudal_Knights(汉化,贴图对应的名) Feudal Knights(注释,简介出的名)category
Heavy(兵的响声)banner faction
main_cavalry(兵种旗帜)banner holy
Feudal_Knights,(兵种骨骼) 32,(兵种数量,公式:32除2乘5) 0(人马合一), 1(冲锋的穿透能力,简言之是冲锋时间)mount
barded horse(骑的座骑)mount_effect
elephant -4,(对大象减4点士气) camel -4(对骆驼减4点士气)attributes
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, knight(兵的各种能力)formation
2, 4.4, 3, 6, 2, square, wedge(阵型,行列)stat_health
1, 0(1为人的生命,0为座骑生命)stat_pri
10(冲锋伤害), 6(冲锋加乘), no(远程武器名), 0(射程), 0(弹药), melee(交战类型), melee_blade(武器类型), piercing(武器声音), spear(武器类型), 25(动作时间), 1(武器切换速度);stat_pri_ex
0, 0, 0(武器升级变化)stat_pri_attr
11(近战肉搏伤害), 4(冲锋加乘), no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 25, 1(下面的同上);stat_sec_ex
0, 0, 0(副武器升级变化)stat_sec_attr
7(甲防), 5(计防), 4(盾防), metal;stat_armour_ex
7, 8, 0, 0, 5, 4, 4, metal(防御升级变化)stat_sec_armour
0, 0, flesh(座骑防御变化)stat_heat
0(灌木丛能力加乘), -2(沙漠能力加乘), -4(森林能力加乘), 0(雪地能力加乘0stat_mental
9,(士气) impetuous,(纪律) trained(训练)stat_charge_dist 45(冲锋的码数,进入多少距离开使冲锋)stat_fire_delay
60, 300stat_cost
1(造兵回合), 730(会战里买的钱), 250(会战里维护费), 120(升级武器费), 95(升级盔甲费), 730(自定义战役费用), 4(多于几队开始罚钱), 180(罚钱的多少) armour_ug_levels 3, 4(盔甲升级要求铁匠等级)armour_ug_models Feudal_Knights,(无盔甲升级时第1个模形) Feudal_Knights_ug1(升了一点防后的模形)ownership
england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice,papal_states, hungary, slave(能造的国家)era 0
england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice,
hungary(哪国在哪个时期有,era 0为初期;era 1为中期;era 2为后期)era 1
10, 0, 16(凡是前面带;号数据无效)常用的兵种属性:sea_faring 能上船can_withdraw 可以撤退mercenary_unit 雇佣兵hide_forest 能隐藏在森林中hide_improved_forest 能良好的隐藏在森林中hide_anywhere 能隐藏在任何地方hardy 耐力良好very_hardy 耐力极佳can_formed_charge 可列队冲锋knight 骑士free_upkeep_unit 在城镇中可免维护费cantabrian_circle 环形射击general_unit 将军单位general_unit_upgrade 后期将军单位gunpowder_unit 有火枪装弹动作fire_by_rank 多列轮流射击gunmen 火枪手,只有第一排可以射击guncavalry 龙骑兵,只有第一排可以射击crossbow 十字弓,只有第一排可以射击start_not_skirmishing 默认关闭自动闪避stakes 可放置木桩pike 超长枪frighten_mounted 惊吓马匹frighten_foot 惊吓步兵can_run_amok 会发疯druid 德鲁依,增加友军士气artillery 炮兵(武器)Ucannon 加农炮(武器)rocket 火箭(武器名)mortar 迫击炮(武器)explode 会爆气kstandard 军旗部队(加士气)is_peasant城市免费座骑列表:fast pony(轻快速马)heavy horse(健壮的马)mailed horse 天主教初期战马(如封建骑的)barded horse 游侠战马(如侠义骑的)armoured horse 西欧铁骑(如重装枪骑兵骑的)eastern armoured horse 东方铁骑(如马路小坦克骑的)camel 骆驼elephant 枪象elephant_cannon 炮象elephant_rocket 火箭战象接着是/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/descr_strat(开局文件,最好别乱改,否则会跳,重开档方会生效)playable (游戏开始时选择势力)england
威尼斯可以添加新势力endunlockable (游戏通关后选择势力)sicily
匈牙利endnonplayable (不可以选择势力)papal_states(教皇国)aztecs
1080 summer
1530 winter
回合数(会影响事件发生时间,如需变动1年2回合为0.5,4回合0.25,以此类推)brigand_spawn_value XX 叛军的出现几率,数字越大几率越低pirate_spawn_value XX
海盗的出现几率,数字越大几率越低faction(派系)france,(法国) balanced smith(外交政策:中2外交政策甭需改动)ai_label(政策引用跟descr_campaign_ai_db文件相关)catholic(宽容) default(简单) papal_faction(教皇专用) slave_faction(叛军专用)denari
{level(级别) large_town(城市,可以更改级别)region(区域) Paris(巴黎)_Province(省)year_founded(建立年代) 0population 3800(人口数,可以改动)plan_set default_setfaction_creator(起始派别) france(法国)building(建筑){type(类型) core_building(城市城墙) wooden_wall(木墙,可以更改级别)
}building{type(类型) barracks(城市兵营) town_guard(民兵军营,可以更改级别)
}building{type (添加新的建筑物名称) (添加新的建筑物级别)}}settlement castle(城堡)(可以改为城市,不过注意城堡和城市建筑物单词有区别,下面有明细){level(级别) town(木堡,可以更改级别)region(区域) Angers(昂热)_Province(省)year_founded(建立年代) 0population 1800(人口数,可以改动)plan_set default_setfaction_creator(起始派别) france(法国)building{type(类型) core_castle_building(城堡) wooden_castle(木堡)}building{type(类型) equestrian(城堡马厩) stables(马厩)}building{type (添加新的建筑物名称) (添加新的建筑物级别)}}character(描述)
Philip(将军名), named character(只有家族成员需要), male(男性), leader(领袖), age(年龄) 40, x(横向坐标) 113, y(竖向坐标) 131traits(属性) Factionleader(派系领袖) 1(级别) , GoodCommander(优秀指挥官) 2(级别) , Intelligent(聪明) 2(级别) , 添加新属性 级别(注意格式)ancillaries(随从) holy_grail(圣杯), chevalier_de_bayard(巴亚尔骑士), 添加新的随从(随从最多8个,注意格式)army(军队)unit(单位)
