spine 在unity3d spine插件上好用吗

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日久生情, 积分 2964, 距离下一级还需 2036 积分
日久生情, 积分 2964, 距离下一级还需 2036 积分
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人形动画介绍(2),链接:人形动画介绍(3),链接:人形动画介绍(4),链接:人形动画介绍(5),链接:本文出自官网新闻。抱歉,小编对这篇文章中说得某些技术不是特别了解,就附上英文了。Retargeting and Animation Clip重定位和动画片段Mecanim retargeting is split into two phases. The first phase consists of converting a standard skeleton transforms animation to a normalized humanoid animation clip (or Muscle Clip). This phase happens in the editor when the animation file is imported. It is internally called “RetargetFrom”. The second phase happens in play mode when Muscle Clip is evaluated and applied to the skeleton bones of a Humanoid Rig.& && &
Mecanim的重定位分为两阶段。第一阶段包括标准骨骼从动画转换成规范化的人形动画片段(或者是肌肉片段)。当动画文件引入后,这个过程将在编辑器中执行。我们称它为“RetargetFrom”。当我们评估肌肉片段,并把它应用到Humanoid Rig(人形绑定)的骨骼时,第二阶段将在播放模式中执行。
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It is internally called “RetargetTo”.There are two big advantages of splitting retargeting into two phases. The first one is solving speed. Half of the retargeting process is done offline, only the other half is done at runtime. The other advantage is scene complexity and memory usage. Since the Muscle Clip is completely abstracted for its original skeleton, the source skeleton does not need to be included in runtime to perform the retargeting.& && &&&内部把它称作“RetargetTo”。我们把重定位划为两个阶段,它有两大优势。第一大优势是其解决了速度。半数的重定位过程是在线下完成的。只有很少的一部分是在运行时完成的。此外,重定位还减少了场景的复杂性以及内存使用量。由于Muscle Clip(肌肉剪切)是它原始骨骼的完全抽象化,源骨骼不需要在运行时执行重定位功能。
The second phase is straight forward. Once you have a valid Humanoid Rig, you simply apply Muscle Clip to it with RetargetTo solver. This is done automatically under the hood.& && &
第二阶段是开门见山的。一旦你有了有效的Humanoid Rig,你仅需用到Muscle Clip中的RetargetTo solver。它是自动完成的。The first phase, converting a skeleton animation to a Muscle Clip, may be a bit trickier. The skeleton animation clip is sampled at a fixed rate. For each sample, the skeleton pose is converted to a muscle space pose and a key is added to the Muscle Clip. Not all the skeleton rig will fit, there are so many different ways a skeleton rig can be built and animated. Some skeleton rig will produce a valid output, but with possible loss of information. We will now review what is needed to create a lossless normalized humanoid animation… the Muscle Clip.& && &
首个阶段要把骨骼动画转换成Muscle Clip,这可能有些棘手。这个骨骼动画是以固定速率进行采样的。对于每个样本,骨骼姿势转换成muscle space姿势,并加入到Muscle Clip中。并不是所有的骨骼绑定都合适,有太多不同的方法来构建并进行动画骨骼绑定。一些骨骼绑定将生成一个有效输出,但有可能丢失一些信息。目前,我们要做的事是创建无损的标准化人形动画——Muscle Clip。
Note: By lossless we mean that retargeting from a skeleton rig to Muscle Clip and then retargeting back to the same skeleton rig will preserve the animation intact. In fact, it will be almost intact. The original twist on arms and legs will be lost and replaced by what the Twist solver computes. As explained earlier in this document, there is no representation of twist repartition in Muscle Space.& && &
注意:关于无损的人形动画,我们的意思是从骨骼绑定到Muscle Clip(肌肉剪切)并重心定位相同的骨骼绑定上,将保存这些过程的完整动画。实际上,它几乎就是完整的。胳膊和腿部的原始旋转将丢失并被Twist solver取代来进行编译。正如在这篇文章之前所解释的,在Muscle Space中并没有twist repartition(旋转再分配)。
