
  刺客信条枭雄录音文档没有字幕怎么办?虽然游戏自带简体中文,但是录音文档就是没字幕的,英文版也没有,下面为大家带来ZeronoTukaima翻译的《刺客信条枭雄》全刺客情报录音文档中文翻译,一起来看看吧。  枭雄里有很多现代刺客的信息。本来收集Helix错误解锁就够累人的了,录音文件竟然还没字幕  于是本着服务大众的目的,我上刺客维基找到了录音的原文,用自己的英文烂水平翻译了一下,在这里把录出来的的录音视频和对应的中英对照文本贡献给大家。  注:所有人物、组织名称等专有名词的译法,均参考刺客信条中文维基。  录音文档#001  Gramática:Isabelle, what a lovely surprise!  格拉马蒂卡:伊莎贝尔!真高兴见到你!  Ardant: Are you recording this?  阿尔当:你在录音吗?  Gramática:Hm? Oh yes, I record everything I do. Never know when an
unexpected breakthrough will happen. How are you?  格拉马蒂卡:嗯?噢是的,我做的所有事都要录音。指不定什么时候就被袭击了。你还好吗?  Ardant: Terrible. I've been tasked with archiving the genetic memories from
Project Legacy.  阿尔当:非常不好,我接到任务,要把传承计划里的基因记忆归档整理。  Gramática: Well,it's a shame how that ended. But I'm glad to see the data
isn't going to waste.  格拉马蒂卡:那计划结局真够糟的。不过我还是很高兴,这些资料不会浪费了。  Ardant: It's a waste of my time and talent just like your current
assignment is a waste of yours.  阿尔当:这是在浪费我的才能,正如你现在的工作在浪费你的才能一样。  Gramática:Ah, work is work. Despite the setbacks in Denver, the
Eye-Abstergo satellite isa very interesting-  格拉马蒂卡:工作就是工作嘛。虽然丹佛的事情出了差池,阿布斯泰戈之眼还是个蛮有意思的-  Ardant: Vidic had his chance, and he's blown it. They'll never find a new
Apple in time for launch. The Animus project is dead in the water. Meanwhile,
you and I are members of the Inner Sanctum and we're being treated like sodding
interns. But what if we could giveMr. Rikkin a new,working Piece of Eden.  阿尔当:维迪克曾经有机会,但他浪费掉了。他们短期内不可能再找到另一个金苹果来发射。阿尼玛斯项目已经失败。而且,你我都是内殿团成员,却特么的被当做实习生来对待。但如果我们能给里金先生一个新的伊甸碎片,又会怎样呢?  Gramática:I'm listening...  格拉马蒂卡:继续说。  Ardant: Don't listen. Look. Look at this.  阿尔当:别说话,过来。过来看看这个。  Gramática:P.E. number sixty-six. Where did it come from?  格拉马蒂卡:66号伊甸碎片?是从哪来的?  Ardant: The Project Legacy data revealed that the company acquired it in
the forties. I want you to help me get it working again.  阿尔当:传承计划的资料显示出,是公司在上世纪40年代发现的,我要你帮我让它再次运转起来。  Gramática:This fabric... it's very fragile, but there's technology in
it!  格拉马蒂卡:这个织物,十分脆弱,但里面蕴含着很多科技!  Ardant: You study the Shroud. Find out anything you can about its original
purpose and method of use. I'll cross-reference the genetic memories from
Project Legacy against my archive. With any luck, I can locate more people who
came into contact with it. Together, we can unlock the artifact's secrets.  阿尔当:你来研究裹尸布,试着找出有关它原始用途和使用方法的一切资料。我去把传承计划的基因记忆和我的档案做个交叉对比。如果幸运的话,我就能找到更多相关的人。我们两人一起合作,就能解开这件神器的秘密。  Gramática:I get to play with an artifact, and take Vidic down a peg? How
can I refuse?  格拉马蒂卡:我可以研究神器同时还能比维迪克更出风头?求之不得呢!&(本文作者ZeronoTukaima &,版权归原作者所有)


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