NE Bodyguard(早期将军卫队)
exp 9(经验值) armour 3(盔甲级) weapon_lvl 3(武器级)unit(单位)
Peasant Archers(平民弓箭手)
exp 6(经验值) armour 0(盔甲级) weapon_lvl 0(武器级)unit(单位)
Spear Militia(长矛民兵)
exp 0(经验值) armour 0(盔甲级) weapon_lvl 0(武器级)unit(单位)
Spear Militia(长矛民兵)
exp 0(经验值) armour 0(盔甲级) weapon_lvl 0(武器级)unit
exp X armour X weapon_lvl Xcharacter
Pierre(将军名), general(一般), male, age 20, x 121, y 126armyunit
exp 5 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1
French Mounted Archers(法兰西弓骑兵)
exp 4 armour 1 weapon_lvl 0
Scots Guard(苏格兰卫队)
exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
exp X armour X weapon_lvl Xcharacter
Guillemot de Lyon(将军名), admiral(海军), male, age 20, x 113, y 99
traits(属性) Sailor(传奇海军将领) 5(级别)ancillaries(随从) shipwright(船舶工匠), naval_gunner(战舰炮长), naval_navigator(可靠导航员)armyunit
exp 7 armour 3 weapon_lvl 3
exp 7 armour 3 weapon_lvl 3unit
exp X armour X weapon_lvl Xcharacter
Etienne Tristram, priest(主教), male, age 20, x 101, y 115traits(属性) NaturalPriestSkill(自然教士技巧) 3 , 添加新属性,注意格式ancillaries(随从) witch_hunter(女巫猎人), royal_seminarian(皇家神学家), 添加新随从,最多8个,注意格式15中世纪2全面战争完整修改_全面战争中世纪2character
Aubert Febre, spy(间谍), male, age 20, x 122, y 120traits(属性) GoodSpy 5 , 添加新属性,注意格式ancillaries(随从) spyglass, 添加新随从,最多8个,注意格式character
Aubert Febre, assassin(刺客), male, age 20, x 122, y 120traits(属性) GoodAssassin 5 , 添加新属性,注意格式ancillaries(随从) accomplice, 添加新随从,最多8个,注意格式character
Rainald Erlach, diplomat(外交官), male, age 20, x 118, y 120traits(属性) GoodDiplomat 5 , 添加新属性,注意格式ancillaries(随从) translator, 添加新随从,最多8个,注意格式character
Pedro Descriua, merchant(商人), male, age 20, x 111, y 120traits(属性) GoodMerchant 4 , 添加新属性,注意格式ancillaries(随从) trick_abacus, 添加新随从,最多8个,注意格式character
Constance, princess(公主), female(), age 19, x 112, y 131traits(属性) IAmPrincess 1 , 添加新属性,注意格式ancillaries(随从) strapping_stallion, 添加新随从,最多8个,注意格式character_record(家族描述)
male(男性), age(年龄) 2, alive(存活), never_a_leader(这里指未成年)character_record
male(男性), age(年龄) 1, alive(存活), never_a_leader(这里指未成年)character_record
Bertrada de Montfort(名字),
female(女性), age(年龄) 52, alive(存活), never_a_leader(这里指皇后)relative
Bertrada de Montfort,
Henry, named character, male, age16, x 114, y 133traits 添加属性ancillaries 添加随从armyunit
NE Bodyguard
exp 9 armour 3 weapon_lvl 3; &&&& start of diplomacy section &&&&faction_standings(派别)
france, scotland
england (每回合对英格兰外交度下降0.2)
milan, hrefaction_standings
france, at_war_with
slave(叛军)接着是令一个重要文件/data/export_descr_buildings(不用重开档)wooden_wall city requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }{(括号里为可造派系,如北欧,中东,东欧,希腊,南欧,对叛军出兵重要)
convert_to 2capability{recruit_pool &Conquistadores&(出兵名字,对应dictionary)
requires factions { spain, portugal, } (可出国家) and hidden_resource americarecruit_pool &Dismounted Conquistadores&
requires factions { spain, portugal, }
and hidden_resource americarecruit_pool &Town Militia&
requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }recruit_pool &Italian Militia&
requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }happiness_bonus bonus 1()recruitment_slots 9(一回合造9个格的兵)}material woodenconstruction
1 (建筑建造所需回合)cost
(所需金钱)settlement_min townupgrades公会修改:/data/export_descr_guilds文件Guild assassins_guild(名称 刺客公会)building guild_assassins_guild(建筑 刺客公会)levels
100 250 500levels代表公会分3次升级要求的点数,把数字分别改小就可以降低难度了.如全部公会改小则体现不出你想要公会的出现率.data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/descr_mercenaries(雇佣兵文件)
pool Egypt(地区名:埃及)regions Alexandria_Province Cairo_Province Gaza_Provinceunit merc galley,
exp 0(经验值) cost 200(买所需金钱) replenish 0.36 - 1.0 (每回合补充率)max 2 initial 1 religions { islam } (派系)crusadingunit merc galley,
