
?Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that. 彼此相爱就是幸福,如此简单,如此难?
?The rain falls because the sky can no longer handle its weight. Just like the tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain. 雨水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的重量,眼泪掉下来是因为心再也无法承受那样的伤痛。?
?When you can fly, don' When you can dream, don' When you can love, don't give up the love.------当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞;当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦;当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。?
我们在沙滩上行走,常常会留下许多美丽的脚印,然后回头看看自己的脚印,觉得特别有成就感!现实生活经常教育我们要勇往直前,不要回头看,要不断往前看! 人的一生有欢乐也有痛苦,这就是我们成长的足迹,我们看不到人生的尽头,也想象不出结果会是怎么样,我们在探索中前进。      人生是一个美丽的大舞台,我们在这个舞台中扮演着不同的角色。古往今来,有很多人喜欢追求生活的完美。但是现实往往不那么完美,不知有多少人历尽千辛万苦也未能达到生活的顶峰。然而确有人能&谈笑间,墙橹灰飞烟灭&。      是否拥有积极的心态是评价一个人修养境界高低的标准之一,保持积极的心态需要有一颗平常心,正确面对工作生活中的困难与挫折,克服不切实际的想法,养成博大宽广的胸怀。      不能正确面对困难与挫折是乐观不起来的。人生有时就像航行在大海上的船舶一样,只有经受住海浪的颠簸,才能到达理想的彼岸。对待困难与挫折的态度,取 决于人的心理成熟状态和对生活的不懈追求与热爱。人的一生中既有顺境,也有逆境,关键在于以怎样的心理状态去感受、去面对当时所处的境界。顺境常使人快 乐,逆境常使人坚强,人生的顺境与逆境仅仅是相对的,没有绝对的顺境或逆境。一些成功人士在介绍自己的成功经验时,其实在讲自己战胜挫折和困难的过程。能 否保持积极的心态,需要有一种精神状态,那就是把逆境看成是磨炼意志的过程,把失败当成是经验的积累与总结,有勇于面对一切困难与挫折的信心。而不因为取 得一点成绩就沾沾自喜,也不会因为遇到一点困难挫折就悲悲戚戚,心绪一落千丈      每一个人生的挫折与磨难都有它存在的实际意义,当挫折与磨难从四面八方袭来时,有可能发生巨大的变化;可能会出现生与死的较量;可能是努力工作后没有 什么好结果;可能是辛辛苦苦做生意,却落得个血本无归的下场。记得有人说过这样一些话:&你不是得到圆满的姻缘,就是学到怎样更靠近幸福;你不是得不到胜 利,就是学到如何避免失败,你不是得到最终自己想要的结果,就是学到&&世事总不会不尽人意。      当问题出现时,我们首先应该有面对它的勇气与毅力,这样,我们才能支撑下去。挫折与磨难能够增强我们的意志力,顺便教会我们疗伤、敷药,让我们在短时 间内找到伤口,而不是忽视伤处。不曾经历过挫折与磨难的人生,根本就不算是完整的人生,挫折与磨难是人生的原色。面对挫折与磨难我们要善于调整自己的心 态,把它看成是有益于人生的一种磨砺,乐观面对。就像大诗人纪伯伦所说的那样:&当你背对太阳时,你只会看到自己的阴影。&
If really so, then I'm lucky
&If you are fortunate enough, after a year is still holding me, will you really ready to go at the time, took my hand and said, "You will not wait for me," paused, shed a tear.If you are fortunate enough, after three years is still holding me, will not be in a strange city I always carry a photo, rub and tell your friends "This is my beautiful wife, "If you are fortunate enough, after seven years is still holding me, will not that Valentine's night, even though I see nothing, think about it, and then hugged me telling me you love me.If you are fortunate enough, after ten years is still holding me, will not be normal in a normal day, holding a large bunch of roses, came towards me face, look, take one knee out a special part of my ring.If you are fortunate enough to Thirteen years later is still holding me, will not be in a sunny afternoon, you naughty out from behind a notebook, flipped through, which you copied all my notes.If you are fortunate enough to fifteen years later is still holding me, will not be in our family clean-up, you carefully take the bottle filled with stars, smiled, the baby said "This is my mother wrote to my father Oh, the love letter. "If you had the honor two years later, is still holding me, will you entertain in our home late after the quarrel, quiet, quietly into the bedroom you hugged me from behind, "Honey, do not cry , we sleep sleep "If you are fortunate enough, after three decades is still holding me, will not pan out in our lives, suddenly run home excitedly one day, funny and one funny, to me, "my wife, we went to tour it."If you had the honor four decades later is still holding me, will the sunset in each meal, you and I are walking hand figure, in front of our grandson home with our dog, You looked at my head, touched, "the addition of white hair, ugly."If you are fortunate enough five years later is still holding me, will not hurry in the morning in the snow with a pale eyebrows, as I bought the best to eat a bowl of longevity face, shook, ended in front of me, "My dear, Happy Birthday."If you are fortunate enough six years later is still holding me, will not be covered in a moonlit summer night, walked with faltering steps came up to me, grabbed my hand, shook, "my wife, I love you love for a lifetime. "
If really so, then I'm lucky&如果有幸一年后你牵着的依然是我,会不会在你真的准备走的时候,拉着我的手说&你会不会等我&,顿了顿,流下一滴眼泪。
你还年轻,先不说开始你的事业,开创你的未来,但你已经成年,至少也要让自己不再成为父母的负担,让父母看到20年辛苦养育的希望。&南飞雁QQ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 南飞雁QQ
& & & &对不起自己,也对他人的慷慨。当你不快乐,因为小一点的东西,不会生气或难过,你会轻松很多。&&
& & & &要原谅世界和自己。&
& & & &告诉自己,我值得拥有最好的所有。&
To tell myself that I deserve to have the best of all