o& && &&&The local position of bones must be the same in the humanoid rig and in the animation file. It happens that the skeleton used to create the Humanoid Rig differs from the one in the animation file. Be sure to use exactly the same skeleton. Warnings will be sent to the console at import, if it is not the case.o& && &&&在人形绑定和动画文件中骨骼的本地位置必须是一样的。骨骼过去经常创建出人形绑定,但有别于动画文件。一定要使用完全相同的骨骼。否则,将会在控制台中出现警告。
o& && &&&In-between bones must have no animation. This often happen for a 3DSMAX skeleton where the 3rd spine bone has both translation and rotation animation on it. It also happens when Bip001 is used as Hips and that Pelvis has some animation on it. Warnings will be sent to console at import if it is not the case.o& && &&&中间骨骼没有动画。这通常发生在3DSMAX的骨骼中,第三块脊椎骨骼同时拥有位移和旋转动画。当Bip001作为臀部使用时,骨盆就有动画了。否则,将会在控制台中出现警告。
o& && &&&The local orientation of the in-between bone must be the same in the Humanoid Rig and in the animation file. This may happen when using Humanoid Auto Configure that relies on Skin Bind Pose to create T-Stance. Make sure that Skin Bind Pose rotation for in-between bones is the same that one found in the animation file. Warnings will be sent to console at import if it is not the case.o& && &&&在人形绑定和动画文件之中的中间骨骼的本地方向必须是相同的。当使用依赖于皮肤绑定姿势的人形动画配置时,可以创建出T形姿势。
o& && &&&Except for Hips, translation animation is not supported on bones. 3DSMAX Biped sometimes puts translation animation on spine bones. Warnings will be sent to console at imp or if it is not the case.o& && &&&除了臀部,骨骼不支持位移动画。有时,3DSMAX中的两足动物要在脊椎骨骼上加入位移动画。在导入时如果不符合的话,将会在控制台中出现警告。
The 3DSMAX Biped is pointed as a problematic rig here. It is probably because of its popularity and the fact that we had to support many cases of it being used with Mecanim. Note that if you are going to create new animations to be used with Mecanim Humanoid Rig, you should follow the rules stated above from the start. If you want to use already existing animation that break some of the rules, it is still possible, the Mecanim retarget solver is robust and will produce valid output, but the lossless conversion can’t be guarantied.& && &
在此,我们将指出3DSMAX中的两足动物的绑定问题。可能是由于它的普及,以及我们不得不在很多情况下支持使用Mecanim吧。注意:如果你打算创建一个使用了Mecanim Humanoid Rig的动画,你应该遵循本文一开始提出的规则。如果你想使用有别于规则的一些动画,仍然能实现。这是因为Mecanim重定位solver(解算器)是功能强大,将生成有效输出,但它不能保证无损转换。spine 导入;unity 使用spine如何导入unity spine
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感谢楼主 学到了很多啊
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使用QQ帐号登录论坛的用户1、新版spine-unity需要自己create一个新的spine skeletondata,再把json和atlas拖进去。
2、跟ugui的ui之间穿插层级可以通过增加sorting layer来解决,然后新建canvas来重新安排层级关系。
if (true) {
Cats [catIndex].GetComponent&SkeletonAnimation& ().skeleton.SetSlotsToSetupPose ()
Cats [catIndex].GetComponent&SkeletonAnimation& ().state.SetAnimation (0, "idle_1", true).time = 0f
Cats [catIndex].GetComponent&SkeletonAnimation& ().timeScale = 1f
Cats [catIndex].GetComponent&SkeletonAnimation& ().state.SetAnimation (0, "idle_1", false).time = 0f
Cats [catIndex].GetComponent&SkeletonAnimation& ().skeleton.SetSlotsToSetupPose ()
Cats [catIndex].GetComponent&SkeletonAnimation& ().timeScale = 0f
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场


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