exp 0 cost 1040 replenish 0.06 - 0.18 max 1 initial 1unit Bedouin Cavalry
exp 0 cost 630 replenish 0.04 - 0.13 max 2 initial 1 religions { islam }unit Ghazis
exp 0 cost 100 replenish 0.18 - 0.5 max 6 initial 1 religions { islam } crusadingunit Mutatawwi'a
exp 0 cost 60 replenish 0.08 - 0.25 max 4 initial 1 religions { islam } crusadingunit Turkomans Mercs
exp 0 cost 740 replenish 0.04 - 0.13 max 2 initial 1 religions { islam }unit Sudanese Tribesmen Mercs exp 0 cost 440 replenish 0.04 - 0.13 max 2 initial 1/data/export_descr_ancillaries(随从文件)Ancillary adultress(随从 情妇)Type Sex(类型 性)Transferable
1 (这里1代表可以把随从转让别人 0代表不可以)Image sex_expensivewoman.tga(图片引用)ExcludeCultures middle_eastern(排除派系 中东)Description adultress_desc(描述引用)EffectsDescription adultress_effects_descEffect Chivalry -1
(骑士美德-1)Effect Piety -1
(虔诚-1)Effect TroopMorale -1 (部队士气-1)Effect Fertility -2
(生育能力-2);------------------------------------------Trigger adultress_vnv_trigger
(情妇触发条件)WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
(时间为回合结束)Condition EndedInSettlement
(条件待在城里)and RemainingMPPercentage = 100
(移动力满)and SettlementBuildingExists &= coaching_house(需要建筑物等级&=旅店)
and IsGeneral
(状态一般)and IsMarried
(已婚)and SpouseAttribute Charm & 3
(老婆的属性魅力& 3)and Attribute Chivalry & 1
(骑士美德& 1)AcquireAncillary adultress chance
(以上条件全部满足后触发几率为100)/data/export_descr_character_traits(人物属性文件)Trait GoodCommander
(属性 优秀指挥官)Characters familyAntiTraits BadCommander(相反属性 糟糕指挥官)Level Promising_Commander(级别 优秀的指挥官)Description Promising_Commander_descEffectsDescription Promising_Commander_effects_descGainMessage Promising_Commander_gain_descLoseMessage Promising_Commander_lose_descThreshold
1Effect Command
1 (属性 统帅+1)Level Aspiring_Commander(级别 卓越的指挥官)Description Aspiring_Commander_descEffectsDescription Aspiring_Commander_effects_descGainMessage Aspiring_Commander_gain_descLoseMessage Aspiring_Commander_lose_descThreshold
2Effect Command
2 (属性 统帅+2);------------------------------------------Trigger V0090_Standard_Battle_Any_Victory_VnV_TriggerWhenToTest PostBattle(战斗时触发)Condition IsGeneral
(条件是将军)and WonBattle
(赢取战斗)and BattleOdds & 2.25
(战前势力比小于2:2.5)Affects GoodCommander
100 (满足以上条件触发优秀的指挥官几率为100,这里的1指的是该技能的等级)后代子孙成年时属性修改Trigger random_birth_france
(特性 法国派系任意发生)WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge (发生时间为成年)Condition FactionType franceAffects HaleAndHearty
100 (强壮技能2级的触发几率为100)
Affects Intelligent
Affects 添加新技能
将军腐败修改:查找Trigger corruption1和Trigger corruption2和Trigger corruption4把and Treasury & 50000,的数字改大,因为这个数字代表到达这个金钱数将军会腐败
Affects Corrupt
数字改为0,意思是触发这几种腐败类型的几率Affects Aesthetic
0Affects ExpensiveTastes
0Affects Epicurean
0Affects Embezzler
0改成0腐败也会出现/data/descr_campaign_db(将领年龄修改)&family_tree& &max_age uint=&90&/&最大年龄的岁数&max_age_for_marriage_for_male uint=&75&/&男的最大结婚年龄&max_age_for_marriage_for_female uint=&40&/&女的最大结婚年龄&max_age_before_death uint=&105&/&最长寿命的年龄&max_age_of_child uint=&10&/&10岁以下称为小孩的年龄&old_age uint=&60&/&60岁以上称为老者的年龄&age_of_manhood uint=&16&/&最小有生值能力的年岭&daughters_age_of_consent uint=&16&/&公主的成年年龄&daughters_retirement_age uint=&40&/&公主进修道院的年龄&age_difference_min int=&-10&/&求婚者的最小年龄比家族未婚者小10岁&age_difference_max int=&30&/&求婚者的最小年龄比家族未婚者大30岁&parent_to_child_min_age_diff uint=&12&/&相隔生最大的孩子和最小的孩子的年龄差距
&min_adoption_age uint=&20&/&最小家族人员能收养养子的年龄&max_adoption_age uint=&30&/&最大家族人员能收养养子的年龄&max_age_for_conception uint=&50&/&最大的怀孕年龄&age_of_manhood_close uint=&14&/&最小有生殖能力的男性为14岁&max_number_of_children uint=&4&/&家族每人可生小孩的最大数为4海战修改:&autoresolve&&min_capture_percent float=&0.0&/&
最小俘虏几率&max_capture_percent float=&60.0&/&