If you have already been 20 years but less than 25 years old, you must find love in addition to outside, you can make a strong stand on the earth with both feet on things. You have to find a way to make a living. Now consider not too late.&&& & & &I never thought that any important degree, a genius is not Coban, but not Coban, even the bit parts are not run.&&& & & &You have to put those thoughts floating like Piaoxu, gradually transformed into clear thinking and simple text. Gorgeous and are easy to float long. You know, enough to give pleasure to read the text, content, ideas, state, soul, spirit and wisdom, which was important. And you do not see more of those large ones of the writer of a text. Do not trivial, making a fuss. Do not think of what to write. Do not hang around in small little sentimental and moving.&&& & & &I want you to believe that a warm, beautiful, trust, dignity, strength of these old-fashioned words.&&& & & &I do not want you decadent, empty, confused, spoil yourself and hurt others. I do not want you to deal with their own mess. Control their feelings and cherish it, understand that not everyone can be emotional.&&& & & &Experience life, is another matter, does not mean that corruption and indulgence. Do not agree with those fake cool and alternative. They are people who have nothing to do nothing to find out his excuse for letting the real cool in the heart. You have a strong heart.&&& & & &Should be left to the passage of time, not tormented and yield convictions. Not because of the ivory tower in the school, only to say I love the world, this is the case, is known outside the black, dirty, ugly, it still needs to say so.&&& & & &Good to love, to life. Youth is so short, do not sigh and old. Occasionally stopped to rest, but do not squat down to look around. A way to go, remember do not look back. From time to time ask themselves, their doing?&&& & & &Sad and wronged, to crying. Crying face washing, pat your face, squeeze a smile for yourself. Do not rub, or swollen eyes the next morning would be.&&& & & &To their future and a lofty goal. I remember always looking at the sky. Remember looking at the sky, they also look at the foot.&&& & & &Any time, any person who asked you how many times have love, the answer is two. Once he loved me, I do not love him. I love him once, he does not love me. Love is always good the next time. Do not give the same person twice hurt your chances.&&& & & &Do not rebel, exchanges between young artists, and heartless people do together, do a proper job and do not dawdle people together.&&& & & &Do not Fanjian When true love. Humiliate themselves to please a man you, so do not moving. A man's cigarette burns on him, the next may be hot in your body. Similarly, when the woman's blade cut her wrists, the next may cut you.&&& & & &Do not believe one is not prepared to introduce you to the men of his circle of friends. A woman only willing to call you "baby" when she insisted on calling your name, because you are a man. A man or woman no longer come to you, would not have to look for him or her. Do not believe in love on the people with the means. Do not break up blaspheming. Learn, but do not regret it. Regret is useless.&&& & & &Do not tear photos, burning letters, diaries tear love such a class of third-rate television shows have people doing things. Believe in love. I believe good men and good women there, also unmarried, you are still looking for a big crowd. Do not say "man (or woman) did a good thing," so that people mistakenly think that you are reading countless people.&&& & & &Love the material, as appropriate. Never know the spirit is more important. Than those who watch, designer, fashion, and more beautiful is the hard-working and energetic you. If you are 20 years of age every penny spent is also asking people to come to the parents, that you can only bring out the covered brand-name of your shameless. Do not think you have put on brand-name quality, to know if there is no real meaning, coupled with gold saddle mule will not become a horse. You are young, speak your career started, create your future, but you have an adult, at least let their parents no longer become a burden, so that parents can see 20 years of hard-raising hope. &&& & & &Nothing will turn you into a waste, a man despised by all other waste, as such you are an out-of parasites. Do not get hold of that weird hair, wear androgynous clothes, sprayed with pungent perfume, people will pay attention to you, to understand the vision that attracted people like looking at a different monkey. Many educated people are disgusted with your alternative is not written on his face, but beyond a reasonable doubt that antipathy surely will bring you extremely negative consequences.