singtel bonus30的30充值卡卡是怎么回事

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【本文狮城论坛编辑亲笔原创,不得转载】新加坡主要有三家电信公司 Starhub(星和), Singtel(新电信),Mobile One(M1)
三家运营商都有各自的SIM卡出售,SIM一般都是3G,自带一定的上网流量,免费短信和通话时间(不同的运营商有不同的优惠项目),在这三家公司中,新加坡电信(Singtel)使用人数最多,信号较好。在新加坡的邮局、7-11便利店和电话卡代理商都有出售各种面值的电话卡,记得一定要带上护照,新加坡的手机卡是采用实名制的,国内的手机带到这边可以用,但需要换SIM卡 除非富到天天用移动联通的全球通漫游....新加坡的国际区号是65。今天我们要介绍的SingTel hi!card也就是网上常说的预付卡有五种,下面先和大家介绍一下不同卡的金额和附带优惠吧预付卡价格及种类网络类型以及SIM卡可选种类 买8块钱的但是里面有10块钱的(激活后90天过期)3G网络 且只有普通大小的SIM卡 15块钱但是里面有18块的金额(激活后120天过期)3G网络 有普通大小的SIM卡以及小卡可选(一般来说是小卡加大卡套的) 28块钱且卡中金额也为28块(激活后180天过期)(画外音开始不厚道了啊)4G网络 有普通大小的SIM卡以及小卡和迷你卡可选(一般来说是迷你卡加小卡套再加大卡套的) 38块里面金额也是38块(激活后180天过期 免费流量在SIM卡激活后7天过期)4G网络 有普通大小的SIM卡以及小卡和迷你卡可选(一般来说是迷你卡加小卡套再加大卡套的)1GB的免费流量!可是土豪出门之必备 但是要注意这1GB在SIM卡激活后七天就过期了! 50块的终极土豪预付卡里面也是50块的金额 可以说适合在这边逗留更久的商务以及探亲人士(激活后180天过期)4G网络 有普通大小的SIM卡以及小卡和迷你卡可选(一般来说是迷你卡加小卡套再加大卡套的)5GB的免费流量!不说什么了路上无聊了随时随地享受4G网络带给你的高清网上视频之旅用SingTel卡拨回大陆的话前面加019。拨*363开通上网功能,然后会发短信让你选择,有5种选项:7天10MB $1;7天1GB $7;1天不限流量$6;3天不限$15;7天不限$25;如果选的是7天1GB,就是直接从话费里扣除7块,剩下的钱可以打电话,3G网的信号还是不错,尤其是在地铁里的时候,百般无聊上网休闲下也是不错,而流量的多少就根据各人需要来决定拉,一般来说,在新加坡旅游一周,多数时间都是需要网络来查询路线和旅游景点信息之类的东西,而新加坡也不是处处都有免费wifi,所以七天1GB才7块对于来坡县旅游的同志们是个不错的选择。(1GB全程围脖直播行程狂传自拍照也没啥问题哈哈)手机卡在小店和一般便利商店就能买到,但是不是所有7-11都有手机卡,有些只有top-up(充值卡)。购买要说清楚。大商场里面的7-11一般能买到手机卡,地铁里面的7-11一般都只有充值卡。实在不行也可以去找商场中的营业厅询问详情,一般来说都会有会说中文的工作人员为游客热心解答所有疑问的。机场也可以购买预付卡,出了到达厅,就有一家7-11,可以在里面买singtel的电话卡,要强调是sim card,而不是top up(充值卡),15或18新币的都可以是小卡,外包装的第一行条形码下方数字即为该卡的号码。若话费不够,可以在7-11充值。电话打回国:019+86+(电话号码)比如打国内手机就是0198613321111121需要查看余额的话直接拨打*139#就可以了。说到查询余额,如果我视频看的太多流量和金额用完了咋办?别担心!预付卡是可以充值的!不过小编这里提醒一下,singtel在金额或者流量过期前一天会发短信通知,余额和流量小于一定量的时候也会通知,所以各位还是要多多留意,以免为到时和外界突然切断联系或者奔跑的兄弟看到一半无法缓冲而捶胸顿足啊…..那接下来我们就来看看可以给预付卡充值的传说中的烧钱不眨眼的top-up卡吧(充值卡)首先预付卡是有两个账户的,一个是主要的账户(Main Account),也就是你卡本身里面的账户,里面是属于你SIM卡本身的钱,你可以用这些金额来购买服务,比如说接听免费和各种各样的流量套餐。另一种就是奖励账户(Bounus Account),这种账户的充值卡一般会送你很多金额,比如充十五块送你十五这样,但是这个账户里的金额也就是送的金额只可以用来发短信和打电话,也就是说你不可以用里面的余额去购买服务,例如流量套餐。所以这个要大家注意,在查余额时候这两个账户的钱是分开来算的,充值卡也是不同的,所以大家不要买错噢。详细信息在购买的充值卡上都有详细解释。Bounus Account充值卡种类以及价格充值卡金额可用服务 15块的充值卡可以充30块噢!可是是奖励账户的…(奖励的30元金额在充值后30天过期)可以本地短信和通话 以及国际短信及直拨(这里科普一下IDD CALLS就是国际直拨的意思,而右下角的FREE V019的意思是在拨马来西亚与中国电话前加019这样的话通话费用就是按本地的通话的费用来算) 22块但是充值金额是125元!(充值金额在充值后30天过期)12块钱的国际短信以及直拨金额,250MB的免费流量,120分钟的免费本地拨出电话,免费接听电话,以及500条免费本地短信。 