最大俘虏几率&lopsided_thresh float=&1.5&/&&lopsided_hn_mod float=&3.0&/&&separation_missile_add uint=&1&/&&naval_sink_modifier float=&85.0&/&
海战沉没几率(最高100)&naval_sink_offset float=&15.0&/&
海战逃跑几率(最低0)&naval_sink_max float=&100.0&/&
海战败方沉没最大几率/data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/descr_events(历史事件修改); ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------event
160 170 (最小发生回合/最大发生回合)movie
128 144event
320 328把回合数改成2就会变成第二回合发生.因游戏一开始就已经为1回合,故修改时最低时间是2.注意,蒙古入侵的时间和回合数有关,注意间隔,不然会跳出.data/descr_character文件:starting_action_points
80(为所有部队行军范围,可做更改) default value for all characters and pathfinding calculations;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;type
named character(家族成员)15中世纪2全面战争完整修改_全面战争中世纪2actions
moving_normal, moving_quickmarch, garrison, assault, attack, besiege, entrench, ambush, diplomacy, bribe, exchange, building_fort, building_watchtower
gladius, chainmail shirt helmet and rectangular shield(以上为将军部队的单位行为,模型,工资,装备,哪些国家和移动力的描述.其中异教徒,女巫,审查官是不可以招募的)请参照事物官名字修改,简单的说是:type
named character(将军部队)general(一般部队)spy(间谍)assassin(刺客)diplomat(外交官)admiral(海军)princess(公主)merchant(商人)priest(教士)heretic(异教徒)witch(女巫)inquisitor(审查官)wage_base 100 (每回合维护费)starting_action_points
15 (移动力)data/descr_settlement_mechanics文件:descr_settlement_mechanics.xmlSPF代表settlement population factor (解决人口因素)SOF代表settlement order factor (解决次序因素)SIF代表settlement income factor (解决收入因素)&!-- city --&(城市)&level name=&village& base=&400& upgrade=&400& min=&400& max=&1500&/&&level name=&town& base=&400& upgrade=&2000& min=&400& max=&3500&/&&level name=&large_town& base=&2000& upgrade=&6000& min=&400& max=&9000&/&
&level name=&city& base=&6000& upgrade=&12000& min=&400& max=&18000&/&&level name=&large_city& base=&12000& upgrade=&24000& min=&400& max=&36000&/&
&level name=&huge_city& base=&24000& min=&400& max=&72000&/&&!-- castle --&(城堡)&level name=&moot_and_bailey& base=&400& upgrade=&0& min=&400& max=&1500&/&
&level name=&wooden_castle& base=&400& upgrade=&0& min=&400& max=&3500&/&
&level name=&castle& base=&1500& upgrade=&4500& min=&400& max=&9000&/&&level name=&fortress& base=&4500& upgrade=&9000& min=&400& max=&13500&/&
&level name=&citadel& base=&9000& upgrade=&18000& min=&400& max=&18000&/&意思是:城市/城堡级别,升到该级需要的人口数,升到下级需要的人口数,招兵的最小人口数,城镇人口上限注意:每一级别城市或城堡的人口上限都不能低于前一级的.另外人口数大了,治安和快乐还有健康,也要做相应修改,在export_descr_buildings文件.data/descr_sm_resources文件:(资源修改)gold
价值 20silver
价值 12fish
价值 12wine
8chocolate 巧克力 价值 15marble
大理石 价值 10textiles
纺织品 价值
价值 15silk
价值 12sugar
价值 10sulfur
价值 12cotton
价值 12coal
6elephants 大象
可招募后面数字就是价值,×商人的属性=每回合产生的金钱爆心攻击力&fiery&0&/fiery&&/area_effect&好,下面是最重要最震撼人心的光影效果修改!descr_effect_impacts.txt文件:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;culvern explosion ground impacteffect explosive_fiery_cloud_culvern{type explosion{; main explosion
0.95;clr_adjust_by_ambient_intensity; debrisdebris_model
14, 60(14是碎片,60有效光影效果范围,这个最重要)
90 degrees
0.1, 0.5}}再把远处部队的主武器射成你修改的炮就行了.下面是模型的修改battle_models.modeldb文件:22 serialization::archive 3 0 0 0 0 705 0 0这个是很重要的一行,并且是很容易出错的部分。22代表“serialization::archive”这段话的字节数,自己可以数数。数字错了会跳的. 3 0 0 0 0 705 0 0这个之中最重要的`应该是705了`这个是本文件含有的单位模型数量,你每添加一个单位,这个数字就要+1以苏格兰卫队为例15 noble_swordsmen1(代表只有1个国家拥有) 3(指不同的视觉距离下,有3个层次的骨骼连接)60 unit_models/_Units/EN_Pplate_Plate/noble_swordsmen_lod0.mesh 12160 unit_models/_Units/EN_Pplate_Plate/noble_swordsmen_lod1.mesh 122560 unit_models/_Units/EN_Pplate_Plate/noble_swordsmen_lod2.mesh 6400这是分别在121,`距离下`连接的骨骼文件路径`其中的60字节不包括这3个数字。18 scotland(苏格兰使用的纹理)75 unit_models/_Units/EN_Pplate_Plate/textures/mtw2_EN_Pplate_scotland.texture
73 unit_models/_Units/EN_Pplate_Plate/textures/mtw2_EN_Pplate_normal.texture48 unit_sprites/scotland_Noble_Swordsmen_sprite.spr