&&& & & &Do not look down on working people. Do not labor shame. Land is not dirty, sweat is not unpleasant. Please respect the living conditions of those who seem not as good as you, but still honest work with their own hands for their families, because it is the only respect themselves. Always sympathetic to those at the bottom of it, because our family is in these groups. We are not precious. We must be able to support themselves, this is where your dignity.&&& & & &Do not underestimate the penny. May wish to earn to earn their own look. Life a little tough sometimes, being bullied, they must get back to! But do not bear grudges.&& & & &Villain's view, better to go with them. There are principles of tolerance and compassion, will make you noble.&&& & & &The girls are carefully machine is lovely, but Do not use in scheming intrigue on this, as will be tired.&& & & &A man not too stressed, high-profile easy unassuming. But not too low-key, when the powerful are tough, but must not be aggressive.&&& & & &Were hurt when a friend, do not doubt friendship, but beware of those who betray you. Forgive, but not forgotten. Man kept a bit naive innocence of a friend to keep some of the chivalrous feelings. To be happy, be cheerful, be tenacious, to warmer. This character has nothing to do. But you must be loyal, hard-working, sincere respect to others, so that your life will not darkness.&&& & & &Pardon himself, but also the generosity of others. When you are unhappy because the small little things will not get angry or sad, you will be a lot easier.&&& & & &To forgive the world and themselves.&& & & &To tell myself that I deserve to have the best of all.&
Love can give you a positive energy of people
The love of what kind of person? In a very distant one day, when my children Yang Touxiang I raise this question, I will smile to answer his / her: love can give you a positive energy person.&
& & & &Each person's life are the same, the look is a river of debris is the time distance to find a happy middle ground, looking forward to being able to direct their own well-being of all things: substance, honor, achievement, love, youth, sun or memories.&
& & & &Since you want happiness, you can find a happy people make you feel right. Do not look for a no passion, no curiosity of the people live, they will moan and groan and complain about your life in the home nest really boring, it will only turn on the TV channel turned over and over again, if in addition to watching TV can think of no other entertainment . Life is endless work and endless television as spent.&
& & & &People with positive energy, full of curiosity about many things, no matter what kind of want to try new things, will take you to try a new restaurant, take you to see a movie was good, take you to experience the The new entertainment, take you to a strange city next trip. You will find the world's great, it is worth using up a lifetime to keep trying.&
& & & &Do not look for people who live without a sense of security, they have been unfortunate in the investigation of possible future disasters and anxiety. They have been thinking about how to do, have been concerned about calamity coming. They named themselves as firefighters, every day toward those with or without, or virtual or real disaster, constantly calculating, tension and sadness.&
&People with positive energy, life would be optimistic for their trust. They know that life is inherently tragicomic, they have already learned to calmly face. When happiness comes, will enjoy, when the annoyance strikes, the rational solution. They believe that everything becomes possible, do not win, you readily accept. They can correctly understand themselves, have self-knowledge, not self-derogatory and will not self-expansion, when they are in the separate independence for help when the help. Optimism and confidence back, deep in the open-minded and tolerant of life. Do not look for an ignorant people live, they do not establish a full life, or