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在线时间2 小时最后登录积分12帖子UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
5月5号申请了自助找回,也发了邮件到客服邮箱。第二天收到回复 说收到了,要耐心等待审核。现在一个星期过去了,我电话也打过去两遍,每次都说现在比较忙,要再耐心等待。我每次登陆小号都看到盗号者在登陆,心急得不行,实在没有办法啊,客服大哥们加紧一点吧,我账号 dogies
在线时间162 小时最后登录积分2081帖子UID3530精华0坦克零件1773 注册时间
LV.5, 积分 2081, 距离下一级还需 419 积分
UID3530精华0坦克零件1773 注册时间
被盗了 上去改了密码 不就行了 干什么 要申诉找回呢
在线时间2 小时最后登录积分12帖子UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
@坦克小将@ 发表于
被盗了 上去改了密码 不就行了 干什么 要申诉找回呢
在线时间162 小时最后登录积分2081帖子UID3530精华0坦克零件1773 注册时间
LV.5, 积分 2081, 距离下一级还需 419 积分
UID3530精华0坦克零件1773 注册时间
身份证 是你自己的吗
在线时间2 小时最后登录积分12帖子UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
在线时间162 小时最后登录积分2081帖子UID3530精华0坦克零件1773 注册时间
LV.5, 积分 2081, 距离下一级还需 419 积分
UID3530精华0坦克零件1773 注册时间
Karas0213 发表于
身份证&&正反面的 照片也传上去了 1个星期了 还没给答复??
在线时间2 小时最后登录积分12帖子UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
UID2426437精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
在线时间53 小时最后登录积分289帖子UID1737612精华0坦克零件231 注册时间
UID1737612精华0坦克零件231 注册时间
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
在线时间53 小时最后登录积分289帖子UID1737612精华0坦克零件231 注册时间
UID1737612精华0坦克零件231 注册时间
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
在线时间53 小时最后登录积分289帖子UID1737612精华0坦克零件231 注册时间
UID1737612精华0坦克零件231 注册时间
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
COPYRIGHT&1998 & 2012 KONGZHONG. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 空中网版权所有您的网站因未备案或涉及违规被禁止访问,请及时联系实际接入商办理备案.[NGA翻译部荣耀][群魔乱舞]Steam被盗申诉信最惨最催人泪下大比拼!主楼更新申诉所需材料。
[quote]最近常常看到很多玩家被盗以后苦恼怎么给V社写申诉信!不用担心了!翻译部为您提供数百种模板![/quote]& && && &[quote]以下是比拼内容:假如你是李雷,你的steam账号被盗了,并且你没有通过steam消费过任何美金商品,仅仅通过国服商城进行过消费。现在请写一封信给steam客服以便找回你的账号。要求:证明这个账号是你个人的、催人泪下、可以让水友套用文章进行申诉、并且要求恢复被盗饰品。[del]文章开头使用steam you mother fucker……[/del]我们将在回帖中选取最具有代表性的两篇文章进行奖励~奖励为小金本2400积分一个~[/quote]感谢某水友签名提供的思路[del]其实是我不记得是谁了[/del]======[quote]那么问题来了如果我被盗了 怎么办呢。不光是写申诉信。你需要提供各种各样的截图来证明这个账号是你的。如果你在Steam消费过美刀你可以截图你在Steam消费的凭证并且附加在你的申诉信中。像这样。[img]./mon_/321_c16.png[/img][img]./mon_/321_4.png[/img]如果你没有消费过美刀可以通过完美的充值记录截图以及你登陆时Steam给你发的验证码确认信来证明这个账号是本身属于你的。[/quote]======水友整合的内容[size=120%][color=blue][b]关于steam账号被盗,以及使用过市场,或买过游戏的情况steam贴吧里这篇写的最好,拿来给大家借鉴借鉴,[/b][/color][/size]原帖 [url]/p/[/url]