(远景模型,会引发“鬼兵”问题) 18 scotland68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Special Heads_scotland_diff.texture
(脸的模型) 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Special Heads_scotland_norm.texture 0
(衣服模型,这就是为啥你见到中2里士兵不一的样)14 None
(无座骑)19 MTW2_Slow_Swordsman 0218 MTW2_Sword_Primary14 fs_test_shield 0
(使用的装备与攻击类型)16 -0. 0 -0...(重点注释:该修改很麻烦,如果机子不好或者不是很需要的朋友不要随意修改,会跳的) 关于如何修改将领卫队和卫队是农民问题首先修改兵种属性文件:以条顿骑士为例复制整段条顿骑士的数据在最底下新起type
R Ritterbrdercategory
Heavybanner faction
Ritterbruder, 32, 0, 20mount
armoured horsemount_effect
elephant -4, camel -4attributes
sea_faring, hide_forest, can_formed_charge, frighten_foot, general_unit,(可做将军单位) very_hardyformation
2, 4.4, 3, 6, 2, squarestat_health
5, 1stat_pri
20, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, spear, 25, 1 , area;stat_pri_ex
0, 0, 0stat_pri_attr
50, 3, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 25, 1;stat_sec_ex
0, 0, 0stat_sec_attr
area, launching, apstat_pri_armour
10, 10, 10, metal;stat_armour_ex
7, 9, 0, 0, 5, 8, 8, metalstat_sec_armour
0, 0, fleshstat_heat
0, 0, 0, 2stat_mental
20, normal, trainedstat_charge_dist 35stat_fire_delay
60, 300stat_cost
1, 10, 0, 85, 205, 970, 2, 290armour_ug_levels 5, 6armour_ug_models Ritterbruder_ug1ownership
teutonic_orderera 0
teutonic_orderera 1
teutonic_orderera 2
11, 0, 20recruit_priority_offset
90向上面那样修改,你就有了一个可做将领卫队的条顿骑士然后打开Medieval II Total War\mods\teutonic\data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign里的descr_strat文件 以开局总团长为例character Gunther(将领名:总团长贡特尔) von Schwarzenburg, named character, male, leader, age 45, battle_model Teutonic_Hochmeister, x 60, y 36traits Factionleader 1 , GoodCommander 2 , PublicFaith 1 , BattleChivalry 4 , ReligionStarter 1****unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Ritterbruder
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Ritterbruder
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Ritterbruder
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Ritterbruder
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 015中世纪2全面战争完整修改_全面战争中世纪2unit
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Livonian Auxiliaries
exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0修改早期将领卫队为其它兵种时原来的那个国家所属的所有将领卫队单位要去掉或改为该国家不可用,也就是该国除了这一对将领卫队外没其它有可做该国将领卫队的属性, 那么以后招将领时就是这种兵作为将领卫队了如何修改易北河的BT型骑兵:拿条顿精英骑士为例,原数据type Ritterbruderdictionary R Ritterbrdercategory cavalryclass heavyvoice_type Heavybanner faction main_cavalrysoldier Ritterbruder, 24, 0, 1mount barded horsemount_effect elephant -4, camel -4attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, frighten_foot
formation 2, 4.4, 3, 6, 2, squarestat_health 1, 0stat_pri 11, 7, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, spear, 25, 1;stat_pri_ex 0, 0, 0stat_pri_attr nostat_sec 12, 3, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 25, 1;stat_sec_ex 0, 0, 0stat_sec_attr nostat_pri_armour 7, 5, 8, metal;stat_armour_ex 7, 9, 0, 0, 5, 8, 8, metalstat_sec_armour 0, 0, fleshstat_heat 8stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 2stat_mental 11, impetuous, highly_trainedstat_charge_dist 45stat_fire_delay 0stat_food 60, 300stat_cost 1, 970, 240, 85, 205, 970, 2, 290armour_ug_levels 5, 6armour_ug_models Ritterbruder, Ritterbruder_ug1ownership teutonic_orderera 0 teutonic_orderera 1 teutonic_orderera 2 teutonic_order;unit_info 11, 0, 20recruit_priority_offset 90修改后:type Ritterbruderdictionary R Ritterbrdercategory cavalryclass heavyvoice_type Heavybanner faction main_cavalrysoldier Ritterbruder, 24, 0, 20(这个1和20代表骑士的穿透能力,直冲到最后一排.)
mount barded horsemount_effect elephant -4, camel -4attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, frighten_foot