lack of things to determine the value of the baseline. They often make bizarre decisions, can not think independently or are too stubborn. They are indecisive or arbitrary, rude, attitude or stereotype for their relentless tweaking. Not because of anything else, it is because of ignorance. People with positive energy, with great wisdom, they can distinguish the black and white world of right and wrong, not wandering in the road of life will not drift. They do not distort the nature of things, not to exaggerate the negative things surface. They know the operation principle of the world, everyone has to understand confront Yang lack. When you need them the most pertinent to your proposal, but there are principles and innovative ideas, strong-minded but listen to advise.&
& & & &Do not give up looking for an easy person to live. They were too complacent and too permanent. They do not have faith, and no dream. Their frustration and ultimate response to the first reaction is to avoid, in order to withstand the failure or because of the trouble, they can give up an entire world.&
& & & &People with positive energy, strengthen our faith, with the goal of life, and needed to know whom their continuous efforts. They welcomed the changes have also made progress. When difficulties come, they took the trouble or comfort, ease, they know there will be road behind the hill more beautiful scenery. Yes, love a person it has a positive energy. They make you feel life is interesting, makes you think the world colorful. They will give you a surprise, but also give you insights. The way they let you go straight, withdrawal of all distorted values. If you own is not a person has enough positive energy, then you have to love a person with positive energy. In this math problem, the negative and not negative to positive, negative energy of another person also has your life will collapse, and pathological abnormalities in different spaces make you live a mess. So that people with positive energy is your soul and guide behavior, unconsciously, you will become more cheerful and happy. This must be, better than any long-term wealth nourish your soul.&
Sad Ending
(A)&In this world,&No one can really identify with the pain of another person,&You Oath, you lose, you have just one thing,&Others may be sympathetic, may be upset,&But you never know what festering wounds and to what position.&&&(B)&Sometimes silence nice, you can pretend to know nothing.&Mirror-like mind, to know the powerful Loose lips sink ships.&But also know not to say that resentment, look not to show it in more.&So they use silence to take preventive measures.&&&(C)&Do not for a good,&Because one day you will find that&Good for a long period of time, that person is used to it.&Then we take them as deserved,&In fact, could have been so foolish at all costs regardless of return,&But in reality, people are always cold heart.&But the most humble feelings, but the most cool people.&&&(D)&Learn from the heart, said most people only have safety people angry,&Because of safety in that area, you subconsciously know each other will not leave,&Nonsense sometimes a dependent.&&&(E)&Not to comment on my life, because they own nothing to do with anyone.&I also do not go to the feelings of suspicion, because you are not me.&I love you, please carefully cherish me.&Because each of my words "I love you" are serious, said, believe me.&I say to you, please give me some comfort.&Because I tell you I want you, I really want you.&I said, care about you, please care about me the same.&Because I tell you, I have really put you in the heart again.&Like me or not to like worth mentioning, I was me.&&&&
Look strong, in fact was very weak
Each person has the softest heart hurt and resentment, keeping everything the deepest, reluctant to talk, do not want to touch, but sometimes inadvertently touch the heart the deepest pain, the heart will be pain, carbuncle to weep about to put out ,,,&