28块但充值金额为128元!(充值金额在充值后30天过期)可以本地短信和通话 以及国际短信及直拨,其中二十八块是只能用作国际短信及直拨的,而那一百块是只能用在本地短信和通话上。Main Account充值卡种类以及价格充值卡金额可用服务 10块钱可以充11块5角(充值的10块在充值后90天过期而送的1块5在充值后30天过期 言外之意 30天必须用多过1块5吧)10天的免费接听电话 (第二个标志意思是可以购买流量套餐 刚刚介绍的奖励账户充值卡就没有) 20块可以充23块(充值的20块在充值后180天过期而送的3块在充值后30天过期 言外之意 30天必须用多过3块吧)20天的免费接听电话可以购买流量套餐 50块可以充57块5(充值的50在充值后180天过期而送的7.5在充值后三十天过期 言外之意 30天必须用多过7.5吧)20天的免费接听电话可以购买流量套餐 电话收费标准服务类型费用(有可能因时间段而变化)本地电话8?(周一至五(8:00pm-7:59am)&周末全天)16?(周一至周五(8:00am-7:59pm))国际电话(澳洲座机、文莱、加拿大、香港、老挝、澳门、蒙古、新西兰座机、波多黎各(这是哪?)俄罗斯、韩国、台湾、英国座机、美国、越南、泰国、中国、马来西亚)这些地区电话前面加拨019的话通话费用是按照本地的话费概率来收取的流量费用率(在不购买流量套餐情况下)不同种类的预付费卡5.4?每10KB只对于八元的预付卡2.7?每10KB对于十元及以上的预付卡本地短信费用奖励活动5?每条每天发十条本地送三十条本地(当天有效)说实话从中国直播打来新加坡也是很贵的要和家里人联系保平安的话小编还是建议用网络吧或者可以去购买国际转拨卡(这个咱下次再介绍)。以上就是新加坡SINGTEL各种预付卡和充值卡的详细消息了,更多的信息可以去官网查看Singtel官方网站: /personal/
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微信热点文章Prepaid Top Ups For Other Prepaid Plans - Optus
Prepaid Top Ups
The $5 TOP-UP
$5 Rev-Up Data
Up to 500MB of data to access Optus Zoo and browse the internet from your mobile.
$2 Days, Dollar Days and Optus Day to Day: Get $5 MyCredit, 5 day expiry.
Critical Information Summary
Terms and Conditions
$5 TOP-UP: For Mobile Phones - Expires after 30 days. Excludes calls, messages, third party content and applications. Data usage will be counted in per MB increments and includes both uploads and downloads.
The $10 TOP-UP
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Connect 4 Less: Get $10 MyCredit. 90 day expiry.
$2 Days: Get $10 MyCredit, 10 day expiry.
Dollar Days and Optus Day to Day: Get $10 MyCredit, 14 day expiry.
Talk & Text 4 Less and Optus Cent a Text: Get $10 MyCredit, 7 day expiry.
Critical Information Summary
^ Fast Credit does not apply to New Turbo Cap Plus and Super Cap by Optus.
Terms and Conditions
$10 TOP-UP: Rev-Up Data - Includes up to 1GB of data to access Optus Zoo and browse the Internet from your mobile. Expires after 30 days. Excludes calls, messages, third party content and applications. Data usage will be counted in per MB increments and includes both uploads and downloads. You must have a compatible handset which is provisioned with the required settings to activate data use. These offers may expire or be withdrawn at any time.