[quote]近日来盗取Steam账号的骗子又开始逐渐嚣张起来 在这个教程开始之前石头人在这里首先告诫各位千万不要点开Steam上陌生人发给你的任何链接 也不要轻信任何人以至于直接或间接的透露出您的密码或者是使用过的CD-KEY。 可如果您还是不幸中招了,那么希望这份教程能够帮到你。事先关照:这份教程也并没有那么的详细 但是对于智商高达90以上的各位来说 想必也是够用的了。1.登录/点击图中右上角的创建帐号 (此帐号与你的Steam帐号不同 需分开注册)。[img]/9/month_c5bc9de6182add.jpg[/img]2.注册完毕后登录,点击右边的Steam大图标。[img]/9/month_cb191c6ece366e9e6.jpg[/img]3.这时再点击新页面右边的联系客服按钮。[img]/9/month_2bdbc5af2becf0d01ecec6959.jpg[/img]4.这里就是帐号被盗申诉页面了。如图,在Product下拉栏中选择Steam,分类栏选择Account Questions, Hijacked or stolen account。然后在附加信息栏的Steam Account Login Name中填入您被盗的Steam帐号名称。再在下面一栏中填写你能提供的零售版游戏CDKEY凭证。(没有也没有关系)以及你目前所使用的操作系统。最后在主题栏填写 &My account is hijacked! Please help.&接下来就可以在“您的问题”栏附上帐号被盗的详细过程了。(理论上中英文皆可 但是英文处理速度显然更快)。在该栏中需要你提供足够的证据证明该帐号确实是你的。这些证明凭据一般包括:(有些凭据没有也不要紧 但是一般都要有两项或两项以上的证明凭据 多多益善)a.你在Steam平台上购买游戏时使用过的信用卡扫描件(只需要露出4位尾号和持卡人姓名即可 其他个人信息请自行打码)b.驾照,身份证等等可证明你身份和购买凭据地址相关的ID证件。(敏感信息同样可以打码 但是一定要露出姓名)c.过去在你帐号上激活过得零售版游戏CD-KEY代码。d.如果用支付宝购买过游戏或者游戏内物品则附上支付宝上付款充值的截图。e.邮箱里过去Steam上收到过的礼物收据或者购买游戏的电子收据截图。需要显示出你的邮箱地址。f.最后还请附上你帐号被盗之前绑定在你帐号上的邮箱认证地址。以方便客服查询取证。[img]/9/month_b90c3e7fecbb2789ef3.jpg[/img]5.全部完毕后点选提交问题即可。基本上就是这样了 一般客服回复需要一到两天 旺季可能会需要四至五天 还请各位耐心等待。 以上~[/quote][size=120%][color=blue][b] 然后对于DOTA2玩家,dota2贴吧里有一个帖子比较详细 [/b][/color][/size]原帖 [url]/p/[/url][quote]一周前账号被钓鱼了, 库存被清理了, 根据网上的申诉步骤,做好申诉,等了一周 终于有答复了~!说下具体情况1,国服必须要有激活码2,必须要有以前绑定账号的完美电竞账号3,要有完美电竞上最近10次消费记录截图~(你再商城买东西的证据)这样就慢慢等待你的账号和你的库存的东西回归吧~!steam上的问题回复跟你绑定邮箱的问题回复是一样的。跟steam客服联系的时候用谷歌翻译成英文~他们却用中文给我回复~~滴汗!要有耐心!别跟我一样沉不住气,账号一丢~快速申请个账号~买了个55级小紫本,一周把天梯刷到4000,今天被盗账号回来了~我不知道是开心 还是开心 还是难过[img]/9/month_dce752f42c1d85d3.jpg[/img][img]/9/month_eb088c75d4ced2.jpg[/img][img]/9/month_eb3e1fe.jpg[/img][/quote][size=120%][color=blue][b] 还有支付宝充值未到帐的情况 [/b][/color][/size]原帖 [url]/p/[/url]前面内容和第一个帖子一样,发一下不一样的。[quote]
3.申述内容范文:主题:payment success but have not received the money in steam内容:i use AliPay charge the money,but the things was happend,Alipay display payment success but have not received the money in steam and AliPay treasure reality trading success.I hope u can hear me and answer me plz. most important thing is get my money back.然后就等着系统给你回复邮件并返还款项吧。我是24号发的邮件,今天到账了。[img]/9/month_1505/bfed2df80b89a09e05d9f3f63920fc68.jpg[/img][img]/9/month_cd813edba62b93b2de.jpg[/img][/quote][color=red][b][size=120%]总结一下~[/size][/b][/color]一.通过提供账号基本信息,证明账号是自己的。比如:[quote]1.注册时候的信息,包括账号密码邮箱。(这种信息注册时候最好就留下来)[img]/9/month_1505/ac895e4f8fb938c220aafd5b5e458304.jpg[/img]2.重置过的密码。3.登陆过的地区,甚至是IP4.steam下的游戏的一些情况以及任何能提供的游戏CD-KEY[/quote]二.提供所有的消费记录比如:[quote]1.支付宝(Alipay)的消费记录2.邮箱里STEAM给你的消费通知[/quote][color=red][size=110%][b]然后是tips[/b][/size][/color]1.给steam发邮件可以用中文,但是英文的话回复会比较快。2.邮件不用写的太长,客服要处理很多邮件,所以简明扼要的表达自己的问题是最关键的。[color=red][size=110%][b]应要求XNMBYY一篇:[/b][/size][/color][quote]Hi. dear vavle stuff. I need your help.My steam account was been hijacked and all my dota2 items in inventory were stolen by others . Can you please help me get things back?