Everyone can use a second time to fall in love with a person, but to be used for a lifetime to forget someone, I like a unwanted child, a person on the bottom of my heart all the mind, not to touch, fear of injury to an unexpected injury, who can not see my sad tears, tears that drip never been in front of anyone, a person I sometimes really do not want to live in the gray, so I have been sad of the world, and Listening to a person familiar with the thinking of those sad songs sad things, looked blankly out the window the sky was gray, think back to before those bits and pieces, leaving tears that should not remain, like should not think of people who should not want to think of something, turn the mobile phone text messages, to delete the messages that make me cry, but to the last step but how could not do it, waving waving, tears another disappointing fall down.&
Fall when standing up, but can not move on, eager to touch the hearts of most eyes is not a small corner of the relevant injury is not painful but very deep wound, escape is not the answer, but received a bit heavy, and life still has to However, not up to you to stir up the facts, continue to look for another goal to give you hope, not fallen off as no candles, a little light on behalf of a glimmer of hope, even if it will burn up, but it can give you a little warm last, at least will not feel the world is too cold, dark, brutal and terrible fall at least you can feel the whole world before people are encouraged to give you the strength and courage, you really want to stay in it and give their best foot efforts to fight it?&
That a good strong, I do not go strong, cowardly tonight I cried, tears are always dealing with recently, and tears they became friends, Oh,,,, look at me useless!&
Good heart disorder, most recent super-bad mood, even hypocritical smile feel the pain to pull the mouth, the face of everyone, I try to her &he& have to laugh, very tired! Bad mood, want to have someone to comfort, also a bad temper, bad mood, and she &he& think they qq chat &he& they ignore me, wayward temper, provoke &he& they are not happy , holding the phone to finally silence their crying, crying tired before sleeping, to wake up his eyes still feel pain, still see traces of tears, perhaps all this blame my own self-inflicted, suddenly find themselves poor, funny, sad, looked up at the sky, day, or blue, the city is so lively, in the crowd I was so small, so lonely, so helpless ,,,,,, affection, affection, friendship I am tired, do not want to go through, count back, in the night how many times I have cried too, who comforted me many times, face the tears, who is distressed? How to heal a broken heart? Broken heart to how to comfort? Do not look at the smile on my face, my pain, you do not know, close your eyes at night, quietly remembering our past and wanted to shout out loud several times, the mood at the moment under the vent, and why? Why I will in the end this time flies so tired, so tired, so helpless, my world suddenly into chaos, everything is completely changed, I'm so afraid ,,,,, its good it quietly disappears ! So good tune mood again.&
Suddenly, suddenly feels that he has all bearish, so it should own it! Some people say: that is, between people use each other as friends always say, is just mouth casual, sometimes mutual suspicion between friends can not stand, since it has been mutually do not believe each other Why continue it? Slowly found some things do not belong to his age, he will worry about is you grow up? Still feel too childish, do you want to learn to change themselves, they already know and some never before put it a class thing, never have been the result, but they were still stuck to it? That some things can be the opportunity to back it? Hate their eyes water and gas, will flow at every turn the eye, only makes it appear as nothing more cowardly, but the tears will always be out of control, at the moment, watching those tears will be like moving the television off the line as the flow&
Some people say: seeing across the world, the whole world laughing, Oh, is it? Indeed, God is also off to accompany me cry, sometimes, close your eyes to see the cleanest in the world, getting a touch on the text was probably like sad songs, like his own called another name, because I think their names to these sentimental issue is not his own, a bit ridiculous, so get used to a different name does not belong to vent some of their grief, many people say: I hugged the envy of many things, but why should I so sad, he is a bit unclear, which one is the true self, and never look casual passers-pass or happy or sad, my pain No one will understand. . . .


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