
越南的东西今年真的火了这款通过了很多渠道才搞过来的今年的春季新款由于卖的太火,厂里追单这次定了两百多件一次性给给齐东西可以说非常不错可以说是春秋季最靓丽的一款软壳衣服了迷彩加上拉链的颜色整体上身没得说面料是专利的超薄科技材质透气性强,而且防水舒适度极强今天我发在微信里的价格为359我不行可以加我自己看(freeman_kevin)说实话今天一朋友拿到手后给我说你这衣服卖500都有人拿的说实话我不会那么贪,只求一件衣服赚个20来块我就心满意足但是今天我就任性一把这件衣服300包邮我特么的赔钱也要给你们最好的这就是我的性格bb的有点多了,不说了 直接上图了米巢(MI_Simth) 
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京公网安备78Conversion Tables for US Dollars and RMB / Ting - The Chinese Experience
&&Currency Converter&&
Chinese RMB and US
Dollar Conversion
Dollar to RMB
RMB to Dollar
$00.00 x 6.12
&00.00 x .1632
Souvenirs, Food, Clothing
Dollar to RMB
RMB to Dollar
$00.00 x 6.12
&00.00 x .1632
Computers, TVs, Appliances
Cars, Apartments, Homes
The tables are based on the average exchange rate through 2008. The Yuan floats on the open market, but not as rapidly as other currencies. At this writing, the Chinese government partially stabilizes their currency. For many years, it was held artificially at 8.2-8.4 yuan to the dollar. The value has increased by about 25% since 2004.
It has made approximately a 2% correction (6.35 down to 6.12 yuan per dollar) in the past year.
Many economists think that the yuan is still undervalued compared to Western currencies. I only update this page when there is a major change in value.
Check the current exchange rate with your local bank or on the Internet. If it's close, print the tables and read them on the plane, they'll put you right to sleep.& Get used to the amounts.& When you are actually shopping, carry a calculator.& Do the conversion each time you are tempted to buy something.& It is so easy to get confused with foreign exchange.& It is tempting to think of 10 yuan as $1.50, but when you get up to 200 yuan, you are actually spending $32.64 - and that's a bit more than $30.
Bargaining is part of Chinese commerce.& Avoid the set price stores such as the Friendship Store and factory stores.& If you want to meet people go to the markets to shop for souvenirs.& Take your calculator and a sense of fun.& Both the shop assistant and you should be enjoying the bargaining.& If either of you isn't feeling good about the transaction, walk away.& There are so many beautiful things in China, you will find another.& Take your time to shop.& Look at everything carefully - this will drive your guide nuts, but shopping is a cultural experience and an enjoyable one if done right.& It is expected that you will carefully inspect anything you buy and keep smiling.
Anger only drives the price up.& Play with the sample, but only unpack the new one you intend to purchase if you are intending to buy.& You will be considered an intelligent shopper.& If it requires batteries, insert them and test the item.& Check to make sure sleeves are long enough - both of them.& If you don't have time to check, don't buy.& It is a long way back to make a return.
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Last update:& May, 2013
, , , 2012, 2013


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