formation 2, 4.4, 3, 6, 2, squarestat_health 1, 0stat_pri 11, 12(加强冲锋威力), no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, spear, 25, 1, area(拥有贱踏效果);stat_pri_ex 0, 0, 0stat_pri_attr nostat_sec 12, 3, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 25, 1;stat_sec_ex 0, 0, 0stat_sec_attr nostat_pri_armour 7, 5, 8, metal;stat_armour_ex 7, 9, 0, 0, 5, 8, 8, metalstat_sec_armour 0, 0, fleshstat_heat 8stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 2stat_mental 11, impetuous, highly_trainedstat_charge_dist 45stat_fire_delay 0stat_food 60, 300stat_cost 1, 970, 240, 85, 205, 970, 2, 290armour_ug_levels 5, 6armour_ug_models Ritterbruder, Ritterbruder_ug1ownership teutonic_orderera 0 teutonic_orderera 1 teutonic_orderera 2 teutonic_order;unit_info 11, 0, 20recruit_priority_offset 90下面是座骑的修改,打开descr_mount.txt文件:条顿骑的马是barded horse找到原数据:type barded horseclass horsemodel Mount_Barded_Horseradius 1.8x_radius 0.8y_offset 0.7height 2.5mass 3.5banner_height 0bouyancy_offset 1.8water_trail_effect horse_water_trailroot_node_height 1.0;rider_offset 0.0, 0.45, 0.35rider_offset 0.0, 0.38, 0.70修改后:type barded horseclass horsemodel Mount_Barded_Horseradius 1.45x_radius 0.8y_offset 3height 2.5mass 40banner_height 0bouyancy_offset 1.8water_trail_effect horse_water_trailroot_node_height 1.0;rider_offset 0.0, 0.45, 0.35rider_offset 0.0, 0.38, 0.70E文解释:radius:代表马的盔甲,数据越低,骑兵就越难死,灵活度加大,能让骑兵更容易从冲锋后的阵里脱出来,越大的话冲锋效果越强x_radius:骑兵的间隔,也是易北河骑兵间隔大的原因y_offset:冲破阵的幅度mass:冲撞的效果,贱踏效果,令你的骑兵拥有大象的贱踏.远射武器列表:弓箭 arrow火箭 arrow_fiery弩兵 steel_crossbow_bolt弩炮 ballista拿法 nahptha_bomb龙骑 pistol_bullet火枪 musket_bullet风琴炮 ribault_shot管炮 monster_ribault_shot火箭
rocket枪象 arquebus_bullet炮象 elephant_cannon_shot火箭战象 elephant_rocket5mortar炮 mortar_shot攻城炮
bombard_shot蜥炮 culverin_shot蛇炮 basilisk_shot加农炮 serpentine_shot射石炮 grand_bombard_shot巨炮 monster_bombard_shot抛石车catapult(抛射)抛石器trebuchet(抛射,可燃)exploding_culverin_shot 开花弹(蜥炮)exploding_basilisk_shot 开花弹(蛇炮)exploding_cannon_shot 开花弹(加农炮)flaming_grand_bombard_shot 燃烧弹(攻城炮)flaming_bombard_shot 燃烧弹(攻城炮)fiery_norman_catapult 燃烧弹仅做参考关于如何添加兵牌,打开Medieval II Total War\data在里面新建个ui文件夹,再在里面新建unit_info文件夹(大兵牌)和units文件夹(小兵牌)然后按比例小兵牌48乘64,大兵牌191乘280.找到图大兵牌改名为兵种属性文件dictionary里对应的名如type
Grand Master Ulrichdictionary
Grand_Master_U Grand Master Ulrich要改一下,如下:type
Grand Master Ulrichdictionary
shenluo(别对应原来就行了) Grand Master Ulrich找到想做兵牌的图,改名为shenluo_info的tga图片放到unit_info里,这个是神罗的兵,所以还要在unit_info里新建个hre(代表神罗引用)的文件夹,把图放hre里.小贴图也按照上面一样,名改为#shenluo,然后tga格式放units里新建的hre文件夹里 再注意一个,如何你dictionary起的名是shen(空格)luo那么要加_,如shen_luo 贴图也要对应dictionary下面是蒙古的强化和贴贴的(贴贴的对照蒙古的行了)打开Medieval II Total War\data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign文件里的campaign_script文件:;;; MONGOL INVASION 1 SCRIPTspawn_****faction mongolscharacter Jebe,(将领名) named character, age 30(出现时的年龄), x 292,(横座标) y 166,(纵座标)command 8, dread 9, loyalty 7, piety 1traits EasternWarlord 3 , GoodCommander 2 , Bloodthirsty 2 , BattleDread 4 , StrategyDread 2 , PublicFaith 1 , Loyal 2 , ContentGeneral 3 ;command 8, dread 9, loyalty 7, piety 1(全是属性)unit
Mongol Bodyguard(第一队将领卫队)
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0(下面的分别是对应带的人马)
Mongol Infantry
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Heavy Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Heavy Lancers
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Heavy Archers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Heavy Archers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Light Lancers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Light Lancers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0endspawn_****faction mongolscharacter Aradai, named character, age 22, x 290, y 168,command 6, dread 7, loyalty 7, piety 1traits EasternWarlord 2 , Anger 3 , BattleDread 2 , StrategyDread 2 , PublicFaith 1 , Loyal 2 , ContentGeneral 3 ;command 6, dread 7, loyalty 7, piety 1unit