FastCredit: No additional free minutes, free text or Turbo Cap bonus credit available. Premium content excluded. 7 day expiry.
Text Saver: Excludes premium, third party and international text. Text saver credits will be used first. 30 day expiry.
RevUp Text: Excludes Premium, Third party and International text. 10 day expiry.
$10 International Top-ups: *Calls charged in one minute increments. Per minute rate applies only to stated countries. Calls to other countries will be charged at standard plan rates. 30 day credit expiry. This offer may expire or be withdrawn at any time.
The $15 TOP-UP
$15 gives you $50 Value!
Heads up! From 16 September 2013 you will no longer be able to use your MyBonus inclusion when roaming.
$15 Top-Up
$15 gives you $50 Value
Includes $15 MyCredit, $15 RevUp Bonus plus $20 Pre-Paid Messaging Money. 10 day expiry.
Connect 4 Less: Get $15 MyCredit. 90 day expiry.
2 Days: Get $15 MyCredit, 15 day expiry.
Dollar Days, Talk & Text 4 Less, Optus Day to Day and Optus Cent a Text: Get $15 MyCredit, 14 day expiry.
New Turbo Cap Plus: Get$15 Credit, $75 My Bonus, 90MB of Data, unlimited standard national text to Australian mobiles ex Pivotel & Unlimited mobile access to Facebook and Twitter. 10 day expiry.
Super Cap by Optus: Get $15 Credit, $75 MyBonus, 90MB Data + UNLTD Text, Facebook & Twitter. 10 day expiry
Critical Information Summary
Terms and Conditions
$15 Top-Up - Includes $15 MyCredit, $15 Rev-Up Bonus plus $20 Pre-Paid Messaging Money. Exclusions apply to RevUp Bonus & Pre-Paid Messaging Money. Credit expires in 10 days. RevUp Bonus excludes premium SMS and content, international calling and text, international roaming charges, Zoo content usage charges, video calling and 966. Pre-Paid Messaging Money can be used to SMS/MMS any Optus Pre-Paid Mobile within Australia. For some call types, any free minutes or text included in your calling offer will be used before your MyCredit and RevUp Bonus is used.
Rev-Up Data - Includes up to 100 SMS and 500MB of data to access services on Optus Zoo as well as browsing the Internet from your mobile. Recharge online and receive 50MB bonus data. Your data allowance does not include calls, message types, some services and third party content and applications. Data usage will be counted in 60 kilobytes blocks, where 1024kb = 1MB and includes both uploads and downloads. You must have a compatible handset which is provisioned with the required settings to activate data use. SMS excludes premium, third party and international text. Expires after 30 days.
These offers may expire or be withdrawn at any time. For the most up-to-date information, see
The $20 TOP-UP
$20 CAP^ = $100 VALUE^
Includes: $20 MyCredit, $30 RevUp Bonus plus $50 Pre-Paid Messaging Money. 14 day expiry.
$20 gives you 2GB data
Includes up to 2GB of data to access services on Optus Zoo as well as browsing the internet from your mobile. Expires in 30 days.
Connect 4 Less - Get $20 MyCredit.90 day expiry.
$2 Days: Get $20 MyCredit, 20 day expiry.
Dollar Days, Talk & Text 4 Less, Optus Day to Day and Optus Cent a Text: Get $20 MyCredit, 14 day expiry.
Critical Information Summary
^$20 Cap does not apply to New Turbo Cap Plus and Super Cap by Optus.
Terms and Conditions:
$20 TOP-UP: RevUp Data - Includes up to 2GB of data to access Optus Zoo and browse the Internet from your mobile. Expires after 30 days. Excludes calls, messages, third party content and applications. Data usage will be counted in per MB increments and includes both uploads and downloads. You must have a compatible handset which is provisioned with the required settings to activate data use. These offers may expire or be withdrawn at any time.
^$20 Cap includes: $20 MyCredit, $30 RevUp Bonus plus $50 Pre-Paid Messaging Money. Exclusions apply to RevUp Bonus & Pre-Paid Messaging Money. Credit expires in 14 days. RevUp Bonus excludes premium SMS and content, international calling and text, international roaming charges, Zoo content usage charges, video calling, 966 and satellite calls. Pre-Paid Messaging Money can be used to SMS/MMS any Optus Pre-Paid Mobile within Australia. For some call types, any free minutes or text included in your calling offer will be used before your MyCredit, RevUp Bonus or Pre-Paid Messaging Money are used.
These offers may expire or be withdrawn at any time. For the most up-to-date information, see
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