As a Chinese dota2 palyer. I only buy items through PerfectWorld Store in game instead of other ways ,for example : market in steam, dota2lounge,etcI remerber all the items i bought from store. and i do not have any behaviour to breach the Terms of ServiceI can provide my account information and all my consumption records if needed. Here is my e-mail you can send : #$%@
Thank you very much.
Dear Steam,
Just now I cannot login my steam account:[del]STEAMUMUMFKER[/del],I feel really afraid because my steam account may probably be stolen.Since I was a chinese user,I used Wanmei Store to buy dota2 items instead of steam market.Now I feel really anxious because all my valuable&meaningful dota2 items are in this account.
Right now I can provide my ID card,Personal bank records of consumption,and letters of confirmation from steam as my evidence to retrieve my steam account.
Here is a list including some of my inventory:
If Possible,Plz restore
or give them back to me,because it really cost me a lot time and money.
If more detailed informations are needed to take back my account , PLZ let me know from E-mail or phonecalls as fast as possible so I can send it to you timely.
Thank you for an early reply.
Best regards.好的混了一篇出来了~
I just cannot login my [del]fking[/del] steam account. The username is [del]FKUVOLVO[/del]. The account may be [del]fking[/del] stolen or hacked by others.
All my [del]fking[/del] valuable items in this [del]fking ridiculous unsafe[/del] account, and still has $ in my wallet.[del]U MTFKER HOW DARE
I can provide any [del]fking[/del] evidence just like my identity info or the receipt of steam online purchase from my email. And I never[del], never and never [/del]used my steam wallet to purchase anything in [del]fking[/del] USD. Only spending RMB in the China Perfect world online store. Therefore anything is cost in USD, MUST BE NOT [del]fking[/del] AUTHORISED BY ME.Here is the list of my stolen items:
[del]dragonclaw hook*1000,golden baby roshan*1000.......................[/del]please restore or take them back to my inventory. I will really appreciate it. To sum up. Anyone can [del]fking[/del] help me to find my account back? And plz feel free to contact me if u need anymore further information.Thank you very much and hope to see your reply soon.Best [del]FKING[/del] regards.
[del]龙勾1000,金肉山1000[/del]请帮我恢复或者找回,十分感激。综上所述,能帮我找回帐号吗?如果你需要任何额外信息请联系我谢谢[color=red]PS,相信没人会把我划掉的部分COPY进去,那你就真的跟你的帐号SAY GOODBYE了。[/color][s:ac:计划通]-----------------07/05最终整合可套用模版Hi,there
I just cannot login my steam account. The username is (你的用户名). The account may be stolen or hacked by others.
All my valuable Dota2 items in this account, and still has $(00.00账户钱包余额) in my wallet.