Mongol Bodyguard
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 015中世纪2全面战争完整修改_全面战争中世纪2unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Light Lancers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Light Lancers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Horse Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Horse Archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Horse Archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0endspawn_****faction mongolscharacter Bayan, named character, age 21, x 292, y 162,command 6, dread 7, loyalty 7, piety 1traits EasternWarlord 2 , Anger 3 , BattleDread 2 , StrategyDread 2 , PublicFaith 1, Loyal 2, ContentGeneral 3 ;command 6, dread 7, loyalty 7, piety 1unit
Mongol Bodyguard
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Infantry
exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Foot Archers
exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Dismounted Light Lancers
exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Heavy Lancers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Light Lancers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Horse Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Horse Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Horse Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0unit
Mongol Horse Archers exp 3 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0end(全部同上!);;; move them to location of first invasionif I_CompareCounter mongols_sarkel = 1reposition_character Jebe, 280, 136(Jebe出现的第1个随机点)reposition_character Aradai, 277, 133(Aradai出现的第1个随机点)reposition_character Bayan, 278, 131(Bayan出现的第1个随机点)end_ifif I_CompareCounter mongols_yerevan = 1reposition_character Jebe, 291, 109(Jebe出现的第2个随机点)reposition_character Aradai, 289, 108(Aradai出现的第2个随机点)reposition_character Bayan, 291, 107(Bayan出现的第2个随机点)end_ifif I_CompareCounter mongols_baghdad = 1reposition_character Jebe, 292, 58(Jebe出现的第3个随机点)reposition_character Aradai, 290, 60(Aradai出现的第3个随机点)reposition_character Bayan, 293, 63(Bayan出现的第3个随机点)如果你想修改出的军队数,就把原数据复制一次,贴在第1至3波随便一波的里面,注意要修改座标,否则跳(不用在意将领,他会重复出现同一个将领的)还有蒙古出现的历史事件是和回合有很大关系的,你如果把年数设成1回合1年的话会跳的蒙古加强这个也是个很容易出错的东西,我在游侠看了一些修改蒙古时出现问题贴,很多是莫名其妙的跳出,而且是按教程修改的,可是有的人成功有的失败.所以建议别自己修改,打补丁吧关于如何修改出步行哥特骑士:(以及自己想出的兵)拿马安作代表:Medieval II Total War\data里的export_descr_buildings文件:找到马安的数据:building equestrian{levels stables knights_stables barons_stables earls_stables kings_stables{stables castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }{capability{recruit_pool &Hobilars&
requires factions { england, }recruit_pool &Border Horse&
requires factions { scotland, }recruit_pool &Mounted Sergeants&
requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }recruit_pool &Scouts&
requires factions { denmark, }recruit_pool &Jinetes&
requires factions { spain, portugal, }recruit_pool &Polish Shooters&
requires factions { poland, }recruit_pool &Kazaks&
requires factions { russia, }recruit_pool &Magyar Cavalry&
requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool &Skythikon&
requires factions { byzantium, }recruit_pool &Aztec Peasants&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Aztec Spearmen&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Aztec Archers&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Aztec Spear Throwers&
requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool &Aztec Warriors&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Jaguar Warriors&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Eagle Warriors&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Cuahchiqueh&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Coyote Priests&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Arrow Warriors&
requires factions { aztecs, }recruit_pool &Desert Cavalry&
requires factions { moors, egypt, }recruit_pool &Turkish Horse Archers&
requires factions { turks, timurids, }recruit_pool &Mongol Horse Archers&
requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool &Mailed Knights&
requires factions { Normans, }
}material woodenconstruction
1200settlement_min townupgrades{knights_stables}在:recruit_pool &Turkish Horse Archers&
requires factions { turks, timurids, }recruit_pool &Mongol Horse Archers&
requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool &Mailed Knights&
requires factions { Normans, } 下面新加例:recruit_pool &Turkish Horse Archers&
requires factions { turks, timurids, }recruit_pool &Mongol Horse Archers&
requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool &Mailed Knights&
requires factions { Normans, }recruit_pool &Dismounted Gothic Knights&(你要出的兵的名)
0.2 (补充率)
requires factions { hre, } (该兵对应的国家)这样就帝国会战里神罗的马安就能出步行哥特了补充medieval2.preference.cfg文件的解释[audio]音频enable = 1启动master_vol = 100主控音量music_vol = 66音乐音量provider = Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio音频驱动sfx_vol = 100声效音量speech_enable = 1语音启动开关speech_vol = 100语音音量sub_faction_accents = 1[camera]摄像机default_in_battle = rts战役默认视角move = 59移动速度restrict = 0限制视角rotate = 61旋转速度[controls]campaign_scroll_max_zoom = 30战略画面放大画面速度campaign_scroll_min_zoom = 30战略画面缩小画面速度keyset = 0自定义快捷键[game]游戏advanced_stats_always = 0总是显示顾问advisor_verbosity = 0顾问的帮助等级ai_factions = skip电脑派系(略过)allusers = 1auto_save = 0自动保存blind_advisor = 0禁止顾问campaign_map_game_speed = 99战略画面时单位移动的速度campaign_map_speed_up = 0加速战略画面时单位的速度campaign_num_time_play = 248游戏时间chat_msg_duration = 10000聊天发言段数disable_arrow_markers = 1关闭战斗时单位脚下的箭头标记disable_events = 0关闭战略画面的事件english = 0event_cutscenes = 1战略画面发生事件时,出现事件画面fatigue = 1真实疲劳模式first_time_play = 0第一次游戏label_characters = 0人物标签label_settlements = 1城市标签micromanage_all_settlements = 1是否手动控制所有城市 morale = 1真实士气模式mute_advisor = 0无顾问no_campaign_battle_time_limit = 1无战役时间限制 pref_factions_played = 15tutorial_battle_played = 1指南战役tutorial_path = norman_prologue/battle_of_hastings unit_size = large部队单位大小use_quickchat = 0使用聊天[multiplayer]多人模式hotseat_autoresolve_battles = 0hotseat_disable_console = 1hotseat_disable_papal_elections = 0hotseat_save_prefs = 0hotseat_update_ai_camera = 0hotseat_validate_diplomacy = 1[network]use_ip =use_port = 27750[ui]SA_cards = show半自动显示buttons = show按钮显示full_battle_HUD = 0radar = show雷达显示show_tooltips = 1情报显示unit_cards = show兵牌显示[video]视频anisotropic_level = 2各向异性级别anti_alias_mode = offantialiasing = 0抗锯齿assassination_movies = 1暗杀动画autodetect = 0自动探测battle_resolution = 战役分辨力bloom = 1光晕效果building_detail = low建筑物细节campaign_resolution = 战略分辨力15中世纪2全面战争完整修改_全面战争中世纪2depth_shadows = 0阴影depth_shadows_resolution = 0阴影清晰度effect_quality = normal效果品质event_movies = 1事件影片gamma = 134灰度系数grass_distance = 0草地可视距离infiltration_movies = 1潜入影片no_background_fmv = 0无背景动态影像reflection = 0反射sabotage_movies = 1破坏设施影片shader = 2就是那个version1/version2两种效果模式 show_banners = 1显示旗帜show_package_litter = 0skip_mip_levels = 1splashes = 1溅射stencil_shadows = 0模板阴影(如建筑)subtitles = 1字幕terrain_quality = custom地形精细度texture_filtering = 1品质过滤unit_detail = high部队细节vegetation = 1植物vegetation_quality = high植物精细度vsync = 1垂直同步widescreen = 0宽频在widescreen = 0下面新起个windowed = 1,则为窗口化 要永久窗口化添加了windowed = 1后把文件改为只读欢迎您转载分享:


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