I can provide any evidence just like my identity info or the receipt of steam online purchase from my email. And I never used my steam wallet to purchase anything in USD before. Only spending RMB in the China Perfect world online store. Therefore anything is cost in USD, must be not authorised by me.Here is the list of my stolen items:
(列举你的被失窃和要求恢复的物品清单)please restore or take them back to my inventory. I will really appreciate it. To sum up. Anyone can help me to find my account back? And please feel free to contact me if you need anymore further information.Thank you very much and hope to see your reply soon.Kind regards.日期
[b]Reply to [pid=17625,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=852012]莫敌[/uid] ( 15:17)[/b]消费过找回太简单了…很多水友被盗都没消费过~
Dear steam,&&&& I'm your father,fake you,kuai ba wode dongxi huan geiwo ,buran wo jiu fake you.就是这样。
i am your very importent user.i need help.if not i will stop take money on steam.SO study chinese and read words behind.此处及以后,全部中文。
[quote][pid=17625,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=]Leanhaum[/uid] ( 15:34):[/b]。。。。。。。。。。[/quote]回帖内容过短没法把签名显示出来啊[s:ac:哭笑]
[quote][pid=17625,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=]素艳染苍穹丶[/uid] ( 15:23):[/b][b]Reply to [pid=17625,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=852012]莫敌[/uid] ( 15:17)[/b]消费过找回太简单了…很多水友被盗都没消费过~[/quote]不是新机器登陆会被锁么 为啥还会被盗。。。
上边的翻译让我想起之前一个搞siao的英文作文:A:Do you speak chinese?B:Yes.然后那哥们就用中文把作文写完了
FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!FUCK YOU!!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!kiss my ass!!!!STEAMID:XXXXXXPlease put back the password to
没购买记录用登陆IP记录以及居住证明似乎是可以找回的,其实有购买记录真的是分分钟就找回来了...STEAMID:XXXXX Original E-MAIL:
(原始邮箱)dear valve [del]You motherfucker[/del]:[del]valve窝草泥马[/del]My account(XXXXX) has been hijacked, please help.我的账号(XXXXX)被盗了,请帮帮我。the original e-mail for this account is .该账号的原始邮箱是As a Chinese DOTA player I only purchase items from PerfectWorld DOTA2 STORE,
I can provide my purchase with the Alipay information.(附上从完美商城购物的凭证,例如淘宝购买记录)作为一名中国dota玩家,我只在完美商城购买过dota2物品,我可以提供相关的购买证明。Otherwise I guess I can claim the account ownership by the login IP history . Im current live in Beijing,China and here is my ID card and driving license(附上身份证&驾照照片) ,my login IP history and purchase area should fit well with this. 除此之外我可以通过账号常用登陆IP来证明我对于账号的所有权。我目前住在中国,北京,这是我的身份证&驾照照片,我的账号常用登陆IP和购买IP应该和这些信息相吻合。If you wish to know any details of my account please contact me .Looking forward to hearing from you soon.如果你想要知道更多我账号的详细信息,请联系我。希望尽早得到你的回复。Yours, XXXXX[del]泥的爷爷,XXXXX[/del][del]大意就是valve窝是泥爷爷,窝的号丢了而且爷没在你的辣鸡商店消费过,因为窝是自豪的西恩玩家窝只在完美商城买东西。但是爷爷住在天朝帝都而且有身份证和驾照证明,泥们看到爷爷以前登陆都在帝都这边的IP泥们还卜赶紧把爷爷的账号还回来![/del]就是说在提供完美商城购买记录的同时,提供自己的身份证和驾照图片,要求valve通过比对登陆IP和邮箱的方式来确定账号所有权,然后进一步交流。[s:pst:偷笑3]
[quote][pid=17625,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=]素艳染苍穹丶[/uid] ( 15:23):[/b]消费过找回太简单了…很多水友被盗都没消费过~[/quote]总买过点东西吧,完全没有的话这账号也不值得找回了…[del]其实,motherfucker中间是不加空格的,大家写的时候一定要注意[/del][img]http://img./attachments/mon_/-bc4cc6331.png[/img]
my steam ID is XXX,it's mine mine mine,it's really mine mine mine,it has been stolen for a few days,plz plz plz help me to find it back.I got this ID when i was a child and now I'm a big uncle,I bought the steam items by my Ya Sui money,which i used out off to buy buy buy every i dont have GF,because i have no money
to give her buy buy buy,i have no iphoe6 plus,because i dont have mony to buy buy buy. when i lost my steam items just as i lost my wife.So,if anybody steal your wife ,what's your feeling about it.If you have a chance to help some body finding his wife i think you‘ll show your mercy.I eat not good and sleep not good sine my steam items has gone,I hate the stealer but i love Valve,i hope you to find my items back,only then can i chi de xia fan.


更多关于 steam账号被盗申诉 的文章

